Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated July 26, 1924 No. 10 OFFICIAL BALLOT Announcers' Contest RADIO DIGEST FIRST ANNUAL GOLD CUP AWARD Gold Cup Award Editor, Radio Digest. 510 North Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Please credit this ballot as one vote for: .of Station. (Announcer's name) (Call letters) Address Signed City. .State., If you desire, tell below in five or less words what you most like about the announcer for whom you have cast this ballot: HAY FAMILY LEADS IN GOLD CUP AWARD GEORGE, WLS, WITH BILL, KFKX, LEADERS NOW "Hired Hand" and J. M. Witten Third and Fourth at Halfway Point in Voting George Hay, WLS, Chicago, leads the balloting in the Radio Digest First Annual Gold Cup Award! At the halfway point (for the tabulation of votes given herewith was made immediately following publication of the eighth ballot), voting is still slow on account of listeners saving their ballots in consecutive series to get bonus counts. And it is on account of that saving that the dope may be overturned from issue to issue from now on! "While "The Solemn Old Judge" now has a lead of over eight hundred votes on his nearest competitor for honors as world's best, next week's returns will show — ah, but we will have to wait till next week to find out just what it will show. Watch out for the dark horses! There is at least seventy-five of them not listed below. Hay Family Likes Gold Cups Bill Hay, KFKX, Hastings, second in the number of votes, is pushing his namesake hard for first place. It isn't because of mistake in name either, for every ballot is labeled KFKX. Evidently popularity runs in the Hay family. The famous "Hired Hand" (we aren't allowed to tell his name) of WBAP, Fort Worth, is in third place. Members of the Truth Society — to the rescue! Let's don't get into a Democratic convention deadlock on this question. J. M. Witten, WOS, Jef-fer-son Ci-ty, holds down fourth position without a murmur. JMK is good at that. Look at the way he holds down the Missouri State Prison band. How Other Nominees Stand How the other nominees stand can best be gleaned from the following tabulation, which includes only those having to their credit fifty votes or more Name Station "Votes George Hay WLS 2309 Bill Hay KFKX 1467 Hired Hand WBAP 1001 J. M. Witten WOS 855 Jack Nelson WGN 701 Fred Smith WLW 655 John Daggett KHJ 566 Richard Haller KGW 498 Kolin Hager WGY 496 Gene Rouse WOAW • 410 Leo Fitzpatrick WDAF 407 H. W. Arlin KDKA 378 Sen Kaney WGN 364 Lambkin Kay WSB 332 S. W. Bamett woe 279 3. T. Schilling WHB 255 Paul Johnson WLAG 221 Major J. J. Fanning WNAC 210 H. E. Ehrhart WDAR 205 Elmer Johnson WJAX 111 A. R. Herske WTAM 99 John Reilly WJAR 97 Joseph Sartory WCAE 88 E. W. Tyson WWJ 85 Harold Selyer WHAS 84 F. W. Johnson CHYC 79 Charles Erbstein WTAS 39 C. R. Emery WGI 68 C. A. Gaal KUO 67 Miss V. A. L. Jones KSB 66 Eleanor Poehler WLAG 65 N. T. Granlund WHN 64 John Reilly WJAR 63 Major Andrew White WJZ 62 Graham McNamee WEAF 60 Milton Cross WJZ 59 Jennings Pierce KGO 58 William Ludgate KSD 56 Howard Milholland KGO 54 Jleid WJZ 53 William F. Holliday WWJ 52 Morgan Eastman KYW 51 F. A. Buhlert KFJC 50 P. A. Greene WSAI 50 Henry Field KFNF 50 A. F. Edes WBZ 50 Walter Wilson KYW 50 Save Votes for Bonus Count! With this issue is given the tenth ballot (top of page two). There will be but six more. Listeners sending in a complete series of eight ballots for their choice will be given a twenty-five vote bonus, or a total of thirty-three votes. BUT if the complete series of sixteen ballots is saved and voted at one time for one announcer, the lucky recipient will be credited with a bonus of seventy-five, or a total of ninety-one votes. The Gold Cup Award editor will have a large increase in votes to report next issue. Early returns indicate many surprises, maybe a stampede. Who knows? WQJ, UNKNOWING, AIRS REHEARSALS Ballet Master and Orchestra Leader Didn't Know Microphone Was on CHICAGO. — One of the most extemporaneous programs ever put on the air, came recently from Radiocast WQJ, CalumetRainbo Gardens station here. During an afternoon program talent was exhausted, so the ever alert announcer, Jerry Sullivan, cut in the orchestra microphone in the ballroom where the Rainbo Gardens show was rehearsing. Listeners were astonished and well pleased by the impromptu performance, sounding something like this: "All together now, kick higher! Say, what's the matter with you girls, can't you kick a little higher?" A few moments later, the orchestra was heard, and after playing a few bars, stopped. "Ooooooh, what a sour note! Who did that? Try it over again, and see if you can keep time." Again the orchestra started off, this time it finished playing one of the popular airs, and was rewarded by a word of approval from Ralph Williams, orchestra leader. While smilingly looking over the orchestra, he glanced up. With a look of consternation at seeing the red Radiocast warning light he cried, "Keep quiet everyone. The microphone is on." Larger Stations Gain as Smaller Lose in Number WASHINGTON, D. C. — A compilation of various classes of Radiocast stations just made by officials of the Radio section of the department of commerce, shows that there has been a loss in the smaller stations and a gain in the better class. There were 377 class A stations on June 30 of this year as compared with 203 in the same month of last year; 54 class B stations this year as compared with 42 last year; 101 class C stations as compared with 327 last year; and two class D stations as compared with one last year. CONTENTS Radio Digest, Illustrated, Volume X, Number 3. published Chicago, Illinois July 26, 1924. Published weekly by Hadio Digest Publishing Company. 510 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. Subscription rates, yearly, Five Dollars; Foreign 1'ostage One Dollar additional; single copies Ten Cents. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. "All the live News of Radio" 1 to 6 Before They Thought of "Mikes," an announcer puzzle 5 Operating and Trouble Shooting for Owners of a Nightingale 4-Tube Set 7 An Evening at Home with the Listener In, a chart to show when to listen in for your favorite station 8 Advance Programs for the Week at the Larger Stations 9-12 Thirty-Minute A-B-C Lessons for Beginners, Chapter XVIII, Fart II — Hero Circuits of Radio, by P. E. Edelman 13 England's New Unidyne Hadio Receiver, Fart III — Radio Frequency Hook-up 15 Flewelling Super Portable Set, Long Distance One-Tube Circuit 17 Questions and Answers 18 Directory of Radiophone Stations, Part IV 19 Radio Illustrated, a page of pictures 20 Looking Ahead What Is Doing in Complicated Circuits? If you're interested, Paul Edelman's next article should appeal to you, for that is his very subject. In it he will study the various methods of stabilizing Radio frequency and some of the peculiarities of reflex circuits. Do you know how to stabilize a Radio frequency set to stop self-oscillation? Read Mr. Edelman's next "Thirty-Minute A-B-C" chapter. From Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Hastings, Nebraska, on One Tube is the performance record of the set to be described next week by M. J. Rondeau, who seemingly has designed an excellent split variometer circuit. Readers desiring distance with a minimum expenditure for parts will no doubt be interested in the details of Mr. Rondeau's amazing outfit. E. T. Flewelling Comes to the Fore Again — this time hearing Poldhu, England, in Chicago, using but a single tube loop aerial set, connected, of course, in his marvel super-regenerative hook-up. We promised Mr. Flewelling had something new for you. He has — the Poldhu reception wasn't it — but wait awhile. He'll tell you through Radio Digest exclusively! Watch the Gold Cup Race Standings Next Week. Will George Hay still lead? Who will hold second, and third positions? The voting is really but starting. The heavy count will register at the close when readers turn in solid blocks of sixteen consecutive ballots (entitling a bonus of seventy-five votes) for their favorites. Take Radio Digest with You on Your Vacation WHEN YOU WANT Radio Digest YOU WANT IT! BE SURE OF YOUR WEEKLY COPY BY SUBSCRIBING NOW SEND IN THE BLANK TODAY Publisher Radio Digest, 510 N. Dearborn St.. Chicago, lllnois. Please find enclosed check M. 0. for Five Dollars (Six. Foreign) for One Year's Subscription to Radio Digest, Illustrated. Name Address City ..State "Best Crystal\ EverDesignedJj Freshman *< Double Adjustable Crystal Detector At last the experimenter who has searched for the ideal crystal can now depend upon a perfect detector. The new Freshman Double Adjustable Crystal Detector has met every requirement of the ideal unit. It affords uninterrupted, noiseless, distortionless reception, yielding extraordinary volume with entire absence of squeals and howls often introduced by vacuum tube detectors. The World's Best for Crystal or Reflex Sets $J.SO 50c Freshman Double Adjustable Crystal Detector for panel or base use, complete Freshman Super-Crystal with NonMetallic Housing. Fits any standard detector unit At your dealer's or send purchase price and yon will be supplied postpaid. r n E r t Write for building plans and hook-ups F 1\ L C . for Super -Heterodyne, Keflex and other popular circuits. Ask for list L-107. /lias. Freshman (o. Inc. \Sadio\ Condenser Wodud* 106 Seventh Ave. New York City Entertainment ~i&I)ere-e$erifoii€yo -^ SOMEWHERE — almost any hour of the afternoon, evening or night there is a concert, a jazz band or a funny story being broadcast that you can tune in on the Crosley 51P portable. Take your entertainment with you. This exceptional receiver will give loud speaker volume on local stations at all times and on distant stations under fair receiving conditions. Better -Cost Less Radio Products Tills Crosley Portable, licensed under Armstrong U. S. Patent No. 1,113,149, Is only $25.00 without accessories. Never before was a portable instrument with such a reputation for performance offered at such a low price. Buy 100% Satisfaction. Get a Crosley See the full line at your dealers. The Crosley Radio Corporation POWEL CROSLEY. JR., President 7494 Alfred Street Cincinnati, Ohio Crosley Owns and Operates Broadcasting Station WLW miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii