Radio mirror (Jan-June 1948)

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WHEN A GIRL MARRIES 5. Bewildered and hurt, Joan took Sammy back to her parents' home. She found a job to busy herself with, and lived in numbed nnhappiness until the horrible day when she came home and found that her beloved Sammy was missing. 6. It seemed years later that, after hopeless search, Joan dragged herself toward home. Suddenly, before her on the sidewalk were Harry and Betty — and there was Sammy, in the path of a truck! Frozen, Joan watched Betty fling herself forward. 9. As Harry awaited sentence, the court was disrupted by Steve Skidmore's "confession". He had seen Betty at the barn; upset by her resemblance to his dead wife, he knew he started to choke her; then his sick mind blacked out. 10. But Joan, despite great danger, finally trapped the Teal murderer — an enemy of Betty's who came upon her in time to finish what Steve had begun. And, joyfully, Joan helped decorate the chapel for the wedding of Steve and Irma. 53