Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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RADIO D I G E S T— Illustrated August 9, 1924 AFRICA TUNES IN TO STATION WGY Entire Performance of "The Mikado" Received with Excellent Clarity and Volume SCHENECTADY. — Reports have come to Station WGY, located in this city that X. Grant Dalton, an amateur at Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, received through 2XT, the entire performance of "The Jlikado," Radiocast on the evening of May 22. The Johannesburg Star, to winch Mr. Dalton in his delight reported his reception, apparently doubted the young amateur, but the management of the publication was interested to such an extent that they cabled WGY, to check the claims of Mr. Dalton. Mr. Dalton stated: "It is the best reception I have ever had. It was excellent both in regards to clarity and strength. The spoken words sounded muffled, but, solo and duet voices were particularly good." He used a four tube, set, one stage :adio frequency amplification, detector, and two stages of audio frequency. Due to the absence of atmospherics, an extra stage of Radio frequency was added. Johannesburg is 8,043 miles from Schenectady. This is a record distance for the station. The reception was the more remarkable because of the warm weather at the transmitting end and the heavy static that had to be penetrated to reach southern Africa now experiencing the winter season. Use Radio to Locate Lost Boy; Found Same Evening MONTREAL. — Little boys, suffering from an irrepressible impulse to wander away from the front-porch or back-yard, in search of adventure, must nowadays take Radio into account when formulating plans for a safe get-away. Otherwise Radio upsets everything. Little Marcel Plourde, aged 5, left his parents' home one morning recently in this city, and failed to return. The police were duly notified and CKAC, La Presse, Radiocast at 10 p. m., a description of the diminutive adventurer. Less than an hour later he was spotted by a Radiophan who was putting out some empty milk bottles at his door. After twelve hours of unalloyed freedom and bliss, Marcel was restored to loving arms. TO RADIO HORSE RACES (Continued from page 1) abroad by the Zev-Papyrus race last year, have aroused even more attention than did the former match, for Epinard is profiting greatly by the example of Papyrus. He has arrived in time for a much longer training period here, allowing him to become completely familiar with our tracks, and is being handled by Jasper Leigh, a former American horseman who knows our methods of racing thoroughly. The three races which have been scheduled will allow the visitor to display his form at a variety of distances and over three different tracks. Washington Opens a New Radio Station Will Be Used for Emergency When Phones Fail WASHINGTON, D. C. — A Radio transmitting station has been erected by the Potomac Electric Power company at its headquarters here for emergency purposes it has just become known through the issuance of an amateur's license by the Radio section of the Department of Commerce. The call letters of the new station are 3XAV. Although not as powerful as Washington's two other Radio stations WCAP and WRC the power company station during recent tests was heard in Ohio. The wave band on which it will transmit will be too low for the average receiving set to pick up the messages. The primary purpose of the station it is explained is to communicate with the company's power plant in the outskirts of the city in the event of an emergency which might paralyze telephonic communication. A receiving set has been installed in the power station and it has successfully picked up messages sent out from the transmitting station. Officials of the electric company also are considering plans it is said for equipping some of its repair trucks with receiving sets in order that communication may be established with them when the crews are working in suburban communities and not within range of telephone. Application has been made to the Paraguayan chamber of deputies for a concession giving one company the exclusive right to Radiocast and sell Radio equipment in Paraguay for five years. Now! A PERFECT CONDENSER Every Fan Can Afford A laboratory type at a commercial price. We'll guarantee you'll find in the BremerTully "Lifetime" condenser, more vital improvements, more advanced features, more essential advantages than any other. Bremer-Tully "Lifetime' ' Condenser Electrically Perfect Mechanically Beyond Comparison Low loss, high ratio, straight line wave length, Superior B-T. Exclusive method of die casting stator and rotor plates. Pigtail connection. Grounded Rotor. Unique design, cast aluminum end plates. "Lifetime" two step thrust bearing, adjustable to any degree of friction, without disturbing plate alignment or changing capacity. "20 point" folder gives full details. Write for copy. Watch for announcement of new Bremer-Tully Low Loss Tuner. Special new features. Longer range of wave lengths. Adjustable primary and many other features. This tuner gives results heretofore impossible. BREMER-TULLY MFG. CO. 532 S. CANAL ST. CHICAGO tz wonderful that l Ten tor cart > tune in so nicely . (9Aj no. -Jnere 'is notfimo complicated, in it. Qnyorie ca Oi?e one control makes it so easy" Bristol Single Control Radio Receiver Complicated combinations are eliminated when tuning in with Bristol Single Control Radio Receiver — every station is on the one dial. It gives the joys of radio with technicalities left out. The well-known Grimes Inverse Duplex System (non reradiating) is utilized in this Receiving Set. Because of the reflex, only four tubes are required to give power equivalent to six. The price, without accessories, $190.00. Audiophone You forget the radio equipment when listening Loud Speaker t*iru t*ie Audiophone Loud Speaker. The tone is full, clear and pleasing. It gives a true reproduction of the original. Made in three models — Senior $30.00, Junior $22.50, and Baby $12.50. Ask for Bulletins Nos. 3014 and Ay-3015 Made and Sold by THE BRISTOL COMPANY Waterbury, Connecticut OS^ SmndardRADlOP"5^ ^\A/r\y/^-'\^/^\?:/y\A/g\^A^A\.?:/^Wy-\f7fT,l THE Federal iron-clad performance guarantee does more than protect you from loss or disappointment when building your pet hook-up. It is a pledge of perfection which a manufacturer would not dare to give unless he had Federal's background of over a quarter-century experience in radio and kindred fields. There are over 130 standard radio parts bearing the Federal iron-clad performance guarantee. FEDERAL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Buffalo, N. Y» Boston New York Philadelphia Pittsourgh Chicago San Francisco Bridgeburg, Canada .