The radio annual (1963)

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RADIO & TV EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS Space Communications Corp. 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N.Y. Phone: JUdson 2-6530 President Sol Cornberg PRODUCTS: Sales & design of broadcast and intercom TV systems & equipment. Spencer-Kennedy Laboratories, Inc. 1320 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. Phone: ALgonquin 4-5400 Chairman George W. W. Brewster Pres Donald Spencer Vice Pres., Sales W. K. Headley Vice Pres., Prod Albert Clark Chief Eng Pierre L. deBourknecht PRODUCTS: Signal-reception equipment for TV off-air pick-ups; distribution equipment for closed-circuit RF cable transmission systems. Stainless, Inc. Third St. & Montgomery Ave., North Wales, Pa. Phone: OXbow 9-4871 President Walter L. Guzewicz Vice-President Henry J. Guzewicz Sales John F. Guzewicz, John S. Fisher, Walter 0. Walther PRODUCTS: Self-supporting & guyed steel towers for AM-TV-Scatter-Microwave communications. Stancil-Hoffman Corporation 845 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood 38, Calif. Phone: HOllywood 4-7461 President William V. Stancil PRODUCTS: Magnetic recorder /reproducer for tape and for 16mm, 17.5mm & 35mm film. Self contained battery operated for standard recording, stereo or synchronized with film, M r/r up to 32 tracks, all transistor, for communications recording & language labs. Standard Electronics (Div. of Radio Engineering Labs., Inc.) Lakewood Road, Farmingdale, N.J. Phone: WEbster 8-6671 Gen. Mgr W. J. LaHiff Sales Mgr J. M. Noll Chief Eng H. E. Doutt TV, Film Eng J. Ewansky Plant Eng E. J. Biondo Branch Offices 356 W. 40th St., New York, N. Y. Phone: PE 6-5840 167 Social Hall Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah Phone: EL 9-7691 Manager Lyle O. Keys 10 W. 25th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Phone: FE 5-3126 413 Lathrop St., Redwood City, Calif. Phone: 369-4675 2209 N. Henderson St., Dallas, Texas Phone: TA 1-1222 Manager Chester F. Faison PRODUCTS: Transmitters, transformers, dummy loads & filters for AM, FM, & TV; FM antennas; TV color equipment; amplifiers. Stephens Trusonic Inc. 8538 Warner Dr., Culver City, Calif. Phone: UPton 0-6671 President, Gen. Mgr Emile J. Petre V.P. & Sales Mgr , Richard Rose Secretary R. Applin PRODUCTS: Wireless and condenser microphones, environmental test equipment. Strong Electric Corp. 87 City Park Ave., Toledo, O. Phone: CHerry 8-3741 President Arthur J. Hatch Vice Pres Leo A. Altenbach Treasurer Lee T. Nelson PRODUCTS: Incandescent and arc spotlights; trouperette incandescent spotlight; trouper and super trouper high intensity arc spotlights; universal arc slide projector. Studio Television Products Sales Corporation 356 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. Phone: PEnnsylvania 6-5849 Sales Manager James B. Tharpe Export Mgr Hendrik J. Antonisse PRODUCTS: Pneumatic-balance camera dollies (color, black-and-white) . Surface Conduction, Inc. 1501 Broadway, New York 36, N. Y. Phone: LO 5-5535 President Theodore Hafner PRODUCTS: Single wire transmission lines for closed circuit TV, community TV, low and high power antenna feeders. Swager Tower Company R. R. No. 2, Fremont, Indiana Phone: 495-4625 Pres W. E. Swager PRODUCTS: Radio & TV and microwave broadcast towers. Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. (Sub. General Tel. & Electronics Corp.) 730 3rd Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone: 551-1000 Pres Gene K. Beare Sr. Vice Pres., Admin Leon C. Guest, Jr. Indust. Rel. Dir David G. Christie Pub. Dir Herbert Johnson, Jr. Sr. Vice Pres., Mktg Alfred C. Viebranz V.P., Elec. Tube Sales Robert G. Lynch PRODUCTS: Tubes, radio & TV. T.C.A. Tower Co. 2615 Bankhead Highway, N.W., Atlanta 18, Ga. Phone: 700-1203 PRODUCTS: Towers. Sarkes Tarzian Inc. (Broadcast Equipment Div.) E. Hillside Dr., Bloomington, Ind. Phone: 7251 President Sarkes Tarzian Manager Biagio Presti PRODUCTS: TV transmitters, LO. cameras, Vidicon cameras, complete studio TV equipment. 1161