Radio mirror (Nov 1937-Apr 1938)

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RADIO MIRROR RELIEVE ACID INDIGESTION WITH AMAZING SPEED YES, TUMS, a remarkable, new discovery brings amazing quick relief from indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, gas, and constant burning caused by excess acid. For TUMS work on the true basic principle. Act unbelievably fast to neutralize excess acid conditions. Acid pains are relieved almost at once. TUMS contain no laxatives; no harmful drugs. Guaranfeedfoconfam no soda.OverlJ^ billion TUMS already used — proving their amazing benefit. Try TUMS today. Only 10c for 12 TUMS at all druggists. Most economical relief. Chew like candy mints. Get a handy 10c roll today, or the three roll economy package with metal container for only 25c. '1=\4'A IN ADVANCE HERE'S QUICK WAY to get the caeh ou need. Supply Amazing hosiery (men's, — " women's, children's). Guaranteed to wear HP.^-Tol without holes, snaea or runs for as long as HALF YEAR or will be replaced FREE. Fords given as bonu3. Grace Wilber earned $37.10 in 9 hours, received 3 new cars. aoNusl Mr. Poirer earned $127.00 in 6 days. Send penny postal _ — for quick starting offer. NOW! WILKNIT HOSIERY CO., Box 12-A-8, Midway. Greenfield, Ohio SUFFERERS FROM PSORIASIS SPOT D€RmOI L TI$T/ Don't mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly, embarrassing, scaly skin disease psoriasis. Apply non-staining Dermoil. Thousands of men and women use it. Grateful users, often after years of suffering, report the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared and they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money is refunded without question. Beautiful book on Psoriasis and Dermoil with amazing proof of results Free, or send 25c for generous trial bottle to make our famous "One Spot Test1'. Prove it yourself no matter how long you have suffered or what you have tried. Shipped to many foreign countries. Don't delay. Write today. Give druggist's name. LAKE LABORATORIES, Box 6, Northwestern Station, Dept. M-23, Detroit, Mich. GENEROUS TRIAL SIZE 25^ STAMPS OR COIN FEMININE HYGIENE SIMPLE • QUICK • EASY The vogue of using Pariocen Tablets for Feminine Hygiene seems to have Started when it became noised about that they were so dependable and simple, quirk and easy to use — much easier and more satisfactory than the old methods which required applicators or other accessories. Thousands of women have found Pariogen Tablets to be harmless, greaseless, odorless and yet effective and genuinely antiseptic. Buy a tube of 12 from your druggist ^4 today or send for free sample. (PA(frO°(Q)°GEN r Pronounced PAR-I-O-JEN) togen Tablets Dept. 2712 American Drug & Chemical Co. 420 S. Sixth St., Minneapolis. Minn. pened to Betty Van, his one-time pipester. I liked her voice. fHARLES CORRELL (Amos of the '^" famed team) has that strange glint in his orbs these days. He's daffy on the subject of candid-cameras and fights with everybody (including the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker) who tries to get him to leave his beloved darkroom for a party of one kind or another. I WAS amused at Ann Jamison's little ' niece who came out to Hollywood to visit the songbird. Ann taught the youngster the Lord's Prayer, but eyebrows went up when the babe returned home and reported as follows: "Our Father which art in Heaven, Hollywood be thy name . . ." * * * VIA WIRE — Prediction: The fastest flight up in many a moon — beautiful blonde Florence George, prima donna of the Packard show. . . Ben Alexander is forsaking radio for a return tackle at the schooling problem. Is eyeing Stanford with (four years hence) a touch of Harvard Law School. Thinks being a Hollywood lawyer might be something (it would) . . . Andy flew his bride to Del Monte for the honeymoon and one of his friends also planed up there to snap in-the-air candid shots en route. By the way, why wouldn't Amos pose for pictures with the happy newlyweds at the after-wedding reception? . . . Marion Talley is a one, all right. She bought a new Beverly Hills igloo — lived in it a month or so and then moved back to the BeverlyWilshire . . . She gave the house to her family . . . You should get an eyeful of John Barrymore at NBC. He's wearing a marcelled wig for his new picture and it lays the radioites in the aisles. By the by, you might be glad to know that Elaine is taking to kidding the profile phellow (our way of saying Barrymore) whenever he gets too engrossed in himself or his parts at rehearsals. Very cute to hear Elaine say, "Remember me? I'm your wife. I'm on the program too. Remember?" (John does) . . . Meredith Willson, the very serious batoneer, is a writer of poesy and verse. Sometimes sets his words to those funny dots musicians play tunes with . . . Eleanore Whitney is all tied up in Johnny Downs (speaking of the heart) but his bonfire burns for tiny Jane Rhodes, who lilts on the Packard show . . . But ease your fears, Eleanore. Jane is still in her teens and dassn't go out with Mr. Downs unless her mammy and brother are along . . . There might be an aftermath to the verbal beating the Marx Brothers gave Charlie Butterworth on a recent Packard show. They didn't do Charlie much good with their patter — not to mention the sponsor's go-carts ... A secretary at CBS wants to charge a large food concern for advertising space. She's painted the name of their products on the backs of her pet turtles. (What folks won't do for a gag — or a columnist for a line) . . . Of course, you know that when Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone came back from Europe, they were met at the dock by Mary's sister, Babe Marx, and their female offspring Joanie Benny. All trained West except Jack, who is nuts about driving. Mary says he's nuts when he is driving— but maybe radio's ace funnyman will have an answer for that . . . Day after first fall Hollywood Mardi Gras program, Producer Joe Stauffer went to a hospital with nervous exhaustion, supervisor Pat Weaver hit the hay from a like complaint. The pressure on the producers of the new programs from Hollywood is terrific. Competition is keener than a Scotchman's sense of silver. SHE WAS ASHAMED OF HER SKINNY BODY But She Gained 7 Flattering Pounds on First Bottle of Kelnamalt-Now FEELS GREAT! How New Iron, Iodine and Vitamin Concentrate From the Sea Gave Pale, Scrawny, Skinny Giri Lovely New Figure, New Strength and Energy. I It's the Iron, Iodine and Vitamins in Blood and Glands that Change Food into Flesh. Posed by Professional Model "I am 5 ft. 5 in. tall. Before I was married 1 weighed 110 lbs. That wasn't much, but better than the 94 lbs. I've weighed ever since my boy was born 5 years ago. "I was always active in out-of-door sports and in dancing, but honestly. I've been ashamed to put on a bathing suit or an evening gown for the last 4 summers. Being so skinny actually changed my mode of living. "Now. however. I have discovered Kelpamalt. I have taken just 100 tablets and I've gained 7 lbs. Think of it. Seven pounds in 16 days. Believe me, I've sent for another bottle. 1 feel so well. Too. and my friends are remarking on my looks. My only regret is that I didn't start taking Kelpamalt sooner. Three cheers for Kelpamalt! The best beauty prndu-t on the market." Mrs. F. H., Camden. Me. Thousands are dangerously rundown because of malnourishment — due to a lack of iron, iodine and vitamins necessary for the body's chemical processes. Kelpamalt, made from an amazing Pacific Oean plant contains not only the four important vitamins A. C. D and G. but is also rich in iron. iodine and contributes to the supply of other essential minerals. These precious elements are vitally important to the health and proper functioning of the blood, liver and glands. They enable you to get the good out of your food. Make This Simpfe Test Try Seedol Kelpamalt for 1 week. See if. like thousands of others, you don't feel better, sleep better, eat belter, and add at least 5 husky new lbs. the fir-t week. If you don't, the trial is free. It costs you nothing! Your own doctor will approve this way. Get Seedol Kelpamalt now. It costs but a few cents a day to use and is sold at all good drug stores. Beware of cheap substitutes. Insist on the genuine SEEDOL KeSpamalt^/^ SPECIAL FREE OFFER Write today for fascinating instructive 50-page honklet on How Thousands Have Built Strength, Energy and Added Lbs. Quickly. Mineral and Vitamin contents of food and their effects on the human body. New facts about NATURAL IODINE. Standard weight and measurement charts. Daily menus for weight building. Absolutely free. No obligation. Kelpamalt Co., Dept. 1349, 27 West 20th St.. N. Y. C. 81