Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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'■■—■ 18 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated Aumtrt 2, r-?l Questions and Answers One Hundred Meter Regenerative Circuit i nected differently, as indicated, the orig(0033) IWB, Wynona, Okla. inal binding posts are used for connection Can you supply me with the necessary in points, formation to hook up a receiver for the The primary can be most any kind of amateur waves, say 100 to 200 meters? wire. Number 24 dec. or sec. will serve, I would like to have a hook-up that you could recommend for this work. I have not been able to find such a diagram in your magazine, although I have not missed an issue for about a year, or ever since I began taking it. A. — Complying with your request, we show on this page a diagram of a simple two-circuit regenerative hook-up designed for reception of low wave length, 100 meter work. The variometer in the secondary is a parallel connection. Usually commercial types are connected in series so some connections must be broken and recon PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS. Booklet free. Highest references. Best results. WATSON E. COLEMAN, Patent Lawyer, 644 G Street, Washington, D. C. "CRYSTAL Sets Tested 600 Miles." You can now get a genuine Lambert Long Distance Crystal Radio Set for only $4.98. Particulars free. Leon Lambert, 501 Volutsia, Wichita, Kansas. PATENTS Procured. Send sketch or model today for examination, prompt report and advice. No charge for preliminary advice. Write for free Booklets "How to Obtain a Patent" and "Invention and Industry" and blank form on which to disclose your idea. Highest references. Promptness assured. Clarence A. O'Brien, Registered Patent Lawver, 200 3 Security Bank Bujlding. Directly across the street from Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Don't You Get #■♦2^ -J of only bearing LOCAL r«c(Ol stations on your Crystal • •• ^»^» _ Set? There's rousio on four aerial every night from stations f ar'away. f you want to'hear i t without buying a tube eet, WRITE ME TODAY. LEON LAMBERT 601 South Volutsia Wiohita, Kansas FREE — Log Book with each purchase FACTORY GUARANTEED MOSE. BY MAIL Genuino New Radiotron or Cunningham Tubes UV-199— 200— 201A— WD -11— 12 d»Q QQ C299— 300— 301A— Cll— 12 »)>«> • I/O Fresh Burgess or Eveready "B" Batteries 22% Volt large size $1.68—45 Volt $5.00 size $3.33 Write for Complete Price List STONE ELECTRIC CO., 714 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. All Mdse. F.O.B. St. Louis, Mo. Dept. D Panel Shielding After Your Set Is Finished A liquid metal; cuts out body capacity, brings in music clear and sweet. Done in 5 minutes. One can will shield 5 or more sets; 50c per can. Also a liquid spaghetti can be put on after set is finished, fine for insulating the base board. 50c per can. Post paid. WALKER MANUFACTURING CO. 247 Scott St. San Francisco, Cal. RADIO HANDBOOK i.c.s. RADIO HANDBOOK 514 PAGES ' Just off the press ! The greatest book on Radio ever written. Price only SI. Filled with sound, practical, tested information for every radio fan, from beginner to hard-boiled owl. Written, compiled, and edited by men of national reputation. Every page tells you something useful — and there are 514 pages. Mail $1 to-day and get this I. C. S. Radio Handbook before you spend another cent on parts. Money back if not satisfied | TEAR OUT HERE 1 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ' Boi 8275-L, Scranton, Penna. I enclose One Dollar. Please send me — postpaid — the 514-page I. C. S. Radio Handbook. It is understood that if I am l not entirely satisfied I may return this book within five days and you will refund I my money. 1 » I ■ Name _ J J and if the type of variometer will permit can be wound upon the extended portion and consists of two turns of wire. This can be secured by adhesive tape, or can be wound on a separate form of the same diameter as the hole on side of variometer and connected to it by adhesive. DON'T TEAR DOWN YOUR SET Locate the cause of your trouble with a Radio "Trouble-Finding" Chart DESIGNED BY MELV1N B. BENSON Radio and Electrical Engineer Chairman Electrical Board, U.S.A. PRICE, 25c EACH A Big Seller for Dealers MimMiINEEM6& 125 N. Halsted St. CHICAGO, ILL. ULTRADYNE TRANSFORMERS 1 Input Transformer and 3 Intermediate Transformers Tuning-, Oscillating per pair Coils, $20.00 $4.00 Full instructions and Blue Prints furnished with each Kit. Absolutely guaranteed. These transformers are suitable for any Super-Heterodyne circuit. Put up in handsome Kit display box. Special discount to dealers. Prompt delivery. Write for special circular. SYPHER MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1524 Fernwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio <~TAe traffic Cop cf the Jlir He arranges in orderly fashion the mass and jumble of Broadcasting Stations that are seeking entrance to your set and brings 'em !n, one at a time, so you can enjoy theml Never reduces, but nearly always increases volume. Add a Ferbend Wave Trap to your set and "Police" your reception. Regulate the TrafficI Guaranteed to tone oat any I nterforinjf station. The price Is $8.50. Shipment Is made parcel post C. O. . D. plus a few cents postage. If you prefer, send cash Id full with order and we will ship postage prepaid. Send ns your order today. •,*•„«*• Vr«. FERBEND FERBEND ty^ffiafj. ELECTRIC COMPANY 23 E. Souttt Water St. Chicago, 111. A WE REPAIR THE FOLLOWING RADIO TUBES Dealers and Agents write for Special Discount Mail Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended to WD-11, WD-12, Our Specialties WD-ll $2.50 WD-12 2.50 0V-2OO 2.50 UV-201 2.50 C-300 2.50 C-301 2.50 DV-6 2.50 DV-1 2.50 DV-2 2.50 TJV-6A $2.50 TJV-199 2.50 C-299 2.50 UV-201A 2.50 C-301A 2.50 Marconi 2.50 Moorhead 2.50 6 V. Plain Set 2.50 6 V. Plain Amp 2.50 H. & H. RADIO COMPANY P. 0. Bok 22-A Clinton Hill Station KB W ARK, N. J. Phone Trouble (06148) WS, Hartville, N. C. One night recently I heard a station and the man announcing was saying Station QXI, calling UD or UP, I'm not sure which, but can you tell me the location of this station? Is it in the U. S. A.? I have a pair of head-phones that I can't use now, for the magnet seems to SELL Coal in Carload Lots. Side or main line. Experience Unnecessary. Earn week's pay in an hour. Liberal drawing account arrangement. WASHINGTON COAL COMPANY, 945 Coal Exchange Building, Chicago. FREE YOUR OWN Name and Addre.s Printed on Thank Yon Cards ffimk^youzz?: > iitM-OAi. J)«^C(Wl chA*~ Hear what YOU like. Stations are glad to put on numbers at your request. We print Spec'al Cards that get ATTENTION. AM the RAGE. Cards (Printing FREE) 100 — only 81.35: 200— $1.85:300— $2.86, POST PAID. Order TODAY. MONEY REFUNDED it Not SatUBad cards— You Send order with check or money order today — NOW. RADIO PRINTERS, C4 Main Street, Mendota, Illinois Broadcasting from Atlantic Coast, Mexico, Hawaii, Canada and Cuba heard in California by users of CROSS COUNTRY CIRCUIT. Range due to simplicity of set and only one tuning control. Easily and cheaply built by any novice. Dry cell tubes may be used. All instructions, blue print panel layout, assembly photo, etc. Postpaid 25c. Stamps accepted. VESCO RADIO CO. BX D-117 OAKLAND, CAL. What About It? Isn't it about time to stop experimenting with multiple control circuits and build one that, combining ease of assembly and operation, loudness, clarity and selectivity of signals, as well as beautiful appearance, is excelled by none? THE ELGIN SUPER-REINARTZ RADIO RECEIVING SETS Embodies all the advantages of the well known Elgin Ueinartz (the set which was largely responsible for the popularity of this wonderful circuit) and many others. It is much louder, ■more selective, requires no storage battery, and can be used with excellent results on a short or loop aerial. It has brought in 2LO England, and California stations two thousand miles from Elgin, clearly and without interference on a loud speaker with only one tube, and that while our powerful focal station was broadcasting three miles away. Could you ask for more. Send 2-cent stamp for circular giving one, two and three bulb hookups of this remarkable circuit ELGIN RADIO SUPPLY CO. 207 East Chicago Street ELGIN, ILLINOIS SPECIAL, INTRODUCTORY PRICE For a limited time only, and to introduce this new and superior Storage "B" Radio Battery to the Public, we are selling it for $4.00. Regular Retail Price is $6.00. You save $2.00 by ordering NOW. A finer battery cannot be built than the World Storage "B" Battery (12 CELLS-24 VOLT3) To ten million homes with Radio Sets— and to countless millions of prospective buyers— this WORLD Storage "8" Battery brings a new conception of battery economy and performance. Here la u battery tbxt pays for itself In a few weekswill last for years and can be recharged at a negligible cost. And you eave $2.00 by ordering now. ASuperior Battery f$Si$Sb&!c£ Has heavy duty 2 1-8 In. x 1 In. x 1-4 In. plates and plenty of acid circulation. Extra heavy glass jars allow ready observation of charge and prevent leakage and seepage of current. It holds Us charee, while idle, at constant voltage. You will find thi=» battery a boon to long distance reception. It does away with a great many noises bo Often blamed oo "static." Mall your order today. SEND NO MONEY Just state number of batteries wanted and we will ship day order is received. EXTRA OFFER: 4 batteries In series (96 volts), $15.00. Pay Expressman after examining batterieB. 6 per pent discount lor cash in full with order. Send your order NOW and save $2.00. WORLD BATTERY COMPANY Matters of the famous World Radio "A" Storage Battery , S^ 1219 S. Wabash Ave., Dept. 76, Chicago, 111. SAVE Sz.OO BY ORDERING NOW! have lost its strength. How or where can I have these fixed? A. — The call 2X1 is used by station WGY, Schenectady, N. Y., when testingIt will be best for you to return your phones to the manufacturer for remagnet izing. The New STAR Type E. Detector For Crystal or Reflex Sets Price $1 00 1 22 Star Type E Detector We offer the STAB TYPE E Detector which is covered by our guarantee of complete satisfaction and is sold at the LOWEST PBICE of any RELIABLE DEThis detector is well TECTOR on the market. made and is set with one of our very best rectifying materials. It is made so that in case of necessity it may be adjusted and while it Is not especially designed for reflex seta many excellent reports of performance on these sets have been received. THE TYPE E DETECTOR IS THE BEST BUY IN THE CRYSTAL MARKET TODAY and will be 6ent subject to exchange for any other item we make. 1 DEALERS send to-day for our FALL CATALOGUE NOW READY, and get all set for the big season ahead. to Each Purchaser World Beiteru A24-yolt"B"StorafireBatteryposJtivelyrfven^ i KEE with each purchase of a WORLD "A" Storage Battery. The WORLD Battery fa farnous for its emaranteed quality and service. Backed by years of Successful Manufacture and Thousands of Satisfied Users. You save 60%. j j Prices That Save and Satisfy Auto Batteries Radio Batteries 6-Volt, 11 Plate S12.2S C-Volt, 80 Amps. $10.00 G-Volt. 13 Plata tdM e-Volt, 1 00 Amp's. 12.50 • e> w .. ;» I ?-„ 6-Volt, 120 Amps. 14.SO 12-Volt. 7 Plate 17.00 6-Volt, 140 Amps. 16.00 Shipment Express C. O. D. subject to examination. 6 per cent discount for cash in full with order. 2-Yr. Guarantee Bond In Writing With Each World Storage Battery proves satisfactory World performance. Mall this ad with your name and address — we will ship battery day order Is received; and fflvo you your choice of B" Storage Buttery ore handsome nlcklo finish Auto Spotll te, FREE. Write TODAY. WORLD BATTERY COMPANY 00 E. Roosevelt Road Dept. L, CHICAGO, ILL. This FREE "B" Storage. Battery takes the place of dry cell B batteries. Can be recharpod and will last Indefinitely. To be sold retail for $6.00. It Is the only battery of Its kind equipped with wolld rubber case — and Insurance airafnst acid end leakiiffe. T»ke advantage of this remarkable Introductory offer NOW. (To those whoprefer It. wo will send FREE a handsome nickel finish Auto Spotllte, Instead of tha "B" Battery. Be sure to specify wbicn Is wanted.) GIVEN FREE To introduce this new end WWWW v^SSw^ Bupor.or World "B" Storage Battery to the Public Ml