The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV PRODUCERS FEIN, IRVING Jack Benny Program. CBS-TV FELDMAN, EDWARD H. Fair Exchange, Glynis, CBS-TV FELTON, NORMAN Dr. Kildare. Eleventh Hour, Lieutenant. NBC-TV FENNELLY, VINCENT M. Rawhide, CBS-TV FERRER, MEL Calendar, Candid Camera, CBS-TV FERRI, LUCY Guiding Light, CBS -TV FERRO, BETH HOLLINGER Price Is Right, ABC-TV. NBC-TV FINKEL, BOB Andy Williams Show, NBC-TV FISHER, CHARLES Edge of Night, CBS-TV FISHER, CRAIG Exploring, Sunday, NBC-TV FLAUM, MARSHALL Hollywood: The Fabulous Era, ABC-TV FLEISCHMAN, STEPHEN CBS Reports. CBS-TV FLYNN, BEN Lamp Unto My Feet. CBS-TV FONDA, JAMES Hazel. NBC-TV FORTE, CHET ABC-TV FRANK, REUVEN Huntley-Brinkley Report, NBC-TV FRANKEL, ELIOT Huntley-Brinkley Report, NBC-TV FRAZIER, GORDON Monitor. NBC FREED, FRED NBC White Paper, NBC-TV FREEDMAN, HY Your Funny Funny Films. ABC-TV FREEMAN, DEVERY Pete and Gladys, CBS-TV FREEMAN, LEONARD Untouchables, ABC-TV FREIBERGER, FRED Ben Casey. ABC-TV FRELENG, FRITZ Bugs Bunny, ABC-TV FRIEDBERG, BILLY FRIENDLY, FRED W. CBS Reports, Town Meeting of the World, CBS-TV FRONKERS, LEON Fury, NBC-TV FROUG, WILLIAM Twihght Zone, CBS-TV; Mr. Novak, Sam Benedict, NBC-TV FUNT, ALLEN A. Candid Camera, Tell It to the Camera. CBS-TV — G — GALLAGHER, JOE NCAA College Football. NFL Football. CBS-TV GARDNER, ARTHUR Rifleman, ABC-TV GARRISON, GREG Sid Caesar Show, ABC-TV GARTHWAITE. ROBERT L. Project 20, NBC-TV GEIB, BILL Dimension. CBS GEMMA, JOHN NFL Football, CBS-TV GETHERS, STEVEN Farmer's Daughter, ABC-TV GIBBS, PARKER Monitor. NBC GILLIES, JACKSON Perry Mason. CBS-TV GITLIN, IRVING NBC White Paper. NBC-TV GITTLEMAN, PHILIP Portrait. CBS-TV GLUCKSMAN, ERNEST D. Jerry Lewis Show, ABC-TV GOLDEN, ROBERT Lassie, CBS-TV GOODMAN, EARL ABC-TV GOODSON, MARK Price Is Right, ABC-TV, NBC-TV; Password, What's My Line?, CBS-TV; Richard Boone Show, Say When, Truth or Consequences, NBC-TV GOTTLIEB, JOE Dimension, CBS GREEN, JOHN B. Hundred Grand. ABC-TV GREENBERG, PAUL ABC news reports. ABC-TV GUEDEL, JOHN Art Linkletter's House Party. CBS-TV GUSS, JACK Channing. ABC-TV — H — HAGAN, CHET Art of Collecting. Gulf Instant News Specials, Making of a Pro. NBC-TV HALEY, JACK, JR. Hollywood: The Fabulous Era, ABC-TV; Hollywood and the Stars, NBC-TV HALL, MONTY Your First Impression, NBC-TV HAMILTON, JOE Calamity Jane, Garry Moore Show. CBS-TV HANCE, WILEY Directions '63, ABC-TV FRANK BRESEE (Producer) THE MACK AGENCY 1800 N. ARGYLE HoUywood 28, Calif. Now Syndicating "SPACE PATROL" CARL REINER Creator — Producer^ — Writer ''The DICK VAN DYKE SHOW" 871