Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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RADIO P I G F. S T— Illustrated July 26, 1924 NOMINATION CERTIFICATE Announcers' Contest Radio Digest First Annual GOLD CUP AWARD GOLD CUP AWARD Editor, Radio Digest, 510 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: I nominate Station and Call Signed Address Town S'.alc TRANSMIT CHEAPER USING SHORT WAVE NEW SYSTEM TO INCREASE SPEED OF MESSAGES Marconi Talks to Large Audience in England About New Experiments with Beam Transmission LONDON. — Speaking before the Royal Society of Aits here recently, Senatore Guglielmo Marconi, gave the results of his experiments in beam system of transmission which he conducted on board his private yacht, while at sea. Senatore Marconi told of his recent experiments on his yacht Elecktra — which is one of the wonders of the world and tquipped with probably the finest Radio station in existence — transmitting signals by the new beam or short wave system, through vast distances in record time with a fraction of the power required for the i.rrsent long distance Radiocast installations. Signals have been exchanged by the new method between Cornwall, England, and Argentina, with such regularity and extraordinary speed that he is certain it will permit service between Europe and the United States to be conducted at any speed, and with low power expenditure. He is confident that with the new system wireless stations will be able to handle more than double the traffic in six hours that they are able to handle now in twenty hours with the super Radio stations. Will Speed Up Service By means of the new system, economical low power stations can be established which will maintain a direct high speed service with the most distant parts of the globe during a considerable number of fixed hours of the day, he said. The system also will bring about comparative secrecy, unobtainable with any other system of Radio communication, and is so economical it will make possible a general reduction of the telegraphic rates. Beam Waves Directional "It was only recently discovered," said Marconi, "that these short waves, which alone can be, in practice, confined to beams of definite direction, are capable of results not obtainable by the use of the lower frequency or long wave system, which up to now has held the field for long distance Radio communication. His tests on the yacht Elecktra convinced Senatore Marconi that it would be possible to carry out reliable commercial services for a large portion of every twenty-four hours over distances of at least 23,000 miles by using only one kilowatt of energy. To his surprise Senatore Marconi said he had found signals from Cornwall, England, were received strongly and clearly in Sydney, Australia, and they were better than those received from the high power station at Carnarvon, England, used for ordinary transmission. During May, American Radio manufacturers exported $299,903 worth of apparatus to 45 countries. Canada took the bulk. HANSEN BIRD CAGE line 4-TUBE PORTABLE RECEIVER $Q O-SO COMPLETE "Don't forget that this is not an ear phone — but a loud speaker portable." Here is the "NIGHTINGALE PORTABLE" in a fine case ready to walk away with. Take it with you on your Vacation, Auto Trip or to your Summer Camp or Home. When you come back with it, take it out of the case and use it as a home Radio Receiving Set. It is complete in all details including aerial, batteries and collapsible loud speaker It is only 16%x9%x8% inches in size and weights 25 pounds. It is ready to operate when you get it and costs Write for $92.50 4-TUBE RADIO SET $0 0.50 NIGHTINGALE RADIO Tt is simplified Radio at its best and at a price withing reach of all. It is small but has a 2000 mile range with a loud speaker. Its small size makes it ideal for vacations or auto trips. One stage of R. F. helps to reduce static. Hansen MOCKINGBIRD. 6 Tube Long Distance Loop Set Hansen MEADOW LARK. <Cl QA fkf» 6 Tube Set in a Beautiful Spinet Desk "Piov.w Literature $90.00 Dealers — A wonderfully attractive proposition JOBBERS — We want one responsible and active distributor in each state ^ a clonal Distributor I O DEPART H mr "THE MILLION DOLLAR WAREHOUSE CO." 120134 JEFFERSON ST., MILWAUKEE DISTRICT DISTRIBUTORS Badger Radio Co Milwaukee, Wis. I United Auto Supply Co Columbus, Ohio Phil Gross Hdw. Co Milwaukee, Wis. Reins & Meiss Co Cincinnati, Ohio Goulding Mfg. Co Milwaukee, Wis. | Penn. Nightingale Co Bellevue, Pa. NEW CIRCULARS OUT TODAY THE NEW DE LUXE AMBASSADOR $ 27 .95 C.O.D. Send for new handsome descriptive circular, FREE, showing official g and private tests, reports, etc., proving how wonderfully the "De = Luxe Ambassador" overcomes summer reception troubles. m SET CONSISTS OF 1 DRILLED 7 x 10 Radion Mahoganite Panel, engraved in Gold. 1 Genuine Ambassador Master 3-Circuit Litzendracht Tuning Coil. 1 Genuine C o m s c o Bakelite-End Condenser. 1 Triploid Mounting Socket. 2 Premier Hegehog Audio Transformers 4 Brunswick Underslung Foundation Brackets. 2 Brunswick Jacks with Gold Plated Fronts; 1 for phones; 1 for loud speaker. 1 Freshman Mica Grid Condenser. 1 Standard Glass-Enclosed Grid Leak. 2 30 Ohm Shackton Bakelite Rheostats. 2 Moulded Mahogany Dials grained to match panel. 5 Lengths Professional Round Bus-Bar. 1 Set of 7 Moulded Engraved Binding Posts completely mounted. 1 Special Blue Print for this circuit. Not an ordinary hook-up, but in clear picture form child can understand and make. 'led ready to wire, and packed in hand '. complete, „ Onlv 827.95 C. 0. D. Send no money. ACCESSORIES Everything needed to operate after building is listed here — 3 Type 201-A Tested Tubes $11.70 1 60-Ampere Hour Storage Battery $11.25 2 45-Volt Extra Large Enco "B" Batteries $6.50 1 pr. 3000-ohm Head Phones and Cord $3.75 1 Phone Plug, Double $ .98 1 Antenna Equipment $1.50 Complete outfit, $35.60 (Parts Also Sold Separately) SPLENDID CABINET Order Building Kit and Accessory Outfit both together, and we will send Fine Mahogany Finish Cabinet FREE. FREE Now again you can buy this GREATEST of Genuine Licensed Hazeltine 5-tube ISeutrodynes which we recently stopped advertising because the Special Parts necessary for perfect synchronization could not be secured fast enough to supply our orders. A new edition of FREE illustrated descriptive circulars is now ready. Send for your WHAT THIS GENUINE STANDARD SET CONSISTS OF Fits Snugly Behind a 7x10 PANEL SHIPPED TO YOU AS A COMPLETE 3-TUBE PORTABLE ASSEMBLY ALL READY TO WIRE All Mounted Like Picture SPECIAL SUIT CASE CABINET Space for set, "A" and "B" Batteries and Antenna. Covered with fine automobile leather Fabrikoid, reinforced corners, handle, special convenient doors. A truly elegant, high-class affair that you will delight to own. Additional— 1 Tubular Glass Grid Leak. 1 Set Engraved Binding Posts. 1 .002 Micon Condenser. 1 .006 Jlicon Condenser. Exact size special blue print and instructions. ill packed In attractive box. Complete Building Kit, $34.49 C. O. D. $12.00 97> RADIO' MA\CKl LARGEST RADIO DEALERS IN AMERICA! Broadcasting Regularly from Our Own Studios Through 1 1 Drilled Mahoganite Panel, polished mahogany effect, engraved in gold. 3 Four inch Mahoganite Dials, gold engraved. 2 Gold Plated Jacks. 3 Genuine Hazeltine Neutroformers mounted on the famous Comsco Bakelite End Condensers. Positively the only Neutrodyne Kit including them. 2 Hazeltine Neutrodons. 5 Heavy Bakelite Sockets. 1 6-0hm Rheostat with gold plated knob to match panel. 1 30-ohm Rheostat with gold plated knob to match panel. 2 Genuine Killark Completely Shielded Audio Transformers. 1 Baseboard. 20 Feet Tinned Bus-bar. 1 .00025 Freshman Grid Condenser. OPERATING OUTFIT 5 Tested Tubes (Type 201 A).... $19.50 2 45-Volt Extra Large Variable Batteries for Neutro Send No Money dyne 6.50 We ship C. O. D. When ship station WHN Executive Offices, Dept. RD726 55 VESEY ST., NEW YORK CITY Every Article Sold on WRITTEN Money Back Guarantee llll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 4 Big Specials: Fada 160 Factory Built Sets with Serial Numbers LIST $120 II 1 60-Ampere Hour Storage Bat' tery, guaranteed 2 years 11.25 1 pr. 3000-ohm Head Phones and Cord 3.75 1 Phone Plug-, double 90 1 Antenna Equipment 1.50 • Complete Outfit, $43.40, C.O.D. (Parts Also Sold Separately) If you order Building' Kit and OperatingOutfit both together, we will include Pine Mahogany Finish CABINET FREE. Ill FREED-EISEMANN NEUTRODYNE KIT LIST $24 N„„$1950|Fadal20 iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy Genuine 5-Tube Kit LIST $63.25 III ment arrives pay your postman. Then enjoy your purchase under our WRITTEN MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. Remember, you buy SAFELY from The Radio Shack, the Largest Radio Dealers in America — built . upon Quality, Service, Value and the universal Respect and Confidence of the radio public. illlllillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ >48l v.?.! $6-50l