The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV PRODUCERS & DISTRIBUTORS dallion Cartoons, Sew Easy, View the Clue, Star Route U.S.A., Kingdom of the Sea, Polka Dot Theatre, Wonders of the World. Mertone Enterprises^ Inc. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Phone: CI 7-8115 President Merv Griffin Vice-Pres., Treas Royal E. Blakeman Secretary Raphael Scobey Services Offered — Packaging of TV programs. Jfiichelson^ Charles^ Inc. 45 West 45th St., New York 36, N. Y. Phone: Plaza 7-0695 President Charles Michelgon Treasurer Aaron Michelson Services Offered — Distributors of TV film program series, transcribed radio program series. Representatives for foreign broadcasting. Productions — Capsule mysteries. The Plainclothes Man, Famous Jury Trials, The Clock, half-hour mystery block, daytime soap operas. Mid'Anterica Videotape Productions (Div. of WGN, Inc.) 2501 W. Bradley PI., Chicago, 111. Phone: LA 8-2311 Gen. Sales Mgr Bradley R. Eidmann Asst. Sales Mgr Harry B. Miller Services Offered — Distribution of Great Music from Chicago series; complete videotape production services. Miller'Shaw Productions^ Inc. 527 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Phone: MU 8-1242 President John A. Miller Vice President James T. Shaw Services Offered: TV program packages, film, live and tape, specializing in children's programs. Mills Music, Inc. 1619 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Phone: CO 5-6347 President Jack Mills Branch Office 6533 Hollywood Blvd., Hollvwood 28, Calif. Phone: HO 4-8296 Also: Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto, Paris, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, Madrid, Mexico City Services Offered: Providing the musical requirements of program producers, music directors, record companies, radio, TV & motion pictures. Milroy Productions^ Inc. 2508-B Franklin Rd., Nashville 4, Tenn. Phone: CY 7-5366 Mng. Vice President Jim McConnell Services Offered— Tele^lm productions. Production — Roy Aci^ff's Open House. Modem Teleservice^ Inc. 219 E. 44th St., New York 17, N. Y. Phone: OXford 7-2753 President , J. R. Ritenour Services Offered — ^Print procurement, distribution of filmed commercials and feature film shows, storage and trafficking of live TV props and ETs for radio. Morgau'Estey Productions c/o Desilu Studios, 780 N. Gower St. Hollywood, Calif. Phone: HO 9-5911 Partners Jim Morgan, Don Estey Services Offered — Production of Day with Doodles. Morgan'Fornian Productions 1500 N. Vine St., Hollywood, Calif. Phone: HO 6-4357 President Jim Morgan Vice-President Chuck Forman Sec.-Treas Richard Stone Services Offered — Production of Pinky Lee Show. Morris, William, Agency, Inc. 1740 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. Phone: JU 6-5100 Exec.-in-Chg. TV-Radio. . . .Wallace S. Jordan Services Offered: Packaged shows for radio and TV, talent reps for all fields. Morton Productions 64 East Lake St., Chicago 1, 111. Phone: CEntral 6-4144 President Morton Jacobson Secretary-Treasurer Cecilia Jacobson Services Offered—Syndicsited TV & radio shows. Movietonews, Inc. 460 W. 54th St., New York, N. Y. PhoJie: CO 5-7200 Manager W. R. Higginbotham Services Offered — Production of TV and theatrical newsreels. Mundell Productions, Corp. 1308 Siocum, Dallas, Tex. Phone: RI 8-3021 President Jimmie Mundell Vice President Elizabeth J. Erwin Services Offered: TV news service and sports films for television. NANA Radio (Div. of N. American Newspaper Alliance) 76 Ninth Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone: CH 2-6700 General Manager William H. Shriver, Jr. Services Offered — Production and distribution of four half-hoiir newly produced, modernized and re-written "old favorite" radio programs (some in stereo) and two new fiveminute radio programs. 705