Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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m 16 The National Broadcast Authority — R, AMERICAN COMPOSITIONS AT WGi>' Where to Hear Concerts Central Standard Time THESE are the stations for music lovers to dial, and you can hear, providing you dial correctly and read the programs carefully, everything from jazz to opera. 10:20, WCY; 10:30, KKOA. KGW, AVJDZ; 11, KFI, WFAA; 12, KFI. Saturday, January 10: 6. KOO, WiiV WI.W, WMAQ. WWJ: 6:30, CKAC, WGN; 6:45, W'I'AV: 7, KVW. WEBH, WLS, WLW: 7:15, WI,S; 7:30, CKAC, KDKA, WBZ, WCAE, WHAS; 8, KHJ, KSD, KVW, WGNj 8:30, KTHS, WFAA, WMC; 9, WMAQ; 9:35, KYW; 10, KFI, KGO, KIU. KNX; 10:05, WIP; 10:30, KFOA; 10:45, WSB; 11, KFI. WEBH, WLS; 12, WCAL, WLS. Sunday, January 11: 7, KVW, WEBH, WLS WCBD, WGY, 8:15, WEMC; WCAL; 8:45, KFI. KFS< 6:30, WT,K; ; 7:30. WBZ; WHK; 8:10, 3:30, Kll.r, WEMC; 9, KGW, KHJ, 8, KJS, WBBR; KTHS, KFDM, KNX, WFAA, WGN, WC.V, WOAW; 9:05, WBBR; 9:15, WCCO; 9:30, WFAA. WOAT, Woe. 10, KFI. KGO, KH.r. KNX; 10:30, KPO; 11, KNX; 12, KFSG. Monday, January 12: 6, WGN, WJAX. WMAQ. WOAW: 6:30, KFNF, WCX, WC.V, WMAQ, WOAW. WOO; 6:45, WGY; 7, KSD, WBBF, WBBR, WBZ. WCAU, WFET. WTAJI; 7:30, CHNC. KDKA. WHO. WOO, WWJ; 7:35, WBBR: 7:45, WGR; 8, KFOA, WCBD, WDAF, A\r(iR, WHO, WOC, WOS; 8:15, WEMC; 8:20, WDAR; 8:30, KTHS. WCCO, WEEI, WMC; 8:45, KFOA; 9, KSD; 9:03, WOO; 9:30, KFAE, WBAP, WOAW; 10, KFATT, KGW. KHJ, KNX, KPO, WOC, WOT; 10:30, KFOA; 11, KFI, KPO; 11:15, WHO; 11:30, WJJD. Tuesday, January 13: 6, KGO. KSD, WCX. WGX. WMAQ; 6:30, CKAC, ■WCCO, WGN, WJAX; 6:45, WTAY; 7, WCAU, WEBH, WEEI. WLBL; 7:15, WIP, WJJD: 7:30, CKAC. KFI, KDKA, WBAP, WBZ. WHAS, WWJ; 8, KFDM, KFOA. KHJ, WEEI, WFT. WGN. ■WGR. WSB; 8:30, KTHS, WFAA. WMC, WO AT: 8:45, KFI, KFOA; 9, WCX, WOAW; 9:15, WMAQ; 9:30, WOAW; 10, KDKA, KFI, KGO, KHJ, KJS, KNX, KPO; Wednesday, January 14: 6, KGO, WCX, WEEI, WGN, WMAQ; 6:30, KFNF, WGN, WOO: 6:45, KDKA, WTAY; 7, KDKA, WBBR, WCAU, WFBH, WTAM; 7:15, WJJD; 7:30, KFI, KDKA. WBAP, WBZ, WHAS, WHO, WWJ; 7:40, WBBR: 8, KFOA, KHJ, WDAF. WGN, WOC; 8:15, WDAR, WEMC; 8:30, KTHS, WGR, WMAQ, WOS; 8:45, KFOA; 9, KNX, WCCO, WEBH, WEMC, WHO, WMAQ, WTAY; 9:03, WOO; 9:30, KFAE, KFI. KHJ; 10, KGW, KHJ, KNX. KPO, WEEI, WN.T; 10:15, WNJ; 10:30, KFOA; 11, KNX. Thursday, January 15: 6, KGO, WCX, WGN, WMAQ; 6:30, KFNF, WCCO, WGN, WOO; 6:45, WOAW, WTAY; 7, KDKA, WBBF, WEAO, WEEI, WGY, WEBH, WHK, WJAX; 7:15, WIP; 7:25, WOO; 7:30, CNRM, KDKA, KFI, WBAP. WBZ, WHAS, AVW.T; 8, KFOA. KHJ, WCBD, WCCO, AVGN, WOS, WSB: 8:10, WBBR; 8:15, WOI: 8:30, KTHS, WFAA, WMAQ, WMC; 8:45, KFOA; 8:50, AVBBR; 9, KFI, WOAW; 9:15, WMAQ; 9:30, WBAP: 10, CNRC, KDKA, KFI, KGO, KHJ. KJS, KNX, KPO, WWJ; 10:30, KFOA, WGY; 10:45, WSB; 11, KFI, KPO, WEBH; 11:15, KFSG; 12, KFI, KFSG, KPO. Friday, January 16: 6, KGO, WCX, WEEI, WGN, WJAX, WMAQ; 6:30, KFNF, WCCO, WGN; 6:45, WTAY; 7, WBAV, WEBH, WHK; -7:15, AVDAR, WGY, WJJD; 7:30, CNRT, KDKA, KFI, WHAS, WHO, WWJ; 8, KFDM, KFOA, KHJ, KSD, WDAF, AVGN, WGR, WMAQ, WOO, WOS; 8:15, WHO; 8:30, KTHS, WCCO, AVFAA, WMC: 8:45, KFI, KFOA; 9, WBZ, WCX, WEMC, WGR, WEBH; 9:15, WMAQ; 9:30, WGR; 9:45, WGR; 10, KFATT, KFI, KHJ, KNX, WEMC; 10:30, KFOA; 11, KFI, WEBH; 11:15, KFSG; 11:30, WJJD; 12, KFI, KFSG. Tuesday, January 13 (Continued from page 15) brook orchestra; 11-11 :H0, Jimmy Clark and his Broadway entertainers; 11:30-12, Original Dixieland Jazz band; 12-12:30 a. m., dance music, Frank Daily and Ills Meadowbrook orchestra. WNYC, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 526), 7:30-7:35 p. m.. police alarms; 7:85-7:45, sports analysis, Thornton Fisher: 8-8:15, song recital: 8:15-8:30, Colonel .lames Churchward; ,S:::n-lO. recital, favorite WNYC artists; 10:10-10:30, Board of Education lecture. W0AI, San Antonio, Tex. (Central. 385). 8:30 P. m., WOAI entertainer-: compositions bj Schubert, instrumental music, WOAI trio: 'J:.:", Jimmy's Joy dance orchestra. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central. 526). n p. m., "Adrice to Lovelorn" period, Cynthia Grey; 6:25. dinner program, WOAW's remote control studio in the May Seed & Nursery company bldg. : 9, program arranged by Harry Fitch; 10:30, Wowl frolic. WOI. Ames. Iowa (Central, 360), 12:30 p. m., college chimes; ••Cooperation and Stabilization in Agriculture," Prof. Paul L. Miller. WOC, Davenport. Iowa (Central. 484). 10:05 a. m., household hint:, ; 12 m. chimes ; 5:15 p. m., chimes. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 509.9). 11 a. m.. organ recital. Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m.. Wanamaker Ml lea room orchestra, Robert K. Golden, director 4:45, organ recital, Mary E Vogt; 5, sports results and police reports. W0R, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 405). 7-7:30 a. m., WOR gym 15 P. in., talk. Mac Jacobus Flein inih^', Batnberger's book revieuer; 6:15-6:30, "Music Willie You Dine." Halsey Miller's orchestra; 6:30', "Man In the .Moon'' itories, Josephine Lawrence and Wni. F. 15. McNeary; 0:55-7. resume of day's -ports. Jolly Hill Steinke; 7-7:30, Halsey Miller's orchestra. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central. 429. 12 m„ entertainment; 5-0 p. w id bedtime story, Bonnie nbardt; 8-n, variety entertainment; 10:45, Pomara I'.ohemlans orchestra. WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern. 390), 6 p. ra., Guy Lombard'/. Royal Canadians orchestra. WTAY. Oak Park, III. fCentral, 283). 6:45-7:45 P. m., leek, baritone: the Melody boys, Raynor Dalhclm and company orchestra. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern, 513). 3 p. m„ The Detroit Newi orchestra; 8:50. The Detroit News orchestra. Wednesday, January 14 Wednesday, silent night for: CHNC. CKAC. KFAU. KFDM, KGO, KJS. WOAW. WCBD, WFAA, WFI, WGY. WHAZ, WHK, WIP. WKBF. WMC. WOAI, WOAW. WOI. CKAC. Montreal. Can. (Eastern. 437). 1:45 p. m., Wind.-"r hotel irio: 1:45, Windsor hotel. KDKA. East Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 7 a. m., exercises, O. Shannon, director; 8, exercises; 12:15. p. in., concert, Daut'herty'b orchestra: 3:30. hay. grain and feed quotations; 6:15, concert, Pittsburgh Athletic Delation, Grcgorio Bcalzo, conductor; 7:30, children's period: 8, program arranged by League of American I'-n Women; 8:1.5, address. University of Pittsburgh; 0. concert. KFAE. Pullman. Wash. (Pacific. 455). 7:30-9 p. m.. Delta Pi loial sorority: K.l-lc Wlcklund. pianist; Thompson; Helen Hoganson. vocalist; lanist; reading, Catherlni I luez Gilbert, whistling solo; Ruth Frame, pianist; S, Lisle Macomber. vocalist; Hildur Goore, pianist; group songs; "Pointers on Dairy Farming," Prof. E. V. Ellington; "Continuous Testing Pays," Don G. Magruder; book chat, Alice L. Webb. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 469), 5-5:30 p. m.. Evening Herald, table talk and news; 5:30-6, Examiner's musical half hour; 6:15-7:30, Nick Harris, detective stories; 7:30-8, Warner instrumental trio; 8-9, Evening Herald. Patrick and Marsh's Nightingales, dance orchestra; 0-10, Examiner, popular musical hour; 10-11, dance orchestra. KFNF. Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 6:30 p. m., concert. H. O. Rice, director. KFOA. Seattle Wash. (Pacific, 455). 12:30-1:30 p. m., luncheon program; 3:45-4:45, news items, stock and market reports; 5-6, news items, stock and market reports: 6-6:30, Seattle Post -Intelligencer concert; 0:15-8:15, musical program; 8:30-10, concert. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 10:30-11:30 a. in., sunshine hour program; 2:50-4:30 p. m., auditorium service and sermon on Divine Healing, Aimee Simple McPherson, pastor; 6:30-7:30, children's hour, presenting Mary Elizabeth and Helen Edwina Hughes. KGO. Oakland. Calif. (Pacific. 312), 1 p. m.. luncheon concert, J'a.ific State Electric company; 3, musical program and speaker. Cora L. Williams institute; 45:50, concert orchestra, Hotel St. Francis. KGW. Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 12:30 p. m„ concert; 5, -buy. Aunt Nell; 7:15, market, news, police reports; fi. concert; 10, George Olson Metropolitan orchestra, solos. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:30 P. m., Abe Perluss and his Ruse room orchestra; 2:50, Claire and Mell presenting an illustrated book review on Bethoven; 11-0:50, Art Hickman's concert orchestra, lOdw. Fii /Patrick, director; 6:30-7:30, Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog, stories American history; bedtime story. Uncle John; 7:30-8, program, University of South California; 8-10, program. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company; 10-11, Earl Rurtnett's Riltmore hotel dance orchestra. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 8 a. m., morning prayer; 9, Town Crier, news; 10:30, Mrs. Kate Rrew Vaughn, home economics; 5 p, m., closing markets; 5:30-6, Town Crier and village urchins; 6-7. dinner hour music: 7-8, Ambassador hotel concert orchestra, Josef Rosenfeld, director; 8-9, program. Security Tru-t and Savings bank; 0-10. program. Dr. A. Zimmerman; 10-12, Hollywoodland dance orchestra. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 1-2 p. m., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30, Amphians of Cabiria cafe, Jonnie Rulck, director; •1:50-5:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 5:30-6:30, children's hour stories. Big Brother; 77:30. Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra. KSAC, Manhattan, Kan (Central, 341), 12:30 p. m.. Osceola Hall Rurr, reader; "What You Can Oct for a Penny," George Gennnell ; "The Care of the Diseased Udder." K. J. Frick; 7:20, college bell and opening exercise; 7:30, "For Whom Should the Roads Be Built?" L. E. Conrad; 7:40. Harold Flamm. vocalist: 7:15, "Fundamentals of Home Planning." Paul Weigel. KS-0. St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 549.1), 6:45 P. m., Abergb's concert ensemble; Arno Arnesen, violinist; 11. Varsity club orchestra. KTHS Hot Spinss National Park. Ark. (Central, 375), 8:30-8:50 p. m.. New Arlington Meyer Davis orchestra; 8:50-10, Lawson Reld, organist: 10:30-11:30, dance concert. Fishers 10-piecc exposition orchestra, KYW, Chicago. III. (Central, 536). 11:35 a. m.. table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson; 6:35-7 p. in., children's bedtime story. L'nclc Bob; 7-7:30, dinner concert. < ongress hotel; 8-8:58. program, Walther league; 9:45-2:30 a. m., midnight revue. WAHG, Richmond Hill, L. I. (Eastern. 316), 7:3011:50 p. m., special program, Booklyn Dally Eagle. WBAP, Fort Worth. Texas (Central. 476). 7:30-8:30 I>. m., Ilellcvue string band. Tulhe Wetsel, director; 9:30-10:15, dance music, Jim Riley's Texas hotel or'•be-tra. WBZ. Springfield. Mass. (Eastern, 337). 6-7 p. m dinner concert; 7:10, kiddles' bedtime stories: 7:15, lecture, address; 8:50-10:30, concert; 11-12, Leo F UcUman and his Hotel Brunswick orchestra. '\' ' vmmmm^mmmmmmmi Wanda Goll (left) will be tl Saturday, January 10, at the 1 Chicago. Paul Finstein's KNX several evening's each week di Hollywood station. This quar charm. Mrs. B. C. Walker (rii broadcasts her own compositi &&&S:^ WCAL, NorthfielU, Minn. (Central, 360), 9:45 a in St. Olaf college chapel strvices. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 278), 6 p. m dance music. Meyer Davis Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra; 7:30, fashion talk. Mile. Madeline; 8. Bryer lec Cream company half hour of song and music. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Central. 417). 10:15 a. m„ home service, Rctty Crocker; talk, Bernice Bell; 2 p. m., woman's hour ; 2:30, matinee musicale: 4, Gams players; 5:30, children's hour. Alpha Stalson; 7. midweek church service. Church of Redeemer, Rev. Marion D. Shutter; 9. musical program; 10, Arnold Frank's Casino orchestra WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 513), 4:15 p. m., music: 6, dinner concert, Book-Cadillac hotel; 7. musical program. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 3:30-4:30 P. m., the Star's string trio; 6-7, school of the air, piano tuning-in number on the Duo-Art; address, speaker, auspices Health Conservation association: address, speaker, auspices Meat Council of Greater Kansas City; address, representative Western Hardware Dealers' association; 8-9:15, classical program. Hotel Muehlebach Trianon ensemble and soloists; 11:45-1 a. m., nighthawk frolic, the "Merry Old Chief" and the Plantation players. WDAR, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 395),. 11:45 a. m., daily almanac; 12:02 p. m. , Satnley theater organ recital: Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 2, "Care of Children," Mrs. Loiiis M. Love; Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories; 8, talk, Chas. Edwin Fox; 8:15, "Conversation Corner." Radio column by Arnold Abbott; 9:15, concert. Improved Order of Bed Men; 10:03, Arcadia cafe dance orchestra. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492). 12-12:30 p. in., chapel services, Columbia university; 4:40-5, children's stories; 6-7, dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria hotel; 7:308:30, U. S. Army band from Washington; 8:30-11. Government club debate, "Resolved That the 20th Amendment Referring to Child Labor Should Be Ratifleld;" 11-12, Meyer Davis Lido Venice orchestra. WEBH, Chicago. III. (Central, 370), 7 p. m.. Oriole orchestra; Madeline Reed, contralto; Dean Reniick, pianist; 9, Langclon brothers, guitarists: Marie Kelly, reader; Frederick Agard, tenor; 11, Oriole orchestra: Langdon brothers, guitarists; Marie Kelly, reader; Edna Solomon, songster. WEEI. Boston, Mass. (Eastern, 303). 6:30 p. m., Big Brother club; 7-11. musicale; 11, Lloyd G. Del Castillo, organist. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Central, 286), 8:158:35 p. in., saxophone quartet, Ralph Wade, leader; 8:35-9, "The Valley of Vision," Lyndon L. Skinner; 9-9:15, Collegian string trio, Burdick, Rossier, Yeager; 9:15-9:30, Charles Garber, saxophonist. WFAA. Dallas, Texas (Central, 476). 12:30-1 p. m., music, Dallas theater bill. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395). 1 p. m„ Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra: 3:05, Housewives' Radio exchange, direction Mabel Swint Ewer; concert, the Emerson club ; 6 :30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Sunny Jim, the kiddies' pal. WGN, Chicago. III. (Central. 370), 1:40 p. m„ luncheon concert; 2:30, Lyon .V Healy artist series; 3, rocking chair time; 5:50, Skeezlx time; 6, organ recital, Lyon & Healy; 6:30, dinner program; 8, classical program, Lyon & Healy artists; 10, dance numbers, Don Bestor Drake orchestra. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 12:30-1 p. m.. Hotel Statler concert ensemble; 2:30-4:30, Buffalo Courier and Enquirer musical program; 6:30-7:30, dinner music. Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler dance orchestra: 8-8:15, lecture, "Unfamiliar Animal Life of Our Ponds and Streams," Prof. William P. Alexander, Buffalo Society of Natural sciences; 8:45-9:30, University of Buffalo orchestra; 9:30-11, the Nash-Buffalo corporation's mixed quartet; 11:30, supper-dance music. Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler dance orchestra, Harold Oleser, director. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 6:30 p. m„ adventure story. Youth's Companion. WHAS, Louisville. Ky. (Central. 400). 4-5 p. ni.. selections, Alamo theater organ; readings, CourierJournal. Louisville Times; 7:30-9, K. & I. Terminal Railroad orchestra, J. Clark Martin, director; string division of tho K. & I. Terminal Railroad orchestra; chapters XV and XVI of the "Billy and Jane" stories. James Speed. WHK. Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern, 283), 6 p. m . English Room trio. Hotel Winton: 7 p. m., Ethel O. Hawes, bedtime story. WHN, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 360), 5-5:30 p. m., Johnny DeDrolt and his Balconades orchestra; 6:30-7, Vincent Catanese and his Hotel Alamac orchestra; 7-7:30, Harry Rlchman and his entertainers, with Eddie Elklns and his orchestra; 7:30-7:35, "Spring Styles," Haas Brothers Fabric corporation; 8-8:15, Nat Luxenberg's College Clothes period; 0:35-10:05, RoseDanceland orchestra; 10:05-11:05, Clover Gardens dance orchestra; 12-12:50 a. in.. Strand Roof entertainers. WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (Central, 522.3), 6:30-7:30 p. m., Reese-Hughes orchestra; 7:30-9. Bankers' Life Radio orchestra, William L. Marsh, director: Mrs. John Eagan. soprano; 9-0:15. Des Moines Theater Symphony orchestra. Prof. Leon Dasholf. director. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509), 1 p. m., Girabel tea room orchestra, Ra> Stccu, director; 5, recital. students Kurtz studios; "Ay, Ay, Ay," "I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby," "Chisenne," Ralph Carlln; "The Market," "The Piper of Lovers," "Villanelle," "Consider the Lily," Evelyn TJhls; "My Little Banjo," "The Prayer," "Upon the Mountain," "Melasandc," "How Beautiful," Mrs. A. S. Wicham; 6:05, Art Coogan and his Club Madrid orchestra; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories. WJAX, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 7 p. m.. Hotel < leveland orohetsra, Ivan Franclsci. director. WJJD. Mooseheart, III. (Central, 278), 3:30-4:30 p. m, Mooseheart children; 0:30-7:15, Albert F. Brown, organist; 7:15-8:15, Philharmonic orchestra; Junior band. WKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (Intercolonial, 360), 8-9:30 I). m., Municipal band. WLS, Chicago. III. (Central, 345), 12-12:30 p. m . Kenneth Clark, guitarist; 3:15-4:45, homemakers' hour, book review of some new books, Harry Miller; talk, G. W. Lamson: 6:30, Ralph Emerson, organist; 6:o0, specialties. Senate theater studio; 7, lullaby time. Ford and Glenn; 7:15. William Hoke, tenoi ; 7:30, Isham Jones and his College Inn orchestra; 8-9, Ralph Emerson, organist; talk, Charles William Lanssig; our homemakers' hour, Mrs. Grace Viall Gray; 9. "The Religious Note in Kipling's Life," Wallace Bruce Amsbary; 9:15 Philharmonic mixed quartet; 10, Art Kahn's Senate theater symphony orchestra: 10:]".. Philharmonic mixed quartet; 10:30, Isham Jones and his College Inn orchestra; 10:40, Ford and Glenn time. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 8 a. m., physical exercises, William Stradtman; 12:15 p. m. program, Mu Phi Epsilon sorority; Ahous Brunswick Shop orchestra; 4, shut-ins' program, Dunlng Benevolent, and Alusical service; Lillian Aldrich Thayer Settlement. School of music and other institutions; 6, dinner hour concert, Cincinnati Post featuring The Selinsky quintet : 8, program of trios and solos arranged bv Use Huebner; 0. special program. WLW studios. Music hall. In conjunction with Auto show, courtesy of Formica Insulation company. WMAQ. Chicago. III. (Central, 447.5), J p. m., speeches. Association of Commerce; 4. stories from Child Life; 1:30, program, McLean school; 0, Chicago theater organ recital; 6:30, stories for the children, Georgene Faulkner; 8, weekly lecture, Northwestern university; 8:30, piano concerto; 9. WMAQ players. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 503), 12 m., musical program, O. K. Houck Piano company. WNJ, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 233), 10:30-11 p. m., dance music, Frank Daily and his Meadowbrook orchestra; 11-11:15, Victor Wilbur, baritone: 11:15-12. Original Dixieland Jazz band: 12-12:30 a. m., dance music, Frank Dally and his Meadowbrook orchestra. WNYC. New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 526). 7:30-7:40 p. m.. police alarms; 8:30-10:30, "Appreciation of Music," Dr. Henry T. Fleck. WOC, Davenport, la. (Central, 484), 10:05 a. m., household hints; 12 m., chimes; 7 p. m. . sandman's visit, Val McLaughlin; 8, organ recital, Erwin Swindell; Mrs. W. T. Waterman, soprano. WOI, Ames, la. (Central, 360), 12:30 p. m., college chimes. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 11 a. m., organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m., Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra, Robert E. Golden, director; 4:45, organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 5, sports results and police reports; 7:30, A. Candelorl and his Hotel Adelphia concert orchestra; 10:03. organ recital, Harrietto G. Ridley; 10:30, Vincent Rizzo and his Hotel Sylvania dance orchestra. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 405), 7-7:30 a. m., WOR gym class; 6:15-7 p. m., "Music While You Dine," Harry Cox's Robert Treat orchestra; 7:15-7:30 resume of day's sports, Jolly Bill Steinke; 8-8:30. Eugene Ingraham's Great Notch inn orchestra; 8:30-8:45, talk, "Back Stage," Wells Hawks; 9-10, "Persian Garden," Joseph M. Barnett. baritone; Wallace Herrmann, tenor; Beth Tregaskis contralto; Betty Brown Bailey, soprano. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 8 p. m., "The Value of the Farm Inventory," B. H. Frame; 8:15, "Vocational Education," George W. Reavis; 8:30, Harry AI, Snodgrass. pianist. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 12 in., entertain Wtain: Webli. 9:05, Kpo, Wni: 1 1 :45. Kgo, W I; I 12:30. 8:30. 9:02. \ Woo; l»|».f 10:30. Wsh ; Kfl, 1 Kpo. 8, Kn: Wfl, \ 9:30, ( W'oai ; 10:45. Wnj. V< 12, Kgi 12:05, Knx. Wcdn 8, Km Wdai; Woo ; WCCO. ' SI : Wgr : Kfi. 1 1 1 :45, ; Kg". I : Thur ■■. 8, KttJ : Wchl i. Wlp : 9 , 10, Wo I, ■ Wfaa, ;| Wdaf: ; Knx; Woe. Frid Knx, 9, VV 9 A3, Wbai> 10, ' Wbz. Wcbh, Wdaf, Knx; Knx. ......