Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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10 The National Broadcast Authority— -R M LORAIN, OHIO, MUSCIANS ENTERT; Where to Hear Concerts THESE are the stations for music lovers to dial, and you can hear, providing you dial correctly and read the programs carefully, everything from jazz to opera. Wednesday: CHYC, CKCH, KDKA, KFI. KFNF, KFOA. KGW, KHJ, KPO, KQV, KSD, KYW, PWX, WBZ, WCAE, WCAP, WCX, WDAF, WDAR, WEAP, WEBH, WGI, WGN, WGR, U'HAA, WHAS, WHB, WHN, WHO, WJZ. WKAQ, WLAG, WLS, WLW, WMAQ, WMH. WOC, WOO, WOR, WOS, WQJ, WTAM, WTAS, WTAY, WW J. Thursday: CKAC, KDKA, KFI, KFKX, KFNF, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KPO, KYW, WBAH, WBAP, WBZ, WCAE, WCAP, WCAY, WCBD, WCX, WDAF, WEAF, WEAO, WEBH, WFAA, WFT, WGI, WGN, WGY, WHAS, WHB, WHN, WIP, WJAX, WJY, WJZ, WLAG, WLS, WLW, WMAQ, WMC, WJIH, WOAW, WOC, WPAL, WQJ, WSAI, WTAS, WTAY, WWJ. Friday: KDKA, KFI, KFNF, KFOA, KFSG, KHJ, KGW, KSD, KYW, WBAH, WBAP, WBAV, WBZ, WCAE, WCAY, WCX, WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WEBH, WFAA, WGI, WGN, WGR, WGY, WHAS, WHB, WHK, WHN, WHO, WJY, WJZ, WLAG, WLS, WMAQ, WMC, WOAW, WOC, WOO, WOS, WQJ, WRC, WTAS, WTAY, WWJ. Saturday: KDKA, KFI, KFNF, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KPO, KSD, KYW, WBZ, WCAE, WDAF, WEAF, WEBH, WFAA, WGI, WGN, WGY, WHAS, WHK, WHN, WIP, WJAX, WJAZ, WJZ, WLAG, WLS, WMAQ, WMC, WMH, WOAW, WOC, WOR, WQJ, WRC, WSAI, WTAM, WTAS, WWJ. Sunday: KFI, KFNF, KFSG, KHJ, KPO, WBBR, WCX, WEAF, WEBH, WFAA, WGI, WGN, WGY, WHAA, WHAS, WHK, WHN, WHO, WIP, WJZ, WLS, WLW, WOAW WOC, WOO, WOS, WQJ, WTAS, KGW, KQV, WAAW, WBAH, WBZ, WTAS. Monday KFI, KFKX, KFOA, KGO, KPO, KQV, WAAW, WBAH, WBBR, WBZ, WCBD, WCX, WDAF, WDAR, WEAF, WFAA, WGR, WGY, WHAZ, WHB, WHN, WHO, WLW, WOAW. WOC, WOO, WOR, WOS, WSAI WTAM, WTAS, WWJ. Tuesday: KFI, KFNF, KFSG, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KPO, KSD, KYW WBAH, WBAV, WBZ, WCX, WDAF, WEAF, WFAA, WFI, WGI, WGN. WGY, WHB, WHN, WHAA, WHAS WIP, WJY, WJZ, WLAG, WLW WMAQ, WMC, WOAW, WQJ, WRC WSAI, WTAS, WTAY, WWJ. Thursday, July 31 (Continued from page 9) Growers' nurseries; 8, KDKA Little Symphony orchestra; 10, concert. KFI, Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific, 469) 6:45-8 p. m., T. M. C. A., lecture; Bon Ton orchestra; 8-9, Ambassador Hotel Cocoanut Grove orchestra; y"-19. Examiner, Kentucky Colonels' orchestra; 10-11, instrumental and vocal concert. Marguerite Bitter and Patsy Forsythe. * KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (Central, 341), 9:30 p. m., musical program. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central. 266), 7:30 p. m., program, Summer school, Prof. H. L. Eells, director. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 4-5:30 p. m., concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis; 8, three-act drama, "The Great Divide," KGO players; Towler trio. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 3:30 p. m., children's program; 9, Wendall Hall; 10, dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m., musical selections; 2:30-3:30, Hollywood Bowl program, sponsor, Mrs. J. J. Carter; presenting Bess Daniels, pianist; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's concert orchestra; 6:45-7:30, children's program. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; weekly visit of Dickie Brandon, screen juvenile; bedtime story, "Uncle John"; 8-9, concert, courtesy, Piatt Music company, arranged by Edwin Lester; 9-10, concert, Al Schiller, pianist; "Radio Bed's" Hawaiian trio; 10-11, Art Hickman's dance orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 1-2 p. m., Eudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, musical program; 4:30-5:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 5:30-6:30. children's hour 6tories, Big brother of KPO; 7-7.30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 8-9, Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 910, program. Jack I. Thomas, director; 10-11, E. Max Bradfield's Versatile band. KVW, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 536), 11:35 a. m.. table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson; 7-7:30 p. m., dinner concert, Congress hotel; 8-8:20, "Twenty Minutes of Good Reading," Rev. C. J. Pernin; 8:209:15, Arthur O. C. Holder, tenor; Theodore Dixon, baritone; Lejeune Jones, accompanist; 10-11:30, "At Home" program. WAAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 360), 8-9 p. m., educational program. WBAV, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 423), 12 m., religious service, Columbus Council of Churches. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern. Daylight, 337), 6 p. m., Leo Reisman Hotel Lenox ensemble; 6:30, songs, Bill Coty, Jack Armstrong; 6:40, Leo Reisman and his Hotel Brunswick orchestra; 7:05, "At the Theaters." A. L. S. Wood; 7 :.'J0, bedtime story for the kiddies; 9, Robert Ridge, pianist; 9:30, Colonel John A. Pattec. fiddler. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight. 462), 6:30 p. m., dinner concert, William Penn hotel; 9:30, Mrs. Charlotte Beadling McHugh, soprano; Florence Seibel, pianist; Samuel Walter, violinist; 11, Moores' Cafeteria Radio review, E. T. Moores, manager. WCAP. Washington. D. D. (Eastern, 469), 8-9 p. m., music; 9-10:30, U. S. Army Band dance orchestra. WCAY, Milwaukee, Wis. (Central, 266), 10:30 p. m., musical program, sponsored by the Boston store : Helen Gunnis, soprano; E. Thatcher, baritone; Zelma Trio, Zelma Jean Hammond, pianist; Eleanore Jackson, cellist; Elinor Rose, violinist. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central. Daylight, 345), 8 p. m., vocal trio; Mary Sweeney, pianist; Glen Sparrow, tenor; Mrs. Glen R. Sparrow, contralto; Hermann Becker, cellist; Sydney Stewart, violinist; Mrs. Blanche Kt-^ler. reader. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 4:15 p. m., musical program ; 6, dinner concert ; 7 :30, organ recital, Abram Tyler, Central M. E. church. WDAF. Kansas, City, Mo. (Central. 411), 3:30-4:30 p. m., the Star's Radio trio; 6-7, School of the Air, piano tuning in number on the Duo-Art ; travelogue, Edgar Allen Linton; readings, Ceclle Burton; children'! story and information period; music, Carl Norberg's Plantation players. Hotel Muehlebach. WDAR. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 395), 11:45 a. m., daily almanac; 12:02 p. m., Stanley theater organ recital; 12:30, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra ; 5, Pierce school educational talk; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 492), 1111:30 a. m., musical program; 4-4:10 p. m., Anna Gretchen, soprano: 5:15-1:30, Alex Boshko, tenor; 4:30-5:15, children's stories; 6-7, dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria orchestra; 7-7:15, Teresa Wolfe Kashkes, soprano; 7:15-7:45, WEAF Country club; 7:45-8, George Vause, pianist; 10-11, Vincent Lopez and his Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra. WEAO, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 360), 1:30 p. muniversity chimes; addresr. Prof. Frank Beach, of the Horticultural Extension department; 8 p. m., mu=ir;.l program, Edward Stalnbroom, director and pianist; Louise Griffiths, soprano; Ramona Bcrlew, contralto: Lucy How-land, soprano; Dwlght Guerln, tenor; Dean Spauldlng, tenor; Foster Miller, baritone. WEBH, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 370), 7:30 8:J0 p. m., Stanley Franklin, pianist; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra; 9:30-10:30, Elsa Wagner. violinist; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra; 11:30 let, Martha Russell and company; songs r, Nick Lucas ; Edgewater Beach Oriole WFA • Tex. (Central, 476). 12:30-1 p. tn , . Best," Charles E. Osborne; 8:30-9:30, Robert Pool, tenor; Nell Lowrey, soprano: 11-12 .Mustang Serenaders orchestra. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 395), 1 p. m Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 3 i°irf"? KBrk' Slanist'' „6:30 S»nny Jim, the kiddies'' pal, 8, Boy Scouts Radio corps; 8:30, Harold A Simonds, baritone; Loretta Kerk, pianist WGoA Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, ' 370), 6:307:30 p. m. Drake concert ensemble and Blackstone string quintette; 8:30-9:30, Robert H. Duphinev er>Tn:i1H|nma5 Fs^ak' vi"»«"t; Pershing quartette'; u/J-b d « i' B«t3ial12' .Jack Chapman's orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y .(Eastern, Daylight, 319), 12-301 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 6:30-7-30 dinner music. WSY/ Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 1 p. m., Shopping for Dishes"; 5:30, organ recital, Stephen E. Boisclair; 7:45, "A Few Moments with New Books, L. L. Hopkins; 8, Salvation Army band; "What is the Ivew York Stock Exchange," Jason Westerheld; euphonium duet, John Galloway, Albert Tompkins ; brass quartet. WHAS. Louisville. Ky. (Central, 400), 4-5 p. m., Harry S. Curries orchestra; 7:30-9, concert, Mary Hunt, director; boys forum talk. WHB, Kansas City, Mo.' (Central, 411), 8-9:30, popular musical program, vocal and instrumental; dance program, Sweeney Radio orchestra, Indian village WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 366), 1:153:30 p. m.. Bob Schatefer and Dave Ringle, assisted by the Midnight Rounders of New Haven; 4:15-4-45 People's popular concert, conducted by Marcia Sehupac' 6-7, Alamac Festive board; 7-7:15, Roemcr sport period Thornton Fisher; 9:30-10, Chas. Strickland's Palisades ??rk„ orchestra; 10:30-11, Roseland dance orchestra; 11:30-12, Original James boys. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 10 a. m., seashore gossip; 3 p. m., "What the wild waves a,r.e, saying ; 3:05, chats with celebrities; Radio baby clinic. Baby Welfare association; 3:30, Comfort's philharmonic orchestra; 6:05, Kentucky Serenaders dance orchestra, direction Johnny Hamp; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; 8, "Timely talks to motorists. Gene HoKle; 8:15, Comfort's philharmonic orchestra; 8:45, 'What the wild waves are saying"; Radiocast from the bed of the Atlantic ocean; 8:50, Murphy's minstrels, direction Frank Elliott; 9:30, Vessella's concert band, soloist, Delia SamoilofT, soprano; 11:15, Marburger's dance orchestra. WJAX, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 8 p. m.. Hotel Cleveland orchestra, Ivan Francisci, director; Mildred Claire Boltey, pianolog; Adolfo Geron, pianist ,„peterGiucksman, tenor; Bessie Fortune, contralto. WiYo'„New York N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 405), 2:152:30 'P. m., 'Deutsche Literatur," Prof. Zinnocker of N. T. university: 9-9:30. "How to Learn to Swim." Frank E. Dalton; 10-10:30, Al Reiser's Club Ferrari orchestra. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 455), 1-2 ?■.?;• *athan Abas' Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra; 4-4:10, Eleanor Gunn's fashion talk; 4:10-4:15, daily menu; 4:15-4:30. "The Progress of the World," a Review of Review talk; 4:30-5, Alfrieda Bertin, violinist; o-5:15, Sara V. Turits, soprano; 7-7:20, Gotham Hotel concert orchestra; 7:30-8, Gotham Hotel concert orchestra; 8-8:30, weekly French lesson; 8:30-9:30, Wanamaker concert; 9:30-9:45, "America's Role in Europe, Dr. Jeremiah W. Jenks, university of the ^LVf5d°'?r0' NaTy band of the Virgin Islands; 10:30-11:30, Waldorf-Astoria dance orchestra. WLS. Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight. 345), 1-2 p. m., Edward Fritz, pianist, cornetist; "Fly Prevention," E. B. Heaton: 6:30, "Husk" O'Hara's orchestra; 6:45. program, Carl Craven studios; 7:45, lullaby time. Ford Rush, Glenn Rowell; 10:15, music publishers' night. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, Daylight, 423), 10 P. m., talk, representative TJniled States Civil Service bureau; 10:30, concert, Milnor electric instrument trio; 10:50, Fort Hamilton Masonic quartet; 11, Doherty Melody orchestra. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 447.5), 6 p. m., Chicago Theater organ recital; 6:30, Hotel LaSalle orchestra; 8, auto talk, Rockwell R. Stephens; 8:15, weekly talk for Boy Scouts; 9, garden talk, James H. Burdett; 9:15, music. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central 500), 8:30 p. m., program. WMH. Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, Daylight, 309), 8 p. m., piano solo, Clarence R. Reeves; contralto solo, Margy Reblsso; reading, Mrs. Beryl Mae Gross; 9, Jimmy Dearing's Rainbow orchestra. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 526), 6 p. m.. popular half -hour; 6:30, dinner program, Yost's old time dance orchestra; 9, program arranged, Mrs. A. S. Harrington. WOC, Davenport, la. (Eastern. 484), 12 m., chimes; 9 p. m., the Palmer School Radio orchestra; Ralph W. Fuller, baritone. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 11 a. m., Mary E. Vogt, organist; 12:02 p. m., Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra; 4:45, Mary E. Vogt. organist. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, Daylight, 405), 2:302:45 p. m., Jerry Drtwj Columbia Park orchestra; 3:30-4, Jerry Drew's Columbia Park orchestra; 6:156:30, "Radio for the Layman," Albert E. Sonn; 6:307:20, "Music While You Dine," Tom Cooper's Country club orchestra ; 7:20-7:30, resume of the day's sports. Jolly Bill Stelnke. WQJ. Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 448), 3-4 p. m.. Fashion and Economy Hand In nand," Buttei-ick Pub. company; "Planning \foals," Ethel M. Lord; "The Frame foi Anne Prang Knchans; 7-8. "Church X )!. Hlckox; Kathryn Snyder, reader : .or-hner con tralto; Marion Henry, h< ,,.,,, -,i i.evine tenor; 10-2, Ralph Willla ■ inbo Gardens orchestra; Axel W. Chrl ogue; jimmy ■ Cairns, tenor; Hill Hirsch and Gorny, singers ; Rosemary Hughes, soprano. WRC, Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469), 3 p. m., fashion developments of the moment, Women's Wear; 3:10, song recital, Arthur McCormick, baritone; 3:20, "Beauty and Personality," Elsie Pierce; 3:25, current topics. Editor of The Review of Reviews; 3:35, Ethel Grant, pianist; 4, songs; 6, stories and songs for children, Peggy Albion, Mary Frances Glenn. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, Daylight, 309), 10 p. m., musical recital, mixed quartet, Lydia Mayer, soprano, Efna Innis, contralto; Edward Olds, tenor; Robert Fergus, bass; Anna Cockburn, accompanist. WTAS, Elgin, III. (Central, 286), 7:30-7:45 p. m., bedtime stories, Olivia; 7:35-8, Dell Lampe's Trianon ballroom orchestra; Allen Hooker, WTAS pianist; 8-8:30, popular song hits; 8:30-12:30, Lampe's Trianon orchestra; Allen Hooker, pianist. WTAY, Oak Park, III. (Central, 283), 6:45-7:45 p. m., Dolores Behensky, harpist, reader; Mme. Pistorius, soprano; 9-9:45-10:15-11:15, Guyon's Paradise orchestra. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 12 m., Detroit News orchestra; 3 p. m., 8chmeman's band; 8:30, Schmeman's band; 9:30, Detroit News orchestra; 10, Goldkette's orchestra; 11, Detroit News orchestra. Friday, August 1 7:30 p. m., p. m., Nelle musical Francis. Silent night for: KGO. KPO, WBBR, WFI, WIP, WLW, WMH. WOR, WSAI. CFCF, Montreal, Que. (Eastern, Daylight, 440), 9 p. m., program, Cunard Steamship company; Mildred Page, reader; A. S. Arben, cellist; Ship's orchestra; Frank W. Crutch, violinist. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 11:15 a. m., Daugherty's orchestra; 5:30, Paul Fleeger, organist; 6:30, children's period, Uncle Wiggeley; 8, South Avenue church mixed quartet; Bessie Z. Smith, reader; Corrine G. Bell, pianist. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 6:45-8 p. m., Aeolian organ recital ; 8-9. Evening Herald, Carl Edward Hatch arranging concert; 9-10, Examiner, Grace Eaton Dow arranging concert; 10-11, pupils, Myra Belle Vickers in vocal recital; 11-12, Ambassador Hotel Cocoanut Grove orchestra. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266) Smith-Belding orchestra. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 455), 8:30 p. Duffy, contralto; Alfred Green, baritone. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 3 p. m program; 4-5:30, concert orchestra. Hotel St KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 3:30 p. m.. Woman's program; 8:15, George Olsen's Metropolitan orchestra; 10:30, Hoot Owls. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m., vocal concert, C. J. Frank, baritone; 2:30-3:30, Hollywood Bowl program, sponsor, Mrs. J. J. Carter; Bess Daniels, pianist; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's concert orchestra; 6:45-7:30, children's hour. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog ; weekly visit of Richard Headrick, screen juvenile; bedtime story, "LTncle John"; 8-10, concert, courtesy, Hellman Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, arranged by A. K. Berkland; 10, Charlie WeHman, tenor, and Bill Hatch, pianist, "Music KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 12:45 p. m., talk. Commonwealth Club luncheon; 1-2, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, Theodore J. Irwin organist; 4:30-5:30 Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra. KYW Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 536), 11:35 a. m., table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson; 6:45 p. m., children's bedtime story; 7-7:30, dinner concert. Congress hotel; 7:30-8, Duncan Sisters Music Publishing company; 8:20-8:45, announcement of Radio essay educational trip winners and delivery of winning girl's prize essay, G. L. Noble; "The Agricultural Situation and the Farm Bureau program," R. A. Cowles; 9-12:30, midnight revue. WBAV, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 423), 12 m.. Ha Lorbach Owens, pianist; 8 p. m., instrumental program for Columbus Dispatch. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, Daylight, 337), 6 p. m., dinner concert, WBZ, trio; 7:05, "The Care of Carburetor," E. B. Atmus; 7:30, bedtiuie story for the kiddles; 11, WBZ, trio; D.. Gordon Graham, baritone ; Mrs. Marion Graham, accompanist. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight; 492), 6:30 p. m., dinner concert, William Penn hotel; 7:30. Uncle Kaybee; 9:30, dance music, Charles Gates and his orchestra. WCAP, Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469), 8-9 p. m., program; 9-10:30, U. S. Army band. WCAY, Milwaukee, Wis. (Central, 266), 8 p. m., Oswald Jaeger Baking company night: Sidney Glass, violinist; Florence Eastman, contralto; Victor Hamm, pianist; Lloyd Rogers, accompanist; Louise Aldrlch, accompanist. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 4:15 p. m., musical program; 6, dinner concert; 7, Mrs. Thomas Watkins, soprano; Arthur Kueeken, violinist. WDAF. Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4:30 p. m., the Star's Radio trio; 6-7, School of the Air. piano tuning In number on the Duo-Art; seventh of a series of piano lessons by Maudellen Littlefleld; address, speaker from the Kansas City Children's bureau; children's story and information period; music, Carl Norberg's Plantation players, Hotel Muehlebach; 8-9:15, WDAF minstrels with the Star's Radio orchestra; 11:45 p. m.-l a. m., Nighthawk frolic, Charles Dornberger's orchestra, K. C. A. C. roof garden; Plantation players, Hotel Muehlebach. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 395), 11:45 a. m., daily almanac; 12:02 p. ra., Stanley theater organ recital; 12:30, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories; 8, Playlet WDAR Greenough players; 10, Benson's orchestra of Chicago, Fry's Million Dollar Pier orchestra, direct from Atlantic City. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 492), 1111:30 a. m., musical program; 4-4:15 p. m., Dorothy Jung, soprano; 4:15-4:30, Harry Olsen, banjoist; 4:30 5, children's stories; 6-7, dinner music, WaldorfAstoria orchestra; 7:45-8, Moses Levine, violinist; 9-10, B. Fischer & Co. "Astor Coffee" orchestra. WEBH, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 370), 7:30-8:30 p. m., Louise McCloud, soprano; popular song hits, Ted Fiorito; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra; 9:30-10:30, James H. St. John, tenor; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra; 11:30-12:30, piano monologues, Edward Stoddard; popular song hits, Dan Russo; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra. WEOA, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 360), 1:30 p. m.. educational lecture, member Ohio State university faculty; 4 p. m., farm talk, faculty member; music, university talent. WFAA, Dallas, Tex. (Central, 476), 12:30-1 p. m., address. Dr. Robert Stewart Hyer; 8:30-9:30, Grand Music Box recital of classics. George A. Nicoud. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 395), 1 p. m., Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra ; 6, Sunny Jim, the kiddies' pal; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 370), 6:30-7:30 p. m., Drake concert ensemble and Blackstone string quintette; 8:30-9:30, artists announced later; 10:3011:30, Bert Davis, Jack Chapman's orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 319), 12:30-1 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 6:30-7:30, dinnermusic; 9-11, variety musical program, direction of J. P. Quinn; 11:30, supper-dance music, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler dance orchestra, Harold Gieser, directing. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 5:30 p. m., children's itory in French, Frederic Duelert; 7:50, "Scrap of Paper," WGY Student players; WGY orchestra; 10:30, "Claude Debussy and his Music," Vladimir Karapetoff; 11:05, Stephen E. Boisclair, organist. WHA, Madison, Wis. (Central, 360), 7:30 p. m.. Radio play, William Joseph Tannewitz, director. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400), 4-5 p. m., Harry S. Currie's orchestra; 7:30-9, concert, Mary Gibson Craig, director. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 7-8 address; music. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 283), 9 p. m., program arranged by William Taylor Son and company; Louis Rich and his orchestra. WHN, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 366), 33:15 p. m., Wright & Bessingcr; 3:45-4, Uncle Robert's chat with children; 6-7, Alamac Festive board; 7-7:15, Roemer sport period, Thornton Fisher; *:30-10, Chas. Strickland's Palisades Park orchestra; 10:30-11, Roseland dance orchestra; 11:30-12, Club Alabam orchestra. WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (Central, 526), 7:30-9 p. m., Mrs. Bert Mills, soprano; Helen Ladd Warren, soprano; Mrs. Lewis Bolton, pianist; Mrs. Lorin Miller, violinist; S. W. Dorcey, clarinetist. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 10 a. m., seashore gossip; 8 p. m., "What the wild waves are saying," 3:05, Chats with celebrities; 3:30, Comfort's philharmonic orchestra; 6:05, Eddie Elkins' dance orchestra; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime 6tories. WJY, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight, 405), 7:308:15 p. m., Leonard Nelson's Knickerbocker Grill orchestra; 8:15-8:30, "The Supreme Court and Constitutional Government," Prof. Swenson of N. Y. university. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 455), 1-2 Hotel Ambassador trio; 4-4:10, Eleanor Gunn's fashion talk; 4:10-4:15, daily menu; 4:30-5:30, Httel Astor organ recital; 7-7:20, Ernio Golden's McAlpin Roof orchestra; 8:15-8:30, "Humor," Tom Masson; 8:3010:15, New Yorb Philharmonic orchestra; 10:15-10:30,