Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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August 9, 1924 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated DRAMATICS NEW FEATURE AT WHB Wednesday, August 6 Silent night for: CKAC. KGO. KSD. WBAV, WEAO, WFAA. WFI, WGY, WIP, WOAW, SAI. CKAC. Montreal, Can. (Eastern, Daylight, 425), 1:45 p. m.. Mount Royal hotel classic concert. CNRO, Ottawa, Can. (Eastern, Daylight, 435), Chateau Laurier hotel orchestra; Dominion church choir; songs. J. D. Robertson; Mrs. McCullough Allan, Clara Baxter; pianoforte solo, Dr. Herbert Sanders; "Big Game Hunting in Canada." E. G. Poole; songs. Graden Willougbby, Arthur Hill, Lloyd Mooney. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 5:30 p. m., dinner concert, Pittsburgh Athletic association orchestra; 6:30, "Uncle Bemus Comes with a Story;" 8, Hungarian Singing society; Bose and Gizella Pallos, soloists; Charles Pallos. violinist. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 6:45-8 p. m., detective stories; vocal concert; 8-9, Evening Herald, Fullerton Badiocasters; 9-10, Examiner program; 10-11, Hollywoodlarid Community orchestra; 11-12, Ambassador hotel Cocoanut Grove orchestra. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 7:30 p. in.. Elks' band. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 455), 8:30 p. m., dance music, Premier orchestra, Al Nist, director. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 2:30-4:30 p. m.. divine healing service; 6:30-7:30, Kozy hour, Annie Lacey. child soprano; Marjorie Warwick, soprano; Francis Floto, bird whistler; Marion Wyant, contralto; story. Mother; Clella Prough, saxophone; Essie Binkley Locy, cornet solos. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 3 p. m., speaker, Cora L. Williams institute; 4-5:30, concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific 492), 3:30 p. m.. talk, Jeanette P. Cramer; 10, dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan orchestra. Head liners of the Week AN ITALIAN program reminiscent of soft skies, and of the blue, . sun-kissed waters of the Bay of Naples will float softly out of the ether if you tune in for WTAM, Wednesday. Fiddlin' John Carson, weary of being a traveler on the roads of fortune, will give a homecoming jubilee for all his old friends from "WSB. For those who love Samuel Clemens, America's first and most popular humorist, WJZ offers a tempting lecture, Thursday, entitled "Side Lights on Mark Twain." A charming Japanese romance sung by Harrison Coles, and Hana Shimazumi Iki, a Japanese prima donna who has been a member of two English opera companies, will take the listener in who dials KPO back to "Old Japan," that quaint, secluded island of cherry blossoms. De Soto, Iowa, will put itself on the map Friday. Tune in for WHO and hear the orchestra, and artists who are making this little city famous. Are there any ladies who have not enjoyed the Saturday afternoon "Koffee Klatsch" of WQJ? Tune in at once. This station has a truly southern hospitality. In the evening, the many admirers of Charles Dickens, who take pleasure in studying his curious characters, will enjoy the program given by CNRO, Ottawa. Bert Summers will talk about "Uriah Heep," "Mr. Squeers," "Wilbur Micawber" and "Sydney Carton." KSD will be fresh and full of pep Monday night after a two weeks' vacation. Jackie Coogan, popular motion picture star, will give a talk from WJAX, Cleveland, Tuesday. This will be a good opportunity for boys and girls who like him to hear his voice. WGY features Jahan Goldberg, a pianist who studied in Russia at the Moscow Conservatory before the World War. His interpretation of German and French composers will be interesting. p. m., Chicago theater organ; 6:30, stories for children, Clara E. Laughlin; 8, weekly Northwestern university lecture; 9, talk, Chicago charities; 9:15, Carl .Craven, tenor. WMH, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, Daylight, 309), 8 p. m., vocal duets, Emma and Mrs. Ruth Hahn; Thebe Greene, accompanist; piano solo, Florence DeLaney; 9, talk, "History of Cincinnati," George W. Piatt; 9:30, Jiramie Dealing orchestra, Joe Renzhehausen. director. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484), 12 m., chimes; 8 p. m., Erwin Swindell, organist; Charles B. Hall, tenor. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 11 a. m., organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:02, Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra; 4:45, Mary E. Vogt, organ recital; 7:30, A. Candelori and his orchestra from Hotel Adelphia; 9:30, Mary E. Vogt, organist; 10, Hotel Adelphia dance orchestra. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, Daylight, 405), 2-302:45 p. m., "Henrik Ibsen," John Taylor Bomiser; 2:45-3, Marion Breidenthal, soprano; 3:45-4, Marion Breidenthal; 6:15-7, Baudistel's Olympic Park orchestra; 8-8:30, Gene Ingraham's orchestra; 8:30-8:45, Berele Chagy, baritone; 9:15-9:30, Berele Chagy, baritone; 10:15-11:15, Bell Becord Symphony orchestra. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 8 p. m., "Innoculation for Legumes," William A. Alb recti t; 8:15, 'The State Fair Egg Show." D. C. Bogers; 8:30, barn dance tunes, D. B. Jones. WQJ. Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 448), 3-4 p. m., "Frozen Desserts," Helen H. Downing; "Frankfurst and Fun," Martha Logan; "A Talk on Common Sense Care of the Skin," Ruth Dean; 7-8, Lilah Older Bell, reader; Lancaster Smith, bass; Mrs. Lancaster Smith, accompanist; 10-2, Balph Williams and his Rainbo Gardens orchestra; Manual Rodriguez, tenor; George A. Little, Larry Shay, composers; Olive O'Neill, prima donna "Top O' the Rainbo" company. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 10:45 p. m., home coming jubilee. Fiddling John Carson and his Backwoods band. WTAS, Elgin, III. (Central, 286), 7:30-7:45 p. m., bedtime stories, Olivia; 7:45-8, Dell Lampe's Trianon Oscar Galeno, the Spanish instructor of KGO, Oakland, is the inventor of the pictorial system. Write KGO for these picture cards and tune in Monday evening. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m., concert; talk, Fred C. McNabb; 6-6:30. Art Hickman's concert orchestra; 6:45-7:30, children's hour, Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; Dick Winslow, screen juvenile; Charles Metz, 11 years, violinist, pupil. Lorna Usher; Baby Muriel McCormac, screen juvenile; bedtime story, Uncle John; 8-9, concert, courtesy, Piatt Music company, arranged by Edwin Lester; 9-10. concert, Hatch Graham, singer; lecture. Dr. M. F. Baumgardt; 10-11, Art Hickman's dance orchestra. KLX, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 509), 8-10 p. m., program. Mercantile Trust company. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 1-2 p. m.. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:311, musical matinee; 4:30-5:30, Budy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 5:30-6:30, children's hour; 7-7:30. Rudy Seigers Fairmont hotel orchestra; 8-11, E. Max Bradfield's Versatile band. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight. 536), 6:45 p. m., children's bedtime story: 7-7:30, dinner concert. Congress hotel; 7:30-8, program. KYW's studio in the Duncan Sisters Music Publishing company; 8-8:58, music, Buth H. Lathrop, director; 9:45^12:30, midnight revue. WBAV, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 423), 12 m„ Ila Lorbach Owens, pianist. .. , WBBR, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 273), 8 p. m., F. Wood, flutist; 8:20, "The Good King Josiah," Victor Schmidt; 8:45, F. Wood. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, Daylight, 337), 6 p. m., WBZ trio; 7:30, bedtime story for the kiddies; 7:40, WBZ trio; Mrs. Buby Tilton Kingsley, pianist; William S. Tilton, baritone; 9. William Howell, baritone; Juliette Houle, accompanist; 9:30, Copley Plaza dance orchestra; 11:30, Leo Reisman and his Hotel Brunswick orchestra; 12, songs, Billy Coty, Jack Armstrong. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 462), 3 p. m., Fred Rosenfeld, pianist; 6:30, dinner concert, William Penn hotel; 9:30, musical program. WCAP. Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469), 7:30-8 p. m.. U. S. Army band; 8, program from studio of WEAF, New York; 9-9:15. "Science News of the Week," auspices National Research Council and Science service; 9:15-10, Irving Boernstein Wardman F. Hotel trio. WCAY. Milwaukee, Wis. (Central, 266), 6:30 p. m., dinner program, Boston Store; studio entertainers. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 4:15 p. m„ musical program; 6, dinner concert; 8:30, music, artist pupils of Prof. Blackmnn in "Bigoletto." WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4:30 p. m., the Star's Radio trio; 6-7, School of the Air. piano tuning In number on the Duo-Art; address, speaker from the Meat Council of Greater Kansas City; weekly health talk, auspices Health Conservation association; the Tell-Me-a-Story lady; music. Carl Norberg's Plantation players. Hotel Muehlebach ; 8-9:15, program arranged and presented by William Haxms, pianist, and Harry Stockwell, baritone. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight. 395), 11:15 a. m., daily almanac; 12:02 p. m., Stanley theater organ recital; services, auspices Philadelphia Federation of churches; 12:30, Arcadia cafo concert orchestra; 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 7:30, iddy's bedtime stories; 8, talk, Arnold Abbott; 8:10, Irene Guest Loog. violinist; 8:20, Green Kin i irm hotel dance orchestra. WFAA, Dallas. Tex. (Central, 476), 8:30-9:30 p. ia„ songs, violin; 11-12, Adolphus Hotel orchestra. '■!,-:V:::: WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 492), 1111:30 a. m., young mother's program; 4-4:15 p. m., Bruno brothers orchestra; 6-7, dinner music, WaldorfAstoria hotel; 7-7:15, United Synagogue services; 7:45-9, Gertrude H. Bronenkamp, soprano; 8-8:15, talk. American Agriculturist; 8:30-9, Gold Dust Twins; 9:15-9:30, true tales of the Secret Services, National Carbon company; 9:45-10, "The Control and Use of Sugar During the War," United States Sugar association. WEAO, Columbus. Ohio (Eastern, 360), 1:30 p. m., educational lecture, member Ohio State university faculty; 4 p. m., farm talk, faculty member; music, university artists. WEBH, Chicago, III.. (Central, Daylight, 370). 7:308:30 p. m., George McPherson. tenor; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra; 9:30-10:30, Jerome Feingold, violinist; 11:30-12:30, steel guitar duets, Langdon brothers; popuar song hits, Dan, Nick, Ted; Edgewater Beach Oriole orchestra. WFAA Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 12:30-1 p. m., Red-head girl. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 395), 1 p. m.. Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra ; 3. Loretta Kerk, pianist; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra. WGI, Medford Hillside, Mass. (Eastern, Daylight. 360), 8 p. m., musicale; 8:45, "Ten Years after the Great War Began," Richard K. Morton; popular song hits, Don Bamsey, pianist. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 370). 6:30-7:30 p. m., Drake Concert Ensemble and Blackstone String quintette; 8:30-9:30, Josephine Anderson, soprano; Frederick W. Agard, tenor; 10:30, Jack Nelson, Bert Davis, Jack Chapman's orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight, 319), 12:30-1 p. m., George Albert Bouchard, organist; 6:30-7:30, dinner music; 9-10, concert. Niagara Battery corporation, direction of C. S. Bettinger; 10-10:15, Viola Cornell, dramatic soprano; 11:30, supper-dance music, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler dance orchestra, direction of Harold Gieser. WHA, Madison, Wis. (Central, 360), 7:30 p. m.. "Common Sense in Music," P. W. Dykema. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central. 400). 4-5 p. in., selections. Alamo theater orchestra; selections, Dick Qulnlan's Golden Derby orchestra; 7:30-9, concert, Mrs. Jane Webster Muncll. WHB, Kansas City. Mo. (Central, 411), 7-8 p. m.. lecture on "Hamlet." Ralph W. Farrell; music. WHN. New York, N. Y. (Eastern. Daylight. 360). 2:152:30 p. m., Samuel Weber, blind pianist; 2:30-2:45, Ethyle Bedmond, ukulele soloist: 2:45-3:15, Original Louisiana Five, Al King, leader; 3:45-4:45, Madeline Groff, soprano; Mary Hunter, pianist. Bob Smeck, wizard of the strings; 4:45-5, Vincent Lane, tenor; 6:30-7:30, Alamac Festive board; 8-8:30, Shut-In period, Mme. Irma Mirafiore; 8:45-9, Agnes Macpeake, soprano. WHO, Des Moines, la. (Central, 526), 7:30-9 p. m.. Bankers Life Radio orchestra; songs, "The Larks." WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, Daylight, 509), 10 a. m., seashore gossip; 10:10, Barnarr MacFadden's daily health suggestions and ^practical exercises; 3, "What the wild waves are saying;" 3:05, Chats with celebrities; 3:30, Comfort's philharmonic orchestra. Dorothy Fox, soprano; 4, Bob Leman's dance orchestra; 6:05, Eddie Elkins' dance orchestra; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories. WJAX, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), program arranged, Cleveland Plain Dealer: 8 p. m., Busso's Italian concert band, Frank P. Eusso, director ; accordion solos; Dorothy Maskell, contralto; Carl Bupp's Hotel Hollenden orchestra. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, Daylight. 455), 1-2 p. m.. Hotel Astor trio; 4-4:10, Eleanor Gunn's fashion talk; 4:10-4:45. daily menu; 4:13-4:30, Meat Council of New York, talk, John G. Cutting; 4:45-5:30, "Education," Marietta Johnson; 7-7:20, Cafe Boulevard ensemble; 7:30-8, Cafe Boulevard ensemble; 8-8:15, Lessons from Greek History," Prof. Kraemer of New York university; 8:15-10, Goldman band concert; 1010:15, sport talk, Fred Fletcher; 10:30-11, Billy Wvnne's Greenwich Village Inn orchestra. WKAtt, San Juan, P. R. (Eastern, 360), 6-8 p. in., municipal band. WLS, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 345), 1-2 p. m., Austin Angell, tenor; Mis. Alva F. Coil, pianist; "The Book Farmer." George C. Biggar; "Sweet Clovers for Soil Improvement," Prof. H. D. Hughes; 6:30, Husk O'Hara's Hotel Sherman College Inn orchestra; 7, John Edward Looze, soprano; 7:15, Harrison Emmanuel, violinist; 7:45, lullaby time, Glenn Eowcll, Ford Bush; 8-9, boys' and girls' hour; meeting of ' WLS Radio Tribe of Lone scouts; talk, Vernon Garbars; games for summer picnics; 9-10, Gladys E. McArthor, soprano; "Sweet Clovers in the Botatlon," Prof. H. D. Hughes; 10, Chicago Harmony mandolin orchestra. Prof. Jacob Schatz, director. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, Daylight, 423), 4 )>. m., concert for shut-ins; 8, Virginia entertainers: 9, convention program. National Evangelical Young Peoples convention; 9:30. Wurlltzer instrumental trio. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, Daylight, 447.5). 6 I s ah e lie Wheaton Stranahan (left) appears again at WGR, August 11. She is a very attractive young lady with a really remarkable voice. Charles Strickland is the leader of the Palisades Park orchestra heard nightly from WHN, New York. Ballroom orchestra; Alan Hooker, pianist, 8-8:30, WTAS artists; 8:30-12:30, Lampe's Trianon orchestra. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 8 a. m., settingup exercises, R. J. Horton; 9:30, "Tonight's dinner," women's editor Detroit News; 12 m., Detroit News orchestra; 3 p. m., Srhmeman's band; 7, Schmeman's band; 9:30, Detroit News orchestra. Thursday, August 7 Silent night for: KSD, WBAV, WCAP, WDAR, WGR, WHN, WHO, WOO, WOR. WOS. CNRM, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, Daylight, 425), 9 p. m., band, Canadian National railways; Hilda Strachan, reader; "Big Game Hunting in Canada," E. G. Poole Bandsman Harrison, euphonium soloist. KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (Central, 341), 9 p. m., studio program. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 7:30 p. m., concert, Clearmont, Mo., Manila Cheshire, director. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 11:15 a. m., Scalzo's orchestra; 5:30 p. in., KDKA Little Symphony orchestra; 6:30, "Come, Little Miss Merry Heart, sing us some songs"; 7. "Shrubs and Perennials That Bloom in August," Fruit Growers' Nurseries; 8, KDKA Little Symphony orchestra; Valerie Chambordon Gregory, soprano; Carry Mayer, contralto; 10, concert. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif (Pacific, 469), 6:45-8 p. m„ Y. M. C. A., lecture; Bon Ton orchestra; 8-9, Ambassador hotel Cocoanut Grove orchestra; 9-10, Examiner program; 10-11, instrumental program. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 3:30-5:30 P. m., hour organ recital, B. E. Ballard; Margaret Kennedy,; Isabelle Wilson-Corning, soprano; Gladwyn N. Nichols, cornet solos; Hazel Lanltogel, violinist; Mrs. R. W. Klages, sograno; Roy Reid Brignail, accompanist; 6:30-7:30. Kozy hour, courtesy. Cousin Jim (Harry James Beardsley) : bedtime story, mother; 8-9, Angelus Temple baptismal service; mala nuartet; sermon; Aimee Semple McPherson; 9-10, Temple choir; male quartet; Jennie M. Durkee, ukelele and guitar solo. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 4-5:30 p. m., concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis; 8, three-act comedy, "Not So Fast," KGO players; KGO orchestra. KGW, Portland. Ore. (Pacific, 492), 3:30 p. m., children's program; 10. dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:15 p. m., concert; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's concert orchestra: 6:45-7:30. children's hour. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; Dickie Brandon, screen juvenile: bedtime story. Uncle John; 8-9. concert, the Piggly-Wlggly Girls; 9-10, concert, Al Schiller, pianist: G. Alllnsod Phelps, speaker; 10-11, Art Hickman's dance orchcentra. KPO. San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific. 423), 1-2 p. m„ Budy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 4:30-5:30, Rudy Seigor's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 5:80-6:30, children's hour; 7-7:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotol orchestra; 8-9, (Continued on page 10)