Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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MOTHER1 Your child will enjoy this tasty Laxative You don't have to coax your child to take Ex-Lax. Children actually love its delicious chocolate taste ! Mother, you'll like the way Ex-Lax works. It is effective and gentle. Ex-Lax gives your child thorough relief without upsetting him. Many doctors use this dependable laxative in their practice. Mothers have confidence in Ex-Lax — it's America's Favorite Family Laxative. So, when you or your youngster need relief, take Ex-Lax. Still only 104. There is no better laxative at any price. When Nature "forgets"., remember EX-LAX THE CHOCOLATED LAXATIVE High School Course at Home Many Ffltubjjij Years I Go M rapidly as your time »nd abilities permit. Equivalent to reeiI dent School work — prepares for college entrance exama. Standard I H. 6. texts supplied. Diploma awarded. Credits for H. 6. subjects I completed. Single subjects if desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. \0 American School, Dept. H-892, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37 "I | cant 1 afford CORNS, can you?" "Tired husbands don't deserve frowns. So the minute a corn appears, I apply a BlueJay Corn Plaster. Instantly, shoe-pressure pain is stopped ! Nupercaine*, exclusive with BlueJay , relieves surface pain — ■ gentle medication loosens hard 'core' — you just lift it out in a few days!" In 3 sizes — Standard, Little Toe, Soft Corn. Get BlueJay today. 108 BLUE JAY "America's Largest Selling Corn Platter" •Res. U. 8. Put. Off. by Clba BAUER & BLACK Civil ion of The Kendall Company Chicago 16 that his thoughts could run free. This was what he got for talking too much to too many people, for giving in to life. And now he'd have to destroy the one thing he'd had all along, in spite of everything — his self-respect. "Charlotte," he said, "would you believe me if I told you I'd changed my mind — about everything? Would you believe me if I told you I wanted to put the past away, finally, and start over? Would you help me?" She pulled her head free and looked up at him, long and steadily. And he knew that she'd believe him — because she wanted to so desperately. "Yes, Ray. Yes — to everything." "Dr. Matthews offered me a job last night," he went on. "In a law office — something I'll like, something I've always been interested in. I'd like to take that job, Charlotte. I'd like to try — " "You mean it? You're not just — " "I mean it." And he made himself smile to match her smile. "Then — " She moved quickly, unlocked the bureau drawer, took something out. He'd forgotten about the gun. There were other guns; it had lost importance compared to the other thing she had threatened to do. "Here's your property, Ray. And I apologize — " She held the gun out to him, an act of trust, of faith. . . . Bright morning sunlight warmed the inscription on an office door: Fleming, Drake and Henehan, Attorneys-at-law. Ray Brandon shut the door behind him, walked over the thick carpet to the receptionist's desk. "My name is Ray Brandon. I believe Dr. Matthews made an appointment for me — " "Oh, yes, Mr. Brandon. Mr. Fleming is busy at the moment, but he should be free soon. Will you sit down? There are some magazines on the table — " On top of the magazines was the morning newspaper. "Prominent industrialist, Martin McClain and daughter Susan . . . arrived today . . ." Ray Brandon went to the door. "Tell Mr. Fleming that I suddenly remembered I had — another appointment." Several nights later, Ray Brandon knocked on the door of a closed room. "All set?" Ray asked, stepping inside. "I think so," the man answered. "But you sure gave me a tough one. McClain's got his own bodyguards — thugs. Then there are private dicks all around the place. Who would be hiring them?" DAY thought he knew, and he tipped li his hat, mentally, to Dr. Matthews for hoping to the last. He had private detectives out for him now, and if they failed — he would turn to the police. "Never mind who," he said impatiently. "Did you get the layout? I got everything, even drew you a diagram too. This won't be easy, but you can do it. The first part's duck soup. You could do it blindfolded — " Ray Brandon walked down an alley behind the Andover Arms Hotel, turned into a door marked Service Entrance. He kept going to the end of the passage, went through an iron door, up a flight of stairs, through another heavy door. He was inside, not the Andover Arms, but the Athletic Club which adjoined it. Rapidly, he walked down the carpeted corridor, found a door marked "Fire Escape." He went through the door, climbed two flights up the fire escape. Now the ticklish part — a sixfoot jump to the fire escape of the Andover Arms . . . He made it. He felt as if he could have leaped twice that distance through space. Up another flight — fire escape to balcony — another Ming shoulder!. l&S£sonfss $OM" HEM STITCHER Hemstitch with this handy attachment on ANY sewing machine. Also use for picoting, tucking, etc. Make comforters, rugs, slippers, handkerchiefs, etc. of any material. Also, lovely fringe for curtains, slip covers, draperies, etc. Simple directions included. :1IHM!M!MH;J Make button holes on your sewing machine . . . quicker and easier than doing them by hand. Sews buttons, zippers, darns stockings; wonderful for quilting. Sews in all directions . . . front, back or sideways. FITS ANY MACHINE. SEND NO MONEY. Just mail name and address. On arrival pay postman only $1.00 plus postage. Send cash with order, we pay postage. Satisfaction guaranteed o» your money back. Order TODAY1 TREVA CO. Depl.5-P 2445 E. 85th St.. CHICAGO. ILL Faioinatina vccttion learned at aomo by thoie with Aptitude. Thrfllina pastime. National method .brinja out life-like colon. Free booklet. NATIONAL PHOTO COLORING SCHOOL 1315 S. Michigan, Dept. 1388, Chicago S FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLTJTCH forms a comfort cushion; holds dental Plates so much firmer and snugger that one can eat and talc with greater comfort and security; In many cases almost as well as with natural teeth. Klutch lessens the constant fear of a dropping, rocking, chafing plate. 25o and 50c at druggists. . . If your druggist hasn't it. don't waste money on substitutes, but send us 10c and we will mail you a generous trial box. © I. P. Inc. KLUTCH CO., Box 4886-K, ELMIRA. N. Y. glowing: tf?0XJi$y Just Send Your Name and Address We will mail you this beautiful GLOWING CROSS. Also FREE CATALOG showing many VALUABLE GIFTS that are GIVEN with FULL INFORMATION on HOW TO RECEIVE THEM, Enclose stamp or coin for mailing GLOWING CROSS. "_ _ . „.c THE RELIGIOUS HOUSE, Dept. MAC, 7O02 N. Clark St. Chicago 26, III. SUIT YOURS NEW PLAN Earn CASH Showing to Friends! Write at once If you want this fine made-to-measure suit! You can get it by taking a few orders from friends, and earn op to S10.00. $12.00 in a day. Your boons suit helps yon take more orders with latest 6tyle, made to measure guaranteed suits at amazingly low prices. Also complete line ofLadies' Tailored Suite. No ; experience, no money needed. Write today for FREE SAMPLES —telling about yourself-age, etc. No obligation— act nowl PIONEER TAILORING COMPANY Congress and Throop Streets, Dept.L1235, Chicago, I II. yfy DRESS MSN ^TOYOU/l /? Imagine) You can take your pick of dozens of gorgeous Fall dresses — with-i out a penny of co~. And you earn up to $23 / /pA r%*f weekly in e.ish he i CM/flW 1 sides I That's what we f»»«'W" offer you for representing us in your spare time. Show our popular frocks to your friends, then send us their orders. Collect handsome cash commissions in advance. No canvassing or experience necessary. Pleasant, dignified business. Get free details and Portfolio of new styles. Send no money. Everything furnished FREE Rush name, address and dress size on penny postnirrl. Fashion Frocks, Desk AS039. Cincinnati 25, Ohio. 23 lK>ffllY/