Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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<**# NOVEMBER, 1948 VOL. 30, NO. 6 RADIO MIRROR AND TELEVISION KEYSTONE "Colgate Dental Cream's active penetrating foam gets into hidden crevices between teeth — helps clean out decaying food particles — stop stagnant saliva odors — remove the cause of much bad breath. And Colgate's soft polishing agent cleans enamel thoroughly, gently and safely!" MTER-Thanks to Colgate Dental Cream Alwayn ate COLGATE DENTAL CREAM offer you eat and before every date Radio Mirror Awards for 1948. 26 Behind My True Story 22 Grand Central Station ' 25 Our Boss, Joe Kelly by Rinny Templeton and Joel Kupperman 28 My Friend, Irma by Marie Wilson 30 Curtain At Nine by William Keighley 32 Your Ticket To The Jack Benny Show 34 Young Widder Brown — Through The Years In Pictures 36 Blondie — My Favorite Mother by Dorothy Grace Sparks 40 Dagwood's House Of Happiness by Arthur Lake 42 Traveler Of The Month by Tommy Bartlett 50 Come And Visit Art Linkletter by Polly Townsend 52 Bachelor Girl In Hollywood by Pauline Swanson 54 Facing The Music by Duke Ellington 10 Look At The Records by Joe Martin 12 What's New From Coast To Coast by Dale Banks 14 Collector's Corner by Sarah Yaughan 19 Inside Radio 66 It's Here 69 Information Booth 82 Head Start by Mary Jane Fulton Between The Bookends by Ted Malone It Might As Well Be Pretty by Kate Smith Mother Of The Year by Terry Burton Life Can Be Beautiful Coast To Coast In Television. WJZ-TV Lights Up 6 44 60 70 80 46 48 WTOP: Jokes Set To Music 4 WIBG: No News Is . . . ? ? ? 8 KDKA: King Of KDKA 16 WBEN: Ross Weller, Enthusiast Extraordinary 20 WNBT: Howdy Doody's Daddy 58 The Light In The Window — A Guiding Light Novelette by Helen Christy Harris 62 ON THE COVER: Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake as The Bumsteds; color portrait by Ozzie Sweet Editorial Director FRED B. SAMMIS Editor DORIS McFERRAN Art Director JACK ZASORIN Managing Editor EVELYN L. FIORE Television JOAN MURPHY LLOYD Associate Art Director FRANCES MALT Research TERC GOTO Chicago Office: Editor, HELEN CAMBRIA BOLSTAD Hollywood Office: Editor, ANN DAGGETT Managing Editor, FRANCES MORRIN Staff Photographers, IIYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH Assistant, BETTY JO RICE RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC., New York, N. V. General Business, Bdltorlal anil Advertising olllees. 2<>r> East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. Hollywood— Beverly Hills Office: 021 S. Beverly Drive, lieverlv Hills, California. O. J. Elder. President: Harold Wise, Executive Vice President: Herbert Drake, Vice President; Joseph Srhultz, Vice President: S. O. Shapiro, Vice President; Ernest V. Heyn, Vice President; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer; Edward F. Lethen, Advertising Director. Chicago Office: 224 North La Salle St., Leslie It. Cage. Mer. San Francisco Office: 1013 Russ Hulldlng, Jusepn M. Dooher, Mgr Los Annies Office: Suite mm. 649 South Olive St., George Weatherby, Mgr. Charles o Terwlllfger, ,ir.. East. cm Adverl Isliii: Manager, 2UI, Kast 12nil St.. New York 17, N. Y. Reentered as Second Class matter March I, 1048, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y. under the Act of March 3, IH70. Subscription rates: U. S. and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland, *2.r»0 per year. All other countries $5.u() per year. Price per copy: 25c in the United States and Canada. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owner's risk, every effort will he made to return ttiose found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first class postage and explicit name and address. Contributors arc especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. The contentH of this magazine may not be reprinted either wholly or In part without permission. (Member of Macfadden Women's Group) Copyright, 1V48, by Macfadden Publications, Inc. All rights reserved under International Copvryrht Convention. All rlghtH reserved under Pan-American Copyright Convention. Todos dcrechos reservados segun La Convenclon Pan amerlcana de Propledad Llteraria y Artisllca. Title trudemork registered In U. S. Patent Office. Printed In V. S. A. by Art Color Printing Co.. Dunellen, N. J.