Radio Mirror (Nov 1937-Apr 1938)

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RADIO MIRROR Hidden Drama Behind the Tyrone Power — Don Ameche Friendship (Continued from page 13) But in March, two months before, Zanuck had signed another screen unknown, a radio actor who had knocked them cold on the air, and this actor had proceeded immediately to knock them colder on the screen in "Ramona." To 20th CenturyFox then this was the greatest possible good fortune, because that studio had an enormous production schedule, but practically no box-office stars outside of Shirley Temple. TO say that Don Ameche was the fairhaired boy of the lot is putting it mildly; he was Prince Charming rescuing a damsel in distress. Tyrone Power chose this of all moments to come not only to Hollywood but — of all places — to 20th Century-Fox. And the guy he was gladdest to see and who was tickled to death to see him was his old best friend and professional nemesis — Don Ameche! They hadn't seen each other since Ty had come through Chicago in a road company. And even if Ty had any idea of the setup he was bucking it didn't make five cents' worth of difference. They celebrated. The strangest thing about the friendship of Don and Ty is that it has flourished and rooted deeper in the face of things that, as I said, usually bury friendship six feet deep. They weren't nearly the pals in Chicago that they have become in Hollywood. And nowhere have two friends been thrown into fiercer competition for success. All the choice parts in the big pictures were tagged "Don Ameche." Ty drew what was left. It was exactly as it had been in Chicago. They put him in a thankless bit in "Girls' Dormitory." Why not? He was an unknown quantity; no name in the movie sense. And Don had fan mail piling up like a Roosevelt landslide. There wasn't anything either one of them could do about it. Yet this was the time when Don and Ty really came to know each other and cement their friendship in a hundred ways. The busy whirl of Hollywood, multiple careers and the demands of success keep Don and Ty apart more now than then. Ty, of course, is a bachelor while Don is the most married man you ever saw, and completely happy around his home and family. But in the first months that both were exposed to this strange and wonderful new7 world, neither had many other friends; consequently they saw each other constantly. The Ameches then, as now, were inveterate diners out. Don is perfectly domestic in every respect but dinners; he likes bright lights and music for relaxation after a day on the set or in the studio. IJATU RALLY Ty, being a bachelor and ■^ alone, was the perfect dinner third. The threesome became a foursome when a girl — blonder even than Don's wife, Honore — started coming along with Ty. She had been with Don in "One In A Million." Her name was Sonja Henie. All the time, though they never mentioned it, things were heading toward a showdown for Don and Ty at the studio. One day it happened. Don was called in to make a test for the big picture of the year, "Lloyds of London." At the same time. Ty was called in to test for the same part. Don didn't know Ty was being tested; he supposed the part was a cinch for himself. He was pretty happy about it too. Ty had no idea Don was being tested; if he had had he would have considered it no use. "So they both made their tests. That night they all met for dinner. Neither mentioned "Lloyd's." That happened twice. THERE was no decision from the first tests. Studio big wigs couldn't make up their minds. They decided to try both young actors again. Don and Ty went through a second set of tests. Don still hadn't the faintest doubt he was slated for the part, was still ignorant that Ty was being tested too. Ty, on the other hand, suspected his competition now and considered his case hopeless. On his way around the lot he hid his costume wig in his coat when he saw Don coming. He felt guilty somehow competing with Don Ameche for a part; he didn't want Don to know. Out at 20th Century-Fox, a lot of people remember the day in the Gold Room of the Cafe de Paris when Tyrone Power came in and sat down beside Don Ameche to tell him the news. He came up bashfully, almost apologetically, with the boyish grin that is part of his charm on his face. They had just told him the part was his. But to Ty it didn't seem quite right. He couldn't get over the idea that Don should have had first choice. If he had any fears, and he did, as to how Don would take it they quickly van What Two Things Happen When You Are Constipated? When you are constipated two things happen. FIRST : Wastes swell up the bowels and press on nerves in the digestive tract. This nerve pressure causes headaches, a dull, lazy feeling, bilious spells, loss of appetite and dizziness. 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