Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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Fabric Designer agrees: In designing fabrics and in choosing a cigarette, EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER!' They walk! At the head of the fashion parade. They talk! Of elegance and charm. Stephanie Cartwright's "Conversational Prints," An overnight hit — but to their creator they were the "happy result of years of experience." Miss (lartwright feels the same way about her choice of a cigarette. "Over the years l*ve tried m.-iuy brands — Camels are the ' choice of experience' with me," says Miss larlwrittlil. C^^cm 74ttio &w> az/tni/' T for Taste... T for Throat That's your proving ground for any cigarette. Sec "if Camels don't suit your 'T-Zon," to a "T." ■' '/Conversational prints"? Yes, they tell their own story \_j of fabulous places and people. And the fact that more people are smoking Camels than ever before tells its own story too. It's the story of millions of smokers who have tried and compared different brands . . . and found that Camels suit their "T-Zones" to a "T." "i es, "T-Zone" — for that's the all-important area of Taste and Throat . . . your real proving ground for any cigarette. Try Camels. Let your taste and your throat tell you why Camels are the "choice of experience." According to a Nationwide survey: More doctors smoke CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE When 113,597 doctors were asked by three independent research organizations to name the cigarette they smoked, more doct ors nam ed Camel than any other brand E