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Harry. I understand Irma because she feels about Steve as I feel about you. He's the living core of her life, and everything else stems from him. And Steve — well, I've always felt especially close to Steve because there's something in him that's like you. It's a sort of alone and against the world attitude that comes of your both having the same kind of start in life. You both felt the responsibility of a family years before you should have taken on that sort of burden — "
"Joan, a lot of people have to carry that kind of responsibility — "
"And I'd like to give everyone of them some of the ease and playtime I was brought up in," said Joan. "It would make them less tense, less sensitive to hurt, more elastic when trouble comes. Steve had a hard life, a grim life; he lost his head over Betty MacDonald because she was a bright, pretty thing — the kind of thing he'd never known. He'd never had the least of luxuries, never had the chance to do all the playing he should have — and you haven't, either. You don't know what that side of life is all about."
"Oh, I don't know," said Harry defensively. "I think I do."
"But how do you know it, Harry?" she asked quickly, and answered her own question. "You saw it when you were caddying at the country club . . . and wanted to swing a club yourself, only you couldn't take that much time away from work or your studies. You were always on the outside looking in."
He threw back his head and laughed. "Joan, you're fabulous — "
"No, I'm not," she said serenely. "I'm just married to a guy I love — a man who hasn't a grain of sense so far as the laughing of life is concerned. And — oh, I guess what I'm trying to say is that because I love you so much, it's easy to love and understand anyone who is the slightest bit like you.. Harry, look out!"
The car swayed as he reached for her. Prudently, he turned off the road and stopped the motor before he gathered her into his arms.
"Sorry, darling," he said huskily, "but I shouldn't even try to drive when you're sitting that close beside me, saying things that make me feel I'm everything in the world to you, that our love explains everything to you — "
"Aren't you?" Joan asked, her eyes very steady upon his face. "And doesn't it?"
"I guess it does. I — It's a funny thing, Joan, but when I was in prison, wishing I'd never come into your life because I'd brought you so much misery ... I still felt closer to you, more — Oh, I can't explain — "
"You don't have to," she said softly. "I know, because I felt it, too. Nothing mattered, really, but that we loved each other. Not being separated. Not even death. It's — why, Harry, it's knowing a kind of immortality . . . and don't you dare laugh at me."
He didn't laugh. He couldn't. He could only hold her closer — and yet never close enough — while the peace of the afternoon deepened around them.
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