Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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Is Lou's Foundation run from the heart ... or for the publicity? The answer is in the facts, and here they are In the Foundation's fully-equipped clinic, Nurse Gonzales and Dr. Kovner keep everyone in top condition. Any time Bud and Lou can spare is spent looking over shoulders in the ever-humming Hobby Shop. For the smallest people, there's a playground within the larger playground, a haven for the pint-sized. From an opening enrollment of 2,000, its membership has swelled to 10,280 youngsters from the ages of six to nineteen, with 5,000 additional members anticipated in the forthcoming few months. There are no dues, and no conditions of membership. Two thousand children were taught to swim last summer at the Foundation's modern swimming pool, equipped with underwater lights for night use, regulation diving boards, lounge chairs, tables, brilliantly colored umbrellas, and lockers for boys and girls. Foundation facilities include, in addition, a softball diamond with bleachers, a 140 by 100 foot skating rink for which skates are furnished free, basketball courts, a football gridiron, badminton courts, tennis courts, ping pong tables, an outdoor barbecue, an arts and crafts room, clubrooms, workshops, classrooms, a medical clinic and a dental clinic. Both clinics are fully equipped. Sand boxes, a wading pool, teeter-totters, a miniature merry-go-round, slides, a large room for drawing and games, a children's library, and a record player and radio are among the features of The Little People's Department, an enclosed wonderland for tots from six to eight. These are available to the public seven days a week, from 10 A.M. until 10:15 P.M., under the pleasant, unobtrusive supervision of a paid staff of college-trained social and playground workers. Dentists and doctors are on call free of charge for needy youngsters. Children suffering malnutrition get free vitamins. Food is distributed at a foundation snack bar that boasts a complete soda fountain. "Costello is worshipped by {Continued on page 74) 39 \bbott and Costello are heard on ABC, Wednesday at 9:00 P.M.. Saturday at 11:00 V.M.. EOT.