Radio mirror (Jan-June 1948)

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VACATION "Wrapped up, ready to enjoy.' *12L' . . .with a GREYHOUND EXPENSE-PAID TOUR A Greyhound "Amazing America Tour" is all planned and paid in advance— with hotel reservations made for you, sightseeing and entertainment arranged. Round-trip transportation is provided over optional scenic routes, at lowest possible fares— with assurance of Greyhound dependability and comfort all the way. Here are a few examples. Check the one that interests you! 3 DAY NEW YORK CITY TOUR Includes 2 nights and 3 days hotel accommodations, entertainment, sightseeing trips. 4 & 5 day tours also available. Greyhound ticket is extra. YEllOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK* __ 2 V2 day tour includes 2 nights at hotel, T A A*' ^ 8 tasty meals, all sightseeing transpor ~^ Q tadon. Greyhound ticket is extra. 4 DAY SAN FRANCISCO TOUR ^^ «^ 4 days at good hotel, sightseeing rl X**" trips of city, famous bridges, China ' ** D town. Greyhound ticket is extra. NEW ENGLAND CIRCLE TOUR U. COLONIAL VIRGINIA D. MONTREAL-QUEBEC D. GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS D. THOUSAND ISLANDS D. MAMMOTH CAVE & DIAMOND CAVERNS D. MACKINAC ISLAND D. FLORIDA D. PHILADELPHIA & ATLANTIC CITY D. PAU L B U N YAN TOUR D. CANADIAN ROCKIES D. COLORADO SPRINGS D. OLYMPIC PENINSULA D. LOS ANGELES D. SALT LAKE CITY D. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK D. UTAH PARKS D. GRAND CANYON D. MEXICO D. Many other Greyhound tours are available. If you have a special trip in mind, jot down your destination on margin below the coupon. MAIL THIS COUPON FOR TOUR INFORMATION Fill in this coupon and mail it to: GREYHOUND HIGHWAY TOURS, Dept. MW-6, 105 West Madison, Chicago 2, III. Be sure to put check-mark opposite tour which interests you. Name. Address City & State. .MW-6 20 ^FORMATION Step up and ask your questions — we'll try to find the answers FOR YOUR INFORMATION— If there's something you want to know about radio, write to Information Booth, Radio Mirror, 205 E. 42nd St N Y We 11 answer if we can either in Information Booth or by mail-^'but be sure to sign full name and address, and attach this box to your letter ALLEN LA FEVER TWENTIETH CENTURY MILO Dear Editor: I would like to know the name and age of the young man and the weight of the calf he lifted on the County Fair program about two years ago; also, the amount of money he realized from this. I am a listener of this program and have made a bet on the calf's weight at the time it was last lifted. Mrs. J. C. Philadelphia, Pa. It was in October, 1945, that Allen La Fever, then seventeen, began his attempt to emulate the Greek athlete Milo, who, about 520 B. C, lifted a calf each day until it became a cow. Allen's Phoebe then weighed a petite 75 pounds. On each succeeding Saturday Allen lifted Phoebe before the County Fair studio audience and, upon his accomplishment, was awarded a sum of money. Finally, on April 27, 1946, he regretfully called it quits when Phoebe topped 360 pounds. By this time he had amassed $4,700. Does this settle your bet? LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL? Dear Editor: Please tell me what happened to Stephen on Life Can Be Beautiful on NBC. Did he really die? Also, I would like to know who plays Phil Crawford in the same serial. ALICE keinheart Mr. E. L. D. Norfolk, Va. Yes, Stephen, played by John Holbrook, is dead. He succumbed to a heart attack caused by the death of his and Chichi's baby. Chichi is portrayed by Alice Reinheart, and here she is. Phil is played by Bud Collyer, who, incidentally, also undertakes the title role in Mutual's Superman. STILL OFF THE AIR Dear Editor: I would like to know who played the role of Aunt Emily on the radio program Those We Love starring Donald Woods and Nan Grey. Your answer will settle a friendly discussion about the program. Will it be on the air again? Miss M. H. Pittsburgh, Pa. This role was played by that veteran ALMA KRUGER CHUCK ACRES of the acting world. Alma Kruger, who has been busy in motion pictures. You saw her in Our Hearts Were Young and Gay as well as in the popular Dr. Kildare pictures. Those We Love is still off the air. MEMORY EXPERT Dear Editor: Please, please give us a picture of the man with the most fascinating voice on the air, the man who emcees Hint Hunt on the air daily over CBS. He is also on Saturday evenings for the Full 0 Pep program. I have never seen his name in print so will spell it as it sounds when pronounced— Chuck Acrees. Mrs. H. F. G. Toledo, Ohio Chuck Acree (omit the "s"), is a memory expert, too. He can read back fifty-two cards after one look at them. Occasionally^ for a Hint Hunt audience he does the same stunt with household articles listed by the women in the studio. FAVORITE ACTOR Dear Editor: Some friends and I have chosen Matthew Crowley our favorite radio actor and we would like to see what he looks like. Also, we're interested in the boy who plays Robin on the Superman program. What's his name? Miss N. F. C. Bristol, R. I! Here's your choice — Matt Crowley, whom you knew as John in John's Other Wife and, until recently, Dr. James Brent in Road of Life. Ronny Liss is the lad who plays Robin in Superman. THE DIXIELANDER I would like to know where Janette Davis comes from. I enjoy her singing on CBS's Arthur Godfrey Show. Mrs. J. E. Everett, Wash. janette davis This lovely songstress was born in Memphis, Tennessee. Before starring on the networks, she had her own show on a Shreveport, La., station. Besides her stint on the Arthur Godfrey Show, she has a MATT CROWLEY