Radio Mirror (Jan-June 1948)

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If YOU v/ant to enjoy that SUM " 'TEEN SIZE feeling . . Does a bulging tummy make I you look years older than you \ really are? Are ordinary girdles ^ uncomfortable to wear ... do they fail to flatten out your abdomen the way you want? Then here at last is the answer to your problem !SLIM-M0DE. the wonderful new adjustable health supporter girdle is scientifically constructed to belp you look and feel like a "Slim Sixteen". So why go on day after day with r a tired back that needs •posture support to bring lelief '' C Why look droopy and beyond jz your years because your mui *section bulges and yourclothe*: 'i_ don't tit right? Bead below » why SLIM-MODE brings you -^ vital control where you need It most . . . how it helps to "harmonize" your figure to more stylish liftes . . . why It's ■SO comfortable to wear. And remember, you can have a SLIMMODE sent to you to near on FREE TRIAL. Sea •ur ofCer iu *i\s jspupon. t The Adjustable ''SLIM-MODE" Comes /n 2 Styles — Choice of BRIEF I A) or PAHTY (Bl LIFTS AND FLATTENS YOUR BULGING TUMMY SLIM-MODE has a builtin front-laced r-anel. Adjust the laces to your own greatest comfort. Your tummy is lifted in to shape, flattened out . . .yet you feel truly comfortable. NATURALLY CONTROLLED S-T-R-E-T-C-H SLIM-MODE is made of two-way S-t-r-e-t-c-h ■ wonder cloth— it stretches as you breathe, bend, stoop, after meals, etc. HEALTH SUPPORTER GIRDLE HEALTHFUL, ENJOYABLE FIGURE CONTROL ALL DAY LONG! Tou can wear SLIM-MODE all day long. Will not bind or make you feel constricted. That's because the two-way 8-t-r-e-t-c-h cloth plus the frontlaced panel brings you perfect personalized fit. The design of SLIM-MODE is based on scientific facts of healthful figure control. Madu by experts of quality materials. Comes with detachable crotch of rayon satin material: also 4 detachable garters, (Remove garters when not wearing stockings.) Color: Nude. All sizes. Only $398 in regular sizes. Sent on Free Trial. Give measurements asked for In coupon below. pppr "Magic" Plastic Laces. For rnCC your extra added comfort you get a pair of Plastic laces that stretch gently as neetled. Try them In SLIM-MODE Instead of regular laces. See which you prefer. SEND NO MONEY YOU TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY ITl RONNIE SALES. Inc., Dept. F-525 I 487 Roadway, New York 13, N. Y. Send me for 10 days' FKEE TRIAL a SLIM -MODE. ' I will pay postman $3.98 (plus postage) (sizes 38 . and over $4.98) with the understanding that this | payment is only my evidence of good faith and is not to be considered a final purchase unless I decide | to keep the garment. In 10 days I will either return ' SLIM -MODE to you and you will return my money, _ or otherwise my payment will be a full and final | purchase price. n A. Brief D B. Parity I My waist measure is Hips are R M 90 My height is. Name Address City & Zone f State n Save IMoney. We pay postage if you enclose payment now. Same FREE TRIAL and refund privilege. The Gallant Bride and Groom (Continued from page 35) thousands taken prisoner during the opening months of combat. Jim was lucky enough, and strong enough, to survive almost four years of living hell in a Japanese prison camp. But he did not escape unscathed. The injuries he received during those years of imprisonment impaired his sight so badly that when he was finally liberated and discharged, his papers carried the grim notation: "Legally blind." "I've never underestimated the seriousness of what had happened to me," Jim said, "but neither did I have to be a pollyanna to know that I was still a lucky guy, with plenty of reasons for being happy. After all, there were the fellows who never did come back." Maybe that explains why Jim was so quickly accepted as a "great guy with a swell sense of humor," when he returned to civilian life, and why he was able to hold onto his good-natured enthusiasm for the plans he had made during those lonely years as a prisoner. First of all, the plans called for more education — Jim was aiming for a place in the business management field, and that meant a diploma from an accredited business college. HE FOUND the college all right— Armstrong's Business College in Richmond, California, and the "book-cracking" routine began. There was only one drawback — Jim could share in all classroom and lecture-hall activities, but there seemed no way in which he could keep up on all the home-study that had to be done each week. That was particularly true of his Commercial Law course, and Jim began to worry for the first time, as he got farther and farther behind in his required reading. Then he was notified that since he was listed as "legally blind," he was entitled to the service of a reader. But that posed another problem — who was to be his reader? His instructor in Commercial Law called for volunteers and, at the end of the class, came to Jim's seat to say, "I've found a reader for you — I think she is just the person you want." "She is just the person?" Jim echoed, in almost a panic. "I didn't mean a girl! I meant a fellow!" Inez still laughs at the remembrance of the look on Jim's face. "He honestly seemed scared to death — and after all the things I'd heard about his heroism in the war!" She managed to keep her amusement out of her voice as she assured Jim that her offer was completely impersonal, and that not the slightest complication could possibly arise from a strictlybusiness arrangement. "When I look back at that first meeting," Inez says, "I don't know why I wasn't at least a little bit offended at his reaction. I guess maybe it was because I could see that, underneath that marvelous sense of humor and wonderful poise, Jim was really shy. And then my feminine pride was assuaged during our first reading session — when I saw that he had donned his best suit, had his hair cut, and was being his most polite and charming self." They made an attractive couple — Jim, tall and handsome, carrying himself so erect, with a smile that offered quick friendship to all the world . . . Inez, pert and cute with soft brown hair and blue eyes, and with a natural lightheartedness that made living a happy adventure. Almost before they knew it, the daily reading sessions had become more important than any "strictly business" arrangement should have! been. "We still argue about which one of us first knew that we were falling in love," Jim said. "But I insist that I'm the one. Why, even before that first meeting was over, I began to get a funny feeling around my heart at the thought that we were going to see each other regularly." However, two months went by before Jim asked her for a date. "But he was leading up to it long before that," Inez remembers. "His studies included salesmanship and psychology — and I began to notice that he was applying the principles of both subjects in convincing me that we should be seeing more of each other." Soon there were almost as many dates as there were reading sessions. Sundays found them riding horse-back through the California hills; or strolling j hand in hand along the woodland trails ! near Richmond. "A thousand times the words were on my lips," Jim said, "but because her answer would mean so much to me, I kept waiting for the ideal moment." As often happens, the first of such moments came without planning. "We ■ were studying together," Inez explains, j "when Jim dropped his pencil. I leaned ! over to pick it up. He leaned forward ■ at the same moment, and suddenly he had kissed me. I don't remember if we ever did pick up the pencil — all I remember is that I knew then that I loved him with all my heart." "And I knew that I was going to ask her to be my wife," Jim said. "I shut away the thought that her answer might be no — that couldn't happen, when I loved her so very much." THE proposal came on the weekend that they visited Inez' folks in Berkeley, California. Walking through the Berkeley hills, they talked over all the happiness they had shared since the day they had met, all the ways in which each depended upon the other. Softly, Jim quoted from Longfellow's Hiawatha the poignant lines: "As unto the bow the cord is, So unto the man is woman, Though she bends him she obeys him. Though she draws him yet she follows. Useless each without the other." All of love was present in the little woodland glade as he placed the engagement ring on her finger, and held her close for a kiss that carried with it the promise of lasting happiness. Yes, theirs was a tender love story, and a happy love story. We at Bride and Groom feel unusually lucky to have played a part in one chapter of that story — the wedding-day chapter. Jim had once visited our studio the year before; and at that time had said it carried the sort of wedding-day happiness that he would want if he were married. So, not long after that Sunday in the Berkeley hills, we received the letter from him and Inez. They were able to come to Hollywood for a personal talk with us before the date on which they were to be our Bride and Groom. Before that talk was over, everyone on the program staff knew that this was to be a special mar