Radio mirror (Jan-June 1948)

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> V ,J^ --^t i^K -^■ -.-**-^ m^ ,"v. '/TrvmLu ^-t-<^ ^ fi^ru^/pt^ -/f^ in Tommys room — ^a big day in. a family's memory. Of course, my husband's sweetness has now and tiien back-fired. For example, one day he came to me and said, "Honey, I've just bought a cabin cniiser. Now I don't want you to think I'm going to be like some husbands — ^inviting groups of men aboard, and leaving you at home. I want you on board every time I'm on the boat!" Naturally, I liked that. But then came our first day to go aboard. I was cleaning a cabin wall (Don called it a "bulkhead") and the boat was rocking gently. Suddenly, I felt a little iU. Don said, "What's the matter? You've been cleaning the same spot for five minutes!" I admitted my vmsteadiness, and Don said, "Well, if that's the case, we'd better get back on shore!" That was just about the limit of my boat experience, and soon afterwards Don sold the cruiser. After his morning duties at the microphone, Don returns home to his wife and children arovmd four o'clock in the afternoon. "Home" is in Winnetka — ^a suburb on Lake Michigan north of Chicago. Don usually rests for a while — although he sometimes himts up the boys to try out a few Breakfast Club gags on them. He was hard-pressed for listeners when Tommy and Donnie were in summer camp last year, and {Coti^nned on page 86) _> /• ^SSf^ ''S^^^ a*<^ 7^^«^-/f Z'/