Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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14, RADIO Did E S T— Illustrated December 20, 1924 KTHS OPENS STATION SATURDAY (Continued from page 13) WMH, Cincinnati. Ohio (Central, 309), 10 p. m., piano solos, Ed Schoelwer; popular souks, Slept and Collins; 10:30, Buckeye male quartet; 11:30, Hole! Alms Winter Garden orchestra; contralto solos, Marie Turner; piano solos, Lclia Lemar; tenor solos, Howard Hafford; Murrav Horton's Hotel Alms orchestra. WNYC, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 526), 6:20-7:30 p. m.. "Jay-WiilUinK." Uncle Hubert; 6:30-7:30, Sam Wooding's Club Alabam orchestra; 7:30-7:33. police alarms; 7:35-8:30, The Chateau Four; S:30-9, Algard trio; 9-0:20, humorous sketches, Mary Adclia Glcason; 9:20-9:40, solos on musical glasses. Charles Wold; 9:40-10, instrumental novelty; 10-10:02, official weather forecast; 10:02-10:30, Elite orchestra; 10:30-10:33, police alarms; 10:33-11:30, Elite orchestra. WOAW, Omaha. Neb. (Central, 526), 6 p. m., popular half-hour; 6:13, dinner program. Ash Stratton's orchestra of Empress Rustic Garden; 9. Father and Son program from Columbus. Neb.; 9:30, dance program. WOC, Davenport, la. (Central, 484), 7:30 p. m., discusslion of the International Sunday school lesson. Rev. M. A. Getzendaner ; 9, Louis Connor and his LeClaire Hotel Winter Garden; song and novelty numbers, Peter MacArlhur. WOI, Ames, la. (Central, 360), 12:30 p. m., "Reorganization and Re-Adjustment, 1914-1924," Prof. L. B. Schmidt. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509), 11 a. m., organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m.. Wanamaker Crystal tea room orchestra. Robert E. Golden, director; 5:40, sports results; 5:45, organ recital, Mary E. Vogt. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 405), 2:30-2:45, Elsie Bings. contralto; 2:45-3. Marian Cromwell, lytic soprano; 3-3.13, Elsie Bings; 3:15-3:30, Marian Cromwell; 3:30-4, Stanley orchestra; 6:15-7:15, Howard Oliver's Log Cabin orchestra; 7:15-7:30, sports; 88:43. program of music, direction of Adelaide Geseheidt. WQJ, Chicago. III. (Central, 448), 11-12 m., "Pressure Cookers," H. F. West; "Breakfast and Pep," Mrs. M. B. Wanamaker; speaker. First District Illinois Federation of Women's clubs; 3-4 p. m., koffee klatsch; 7-8, dinner concert. Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Garden orchestra; Otis Pike Jester, soprano; Mary Thrash House, pianist; Ingram Cleveland, violinist; Kathrvn Schuster, reader; 10-2, ,Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Garden orchestra; Merry Sullivan; Clarence Theders, tenor: June Lee, contralto; Wanda Goll, soprano; Peggy McClure, prima donna; Brock Sisters; the Melodians, Laurie, Eddie. Bennie. WREO. Lansing, Mich. (Central, 288.3), 9-12 midnight Frank Logan and his Arcadia orchestra. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 309), 8 p. m., chime concert; 8:15, Christmas program. Bicycle sextet; 9, weekly news review, Allison F. Stanley; 9:13, piano solos, Anne Cockburn; Bicycle male quartet; 9:45, Stept and Collins; 12, WSAI midnight entertainers; 12:30, Freda Sanker's Toad Stool orchestra. WSB. Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 5-6 p. m.. bedtime story, Bonnie Barnhardt; S-9, Ed and Grace McConnell; 10:45, Hamilton Montgomery syncopators. WTAM. Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 283). 6 p. m., Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians orchestra; 9, WTAM dance orchestra Ev Jones, director. WTAS, Elgin, 111. (Central, 286), 6 p. m.. Terrace Garden dance program, Fred Hamm and his orchestra ; 9:30, Kimball studio hour; Lee Sims, pianist; 10:30. Terrace Garden supper dance program; 11:30, Maxine Brown, Jay Gould. WTAY. Oak Park, III. (Central, 283), 6:45-7:45 p. m., Helen Pollenz, pianist; Blossom Klein, violinist; Bashful Ray Luehr, baritone; Glenn Bruce, reader; 9-10. Hugh B. Marshall, tenor; Ray Kroc, pianist; Art Linick, reader. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 3 p. m., The Detroit News orchestra; 3:50, weather and markets. Sunday, December 21 Sunday, silent night for; CHNC, CNRC, CNRT. CNRW. KFAE, KFDM, KFKX, KFOA, KFQX, KOB, KSAC, PWX, WAAW, WBBG, WCAE, WDAF, WDBY, WEAO, WEBJ, WHAZ, WN1, WNYC, WOI, WOR, WTAM, WTAY, WWJ. CFCA. Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 400), 11 a. m., service, Bloor Street Presbyterian church. Rev. George C. Pldgeon; 5:55-6 p. m., Bible story for small children; 7, service, Eaton Memorial church. Dr. Trevor H. Davies. CKAC. Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 4:30 p. m., studio concert. KFI, Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific, 469), 4 p. m., vesper service, Annie Mottram Craig, director; 6:45-7, musical appreciation talk; 7-8, stage acts, specialties ami Metropolitan theater orchestra, Creatore. director; 8-9. several one act plays; 9-10, Examiner; dance music; 10-11 Carroll Huxley's Lake Arrowhead dance orchestra. KFGZ, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Central, 286). 10:1510:30 a. m., Christmas hymns, Radio choir; 10:3010:40, Christmas readings, Prof. H. L. Pearson; 10:4011, Christmas anthem, solos, duets; 11-11:20, sermon. "The Christian's Christmas," Pastor W. R. French; 7, Christmas bedtime story; 8:15-8:30, Christmas hymns; 8:30-8:50, Christmas anthem; 8:50-9, Prof. L. P. Thorpe, violinist; 9-9:15, Mrs. S. A. Smith, soprano; 9:15-9:30, sermon. Pastor John Knox. KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (Central, 266), 3 p. in., religious services ; 6 :30, seedhouse chapel service. KFSG. Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 10:30-12:30 p. in., complete morning service of Angelus temple, Aimce Seinple McPherson, evangelist; 2:30-4:30, auditorium service, choir and Silver band; 7-8:45, complete evening religious service. Angelus temple; 10-11, organ recital, Roy Reid Brignull. KGO. Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 11 a. m., service. First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. John Stephens; 3:30 p. in., KGO Littley Symphony orchestra, Carl Rhodehamel, director; 7:30, special musical service. First Methodist church. Rev. John Stephens, pastor. KHJ. Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 10 a. m., Dr. H. C. Culbertson, pastor Plymouth Congregational church: 10:30-12:30 p. m., organ recital and services of First Methodist Episcopal church, E. E. Helms, pastor; 6:30-7. Art Hickman's concert orchestra, Edward Fltzpatrick, director; 7-8, organ recital, Arthur Blakely; 8-10, all Cadman program in honor of America's foremost composer. KJS, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 360), 10:30-12:30 p. m., religious service. Church of Open Door, sermon. Dr. French E. Oliver; 6-7, vesper service, 8-9:30, evening service. Church of Open Door, organ numbers, choir and vocalists. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 8-9 p. m., Ambassador iiotel concert orchestra, Jos. Rosenfeld, director; 9-10, Southern California Saxophone band. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 11-12 m., tindemoninational church service, Rev. Robert L. Jackson; male quartet; Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 8:30-10. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra. KTHS, Hot Springs, Ark. (Central, 375), 11-12-15 p. m., services. First Presbyterian church. Rev. Chauncey Hickok, pastor; 8:30-10, Sunday night special concert, New Arlington hotel. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 536), 11 a. m.. Central Church service. Dr. F. F. Shannon, pastor; 2:30 p. m., studio chapel service, Arthur H. Kaub; 7, Carols, Progress,". Clifford W. Barnes; 7:40, Stanley Martin, Imperial quartet; Olga Eitner, violinist; "Pilgrim's organist; 8, address, Dr. Rufus M. Jones. WBAP, Ft. Worth, Tex. (Central, 476), 11 a. m., services. First Methodist church; 4 p. m., concert, Rialto theater; 11-12, midnight frolics, Ted Miller's California jazz band. WBAV, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 423), 2:30 p. m., religious service at studio, Columbus Council of churches; sacred music. WBBR, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 273), 9:10 p. m., I. B. S. A. choral singers; 9:15, vocal solo; 9:20, Bible lecture, "World's Great Deliverer," Judge Rutherford; 9:50, vocal solo; 10, I. B. S. A. choral singers. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, 337), 10:45 a. m., church service; 8:30-10, concert. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 462), 10:45 a. m., service, Rodef Shalom temple; 3 P. m., People's Radio church services; 4, Prof. Otto Kalteis, pianist; 6:30, dinner concert, William Penn hotel. WCAL, Northfield, Minn. (Central, 360), 8:30 p. m., sacred program, sermon. Dr. Martin Hegland; Louise Wright Drake, pianist; Grace Holstad, soprano. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 278), 5:30 p. m.. Bible talk; 6, dinner music, Georgians. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central, 345), 8 p. m., Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sparrow, tenor and contralto; Edith Carey, contralto; G. R. Sparrow, tenor; Mrs. G, R. Sparrow, contralto; Carey Sisters; Celestial bells; trombone and cornet duet, Daniel and Gerald Mason; Hermann Becker, cellist; Richard F. Hire, pianist. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 6 p. m., dinner concert, Book-Cadillac hotel; 7:15, church services. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411). 4-5 p. m., classical program, the Star's Radio orchestra. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 2:30 V. m., Arcadia cafe concert orchestra, Feri Sarkozi, director ; 6:30, Bible stories. Dream Daddy; 8, concert, Seven Arts club. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 7:20-9:15 p. m., "Roxy and his Gang," Capitol theater; 9:1510:15, Skinner organ recital. WEBH, Chicago, III. (Central, 370), 5-6 p. m., twilight musicale; 7-9, artists program. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (Eastern, 303), 3:45-5:30 p. m., men's conference, Bedford branch, Y. M. C. A. ; 7:20-10, musical program, Mark Strand theater. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 4:30 p. m., church services; 7:30, services. Arch street Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. Ed. Macartney, minister. WGBS, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 316), 2:30-4:30 p. m., matinee musicale, Picadllly theater studio; 9:30-11:30, musical Christmas program arranged by Dr. Sigmund Spaeth. WGN, Chicago. 111. (Central, 370), 11 a. m., comics for the children. Uncle Walt; 11:45, twin organ recital, Chicago theater, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Crawford; 2:30 p. m., Tribune master artist concert, Ukrainian choir; 9-10. "An Evening with a Great Composer," Charles H. Gabriel, Jr., assisted by Henry Selinger, Drake concert ensemble WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 3-4 p. m., vesper service, the Rev. F. L. Janeway, Jr., of Westminster Presbyterian church, speaker; 4-5, John F. Gunderman, Jr., organist; 7:15, Central Presbyterian church service, William Wall Whiddit, organist; and Dr. Robert J. MacAlplne, speaker. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 10:30 a. m.. service. First Lutheran church; organ prelude, "Christmas Pastorale," Katharine M. Wentrick; anthem, "For Unto Us a Child Is Born;" trio for women's voices, "Come to My Heart;" sermon, Rev. Chalmers E. Frontz; 3:35 p. m., program, WGY Symphony orchestra, Leo Kliwen, conductor; Marion Brewer, soprano; 5, Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, organist; 7:30, services. First Lutheran church, sermon, Rev. Chalmers E. Frontz; 9, Symphony orchestra. WHAA, Iowa City, la. (Central, 484), 9-9:30 p. m., familiar hymns, Mildred Paddock, mezzo-soprano. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 9:57 a. m., organ music; 10, church service, auspices Broadway Christian church. Rev. Dr. W. N. Briney, pastor; Mrs. Harry W. Long, organist; 4-5 p. m., vesper song service, auspices First Unitarian church, Rev. Dr. Lon R. Call, pastor; Veldo Grant Kellcher, soprano; Reginald Billin, baritone WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 9:45-11 a. m., services, Linwood Boulevard Christian church. Dr. Burris Jenkins, pastor; 8-9:15 p. m., services. Independence Boulevard Christian church. Dr. R. H. Miller, pastor; 12 m., popular program. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 283), 10:30 a. m., religious services, Old Stone church (Presbyterian), Rev. Dr. Foulkes, pastor; 8 p. m. , chapel services, auspices Cleveland Federated churches, Rev. E R. Wright, director; current religious topics; sacred music; invocation; 9, Conn Nationl School of Music, concert, conducted by Ralph E. Story. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 360), 3-4:15 p. m.. Queens Country Christian services ; 5-5 :30, Roseland dance orchestra; 5:30-6:15, Olcott Vail and his String trio; 10:15-11, Gem Razor entertainers. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509), 4 pm, services, auspices Germantown ,Y M, C. A.; 7:15, services. Holy Trinity church; 9:30, Ben Stad and his WIP Symphony orchestra ; Karl Bonawitz, organist. WJ1D, Mooseheart, III. (Central, 278), 7:45-8:40 a. m., Roman Catholic services; 8:40-9:40, Albert F. Brown, organist; 9:40-11, Protestant services; 3-4 p. m., Sunday concert. WJY, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 405), 8:15-10 p. m., Bernhard Levitow's Hotel Commodore concert orchestra; 10-10:15, "Reminscences of a Reporter," William H. Crawford. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 455), 9-10 a. m., children's hour, original stories by authors, music by the composers, comic stories by the originators of famous comedies; 11-12, St. Thomas' Episcopal church service, sermon. Dr. E. M. Stires; 2:30-3:30 p. m.. Radio Bible class, auspices of Greater N. Y. Federation of churches; "Getting a New Start," Rev. Frank W. Creighton, church community chorus, direction of Clarence W. Allen; Helen Manning, accompanist; Harriet Brown Bergstresser, soprano; Emma Williams, contralto; 3:30-4, "Practical Religion," Rev. Dr. Harry Everson Fosdick; 4-5:45, 'St. George's Episcopal vesper services; 5:45-7, "The Fairyland of Home," literary vespers, Edgar White Burrill; 8:4510, Joseph Knecht's Sunday evening concerts, WaldorfAstoria; 10-11, Christmas program, Broadway Tabernacle choir. WLS, Chicago, III. (Central, 345), 6:30 p. m., Ralph Emerson, organist; 7-8, musical program. Salvation Army band. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 9:30 a. m., Sunday school, auspices Methodist Book Concern editorial staff; 11, sermon. Rev. Frank Stevenson, Church of the Covenant; 7:30 p. m., devotional services; sermon, Dr. Frederik N. McMillin, Walnut Hills First Presbyterian church; 8:30, concert. Western & Southern orchestra, William Kopp, director. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 506), 11 a. m., services, Second Presbyterian church. Rev. A. B. Curry, pastor. WMH, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 309), 7 p. m., sermon. Rev. J. J. Castleberry, Walnut Hills Christian church. WOAW. Omaha, Neb. (Central, 526), 9 a. m.. Radio chapel service. Rev. R. R. Brown, pastor; 2:15 p. m., matinee program. Mission church choir, Corrinne Paulson Thorson, director; 6, Bible study period, presonal direction of Mrs. Carl R. Gray; 9, musical chapel service, Hanscom Park Methodist church. Rev. Arthur Atack, pastor; Walter B. Graham, choir director. WOC, Davenport, la. (Central, 484), 8 p. m., church service. Rev. W. B. Slater; 9:30, The Palmer School Radio orchestra, Erwin Swindell, conductor. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509), 2 p. m., Sunday school services, Bethany temple; 6:05, organ recital of old familiar hymns, Clarence K. Bawden; 7:30, services, Bethany temple, Rev. Gordon A. MacLennan, rector. WOS Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 7:30 p. m:. First Christian church. Rev. Robert M. Talbert, pastor. WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, 448), 10:30 a. m., Peopleschurch, Dr. Preston Bradley; 8-10, Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Garden orchestra; Robert, Metzler, pianist; Albert M. Tilton, Jr., tenor; Marie Watson Tilton, accompanist ; Peggy McClure, prima donna ; Gardener, Whalen and Riek, Harmony singers; Jean Ballard, harpist; Otto A. Moore, baritone. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (Central, 288.3), 10 a. m., church service; 7 p. m.. Central Methodist church service. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 309), 3 p. m., sermonette; 3:10, chime concert; 7:45, musical program, Church of the Advent. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 11 a. m„ First Presbyterian church service; 5-6 p. m. twilight sacred service; 7:30, Wesley Memorial church service. WTAS, Elgin, III. (Central, 286), 5 p. m.. Villa Olivia star Sunday concert; 6, Fred Ham and his Terrace Garden orchestra; 9:30, Lee Sims pianist; 10:30, Terrace Garden supper dance program; 11:30, Jay Gould, Maxine Brown, Jimmy Eggbert, Jack Little, Paul Small, Lew Butler, Joey Stoole, Lindsey Coons, Betty Holmes, Babe June. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517), 11 a. m., church services, 2 p. m.. The Detroit News orchestra. Monday, December 22 Monday, silent night for: CNRC, CNRT. CNRW, KFDM. KFNF, KFSG, KHJ, KJS, KYW, PWX. WBAV WCAL, WDBY, WEAO, WEBH. WEBJ, WGN. WHAA, WHAS, WJY, WLS, WMAQ, WNJ, WQJ, WTAY. CHNC, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 350), 8:30 p. ra., studio party: Alberto Guerrero, pianist; Viggo Kihl, pianist; Simeon Joyce, pianist; Ferdinand Filllon. violinist; Luigi Von Kunits. violinist; Frank Blachford, violinist; Albert Aylward, violinist; Earl Meisner, violaist; Lionel Bilton, cellist; Lois Watson, contralto; Vera McLean, contralto; Madame Ferdinand Fillion, contralto; Agnes Adic. soprano; Elsie White, soprano; Genevieve Schreiner, soprano; Violet Murray, contralto; Paramount male quartet; Charles Leslie, baritone. CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 1:45 p. m., concert orchestra; 4:30, Ho lessons. KFAE, Pullman, Wash. (Pacific, 330), 7:30 p. m., Ivar Melander, pianist, playing "Butterfly Etude," "Prelude in C Sharp," "Pracludium," "Meditation from Thais," "Return of the Muleteers;" "Important Points in Poultry Raising," Prof. J. S. Carver; ''Does It Pay to Feed Concentrates to Dairy Cows?" D G. Magruder; health talk, U. S. Public Health service. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 5-5:30 p. m.. Evening Herald, news items, table talk; 5:30-6, Examiner; program of news and music; 8-9, Evening Herald: the Nightingales dance orchestra; 9-10, program, Walter M. Murphy Motors Co. ; 10-11, Examiner: varied program. KFGZ, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Central, 286), 7 p. m., bedtime story; 8:15-9:15, Christmas carols, children, Training school of College school of Normal training. KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (Central, 291), 9:30-11 p. m., program, auspices Lutheran seminary. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 455), 5-6 p. m., Seattle Post-Intelligencer program; 6-6:30, Post-Intelligencer concert; 6:45-8:15, Sherman, Clay & company; 8:30-10, musical program, Seattle Post-Intelligencer. KFQX, Seattle, Wash. Pacific, 238), 6:30-7:15 p. m.. stock and weather reports, news; 7:15-7:45. Aunt Vivien's bedtime story; 8-9, Earl Gray and his orchestra; 9-10, concert; 10-11, Earl Gray and his Butler hotel orchestra. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312). 10:40 a. m., classroom instruction, Oakland Public schools; 3 p. m., studio musicale; 4-5:30, Henry Halstead's dance orchestra; 5:30-6, Aunt Betty stories. KGO kiddies' klub; 8.' Arion trio; "Agricultural Superstition," Prof. J. W. Nelson; "A Lesson in English," Wilda Wilson Church; "Chats About New Books," Joseph Henry Jackson; 10-1 a. m., dance music, Henry Halstead's orchestra. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 5 p. m., children's program, story. Aunt Nell; 8, concert, Oregonian concert orchestra; 10, dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30 p. m., Carlyle Stevenson and his Bon Ton orchestra from Crystal pier; 2:30-3:30, matinee musicale. presenting Gladys Blackwell Pickering, soprano. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 8 a. m., morning prayer; 9, Town Crier, news; 10:30, talk on home economics, Mrs. Kate Brew Vaughn; 11, Dr. Richard M. Scott, veterinarian, talk on domestic pets; 5 p. m., closing markets; 8-10, program presented by Western Auto Supply company; 10-11, Lindsey's Studebaker dance orchestra; 11-12, Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra. KOB, State College. New Mexico (Mountain, 360), 7:308:30 p. m. , musical program. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 1-2 p. m., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 4:30-5:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 5:30-6:30, children's hour istofles. Big Brother; 7-7:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orhestra; 8-9, Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 9-10, "Better Lighting," H. C. Barnard; 10-11, E. Max Bradfield's Versatile band. KSAC, Manhattan, Kan. (Central, 341), 12:30 p. m., tuning in piano selection; musical readings, Gertrude Doud Tetrick; "Winter Care of Seed Corn," L. E. Willoughby; Radio question box; "How to Make an Oat Sprouter," W. G. Ward; 7:20. Radio College quartet; 7:30, "Where Are the Beef Cattle?" "Where Are They Consumed?" C. W. McCampbell; Radio College quartet; 7:45, lecture study of dairy breeds, Ayrshire, H. W. Cave, KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 546), 7 p. m.. music and specialties, Missouri theater; 9, music program. Grand Central theater. KTHS. Hot Springs, Ark. (Central. 375), 8:30-10 p. m., concert, Mrs. Anna M. Berberich ; 10:30-11:30, Chicago Serenade dance concert. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 536), 11:35 a. m., table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson; 6:35-7 p. in., children's bedtime story. Uncle Bob. WAAW, Omaha. Nebr. (Central, 286), 7:30-9 p. m.. Christmas program. Trinity M. E. church. WBAP, Ft. Worth, Tex. (Central, 476), 7:30-8:30 p. m., moments from the Majestic; 9:30-10:45, concert, Euterpean club. WBBG, Mattapoisett, Mass. (Eastern, 248), 7-9 p. m., Biltmore orchestra. WBBR, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 273), 8 p. m., Carl Park, violinist; 8:10, Kay Macrae, soprano; 8:20, world news digest. Editor Golden Age; 8:40, Kay Macrae, soprano; 8:50, Carl Park, violinist. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, 337), 7:30-8 .p. m.. University extension courses; 8-10:30 p. m., concert; 11:30-12, McEnelly's Singing orchestra. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 462), 6:30 p. m., dinner concert, William Penn hotel; 7:30, Uncle Kaybee; 7:45, address; 8, weekly music chat, Mrs. Ethel (Continued on page 15) Aitiioug-h many orchestras are heard over WHK, New York city, none of them 1b more popular than Al King's Original Louisiana rive orchestra.