Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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Avoid underarm irritation . . . ...use MARYALICE WARD is one of the beautiful Powers models who uses Yodora regularly for its soothing protection. ODORA the deodorant that is ACTUALLY SOOTHING Wonderful! Yodora stops perspiration odor safely, quickly . . . yet is positively soothing to normal skin. Made with a face cream base, with no harsh acid salts to cause irritation, Yodora actually helps soften your skin, like a face cream. No other known deodorant gives this PLUS protection. Try Yodora, the soothingest deodorant. Tubes or jars, 10*, 30*, 60*. McKesson & Robbins, Bridgeport, Conn. E&J Folding WHEEL CHAIRS LIGHTEST and STRONGEST 94 FOLDS TO 10 INCHES Ideal for TRAVEL, WORK, PLAY Lightweight. Beautifully Designed Chromium Plated EVEREST& JENNINGS DoPt 7748 Santa Monica Boulevard Lot Angeles 46, California The boys, next morning, restored star status. Each one asked Dennis Morgan for 10 autographs. Later Kay and Don learned the youngsters were good business men. They sold them to their friends for a dime apiece. When the McNeills returned the visit in Hollywood, the Morner children didn't repeat the autograph stunt, but they did bring all their pals In to meet their father's friends. Through it all, the McNeills have an abundant stock of old-fashioned loving kindness. Louise Murphy, wife of Bob Murphy, one of the Breakfast Club announcers, recalls with gratitude Kay's help the day they moved from Chicago to Wilmette. What to do with the four young Murphys almost had Louise stumped. In the midst of the turmoil, Kay drove up, scooped Dennis, six, Kay, four, and Mary Jane, two, into her car. Sixmonth-old Joan couldn't leave Louise, or Kay would have taken her, too. Throughout the day, Kay and the boys cared for the children, took them to a nearby pool to wade, and brought them to their new home with gifts to recall the day. Dennis had a Boy Scout flashlight and compass. The two girls shared a big, beautiful blonde doll, complete with wardrobe, including a fur-trimmed coat. The doll had a ready-made name, too. But, Louise adds, somewhere on the road back that name got lost. The little girls have never called it anything but Kay. One of Don's greatest satisfactions comes from the Breakfast Clubbers' letters which begin: "I know you're a Methodist because . . ." "You must be a Christian Scientist . . ." "You're an Episcopalian, aren't you . . ." Throughout the year, almost every organized religious group will be named many times. Actually, as their families were before them, the McNeills are Roman Catholics, members of the Faith, Hope and Charity parish in Winnetka. The two older boys serve at the altar. Faithful in his attendance, even Don's beloved fishing trips are planned to permit him to go to Mass. With his religion, as with many other things important to him, he keeps his inner life to himself. Others find him a sympathetic listener when they have troubles, but he seldom shares his own. When Tommy caught polio last Summer, he had been in the hospital two days before members of the Breakfast Club cast learned of it. Even after they found out, it became something they didn't discuss with Don. Finally, when the crisis had passed, and the rumor of the boy's illness had reached the newspapers, Don, during the show, asked Maestro Eddie Ballentine to play "Smoke, Smoke, Smoke," adding, "It's for a good friend of mine, now in the hospital. It's one of his favorite numbers." The music finished, he explained to the Breakfast Club audience, "That good friend happens to be my son, Tom. We've had a little trouble in our family. Tom has polio. But, thank God, the doctors say he is going to be all right." The prayer of the McNeills and the listeners have been answered. Tom is all right today. Look at those wide shoulders in the Radio Mirror pictures, and you'd swear he had never been sick a day in his life. You listeners, the American Broadcasting Company, and the sponsors have asked many times that the whole McNeill family become a regular part of the Breakfast Club show. You'll understand now, I think, why Don hasn't acceded to these wishes. At least not just yet. Kay is now under contract for regular appearances, but the boys' studio visits are still limited to a few times a year. He wants to give the boys a chance for a normal childhood. He wants them to grow and mature, and develop a sense of values before they get caught up in the whirl of big-time broadcasting. If he can help it, Don McNeill isn't going to let anything jeopardize that little family growing up in Winnetka. Part of Kay's starring role in the home stems from the elegant specialtyof-the-house dishes she's fond of serving up to a hungry horde of McNeill men. Here's her recipe for a favorite family treat: Coffee Cake. '/2 cup butter 2 fsp. baking powder 2 cups sugar I fsp. vanilla 4 eggs, well beaten '/j tsp. salt 3 cups sifted flour Cream butter well, adding sugar and eggs. Sift salt, baking powder and flour together. Add to butter mixture, alternating with milk and vanilla. Filling 2 cups brown sugar l'/2 fsp. melted butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 tsp. cinnamon I cup nut meats (optional) Cream sugar and butter. Add other ingredients. In a greased pan, put one layer of batter, then a layer of filling, until you have five layers. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Do Dreams Come True? b Mlu&I Find out how you can get your fondest wish. Fabulous gifts awarded daily. ,,>„ v to HEART'S DESIRE Daytime — Monday through Friday on the Mutual Network 3en Alexander, grantor of heart's desires. DRAMA HUMOR LOVE Do you want your dream to come true? Read the HEART'S DESIRE feature in this month's TRUE ROMANCE Magazine