Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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* * * * * Don't be Half-safe! VALDA by SHERMAN At the first blush of womanhood many mysterious changes take place in your body. For instance, the apocrine glands under your arms begin to secrete daily a type of perspiration you have never known before. This is closely related to physical development and causes an unpleasant odor on both your person and your clothes. There is nothing "wrong" with you. It's just another sign you are now a woman, not a girl ... so now you must keep yourself safe with a truly effective underarm deodorant. Two dangers— Underarm odor is a real handicap at this romantic age, and the new cream deodorant Arrid is made especially to overcome this very difficulty. It kills this odor on contact in 2 seconds, then by antiseptic action prevents the formation of all odor for 48 hours and keeps you shower-bath fresh. It also stops perspiration and so protects against a second danger— perspiration stains. Since physical exertion, embarrassment and emotion can now cause your apocrine glands to fairly gush perspiration, a dance, a date, an embarrassing remark may easily make you perspire and offend, or ruin a dress. AM deodorants are not alike — so remember — no other deodorant tested stops perspiration and odor so completely yet so safely as new Arrid. Its safety has been proved by doctors. That's why girls your age buy more Arrid than any other age group. In fact, more men and women everywhere use Arrid than any other deodorant. It's antiseptic, used by 117,000 nurses. Intimate protection is needed — so protect yourself with this snowy, stainless cream that smooths on and disappears. This new Arrid, with the amazing new ingredient Creamogen, will not crystallize or dry out in the jar. The American Laundering Institute has awarded Arrid its Approval Seal— harmless to fabrics. Arrid is safe for the skin— non-irritating— can be used right after shaving. Don't be half-safe. During this "age of romance" don't let perspiration problems spoil your fun. Don't be half-safe — be Arrid-safe! Use Arrid to be sure. Get Arrid now at your favorite drug counter — only 39( plus tax. (Advertisement) * * • * • SEPTEMBER, 1948 VOL. 30, NO 4 RADIO MIRROR AJVXt TELEVISION KEYSTONE My First Audition by Edgar Bergen 25 The World With A Fence Around It by Harriet Van Home 26 Remembering Tom Breneman by Garry Moore 28 I Was The Wife Of The Week by Mrs. Frank S. Pillion 30 My Friend, Lowell Thomas by Wells Church 32 Through The Years With Backstage Wife — In Pictures 36 "The Tremaynes Are At Home" — In Pictures 42 Bride and Groom and A Trout Named Pappy by John Nelson 44 "The Love We Found" by Betty Winkler 46 Traveler of the Month. . .• by Tommy Bartlett 54 Come and Visit Hoagy Carmicbael by Pauline Swanson 56 ' .1 Facing The Music by Duke Ellington 10 Johnny Mercer 12 Win In A Waltz 13 What's New From Coast to Coast by Dale Banks 14 William Shirer 21 Minnie Pearl 22 Sam Cowling 23 Inside Radio 66 It's Here 69 Information Booth 72 Stork Facts by Terry Burton 6 Life Can Be Beautiful 8 Between the Bookends by Ted Malone 40 Lazy Day Dinners by Kate Smith 60 WMCA: Three For the Giants 4 KDKA: Richard Karp 16 WFIL: Uncle to 50,000 18 WBEN: Ironic Reporter 20 WINS: Mel Allen 52 Tex-Jinx Productions 48 Heigh-Ho, Video 50 Doorway To Fame 51 AS 10 flP?Ue Paul and Nicolette — A One Man's Family Novelette by Helen Christy Harris 62 ON THE COVER: The McCrary Family; color portraits by Geoffrey Morris Editorial Director FRED R. SAMMIS Editor DORIS M. J IIHK.\ N Art Director JACK ZASORIN Managing Editor EVELYN L. FIORE Associate Art Director FRANCES MALY Television JOAN MURPHY LLOYD Staff Photographers: Hollywood Office : Editor, ANN DAGGETT UYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH; Assistant: Research TERU GOTO BETTY JO RICE RADIO AND TELEVISION MIKHOH, published monthly uv MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS. INC., New fork, N. i. Ccnenil Business. :iml Ailvei -Using Olllees. 20.1 12nd St.. New York 17. N. Y. Hollywood— Beverly Hills Office: 321 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California. O. J. Elder, President; Harold Wise. Executive Vice President; Herbert Drake, Vice President; Joseph SchultZ, Vice President: S, O. Shapiro, Vice President; Ernest V. Heyn. Vice President: Mevci Dworkin. Secretary and Treasurer; Edward F. Lethen, Advertising Director. Chicago Office: 224 North La Salle St., Leslie H. Gaffe, Mt:r. San Francisco Office: 1613 Russ Building, Joseph M. Dooher, Mgr. Los Angeles Ollicc: Suilc ilOH. b lo South Olive St., C< ;c Weatlierhy , Mi;r. Charles O. Tciwi II ever Jr., Eastern Advertising Manal'.er. 211.", East -12nd St.. New York 17, N. Y. Reentered as Second Class matter March 1, 11M8. at the Post Office at New York. N. Y. under the Act of March 3. 1879. Subscription rates: U. S. and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland. S2.50 per year. AH other countries $r>.00 per year. Price per copy: 25c In the United States and Canada. While Manuscrlpls, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at tile owner's risk, every effort will he made to return those found unavailable If accompanied by sufliciont first class postage and explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be Rure to retain copies of their contributions: otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted ellher wholly or In part without permission. (Member of Macfadrien women's Croup) Copyright. 1H4H, by Ma, ladder] Publlcal ioos, Inc. All rights reserved inider International Copyright Convention. All rlKhts reserved under Pan-American Copyright Convention. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convencton Pan atiieilcana de Propiedad Lltcraria y Arflslica. Title trademark registered In U. S. Patent Office. Printed In U. S. A. hv Art Color printing Co.. Dunellen. M r