Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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July 26, 1924 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated Radiophone Broadcasting Stations Corrected Every Wee k — P art IV FIND MISTAKES AND YOU'LL GET DOLLAR ONE DOLLAR will be paid to the Radiophan reader of Radio Digest submitting the most errors in any one station's listing in the Directory of Radiophone Stations, which appears in five parts, serially continuously, on page 19. Letters must reach Radio Digest's office not later than one week from date of issue corrected. Readers are not limited to correcting one station, but such corrections must be verified by the stations themselves, and NOT by comparison to other socalled accurate broadcasting directories or lists. Turn in corrections for as many stations as you can find — if you can find errors! Use separate sheet of paper for each station submitted and place name and address on each sheet. In <;ase of tie, duplicate awards will be made. (The following schedules completes the alphabetical station data list, Part III of which was given last iveek.) WKBF, Providence. H. I. 286 meters. 500 watts. Dutee W. Flint. Inc. Slogan. "Quality First." Hon, 5-6 pm. children's hour. Thurs, 7:30-8:30 pro. Sun, 6-7:10 pm, organ. Every other Tues, 8:30-10:30 pm. Eastern daylight saving. WKY Oklahoma City, Okla. 360 meters. 100 watts. WKY Eadio Shop. Mon, 9-10:30 pro. Thurs, 9:30-11 pm, concert. Daily ex Sun, 7-7:30, sports. Sun, 11 am, 7 pm, church service. Central, WLAG, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn. 417 meters. 500 watts. Cutting & Wash. Hadio Corp. Slogan, "The Twin City Eadio Central in the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes." Daily ex Sun, 9:30 am, 9:40, 10, 10:30, 10:45, 11:30. 2 pm, 2:30, 4, 6. 7:30, 9:15, markets, lectures, music; 5:30-6 pm, children's program. Mon, Thurs, 2:40 pm, matinee. Mon. Tues, Thur" 6:15-7 pm. music. Wed, Fri, Sat, 8:15-9:15 pm music; 11-12:30, dances. Sat, 11-12:30 am, music. Sun, 10:30 am. 4:15 pm, 6:30, 7:45, church services. Central. WLAH, Syracuse, N. Y. 234 meters. 100 watts. Samuel Woodworth. No regular shedule. WLAL, Tulsa, Okla. 360 meters. 100 watts. Nay lor Eiec. Co. Wed, Fri, 8 pm, music. Sun, 11 am, 7:30 pm. church services. Central, WLAP, Louisville, Ky. 3 60 meters. 20 watts. W. V. Jordon. Tues, Fri, 9:20-10 pm. Central daylight 'vt LAQ, Kalamazoo. Mich. 283 meters. 10 watts. Arthur E. Schilling. Daily ex Sun, 11:30-12:30 pm. Thurs, 10:30-12:30 pm. Sun, 2:30-5 pm. Central Daylight WLAV, 'Pensacola. Fla. 254 meters. 20 watts. Elec. Shop, Inc. Daily Mon, Tues, Fri, 8-9 pm, music, entertainment. Central. WLAW, New York. N. Y. 360 meters. 500 watts. New York Police Dept. WLAX, Greencastle, Ind. 231 meters. 10 watts. Greencastle Community Broadcasting Station. (Putnam Elec. Co.). Tues. 7:30 pm; Thurs, 7:30. Sun, 7:45 pm, church services. Central. WLB, Minneapolis, Minn. 360 meters. 5 watts. U. or Minn. Dept. of Elec. Eng. WLBL, Stevens Pojnt, Wis. 2(8 meters. aOO watts. Wisconsin Dept. of Markets. Slogan, "Wisconsin, Land of Beautiful Lakes." Daily ex Sun, 8:45 am, 9:45, 10:45. 11:45, 12:30 pro, 1:45, markets; 2, news. Wed, 8 pm, music. Central. WLS, Chicago, 111. 345 meters. 500 watts. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Daily ex Sun, 1-2 pm, farm program. Tues, Thurs, 6:30-1 am. Wed, Fri, 6:30-11 pm. Sat, 8-12 midnight, bam dance. Sun, 6:30-8 pm. Central daylight saving. WLW, Cincinnati, O. 423 meters. 500 watts. Crosley Radio Corp. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 am, 1:30 pm; daily ex Sat, Sun, 3, 4, reports. Mon, Wed. 8-10 pm, entertainment. Tues, Thurs 10-12 pm, music. Sun, 9:30 am. S. S. services; 11, 7:45 pm, church services; 8:15. orchestra. Central daylight saving. WMAC, Cazenovia, N. Y. 261 meters. 200 watts. C. B. Meredith. No definite schedule. WMAF, Dartmouth. Mass. 360 meters. 500 watts. Hound Hills Radio Corp. Slogan, "The Voice from •Way Down East.' " Temporarily discontinued. WMAH, Lincoln, Neb. 254 meters. 100 watts. General Supply Co. Club, "Lincoln Hoot Owls." Mon, Thurs, 8 pm. Sat, 12, midnite owl program, music. Central. WMAK, Lockport, N. Y. 273 meters. 500 watts. Norton Labs. Off the air for the summer. WMAL, Trenton, N. J. 256 meters. 50 watts. Trenton Hdwe. Co. Slogan, "The Home of Good Music." Mon, Thursday, 7:30-9 pm, music, lecture. Eastern daylight saving. WIYIAN, Columbus, O. 260 meters. 100 watts. First Baptist church. Sun, 10:30-12 m, 7:30-9 pm. church services. Eastern. WMAQ, Chicago. 111. 448 meters. 500 watts. The Chicago Daily News. Mon. Tues. Thurs. 4-5 pm. Daily ex Sun, 2:30-3 pm. 6-7. Daily ex Sun, Mon, 8-10 pm. Central daylight saving. WMAV, Auburn, Ala. 254 meters. 500 watts. Alabama Polytechnic Institue. Closing for the summer. WMAY. St. Louis, M. 280 meters. 100 watts. Kingshighway Presbyterian church. Slogan. "May Every ByWay Hear Kingshighway." Sun, 11 am, 7:30 pm. Central. WMAZ, Macon Ga. 261 meters. 100 watts. Mercer university. Off the air for summer. WMC. Memphis, Tenn. 500 meters. 500 watts. The Commercial Appeal. Slogan, "Station WMC, Memphis." "Down in Dixie." Club. "Midnight Frolic." Daily ex Sun, 9:45 am, 12:30-1:30, weather, markets, music. Daily ex Sun, Wed, 8:30 pm, pregram. Tues, Fri, 11 pm. Midnight frolic. Sun, 11 am, church service. Central. WMH, Cincinnati, Ohio. 309 meters. 500 watts. Ainswoilh-Gates Radio Co. Hotel Alms. Slogan, "The Station on the Hill." Wed, Thurs, 8-10 pm. Sat, 10-12 pm. Sun, 10 am, 12:30 pm. Central daylight saving. W Ml), Washington, D. C. 261 meters. 100 watts. Double day-Hill Elec. Co. WNAC, Boston, Mass. 278 meters. 100 watts. Shepard Stores. Daily ex Sun. 1-2 pm, 4-5, 6:30-7:30, 8-10. Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-8 pm. Sun, 11-12 m, church services; 3-4 pm, concert; 7:30-9:30, church and concert. Eastern daylight saving. VVNAD, Norman. Okla. 360 meters. 100 watts. Univ. of Okla. Closed foT the summer. VVNAL, Omaha, Neb. 266 meters. 100 watts. B. J. Rock well. Slogan, "The Pioneer Broadcasting Station of Omaha." VVNAP, Springfield. O. 275 meters. 100 watts. Wittenberg College. Off the air for the summer. WNAR, Butler, Mo. 231 meters. 20 watts. C. C. Rhodes. Fri, 9 pm. Sun, 11 am, 7 :30 pm. Central. WNAT. Philadelphia, Pa. 360 meters. 100 watts. Lennig Bros. Co. Irregular schedule. Eastern. WNAV, Knoxville, Tenn. 236 meters. 500 watts. People's Tel. & Telg. Co. Temporarily discontinued. WNAW, Fortress Monroe, Va. 360 meters. 5 watts. Henry Kunzmann. Sun, 2-4 pm, 7-9. Eastern. WNAX, Yankton. S. D. 244 meters. 100 watts. Dakota Radio Apparatus Co. Daily, 11:30 am, reports; 4:30 pm, reports, music. Wed, Sat, 9-10 pm, music. Central. WNYC, New York, N. Y. 526 meters. New York Municipal Radio Station. ' WOAC, Lima, O. 206 meters. 50 watts. Page Organ Co. (H. P. Maus). Mon. Wed, Fri, Sat, 8:30-9:30 pm, organ: Fri. Sun, 8:30-9:30 pm. Tues, Thurs, 8:30-9:30 pm, orchestra. Central. WOAE, Fremont, Neb. 280 meters. 20 watts. Midland College. WOAF, Tyler, Tex. 360 meters. 10 watts. The Tyler Commercial College. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 12 m, weather, markets; 12:40 pm, concert; 4:25, sports; 8 pm, weather, sports codes; 10:15, U.S. Navy press. Sun, 11 am, 7:30 pm, church services. Central. WO AG, Belvldere, 111. 273 meters. 200 watts. Apollo Theater. Closed for the summer. WOAH, Charleston, S. C. 360 meters. 10 watts. Palmetto Radio Corp. Mon, Thurs, Sat, Sun, 10 pm-1 am, music. Eastern. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. 385 meters. 500 watts. Southern Equip. Co. (Eevening News-Express.) Daily ex Sun, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 3, markets; 7, sports, markets. Tues, 9:30-10:30 pm; Thurs, 7:30-8:30 pm, music; Sun, 11 am, church service; 9:30-10:30 pm, music. Central. WOAN, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 360 meters. 200 watts. James D. Vaughan. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 8:30-9:30 pm. Eastern. WOAO, Mishawaka. Ind. 360 meters. 50 watts. Lyradion Mfg. Co. Irregular schedule. WOAP, Kalamazoo, Mich. 283 meters. 50 watts. Kalamazoo College. Slogan, "The Oldest College in Michigan." Tues. 7-8:30 pm. Central. WOAT, Wilmington, Del. 360 meters. 100 watts. Boyd Martell Hamn. Temporarily discontinued. WOAV, Erie, Pa. 242 meters. 50 watts. Pennsylvania National Guard. Slogan, "Wayne Rangers. Club, Neversleep Club." Tues, 8:30 pm. Thurs, 8 pm. Sun, 9:30 pm, music. Sun, 1-4 am, Milkman'6 matinee. Sun, 10:30 am. 7:45 pm, church services. Eastern. WO AW, Omaha, Neb. 526 meters. 500 watts. Woodmen of the World. Slogan, "Gateway to the West and to the East." Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Sat, 6-7:30 pm, 9-11, concert. Sun, 9-11 am, 9-11 pm. Central. WOAX. Trenton, N. J. 240 meters. 500 watts. F. 3. Wolff. Mon, 9:15-11 pm, orchestra. Daily 11 am, 12:15 pm, weather. Eastern. WOC, Davenport. la. 484 meters. 500 watts. Palmer School of Chiropractic. Slogan, "Where the West Begins and the State Where the Tall Corn Grows." Daily ex Sun, Tues night; 9 am, markets; 10 am, household hints; 10:55, time; 11, weather; 12 m, chimes; 1 pm, markets; (Sat, 11:15), 5:45, chimes, ex Wed, 6:30, Sandman; 6:50, scores, weather. Mon, 10 pm, concert. Thurs, Sat, 9 pm, orchestra. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 pm, music. Sun, 9 am, chimes; 1:30 pm, orchestra; 7:30, reports; 8. church services; 9:30, concert. Tues night, silent. Central. WOI, Ames. la. 360 meters. 500 watts. Iowa State College. Daily ex Sun, 9 am, 9:45, 10:15. market, weather reports; 12:45 pm, market, weather, educational talks; 9 :30, weather, music. Central. WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. 509 meters. 500 watts. John Wanamaker. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 11 am, organ recital; weather; 12:55, time; 12-1 pm, concert; 4:45 pm, organ recital; 7:30, sports, police reports; 10:35, time; 10:02, weather. Mon. Fri, 7:30-11 pm, music, concert. Sun, 2:30 pm, Sunday school; 3:45, organ; alternate am and pm services. Eastern daylight saving. WOO, Kansas City, Mo. 360 meters. 500 watts. Western Radio Co. Daily ex Sun, 11, music, time signals. Tues, Thurs. Sat, 8-9:30 pm, music. Sun, 11 am12:15 pm. 7-7:45, church services. Central. WOR, Newark, N. J. 405 meters. 500 watts. L. Bamberger & Co. Dally ex Sun, 2:30-4 pm, 6:15-7:30, music, talks. Mon, Wed, Sat, 8-11 pm, music, entertainment, lectures. Eastern, WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. 441 meters. 500 watts. Missouri State Marketing Bureau. Slogan "Watch Our State." Daily ex Sun, first 15 rain, of every hour from 9 am-12 pm, markets. Daily ex Sat. Sun, 5 pm, music, markets. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8-9:30 pm, concert. Sun, 7:30-8:30 pm, church service. Central. WPAR, Beloit, Kans. 236 meters. 10 watts. Ward BatState College. Off the air for the summer. WPAC, Okmulgee, Okla. 360 meters. 200 watts. Donaldson Radio Co. WPA1, New Haven, Conn. 268 meters. 100 watts. Doolittle Radio Corp. WPAK, Fargo, N. D. 283 meters. 50 watts. N. D. Agricultural College. Off the air for the summer. WPAL, Columbus, O. 286 meters. 500 watts. Avery & Loeb Elec. Co. Wed, 8-10 pm. Eastern. WPAM, Topeka, Kans. 360 meters. 100 watts. Auerbach 6 Guettel. Daily ex Sun, 1 pm, markets; Wed, 9:3010:30 pm. Sat, 8-9 pm, music. Central. WPAR, Beloit, Kans. 230 meters. 10 watts. Ward Battery & Radio Co. Thurs. 7:30 pm. Sun. 8 am, 11 pm. Central. WPAT, El Paso, Tex. 360 meters. 20 watts. St. Patrick's Cathedral. Temporarily discontinued. WPAU, Moorhead. Minn. .286 meters. 10 watts. Concordia College. „ WPAZ, Charleston, W. Va. 273 meters. 20 watts. West Virginia Radio Sales Corp. Mon, Wed. Fri, 8-9 pm. Eastern. WQAA. Parkesburg, Pa. 360 meters. 500 watts. Horace A. Beale, Jr. Temporarily discontinued. WQAC, Amarillo. Tex. 234 meters. 100 watts. E. B. Gish. Irregular schedule. WOAE. Springfield, Vt. 275 meters. 50 watts. Moore Radio News Station. Slogan, "Among the Green Hills of Vermont." Sat. 7:30-8 pm, 11-1 am. Sun, 8:409:30 pm, address. Eastern. WQAF, Sandusky, O. 240 meters. 5 watts. Sandusky Register. Daily, 10:30 pm, weather. Eastern. WQAL, Matloon. 111. 258 meters. 10 watts. Coles County Tel. & Telg. Co. Slogan. "The Buckle on the Corn Belt." Wed, Sat, 9-10 pm, music, lecture; Sun afternoon, special program. Central. WOAM, Miami. Fla. 283 meters. 100 watts. Electrical Equip Co. Slogan, "It is Always June in Miami." The Most Southern Radiocasting Station in TJ. S. Daily ex Sun. 12 m. weather, news, music. Wed, 9-11 pm, orchestra. Sun, 9-11 pm, music. Tues, Sat. 7 am, physical culture instructions. First Sun of each month, 8-9 pm, music. Eastern. WOAN, Scranton, Pa. 280 meters. 100 watts. Scranton Times. Slogan, "The Voice of the Anthracite." Daily ex Sun, 12:30-1 pm, 4-4:30, 7:30-8, news, reports, music. Tues, Fri. 8 pm, entertainment. Eastern. WQAO, New York City, N. Y. 360 meters. 100 watts. Calvary Baptist Church. Off the air for a month. WQAO, Abilene, Tex. 360 meters. 100 watts. West Texas Radio Co. -Abilene Daily Reporter. Slogan, "The Capital of West Texas." Tues. Thurs. Fri, 8-9 pm. Sun, am, pm, church services. Central. WQAS, Lowell, Mass. 266 meters. 100 watts. Prince: Walter Co. Daily ex Sun, 10:45-11 am. 2:30-3 pm, music. Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-7 pm, news, concert. Tjhrus, silent. Eastern. WQAX. Peoria, 111. 248 meters. 100 watts. Radio Equipment Co. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7:15-8 pm. Central. WOJ, Chicago. 111. 448 meters. 500 watts. Calumet Baking Co. — Rainbo gardens. Daily ex Sun. 3-4 pm, woman's hour. Daily ex Sun, Mon, 7-8 pm, 10-2 am, music. Sun, 8-10 pm, music. Central daylight saving. WRAA, Houston, Tex. 360 meters. 200 watts. Rice Institute. Mon, 8-9 pm, concert, cllege activities. Sun, 4:30 pm, extension lecturers. All games broadca t. Central. WRAF, La Porte, Ind. 224 meters. 10 watts. Radio Club, Inc. Mon, Thurs, Sun, 9 pm. Central. WRAH, Providence, R. I. 231 meters. 15 watts. Stanley N. Read. Sun, 4:3.0-6 pm. Eastern. WRAL, St. Croix Falls. Wis. 248 meters. 100 watts. Northern States Power Co. Mon, 8:30-10:30 pm. Tues, 9-10:30 pm. Central. WRAM, Galesburg, 111. 244 meters. 100 watts. Lombard College. Occasional programs during the summer. WRAN, Waterloo, la. 236 meters. 10 watts. Blackhawk Elec. Co. Slogan, "We Radiate all news." Daily ex Sun, 5-5:30 pm. Central. WRAO, St. Louis, Mo. 360 meters. 10 watts. St. Louis Radio Service Co. Mon, 7:30-9 pm, dance music. Sun, 3:30-5 pm, music. Central. WRAV. Yellow Springs, O. 242 meters. 100 watts. Antioch College. Wed, 8 pm. Thurs, 10:30 pm. Sun, 7 pm. Central. WRAW, Reading. Pa. 238 meters. 40 watts. Avenue Radio Shop. Closed during summer. WRAX, Gloucester City. N. J. 268 meters. 100 watts Flexon's Garage. Mon, Wed, Fri evenings, program. WRAY, Scranton, Pa. 280 meters. 10 watts. Radio Sales Corp. Mon, Wed, Sat, Sun, 8:30-10 pm, concert. Eastern. WRBC, Valparaiso, Ind. 278 meters. 500 watts. Immanuel Lutheran Church. Slogan, "World Redeemed by Christ." Mon, 8-9 pm, program. Sun, 10:30 am, church service. Central. WRC, Washington, D. C. 469 meters. 500 watts. Radio Corp'n of America. Daily ex Sun, 5:15 pm, code practice; 6 pm, children's hour. Mon, Wed, Fri, 3-6:30 pm, music. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 5:15-11 pm, music. Eastern. WRK. Hamilton, O. 360 meters. 200 watts. Doron Bros. Elec. Co. Slogan, "The Oldest Station in Existence." Fri, 8:15 pm, music, lecture. Sun, 10:15 am, 7:30 pm, church services. Central. WRL, Schenectady, N. Y. 360 meters. 500 watts. Union College Radio club. Closed during the summer. WRM, Urbana, 111. 360 meters. 500 watts. Univ. of 111. Closed during the summer. WRR, Dallas, Tex. 360 meters. 30 watts. City of Dallas. Daily ex Sun, 11:30-12:30 pm, weather; 2:45-3:30 sports, markets, news; music. Sun, 11 am, 7:30 pm, church service. Central. WRW, Tarrytown, N. Y. 273 meters. 300 watts. Tarrytown Radio Research Laboratory. Slogan. "Everything in Radio." Daily, 9pm, police reports; Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun. 7-8 pm. Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, 9-11:30 pm. Thurs, 8-9:10 pm, 10:30-11:30. Sun, 8-9 pm, service. 9-9:10. police reports. 10:30-11:30, concert. Eastern daylight saving. WSAB, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 360 meters. 100 watts. Southeast Mo. State Teachers College. Mon, Wed, 3:30 pm, lecture; 9, concerts. Central. WSAC, Clemson College, S. C. 360 meers. 500 watts. Clemson Agri. College. Closed during the summer. WSAD, Proidence, R. I. 261 meters. 100 watts. Fosters-Jewelers. Closed during the summer. WSAI Cincinnati, O. 309 meters. 500 watts. United States Playing Card Co. Mon, 10-12 m. Tues, 7-10 pm. Thurs. 10-12 m. Sat, 8-10; 12-1:45 am. Sun, 3-4 pm. Central Daylight Saving. WSAJ, Grove City. Pa. 258 meters. 250 watts. Grove City College. College activities. Wed, 7:30-9 pm, music. Fri, basket ball. Eastern. WSAN, Allentown. Pa. 229 meters. 50 watts. Allentown Radio Club. Tues, Thurs. 8 pm. Eastern. WSAP. New York, N. Y. 263 meters. 250 watts. City Temple. Thurs, 8-9:30 pm. Sat, 10:45-12 m. Sun, 7:30-9:30 pm. Eastern. WSAR, Fall River, Mass. 254 meters. 100 watts. Doughty & Welch Elect. Co., Inc. Daily ex Sun, 12-1 pm. Mon, Thurs. 6-7 pm. Wed, 8-10 pm. Sun, 4:30-6 pm. Eastern Daylight Saving. WSAT, Plainview, Tex. 268 meters. 20 watts. Dono hoo-Ware Hardware Co. WSAU, Chesham, N. H. 229 meters. 10 watts. Camp Marienfeld. WSAV, Houston, Tex. 360 meters. 100 watts. Clifford W. Vick Radio Construction Co. WSAZ, Pomeroy, Ohio. 258 meters. 50 watts. Chase Elec. Shop. Daily ex Sun, 5:30 pm, weather. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 5 pm, music. Central. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. 429 meters. 500 watts. Atlanta Journal. Slogan "The Voice of the South." Daily ex Sun, 12-1 pm, music, weather; 2:30, reports; 3 pm. baseball; 5, orchestra; 5:30, bedtime story; 8-9, concert (ex Wed); 10:45-12, concert. Sun, 10:45-12:15 pm. 5-6, 7:30-9:15, church services. Central. WSL, Utica, N. Y. 273 meters. 100 watts. J. & M. Elec. Co. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 11-11:30 am, 5-6 pm. music, news. Jlon, Wed, Sat, 8-9 pm. Sun, 10:30-12 m. 7:30-9 pm. Church services. Eastern. WSY, Birmingham, Ala. 360 meters. 500 watts. Alabama Power Co. Sun, 11 am, 8 pm, church services. Central. WTAB, Fall River, Mass. 266 meters. 100 watts. Fall River Daily Herald. Tues, Thurs, 8-10 pm. Sat, 9-11 pm. Eastern daylight saving. WTAC, Johnstown, Pa. 275 meters. 150 watts. Penn. Traffic Co. Daily ex Sun, 4 pm. Tues, Thurs, 7:30 pm. Eastern. WTAF, New Orleans, La. 268 meters. 10 watts. Louis J. Gallo. Slogan, "The Bayou Station." Daily. 6:45-7 pm, police, baseball, weather. Tues, Sat, 910:30 pm; Thurs. 10:30-11:30 pm; Sun, 10-12 midnight, revue. Central WTAG, Providence, R. I. 258 meters. 10 watts. Kern Music Co. WTAJ. Portland, Me. 236 meters. 20 watts. The Radio Shop. Irregular schedule in summer. WTAL, Toledo. Ohio. 252 meters. 10 watts. Toledo Radio & Elec. Co. Slogan, "The Gateway to the Sea," Tues. Thurs. Sat, 8 pm. Sat, 12 midnight, "Frolic of the Frogs." Eastern. WTAM, Cleveland. Ohio. 390 meters. 1,000 watts. Willard Storage Battery Co. Slogan, "The Voice from the Storage Battery." Daily ex Sun, 6-7:30 pm, dinner concert; baseball, news. Mon, 8-10 pm, concert. Wed, 8-11 pm, concert. Sat, 9-12 midnight, dance music. Eastern. WTAP, Cambridge, 111. 242 meters 100 watts. Cambridge Radio & Elec. Co. Tues, Sat, 12:15-1:15 pm, 9:30-10:15. Central WTAtt, Osseo, Wis. 254 meters. 100 watts. S. H. Van Gorden & Son. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 6:15, weather, markets. Fri, Sun, 8 pm. Central. WTAR, Norfolk, Va. 280 meters. 100 watts. Reliance Electric Co. Tues, Sat, 7:30 pm, markets; 8, music. Eastern. WTAS, Elgin, I1L 286 meters. 500 watts. Chas. E. Erbstein. Slogan, "Willie, Tommie, Annie and Sammie." Daily. 2-5 pm, baseball; 8:15-12 mid., music. Fri. 12:30-1:30 pm, organ. Sun, 2:30-5 pm, music. Central. WTAT, Boston, Mass. 248 meters. 100 watts. Ruegg Elec. Illuminating Co. (Portable Station). WTAU, Tecumseh, Neb. 2-12 meters. 10 watts. Ruegg Battery & Elec. Co. Tues, 8:30 pm. Central. WTAW, College Station. Tex. 280 meters. 250 watts. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Tex. Closed during the summer. WTAX, Streator, 111. 231 meters. 50 watts. Williams Hardware Co. Mon, 6:30-7:30 pm, dinner concert. Central. WTAY, Oak Park, 111. 283 meters. 500 watts. Oak Leaves. 6:45-7:45 pm; 9-9:45. Central daylight saving. WTAZ, Lambertville, N. J. 283 meters. 15 watts. Thomas J. McGuire. Mon, 8-10 pm, music. Eastern Daylight Saving. WTG, Manhattan, Kan. 273 meters. 50 watts. Kan. State Agri. College. Closed during the summer. WTL. Chicago. 111. 268 meters. 10 watts. H G Saal Co. WWAB, Trenton, N. J. 226 meters. 50 watts. Hoenig, Swern & Co. Closed during the summer. WWAC, Waco. Tex. 360 meters. 100 watts. Sanger Bros. Temporarily discontinued. WWAD, Philadelphia, Pa. 360 meters. 100 watts. Wright & Wright, Inc. Mon, 8 pm. Thurs, 8:30 pm'. Eastern Daylight Saving. WWAE, Joliet 111. 227 meters. 500 watts. Alamo Dance Hall. L. J. Crowley. Wed, Sat, Sun, 8:30-12 midnight, orchestra. Central. WWAO Houghton. Mich. 244 meters. 250 watts. Michigan College of Mines. Daily ex. Sun, 12 m, news, markets. Mon, Fri. 8 pm, talks, music. College sports. Central. WWI, Dearborn, Mich. 273 meters. 250 watts. Ford Motor Co. Wed. 8-10 pm, music, lectures. Eastern. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. 517 meters. 500 watts. The Detroit News. Daily ex Sun, 8-8:30 am, setting up exercises; 9:30-9:45, household hints; 9:45-10:25, health talks; 10:25-10:30, weather; 11:55-12, time; 12:0512:45 pm, music; 3:30-3:50, music; 3:50-4:15, markets; 5-6, sports. April 22, and every other week, 8:30-10 pm, concert. Sat. 7-8:30 pm, concert. Thurs, 10-12 pm, "midnight special"; Sun, Fill in weeks, 7-8:30 pm, concert; Sun, 11 am, 7:30 pm, church services; 2-4 pm, or 4-6, concert. Eastern. WWL, New Orleans. La. 280 meters. 100 watts. Lcyola Univ. 2AB, Havana, Cuba. 240 meters. 20 watts. Alberto S. de Bustamante. 2BD, Aberdeen. Scot. 495 meters. 1,500 watts. British Biuadcasting Co. Daily ex Sun, 3:30-4:30 pm, concert; 5-5:30, women's hour; 5:30-6, children's period; 7-10:30, concert. Sun, 5:30 pm, 8:30-10:30. Greenwich Mean. 2BX, Havana, Cuba. 250 meters. Frederick W. Borton. 2BY, Havana, Cuba. 260 meters. 200 watts. Fredeii'k W. Borton. 2CX, Havana, Cuba. 320 meters. 20 watts. Frederick W. Borton. 2DW, Havana, Cuba. 300 meters. 100 watts. Pedro Zayas. 2FC, Willouby, Australia. 1.000 meters. 5,000 watts. Farmer & Co., Ltd. 2HC, Havana, Cuba. 275 meters. 500 watts. Heraldo de Cuba. 2HS. Havana, Cuba. 180 meters. 20 watts. Julio Power. 2JQ, Havana, Cuba. 150 meters. 10 watts. Paul Perez Falcon. 2KD, Havana, Cuba. 350 meters. 100 watts. E. Sanchez de Fuentes. 2KP, Havana, Cuba. 200 meters. 10 watts. Alvaro Daza. 2LC, Havana. Cuba. 250 meters. 30 watts. Luis Casas. 2LO. London, Eng. 365 meters. 1,500 watts. British Broadcasting Co. Daily 4-11 pm. G. M. S. 2MG, Havana, Cuba. 280 meters. 20 watts. Manuel G. Salas. Daily ex. Sun, 3-4 pm, music. Evening program. 2MN, Havana, Cuba. 270 meters 300 watts. Fausto Simon. 20 K, Havana, Cuba. 360 meters. 100 watts. Mario Gareta Velez. 20 L, Havana, Cuba. 290 meters. 10 watts. Oscar Collado. 2TW, Havana, Cuba. 230 meters. 20 watts. Boberto E. Ramirez. 2WW, Havana, Cuba. 210 meters. 20 watts. Amadeo Saenz. 2XD, Havana, Cuba. 345 meters. 50 watts. Dr. Eduardo Sanchez. 2ZY, Manchester, Eng. 375 meters. British Broadcasting Co. Daily ex Sun, 2:30 pm. B. S. T. 3NB, Tammerfors, Finland. 300 meters. 20 watts. Nuoren Yoiman Liiton Radioyhdistys. 5EV, Colon, Cuba. 360 meters. 10 watts. Leopold V. Figueroa. Sun, 9-11 pm. Eastern. 5IT, Birmingham, Eng. 475 meters. British Broadcasting Co. 5NO, Newcastle, Eng. 400 meters. British Broadcasting Co. SPY, Plymouth, Eng. 330 meters. British Broadcasting Co. 5SC, Glasgow, Scot. 420 meters. British Broadcasting Co. Daily ex Sun, 8-11, concert. 5WA, Cardiff, Wales. 353 meters. British Broadcasting Co. 6AZ. Cienfuegos, Cuba. 200 meters. 10 watts. Valentin Ullivarri. 6BM. Bournemouth, Eng. 385 meters. British Broadcasting CO. 6BY, Bournemouth, Eng. 385 meters. 100 watts. Jose Ganduxe. 6CX. Cienfuegos, Cuba. 170 meters. 25 watts. Antonio T. Figueroa. 6DW, Cienfuegos, Cuba. 225 meters. 10 watts. Eduardo Terry. 6EV, Cabarien, Cuba. 225 meters. 20 watts. Maria Josefa Alvares. Daily, 10:30 pm. 6FL, Sheffield, Eng. 303 meters. British Broadcasting' Co. 6KW, Tuinucu, Cuba. 332 meters. 100 watts. Frank H. Jones. Slogan, "If You Hear the Koo of the Cuckoo Y'ou Are in Tune With Tuinucu." Mon, Tues, Fri, Sun, 10:30 pm, music. Wed, Thurs, Sat, 6:30 pm, music. Sat, 12 midnight, dance music. Eastern. 6XJ, Tuinucu, Cuba. 275 meters. 100 watts. Frank H. Jones. 7AZ, Camaguey, Cuba. 225 meters. 10 watts. Pedro Nogueras. 7BY, Camaguey, Cuba. 350 meters. 500 watts. Salvador Eionda. 7SR, Elia, Cuba. 309 meters. 250 watts. Salvador C. Riondo. Slogan, "Cuba, the Land of Sunshine. Sugar and Tobacco." Mon, Tues, Thurs, 9 pm. Eastern. 8AZ, Santiago, Cuba. 240 meters. 20 watts. Alfredo Brooks. 8BY, Santiago. Cuba. 250 meters. 100 watts. Alberto Eavelo. SOW, Santiago, Cuba. 275 meters. 15 watts. Pedro C. Andux. Daily, 4:30-8:30 pin, 10:30-12. 8EV. Santiago, Cuba. 180 meters. 75 watts. Eduardo Mateos. 8FU, Santiago, Cuba. 225 meters. 15 watts. Andres Vinet. 8GT, Santiago, Cuba. 260 meters. 50 watts. Juan F. Chibas. (This completes the alphabetical station data list. Part V, consisting of a complete state, city index of stations, will appear next week. Short Lead to Grid and Plate Under no circumstances should the output and input circuits of an amplifier be coupled together even in the feeblest manner. It is best to use short leads and keep them apart as far as possible. When long leads are unavoidable they can be shielded somewhat by running them in agrounded, flexible, metallic casing. It is very important that the plate and grid leads to the various tubes be kept as short as possible so that the plate leads of one tube will not be coupled back to the grid lead of the previous tube. Coupling between adjacent tubes can be reduced by placing each tube in a shielded chamber and grounding the metal shield. This applies especially to Radio frequency amplification. A convenient method of constructing this shielded chamber is to use a strip of copper screen about four inches in width and long enough to go around the circumference of the tube socket without touching any connections. Roll the screen in the form of a cylinder and solder the ends of the screen together. This forms a cylindrical shield which will just fit over the tube and socket. The shield is grounded by making a connection to the filament lead which is connected to ground. The other leads to the tube socket will have to be insulated so that they are not allowed to come in contact with the screen. Whenever possible separate plate and filament batteries should be used for each tube, for in this manner a means of coupling between tubes is done away with. This will be too expensive a proposition for the average amateur and it is only recommended where a number of tubes are used in a more advanced circuit where extreme precautions must be taken to prevent feedback of energy between circuits. All batteries should have as low a resistance as possible. All connections should be soldered of course, and all leads held rigidly in their places.