Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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94 Running HOT WATER .inaJ0t'A{m m C0LD WATER FAUCET! For quick shoving A No. 1 beauty aid Seems loo good to be true until you see hot water continuously from any cold water sink faucet! With the revolutionary new KEM INSTANT HOT WATER HEATER you get hot water — from lukewarm to real hot right when you want it! No Boiler or Tank Needed No waiting or fussing with fires. st Turn Faucet To Regulate Temperature ght turn of your sink faucet gives you water of ony sired temperature from lukewarm to real hot. Easily and Quickly Attached Takes only a few seconds to attach or remove KEM NSTANT HOT WATER HEATER. No special skill or knowledge required. Easier to operate than the average electric iron ! Fits Any Standard Faucet KEM INSTANT HOT WATER HEATER fills a long and urgent need in basement, garage, cottage, tourist camp, office and factory — and when home hot water supply fails in kitchen or bathroom sink. Fully Guaranteed Heater is skillfully made and guaranteed against any and all defects in material and workmanship. With ordinary care, it gives many years of satisfactory service. SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If Kern Heater Fails to Give Instant Hot Water! Don't be inconvenienced another day by lack of hot water n home, cottage, office or factory. ORDER YOUR KEM HEATER TODAY! SEND NO MONEY. Just pay the postman $3.98 plus postage when your heater is delivered, or send S3. 98 and we will pay postage. KEM COMPANY Dept. 183 18 E. 41st St., New York 17, N. Y. High School Course at Home Finish in 2 Years j& rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Equivalent to reei1 dent School work — prepares for college entrance exams. Standard S. S. texts supplied. Diploma awarded. Credits for H. 8. subjects ompleted. Single subjects if desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. t American School Dept. H692, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37 MAKE MONEY FAST SOMETHING NEW AN D SENSATIONAL IN CHRISTMAS CARDS ^^ Gorgeous Satin & Velour Designs! Show Rich New Satin and Veloar Cardsl never before offered. Amazing Value ! J Gets orders fast I Gorgeous Christmas 1 Cards with name, 50 for $1 up. Pays ap f to 100% profit. Imprinted Stationery. 20 ' others, 60c to $1. Samples on Approval. PUR0 CO., 2801 Locust, Dept. 815-L, St. Louis, Mo. Feminine Hygiene is BORO-PHENO-FORM WAY! For nearly three quarters of a century hundreds of thousands of particular women have practiced feminine hygiene the Boro-Pheno-Form way. Astringent. Soothing. Deodorizing. Easy. Pleasant. Convenicntl Get full information today about ready-to-use Boro-Pheno-Form I Particulars free for the askingl Write or Ask Any Druggist Anywhere DR. PIERRE CHEMICAL CO.. Dept. M-12 2020 Montrose Ave., Chicago 18, III. (— — , ,DB.PIERRES. . . ..> iH33J333JE|33IEI HEADACHE? TAKE SOOTHING "BC" Tablet or powder same FAST relief The wonderful combination offastacting ingredients in the "B C" formula quickly soothes headaches, neuralgic pains and minor muscular aches. Two tablets equal one powder. Use only as directed. Always keep a package handy ! the vapors they were, and were gone. We still had our problems, of course ... no lovers' quarrels, we didn't have time for them — but small riles and rifts such as, for instance, when I called for taxicabs. George has a great aversion to career women who act like career women. When I called a taxi, he wouldn't say anything but when the taxi came, he'd say "Why don't you open the door?" — and I would. And he'd get in first! A few of these and I learned my lessons so well that now I occasionally forget to open the door of a cab when I'm alone! On Thanksgiving Day, 1945, George kissed me in a taxicab. In January, 1948, we got married. It was the most exhausting wedding! As I was dressing for the wedding, which was in New Jersey, a galaspirited neighbor stopped in unexpectedly and threw two boxes of rice all over me and all over the room which made it impossible, since the floors are waxed, to keep from slipping and sliding with every step! GEORGE'S sister and brother-in-law, driving in from Long Island in a blizzard, arrived with hamburgers in hand, having had no time to eat on the road. Hamburgers obviously called for an accompaniment of hot coffee which, five minutes before George was due to arrive for me, I patiently perked! My sister-in-law-to-be also wanted to borrow a hat having, she suddenly wailed aloud, forgotten hers! As we left the house, my maid called out the window that I'd forgotten my purse and my "Something borrowed, something blue . . ." On the drive to Jersey, we got stuck in the snow and George and his brother literally put their shoulders to the wheel for a good half hour before we were on our way again! Having left the telephone number of the Judge who was marrying us with the Registry, in case the air-line should call us about our reservations for Havana, two calls for radio jobs came in for us before George said "I do." Back in New York, in our apartment which, during our absence had been transformed (George's orders) into a hothouse of the white flowers I love, we had a champagne supper — and then my bridegroom left to report back to work. The next day, the honeymoon . . . In the late afternoon of the day the honeymoon began, George had a limousine from American Airlines pick me up at the apartment. On the way to the airport, we stopped at the theater where "Brigadoon" is plaving and George, in full make-up (and on a week's leave of absence from the show) got in. Removing his make-up en route to La Guardia, we made the plane and took off on what George calls "The highest honeymoon ever spent," for Havana. When we came down in Havana, two photographers, neither of whom spoke English, were there to meet us and accompanied us, snapping like mad, to the La Nacional where we were staving. "Two to one," I said to George, "they have no idea who we are." A bet I collected when, the next day, the pictures came out in the papers, captioned "Mr. and Mrs. Keena." Since George didn't know how to rhumba, and neither did I, and both of us wanted to rhumba in Havana, we went down, in all innocence, to take a lesson from the teacher recommended by the hotel as teaching the