Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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her right to that stardom by living for them all. When Kay appears on the Breakfast Club, Don carries the show. At home, the roles are reversed. Kay is a born stage manager. She'll tell you that they do little entertaining. Because of the early program, night life at the McNeills' begins with dinner at 6 P.M., and ends promptly at 10. Their friends say, however, that when the McNeills do entertain, everyone has a magnificently good time. Even the big housewarming was fun. Nearly a hundred guests splashed through a late fall rain, when the redecorating of the new house finally was finished. First house guests to initiate the new guest room were the Stanley Morners. Don and Stan worked together in the old days. The world, however, knows Stan better as Dennis Morgan, star of many musical pictures. When yawns finally overpowered reminiscences, Kay and Don proudly ushered them to the room she likes best. Located just at the head of the stairs, it's a grown-up version of that pink and blue room every girl dreams up for herself. Done by a sophisticated decorator, however, the pink has become a rose, and the blue shades to a sea green. Quilted white chintz spreads deck the Hollywood beds, the deep carpet is a soft grayed-green tone, and the drapes are the deeper sea green shade. Walls are papered in a dainty rose, gold and green design. Lamp shades blend into the motif. Morners and McNeills, climbing the gracefully curved staircase, couldn't help reflecting that there had been some changes made since the days they pinched pennies together. Expecting ohs and ahs as they saw the room, Don nipped a switch. Every light in the house turned on. That was the McNeills' introduction to a burglar alarm system former residents of the house had installed. With the decorating job just completed by Bernerd Armstrong and his associate, Virginia Andrews, Don and Kay hadn't yet had time to discover all the mysteries of the house. Neither had they found the trick for turning off the flood of light. McNeills and Morners ran through the rooms snapping switches, one by one. What's life like in the S<z*t *pen*tcutda 1/aMecf? What the colorful candid pictures don't tell you. the story will ... in AUGUST RADIO MIRROR There've been some changes made . . It's mr. ace and JANE, now. Complete with color, they're in AUGUST RADIO MIRROR, on sale July 9th. Frame your eyes with Fashion (OTHER STYLES TO $2.50 and $2.95) at leading drug and department stores everywhere Costume-blend colors to harmonize with your summer wardrobe . . . lipstick, pool blue, black, flesh, shell. All Grantly sunglasses are tested for optical safety to protect against infra-red and ultra-violet rays. FOSTER GRANT CO.,INC» Leominster, Mass. Butterfly Upsweep Classic Upsweep If You've Reached Thirty new miracle FflCE-BRfi for NEW BEAUTY >HEW YOUTH mw FACE LOVELINESS The new miracle FACE-BRA is the simplest, easiest method of preventing and controlling sagging chin, drooping facial contours, wrinkles and crepey throat. It eliminates, without skill or professional help, the fatiguing and discouraging process of spanking and massaging the face and neck. Simply wear the FACE-BRA for half an hour or more daily or wear it while sleeping. Thousands of women use this new miracle FACEBRA. The skin of your face and throat is pulled up and back to its original position. Each muscle of your face, throat and neck is gently but firmly massaged, stimulating circulation — maintaining the freshness and vitality of your skin. Retain youthful feminine loveliness with the miracle FACE-BRA. Put it on and you will see what we mean. IT WILL DO WONDERS FOR YOU! It eliminates expensive facials. The new miracle FACE-BRA lasts for years. Washable. Don't wait for wrinkles, sagging chin, etc. Keep youthful bv usinK this new miracle FACE-BRA. You'll radiate loveliness. Your skin will be Vitalized and stimulated. FACE-BRA is the newest way to make lastex yarn work for you. It is a soft garment of nylon lace and elasticized cloth, and it is laced daintily at the back of the head. The action of the elasticized cloth is strong as the finpers of a masseuse and twice as gentle. Wear the miracle FACE-BRA while doing housework. Watch your husband's eyes sparkle when he sees your pink and white complexion afterward. Wear the FACE-BRA when you come home from the office, and you'll radiate loveliness when your beau calls for you. *U. S. Pat. ii-2184640. Design Pat. #107,836 Wear a FACE-BRA— Prove the wonders it will do for you. DON'T DELAY! MAIL COUPON TODAY! MME. MERKIN CO., 19 Kingston Street, Boston 11, Mass. Please send me the new MIRACLE FACE-BRA @ $5.00 NAME STREET . CITY . □ C. 0. D. STATE a MONEY ORDER Zl CHECK R