Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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R M 96 FREE TO ANYONE: One thousand yds. (1,000) thread, white No. 50 FREE. Equals fourteen 5-cent spools. Also free — Amazing new invention fits on any sewing machine easily. quickly. Makes buttonholes, sews on buttons, quilts, attach zippers darn stockings, mend tears, etc. Sells elsewhere regularly for SI. 00 but sent to you free. Beautiful new prints. Large colorful pieces. Make child's play clothes, sun suits, skirts, aprons, patchwork quilts, bed jackets, etc Full width material included. All other pieces of usable siae. You'll be delighted. 3 lbs. (18 yds. or more) $1.98 plus postage. Sent C.O.D. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. If not perfectly pleased, return remnants (keep thread and buttonhole maker) and your $1.98 will be refunded. Could anything be more fair? You be the judge. You can't lose! Get yours nowl Send no money. Just mail a card today. KNIGHT MAIL ORDER CO., Dept. 2636H, 3140 Roosevelt Rd„ Chicago 12, III. Want Extra Moneys Quick CASH Earnings are yours 8; for showing fast selling Name-^. Imprinted Christmas Cards, Box ^. Assortments, Everyday Greetings, ?0Z Gift Wraps. Amazing values sell for 60c ^fe£and $1.00. FREE SAMPLES Name '■ Impr:Dted Christmas Cards and Assortments on Approval. WRITE TODAY! CARDINAL CRAFTSMEN, Dept. H54 117 W. Pearl St., Cincinnati l.O. SELL "". CHRISTMAS FREE SAMPLES HOT OIL FACIAL YOUNGER TEEN-AGERS— WOMEN— 16 to 60 YEARS BEAUTIFY YOUR SKIN AT HOME Acne, Blackheads, Large Pores disappear; Wrinkles, Loose Face and Neck Muscles Tighten to a Firm, Youthful ComDle ion in a short time. Just 10-minute treatment without heating oil. Send $1 and pay $1 plus C.O.D.; money back guaranteed. ST«TE IF SKIN IS DRY OR OILY CLARE COSMETIQUES, P.O. Box 528-RM, BKYN., N. Y. EARN EXTRA MONEY! Full, Spare Time! YOU can make many EXTRA DOLLARS with our new, sellon-sight Plastic Line! Tablecloths, Aprons; also many other beautiful, fast-selling: items, novelties. Postal brings free detaiK No obli(?a*ion. Write today. Hurry! ROYALTY SALES CO., Box 748, Passaic 20, New Jersey "HOW TO WIN PRIZE CONTESTS77 AMAZING BOOKLET $1.00 WRITE DEPT. 72 "GADGETS," BOX 28, JACKSON HEIGHTS, N. Y. High School Course at Home Many finish in 2 Years is rapidly ao your time and abilities permit. Equivalent to reeiSohool work — prepares for college entrance exams. Standard H. 8. texts supplied. Diploma awarded. Credits for H. S. subjeots completed. Single subjects if desired. A&lc for Free Bulletin. > American School Dept. H 92. Drexel at 58th. Chicago 37 HAKE HQNEY Extra cash for you daily! Sell Christmas and Everyday Card Assortments for $1; also name -imprinted Christmas Cards, SO for $1. No experience is necessary. Money making: p'an ; or individuals, clubs, societies. Start earning now. ■ k ~ *» Send today for samples on approval. X #*A > COLONIAL STUDIOS, Inc. 6<?/V/< 642S.SummerSt.,Dept.D-29, Holyoke.Mass. "«■ 's i BRUSHAW/iy GRAY HAIR ... AND COOK /O YEARS YO€//tf<r£Rf • Now, at home, you can quickly tint telltalestreaks of gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does It — or your money back. Approved by thousands of women (men, too)— Brownatone Is dependable — guaranteed harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. Cannot affect waving of hair. Economical, lasting— does not wash out. Just brush or comb it In. One tinling Imparts desired shade. Simply retouch, as new gray appears. Easy to prove on a test lock of your hair. First application must satisfy you or money back. 75c and $1.75 — all druggists. Retain youthful charm. Get Brownatone now. of N. Y. Giant games and getting almost continual plugs — through the simple expedient of buying up every inch of display advertising space on the Polo Grounds fences. * * * Penny Singleton recently bought another of Lassie's offspring. Now each of Penny's two daughters has her own Lassie descendant for a pet. * * * Gene Autry is no longer the only cowboy star who doubles in radio station operations. Tex Ritter, horse opera film star and recorder of albums for kids, has been granted an FCC license to operate a San Antonio radio station. Dick Chevillat and Ray Singer, script writers for the Phil Harris-Alice Faye show, are spending the summer doing the book for a Broadway musical. The score is by Julie Styne and Sammy Cahn. They hope to get the show on its way before radio duties call them back. * * * It is rumored that the two major political parties will pour an estimated eight million dollars into radio and television coffers during the coming election. They both wanta win bad! * * * Another rumor . . . whisperings around radio row have it that Henry Luce, owner of Time-Life-Fortune, is interested in buying station WOR, New York outlet of the Mutual chain, to get in on the television scramble. Life on the air? * * * Jack Barry, Juvenile Jury m.c. has been widening his scope this summer. Not content with radio, television and the movies, Jack's been producing plays for a stock company on Long Island this straw hat season. * * * George O'Hanlon, who plays the title role in Warner Brothers' "Joe McDoakes" short subjects, has been set to star on a new comedy show scheduled to open over Mutual in September. * * * Lots of people have been wondering whether Arnold Stang, "Gerard" on the Henry Morgan show, looks anything like the way he sounds. The answer is yes and more listeners are likely to be able to check that for themselves soon, because chances are Morgan will work Stang in on his video stanza. * * * Maybe the success of radio performers in the film "Naked City," will break the ice for air actors in Hollywood. As a rule, movie producers stay away from radio when looking for talent for the flickers. But when "Naked City" was shot in New York, twenty prominent parts were played by New York radio actors and actresses, outstanding performances being given by such radio familiars as House Jameson, Howard Duff, Anne Sargent, Adelaide Klein, Grover Burgess, Tom Pedi, Enid Markey, Frank Conroy, Hester Sondergaard and Ted DeCorsia. Of all of these, only Howard Duff is really known to the movie goers. But they all proved that talent isn't usually limited to one medium and a good actor on the air is a good actor to see, too. Anyway, it's an idea for the talent scouts. * * * John Brown, who plays Father Foster, on the Date With Judy show, is living proof that you should never let anything get you down. Years ago, after working in several Broadway shows, Brown was given his first radio audition. The director, a forthright man, pointed at Brown and announced, "You'll never become a radio actor." Brown has made a liar of that director some 7,500 times, the number of radio appearances he's made since that first audition. * * * Cute note . . . Have you noticed that the same sparkling water outfit that used to sponsor Information Please, the show to wrack the experts' brains, now sponsors It Pays To Be Ignorant? GOSSIP AND STUFF . . . Paul White, ex-news chief of CBS, is writing a novel which promises to be "The Hucksters" of the radio world . . . MGM is talking to Ozzie and Harriet about costarring in a series of pictures based on their radio adventures . . . Alan Young is making a book out of essays and stories he wrote for Canadian publications while he was still in Toronto radio . . . Howard Duff will soon be seen in a Western movie, in which he'll be a hero, not a villain . . . Looks like Max Baer is set for a radio series . . . Phil HarrisAlice Faye stanza has been bought by a new sponsor, the one which has dropped Jimmy Durante . . . Date With Judy, which looked as if it might fall by the retrenchment wayside has been renewed for the same old stand come autumn . . . Ella Fitzgerald has been signed to play four weeks in London this September . . . One of the new shows you're likely to hear is an Alan Young-Dorothy Lamour combination . . . Reports have it that a major film studio is interested in buying one of the major networks. LISTEN TO the radio program everyone's talking about . . . "lets talk hollywood" FEATURING GEORGE MURPHY EDDIE BRACKEN leading Hollywood columnists and famous Hollywood guest stars every Sunday on NBC 7 PM, EDT. 5 PM, MDT. 6 PM, CDT. 4 PM, PDT. Listen to "Lets Talk Hollywood" this Sunday, and learn how you can win a GOLD PASS for one year to your favorite theater and a five-year subscription to Photoplay Magazine.