Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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12 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated August 2, 1924 Monday, August 4 (Continued from page 11) kl.Mirs' pal: 8:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford WGR. Buttalo. N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight. 319). 12:30-1 Qeorge Albert Bouchard, organist: 8:80-7:30, dinner music; 9-10, concert, Niagara Radio store; 10-11, concert. Fred F. Dve Fireproof Warehouse couipanj of Buffalo: 11:30, supper dance music. Vincent Lopez II.. til Statler dance orchestra, Harold Gleser. directing. WGY. Schenectady. N. Y. (Eastern. 380), 1 p. m., ie Facts about Mahogany. 7:45. Helen .Mont. pianist: "Betty at the Baseball came." Sylvia Mont: Mrs. Pem Badgley, Jr.. soprano; "The Vamp," Sylvia Mont. WHAS. Louisville. Ky. (Central. 400), 4-5 p. m., Alamo Theater orchestra; Dick Quinism's Golden Derby orchestra. „ . , WHAZ Troy. N. Y. (Eastern. 380). !> p. m.. Imperial orchestra. William V. Diamond, director. WHO, Kansas City. Mo. Central. 411), 7-S p. m., adInstrumental music. WHO Des Moines, Iowa (Central. 526). 7:30-9 p. in.. UlOle Al.tcva. piano accordionist ; Thellllii llyushurger. soprano; Lorcne Coiapton, trumpeter; John Alberson, baritone: Mamie Etdridge, soprano. WHN, New York. N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight. 366), 3:4S-4 p m rjHCle Robert'8 chat ivtth children; 8>T, Alamac festive board; 7-7:15, Boemer sport period, Thornton Fisher; 7:30-81, RoSelajul dame orchestra: 8:30-8 15, Vmccnt Lane, tenor i 9 Palisades Park dance ' orchestra; 10-11, Jack Shack's orchestra; Vl-t a. m., midnight Bohemia show. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. Daylight, 509), 10 a. m., seashore gossip; 3 p. m.. "What the wild waves are saying,'' 3:0."). Chats with celebrities; 3:30, Comfort's Philharmonic orchestra; li:05, Frisco Serenaden dance orchestra; 7, I'm le Win's bedtime stories. ■WLW, Cincinnati. Ohio (Central. Daylight, 423). 8 p, in., grand opera. Kalph Lyford, director. WMAO, Chicago. III. (Central, Daylight, 447.5), 6 i>. m., organ rcltal; 6:30, Hotel LaSalle orchestra. WOAW, Omaha. Nebr.. (Central. 526). 6 1). m.. popular half hour; 0:30, dinner program. Randalls Royal i Bandels Store restaurants; 9, dance program, Bob Lee's Imperial Jazz band. WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. Daylight, 509). 11 . Mary E. Vogt, organist; 12:02 p. m.. Wana maker Crystal Tea Room orchestra; 1:43. Mary E. Vogt. organist: 7:30. Hotel Adelphia concert orchestra; 5. i Bureau of Health talk; 9:10. Fox Theater grand orchestra; 10, Mary E. Vogt, organist; . Vincent lUzzo and his Hotel Sylvania dance orchestra. WOR, Newark. N. J. (Eastern, Daylight, 405), 8:30-8:45 . "1 See by the Pa fs MeCoslter; 9-9:15, Dr. SiKintind Spaeth; 1011, program by the WOK Monday nlghters. WOS. Jefferson City, Mo. (Central. 440.9), S p. ra., souri stale Prison band; Harry M. Snodgrass, WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, I'ayliaht, 4<I8), 3-1 p. m . •T'i,, i ., ■' Downing: "Three a Dav with a Pressure Cooker," Mabel E. Waggoner; re of Bird Life in the Home," J. N. Slotkln. WRC. Washington. D. C. (Eastern. 469), 3 p. m., fashion devi the aent, Womea's Wear; current topics. Editor The International Interpreter; 3:35, piano recital; 3:50. "What Women Are Doing Today." Mrs. William Athertmi Dti Puy; 4:10, League of American Penwomen; 6. stories for children. Peggy Albion. WSAI. Cincinnati. Ohio (Central. Daylight, 309), 10 p. m., popt concert, Hotel Alms orchestra. WTAM. Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern. 390), 8 p. m., in. Ohio night": concert program by talent from a Ohio city. * WTAS. Elgin, III. (Central. 286), 7:15 p. m.. organ re Cltal, Allen Hooker; 7:20-7:15. WTAS orchestra; 7:45 8, Mary Jayne, popular singer; Albert Malotto, com EVEREAD* Uadio Batteries -th$$k§t longs? Conspicuous for vitality and endurance — the right batteries by test and proof for every radio use. NATIONAL CARBON CO., Inc. Headquarters for Radio Battery Information New York San Francisco Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited Factory and Offices: Toronto, Ontario METJU. Crystals of Quality Trade Mark Beg. LT. S. Patent Ofl The B-METAL Loud Talking Crystal was the first really standard crystal offered under a reliable "complete satisfaction \ guarantee." and it sprang Into lmmeJ dlate popularity, remaining at present in Its third season, the best seller of any % standard priced and quality e i] B-METAL has kept pace with devclop^ ments and has constantly been Improved by the u*e of purer bs . ecien \ tlfic treatment, and more care in lnspect[J ing and testing. The quality has gone up 100% and the price is still 50 J No premiums are offered to sell B METAL. nor can Genuine B-MLTAL tals be bought at less than standard i price. t\ If your dealer cannot supply you. send to JJ us. We will :,tv to anyone writing us iuj to pay promptly If satl-lied. i) We want every Radio owner to know B-METAL Crystals are. Write ; today. ■s Ucalrrs and Jobbers please get our \i prop'> 14»*rL 626 WOODWARD AVENUE. DETROIT. MICMiGAN poser; songs. Lucky Wilbur; 8-8:30, Dell Lampe's orchestra; 8:30-8:45, songs. Hill, Hirsh. Gorncy ; request numbers, Vernon Rm-k. Jimmy Eggert; 8:45-9, WTAS orchestra: 9-9:30, Hawaiian numbers. William Anderson. Orpha Twingstrand; songs, Walter Donovan Canni Komane; 9:30-10, Dell Lampe's orchestra ; 1011, request numbers, Allen Hooker; songs. Hill, Hirsh, (iomey, Mary Jayne, Betty Holmes. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern. 517), 8 a. m.. setting-up exercises. It. J. Hoi ton; 12 m., Detroit News orchestra; 7 p. m.. Schmeman's band; 9:30, Detroit News orchestra. Tuesday, August 5 Silent night for: KFOA. WBBR, WFI, WGR, WHO, WM-H. WOC, WOO. WOR. WOS. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), G:45-8 p. m., Aeolian organ recital; 8-9, Ambassador Hotel Cocoanut Grove orchestra; 9-10, Examiner concert; 10-11, de luxe concert. KFNF, Shenandoah. Iowa (Central, 266). 7:30 p. m., concert. Clearfield, Iowa, Dr. I). W. Hoed, director. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific. 312), 1-5:30 p. m., concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis; 8, Boy's band, American Legion Post No. 83, Arion trio; Ethel Darling, soprano; Charles N. W. Newell, pianist: San Francisco trio; Blanche H. Fox, contralto; David zimei, pianist; George von Hagci, cellist; 10-1, Henry Halstead's Hotel St. Francis dance orchestra. KGW. Portland. Ore. (Pacific, 492), 3:30 p. m., children's program; is. conceit. Seiberling-Lucas Music company. KHJ. Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m., concert; 2:30-3:30, Hollywood Bowl program, sponsor, Mrs. J. J. Carter, liess Daniels, pianist; 0-6:30, Art Hickman's concert orchestra; 6:45-7:30, children's hour. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; weekly visit of the Sandman and Queen Titania; bedtime story, "Uncle John"; S-10. de luxe concert; 10-11, Art Hickman's dance orchestra. KPO. San Francisco. Calif. (Pacific, 423), 1-2 p. m., Kudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 4:30-5:30, Rudy Seiter's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 5:30-0:30, children's hour stories. Big Brother of KPO; 6:30-7:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel orchestra; 8-10, "Guardians of the Golden Gate." U. S. Army Third Coast Artillery band; 10-11. E. Max Bradfield's versatile band. KYW, Chicago, 111. (Central, Daylight, 536), 11:35 a. m., table talk, Mrs. Anna .1. Peterson; 0:45 p. m., children's bedtime story; 7-7:30, dinner concert, Congress hotel; 8-8:20, Chicago Musical college; 8:20-8:45, "Ridding the Nation of Bovine Tuberculosis," H. H. Smith; "Wo-Mimlcdncss," E. P. Taylor; 8:45-9:30, Chicago Musical college. WBAV. Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 423), 12 m., Ha Lorbach Owens, pianist: 8 p. in., WBAV orchestra, Frances Handibeau, director. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 462). 6:3:0 p. m., dinner concert. William Penn hotel; 9:30, the Central Four. WCAY, Milwaukee. Wis. (Central, 266), 10:30 p. m., Leon Grieb, tenor; Isabelle Renee, soprano; the Illini Serenaders; 11:30, regular midnight frolic "Bob" Northrop and other regular studio entertainers. WCX. Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 4:15 p. m., musical program; 0, dinner concert; 10, Red Apple club. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4:30 p. m., the Star's Radio trio; 5-5:30, weekly child talent program, pupils of Harry Kaufmann, violinist; Gertrude Concannon, pianist, and Herman Springer, vocalist; 6-7, School of the Air, piano tuning In number on the Duo-Art: address. Maudellen Littlefield, eighth of a series of piano lessons; address, Clorin Zumwalt. M. A.; the Tell-Me-a-Story lady; m^sic, Carl Islorborg's Plaaltation players. Hotel Muehlebach; 11:45 p. m. -1 a. m. . Nighthawk frolic, the Riley-Ehrhart Winnwood Beach orchestra. WDAR. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 595), 11:45 a. in., daily almanac; 12:02 p. m.. Stanley theater organ recital; 12:30, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra: 4:30, Edna Finestone, pianist; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime WEAF. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight, 492), 1111:15 a. m.. Board of Education; 11:15-11:15, motion picture forecast, Adele Woodard; 4-4:30 p. m., Al Friedman's orchestra; 5-5:30. women's program; 6-7. dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria orchestra: 7-8, Meyer Davis Vanity orchestra; 8:30-9:45, Iteid Ice Cream company; 8:45-915, Gordon Male quarette; 9:15-9:45, Rita Rotermel, pianist. WEAO. Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 360), 1:30 p. m., educational lecture, member Ohio state university faculty. WFAA, Dallas. Tex. (Central, 476), 12:30-1 p. m., address, DeWitt McMurray; 8:30-9:30. orchestra and singers. Avenue Baptist church; 11-12, MacDowell sisters. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 395), 1 p. m., Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra: 3, Loretta Kerk, pianist; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Sunny Jim, the kiddies' pal; 8, Loretta Kerk, pianist. WGN. Chicago, III. (Central. Daylight. 370), 6:30-7:30 p. m., Drake concert ensemble and Blackstone string quintette; 8:30-9:30, Rosemary Hughes, soprano; Ralph Emerson, organist; 10:30-11:30, Jack Chapman's orchestra. WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight. 319). 12:30 -1 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 6:30-7:30, dinner music. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 1 p. m.. "Pinafore." WGY Studio Light Opera group: 6, dinner music, Joseph A. Chickene and his Clover Club orchestra; 7:43, Mrs. Van Veachton Rogers, pianist; J. Alfred Hand, baritone; Herbert K. Fink, violinist; Mrs. John E. Faulkner, contralto; "Continous Threads of Activity as an Indispensable Element in Life Satisfaction and Service," Vladimir Karapetotl ; 10:15, Stephen E. Boisclair. organist. WHAA, Iowa City, Iowa (Central, 484), 8 p. m., "The Rules of the Air," Prof. Floyd A. Nagler. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, . 400), 4-5 p. m., Dick Guinlan's Golden Derby orchestra; Alamo theater orchestra; 7:30-9, Zttr Schmiede Harmony Diggers. WHB, Kansas City. Mo. (Central, 411), 8-9:30 p. m., musical program. Tabernacle Baptist church; address, .1. Fuller Jaudon; 10:30-11:30, dance program, Sweeney Radio orchestra. WHN. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight. 366), 2-3:15 p. m., vaudeville and overture, Loew's State theater; 3:45-4, Irving Miller, baritone; 5-5:30. original St. Louis Rythym Kings; 6-7, Alamac Festive board; 9:30-10. Cbas. Strickland's Palisades Pajli orchestra; 1 0 : 1.311, Bertram J. Goodman orchestra; 11:15-11:30, Edvv. B. Marks Music company; 11:30-12, Club Alabam orchestra. WiP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 10 a. m., seashore gossip; 1 p. in., Karl Bonawitz, organist; 3, "What the wild waves are saying;" 3:05, chats with celebrities; 3;,'J0. Comfort's philharmonic orchestra; 6:05. Ehrenzeller's concert orchestra; 7, Uncle VVip's bedtime stories; 8, Comfort's philharmonic orchestra; 8:15, "What the wild waves are saying; 8:50, Vessclla's concert band; 10, Bob Lemaoi's dance orchestra; 11:03, Harver Marburger's dance orchestra. WiAX, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), program arranged by Cleveland News-Leader; 7:30 p. m., E. G. Johnson, bedtime story; Don Palmer, Radio talk cartoon; Joe Smith-Martha Lee Club orchestra. WLW, Cincinnati (Central, Daylight, 423), 10 p. m., special dance music; 12, midnight concert, ChubbSteinberg orchestra. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 447.5), 6 p. m., Chicago Theater organ; 6:30, Hotel LaSalle or UV-200 "The detector tube supreme." Noted for stability, long life, and uniformity. A sixvolt standard base tube for any receiving circuit. Radiotron UV-200 with its long distance reception— clearness — and good volume — is the basis of many a receiver's splendid performance. Radio Corporation of America Sales Offices — Dept. 316 233 Broadway, New York 10 South LaSalle St., 433 California St. Chicago, 111. San Francisco, Cal. Price $5.00 Be sure that every vacuum tube you buy is marked RADIOTRO N This symbol of quality is your protection. Radiotron REG. U S. PAT. OFF. Detector and One Stage on Panel Only 4x8 Inches * — • ■ • '««* Winnipeg, * -s /* AW* ii u w st imititWS Coto Compact Variocoupler operates splendidly with series condenser in standard circuits and standard sized sets. But what a portable set you can build for summer use! Just cut a piece of paper 4x8 inches. That's the size of a set that will get real D. X. with plenty of volume. If your dealer falls you write us, giving bis name and address and list of Coto parts you need. COTO-COIL CO. 87 WILLARD AVE., PROVIDENCE, R. I. BRANCH OFFICES: Los Angeles, 329 Union League KldB.; Minneapolis. Geo. F. Darling. 705 PI 111, Is.; Atlanta, C. P. Atkinson, Atlanta Tr. Co. Bldg. llada, Perkins Elect. Co., Ltd., .Montreal, Toronto, chostra; 8, Harry Hansen, literary editor; 8:20, trarol talk, Clara E. Laughlln; 8:40. French lesson; 9. civil service commission talk; 9:15. music. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 526), 6 p. m., dinner program; 9, classical program. WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 11 8. m., Mary E. Vogt. organist; 12:02 p. m.. Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra, Kobert E. Golden, director; 4:45, Mary E. Vogt, organist. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern. Daylight. 405). 2:.10-3 P. m.. McAlpin Hotel orchestra; 3:30-4, McAlpin Hotel WQJ, Chicago, 111. (Central, Daylight, 448), 3-4 p m.. "Caro of the Infant in Hot Weather," Dr. Edward W. Westland: "Sidelights on the Ice Cream Industry," .T. E. Davie; "The Importance of Cheese in the Diet," S. K. Robinson; 7-8. Tony Corcoran, tenor; Margaret Garrity, pianist; "Phenominal Growth of the Torrens System of Land Title Registration," Herman Tenlnga ; 10-2, Ralph Williams and his Rainbow Garden orchestra; Phil Fleming and Vernon Rick, the "How Do You Do Boys;" Paul Lougher, tenor; "How to Get l'.etter Reception," Harry J. Marx. WRC. Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469), 6 p. m., children's hour, Peggy Albion, Marguerite Meakin; 8, violin recital; 9, political talk; 9:15, concert. Irving Boernstein's Wardman Park Hotel trio. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, Daylight, 309). 7 p. m., concert. Hotel Gibson orchestra; 7:30. special chimes concert; 8, orchestral recital. Hotel Gibson orchestra; 9. special program readings and music. WTAY, Oak Park, III. (Central. 283). 6:45-7:45 p. m . Ktuidy Meek, tenor; bedtime storv, Glenn Bruce. WTAS, Elgin, III. (Central, 286), 7:30-7:45 p. m., bedtime story, Oltva; 7:45-8, Dell Lampe's Trianon ballroom orchestra; 8-8:30 popular song numbers; 8:3012:30, Lanipe's Trianon orchestra. WW1, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 9:45 p. m., Fred Shaw, pianist and songster; 12 m., Detroit Sews orchestra; 3 p. m.. Schmeman's band; 7, Schmeman's band; 9:30, Detroit News orchestra. The Superspeaker THE ONLY SATISFACTORY REPRODUCER is one you can adt, and the bes adjustment we know Is the simple, cam-operated feature which enables The Super-Speaker to reach out and really sweep the ether — No extra batteries or coils* Big, substantial, nonmetallic horn, -without echo or destructive resonance—A Cine, ebonyglossed musical instrument every Radio Merchant can be proud to sell. Big production makes It possible to supply several more good dealers, so write quickly. JEWETT RADIO & PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 5680 Twelfth Street DETROIT MICHIGAN