Radio and television mirror (July-Dec 1948)

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•V^ la8l< JU8t °i,e Ration ple»*e<J What do YU U want most when you travel? "Just about every one I've talked with has a different answer to that question! "If your reply is like any of the ones below, there's a way in which you can save quite a lot of money, and have a better time— on almost any out-of-town trip. And, if you have some other pet preference, when traveling, my guess is that Greyhound will come nearest meeting it, too— in SuperCoaches built for travel satisfaction! "The best way is to phone, or call on your Greyhound agent, next time you plan a trip anywhere in America." Who, me? 1 want convenience— lots of schedules ... ." "Then Greyhound's for you! There are many departures daily, timed at most convenient hoursprompt arrivals, too. n I like to see things, meet people, have a good time . . . It's truly more fun traveling Greyhound — you meet such congenial people, see America's beauty spots close-up, by highway. "Everything's so high — I want to save money!" Lady, you'll save money on every Greyhound trip! Fares are lower than any other transportation — less than driving your own car. 'I'm a salesman — gotta make all the little towns!" Well sir, Greyhound's going your way .'Serves ■ all the big cities — and stops at thousands of small towns and communities in between. "I want to get home from school on week-ends." Then go Greyhound. Serves hundreds of schools and colleges— in many cases stops right at campus gates. "I'm 'way past 50 — give me comfort, relaxation." There's real riding ease in deeply-cushioned chairs that recline to any desired angle. Drivers are careful and courteous. G R E YHOUND