Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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10 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated January 31, 1925 NEGRO CAMP MEETING AT WBAP Saturday, January 31 (Continued from page 9) Plummer; 8:45-9:15, Elena DeSayn string quartet; 9:15-9:30. ■'Radio as a Vacation," J. H. Dellinger of Bureau of Standards; 9:30-10, Silvio Sidell, baritone; 10-10:30, Dittborn Howard's string orchestra; 10:30-11:30. Freddie Bich and Hotel Astor dance orchestra. WLBL, Stevens Point, Wis. (Central, 278), 12 midnight, "Enemies of Sleep." WLS. Chicago, III. (Central, 345), 7 p. m.. Ford and Glenn's trip to Paris; 7:20, national barn dance, Isham Jones and his College Inn orchestra; Ralph Emerson, organist; Walter Feterson; Grace Wilson; Harmony Girls; Glenn's Corn Huskers; Ford and Glenn; Barn dance fiddlers; 11:15-12:45, Senate theater review. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 8 a. m., physical exercises, William Stradtman, instructor; 3 p. m. . dance program. Marco Melody boys, Fred Lindeman, director; other features: 6, dinner hour concert. Cincinnati Post, featuring Selinsky quintet. Lafafone, E. D. Leonard. WMAQ. Chicago. III. (Central. 447.5). 2 p. m., Union League club forum : 6, Young Folks' Catholic association: S. LaSalle hotel orchestra; 8:30, "World Reporting." Junius B. Wood; 9, weekly Chicago theater revue. Stephen E. Boisclair i s the organist who plays on the late Tuesd a y and Thursday programs at WGY, the General Electric station at Schenectady, New York. Mr. Boisclair is the official organist o f this station. WMC. Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 503.9), 12 m., musical program, O. K. Houck Piano company; 8 p. m., bedtime story, Uncle Percy; 8:30, classical program, Gladys Barber. WNJ, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 233), 10:30-1 a. m., dance revue, Paradise dance palance. WNYC. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 528.8), 5:30-6:30 p. m. . Frederick Benson and his orchestra; 6:30-7:30, Sam Wooding and his Club Alabam orchestra; 7:35-8, Chateau Four; 8:30-9, Police quartet; 9-10, instrumental novelties and recitals; 10:10-10:30, New York public lecture. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 522.3), 6 p. m., dramatic hour. Davis Studio of Expression; 6:45, Sammy Helman's orchestra; 9:30, progTam, quartet; 11, Frank Hodek and his Omaha Nightingales; 11:30, organ music. Arthur Hays. World theater. WOC. Davenport, Iowa (Central, 498), 12 m., chimes; 7 p. m., sandman's visit: 9, Lonis Conor and his LeClaire hotel orchestra; songs and novelty numbers, Peter Mac-Arthur, baritone. WOI, Ames, Iowa (Central. 270), 12:30 p. m., college chimes; "Feeding and Management of Chicks," Prof. W. H. Lapp. WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 11 a. m., urea" recital. Mary K. Vogt; 12:02 p. m., Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra, Robert E. Golden, director; 1:45, organ recital. Mary E. Vogt; band concert. John Wanamaker Commercial Institute band. WOR. Newark. N. J. (Eastern, 405). 2:30-4 p. m., children's program; 6:15-7:30, "Music While You Dine." Freddie Sleckman and his Green Mt. Idlers; 8:30-8:45, Winifred DeWitt Vogelius, contralto; 9:159:30, Winifred DeWitt Vogelius; 9:30-10:30, concert, Somerville male chorus. WQJ. Chicago. III. (Central, 448), 11-12 m.. home economics. Hi'lcn Harrington Downing; "Eve-Evolved," .Mrs. Darius T. Phillips; talk, J. W. Foley; "Fancy Cookies," Bertha M. Harris; 3-4 p. m., Koffec Klatsch. Bpecial musical features: 7-8, dinner concert, Ralph Williams and his Itainho Garden orchestra; Otis Pile Jester, soprano; Mary T. House, accompanist; George Sippcl. pianist; 10-2 a. m.. Ralph Williams and his Itainho Skylarks; Jerry Sullivan, songs; George A. Mule and Larry Shay, harmony singers; Alfred Tweed, harmonica selections; the Melodians; Clarence Theders. tenor: Yukona Cameron, soprano; June Lee, comedienne. WRC. Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469). 6:45 p. m., children's hour, Marjorie Tucker; 7, dinner music. Hotel Washington-Irving Boernstein orchestra; 8, Bible talk ; 8 :45, concert of chamber music, Elena do Savn siring quartet; 9:15, music; 10:30, dance program. Astor hotel orchestra : 11 :15, Otto Beck, organist. WREO. Lansing, Mich. (Eastern, 288.5), 9-12 midnight, Frank Logan and his orchestra. WSAI. Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 325.9), 8 p. m.. chinics; 8:15. Bicycle mixed quartet; 9. weekly news review. Allison F. Stanley; 9:15, Bicycle male quartet; 12, WSAI midnight entertainers; 12:30, Freda Sanker's Toad Stool orchestra. WSB. Atlanta. Ga. (Central, 429), 6 p. m.. songs. Bonnie Barnhardt; 8-9. orchestra; Mrs. Rose Matthews, soprano; 10:15. Ed and Grace MeConnell. WTAM, Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern, 364), 6 p. m., Maurice Spitalny's Hotel Statler orchestra; 9, WTAM dance orchestra. Ev Jones, director. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern, 516), 8 a. m.. setting-up exercises. R. J. Horton; 9:30, tonight's dinner; 3 p. m., the Detroit News orchestra. Sunday, February 1 Sunday, silent night for: CFAC, CHNC. CKAC, KFAE, KFDM, KFOA. KFKX, KFQX, KOB, KSD, PWX, WAHG, WBAV, WBBG, WCAU, WDAF, WEAO, WEBJ. WHA. WHAS, WHO. WJJD, WKAQ, WLBL. WMAQ. WNJ. WOI. WOR, WTAY. CFAC. Calgary, Can. (Eastern, 430). 11 a. m., morning CFCA, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 400). 11 a. m.. services, Bloor Street Presbyterian church, Rev. George C. Pidgeon. pastor; .".:.","-•; p. in., Bible story for small children; 7, service, Timothy Eaton Memorial church, preacher. Dr. Trevor H. Davie-:. CKAC. Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 4:30 p. m., band concert CKY. Winnipeg. Can. (Central. 450), 7 p. m., service, Qrace Methodist church. KDKA. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 11 a. m., service*, Point Breeze Presbyterian church, Rev. Perclval H. Baker; 2:30 p. m., concert; 4, Dr. Charles Helnroth. organist; 4:15, vesper services, Shadyside Presbyterian church, Kev. Hugh Thomson Kerr, minister; 6:15, dinner concert, Scalzo's orchestra; 7:30. services. Calvary Episcopal church. Rev. E. .1. Van Etten, pastor. KFI. Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific. 469), 10-10:45 a. m., L. A. Chnnh Federation service; 4-5 p. m„ vesper service. L. A. Church Federation musicians; 6:45-7, musical appreciation talk; 7-8. stage acts, specialties and orchestra from Metropolitan (heater; 8-9, Electa Felt Ferry soprano and trio of women's voice : 9-10, Examiner, Anton Latla's Louisiana Five dance ori Ira; 10-11, Tl.urcon Bennutl on.l hi. ,,. . 1,, .i , ., KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 10:45 a. m., regular church service; 3 p. ra., program. Baptist church ; 6 :30. concert, Smith-Belding Harmony orchestra. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 278), 10:30-12:30 p. m., complete morning religious services of Angelus temple, Ainiee Semple Mcpherson, pastor; Esther Fricke Green, organist: 2:30-4:30 p. m., afternoon service of the temple, semon by pastor-evangelist, music by temple choir and Silver band; 7-9:45, complete evening services of Angelus temple, including special opening musical hour, evangelistic sermon, Aimee Semple Mcpherson; 10-11. organ recital, Esther Fricke Green. KGO, Oakland. Calif. (Pacific, 312), 11 a. in., service, St. Luke's Episcopal church. Arthur McHoul, organist: Rev. W. W. Jennings, rector; 3:30 p. m., KGO Little Symphony orchestra, Carl Rhodehamel, director; "Remembrances," "Comique," selections from "Aida," orchestra; "By the Waters of Babylon," "Beyond the Dawn," "A Sunset Song," Irwin Johnson, baritone: violin solos, Glenn W. Halik; "Scotch Poem," orchestra, preceded by talk on life and work of MacDowell, Arthur S. Garbett; four Mexican dances, orchestra; "Sancta Lucia," "Sweet Genevieve," Irwin Johnson: "Clarice." orchestra; 8, musical service, St. Luke's Episcopal church. Rev. W. W. Jennings, rector. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 485.1), 10:30 a. m., service. First Presbyterian church. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman, pastor; 3 p. m., municipal concert; 6, church services, Portland Council of churches; 7, dinner concert, Colburn concert orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 10 a. in.. Dr. H. C. Culbertson, pastor Plymouth Congregational church; 10:30-12:30 p. m., complete morning services and organ recital. First Methodist Episcopal church. E. E. Helms, pastor; Arthur Blakely, organist; 6:30-7. Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra; Edward Fitzpatrick, director; 7-7:30, organ recital, Arthur Blakely, organist; 8-10, Zenith Radio concert company, Rola quartet. KJS, Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific, 252), 10:30-12:30 p. m., complete morning religious services, Church of the Open Door, Dr. French E. Oliver, pastor; 6-6:45, vesper services, instrumental and vocal program with short scriptural talk; 7:15-9:30, complete evening services of the Church of the Open Door, Dr. French E. Oliver, pastor. KNX, Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific, 337), 7-7:45 p. m.. International Bible Student's association; 8-9, Ambassador hotel concert orchestra, Josef Rosenfeld, director; 9-11, program', Carson-Baruch Baking company. KOA, Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 11 a. m., solemn pontifical mass and sermon. Immaculate Conception cathedral. Bishop J. Henry Tihen; 7:30-8:30, service, Immaculate Conception, Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 11-12 m.. church service. Rev. Homer K. Pitman; Lenore Sollender Campbell, soprano; Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 8:30-10, concert, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel or KSAC, Manhattan, Kans. (Central, 340.7), 8 p. m., piano voluntary; 8:05, special sacred music: 8:10, prayer of affirmation; 8:15, hymn; 8:20, "Common Folks," understanding them; 8:35, song of benediction. KTHS. Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (Central, (375), 11 a. m., services. First Presbyterian church. Rev. Chauncey Hickok, pastor; 8:30-10:30 p. m., vocal solos, Mrs. Harry A. Jones; New Arlington Meyer Davis ensemble, Jack Renard, director; 10-11:30, jazz concert, Phil Baxter and his singing orchestra. KYW, Chicago. III. (Central, 535.4), 11 a. m.. Central church service, Dr. Frederick F. Shannon; 4-5 p. m., studio concert; 7, Chicago Sunday Evening club, speaker. Bishop Thomas F. Gailor. WBAP, Fort Worth, Texas (Central, 472.9), 11 a. m., services, St. Paul's M. E. church, Rev. C. D. Meade, pastor; Mrs. F. L. Jaccard. organist; 4 p. m., concert, Rialto theater; 11-12, midnight, frolics, Ted Miller's WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 516), 7:15 p. m„ church services WDAF. Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 4-5 p. m., classical music. Star's orchestra. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 2:30 p. m., Arcadia cafe concert orchestra. Ferl Sarkozi, director; 6, W. I. Oppenheim's Ben Franklin hotel concert or WEAF. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 7:20-9:15 p. m., musical program, Roxy and his Gang, Capitol theater; 9:15-10:15, organ recital. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 334.3), 1 p. m:, Philip Spitalny's Allen theater symphony orchestra. WEBH, Chicago, III. (Central, 370), 5 p. m., twilight musicale; 7-9, selected artists program. WEEI, Boston. Mass. (Eastern. 303), 3:45-5:30 p. m., mens conference, Bedford Branch, Y. M. C. A.: 7:209:15, "Roxy and his Gang," Capitol theater. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Central, 286), 11-11:20 a. m.. Radio Lighthouse choir; 11:20-11:30, Scripture reading and prayer. Pastor W. R. French; 11:30-11:40. Thelma Abel, soprano; Nelva Mundt, contralto; 11:4012, sermon. Pastor W. R. French; 8:15-8:40 p. m., Radio Lighthouse choir; 8:40-8:45, Scripture reading. Pastor John Knox; 8:45-8:55, vocal duet, Mrs. Gertrude Hanson, contralto; Mrs. H. B. Taylor, soprano; 8:559 :25, Bible lecture. Pastor John Knox. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 472.9), 6-6:30 p. m.. Radio Bible class, Dr. William Anderson, pastor; 6:30-7:30, Christian Endeavor Union service; 7:30-8:45, service. First Baptist church. Dr. George W. Truett, pastor; 9-11, Grace Methodist church male quartet and orchestra. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 4:30 p. m., Central Y. M. C. A. services; 7:30, services, Arch Street Presbyterian church. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central, 370), 11 a. m., Uncle Walt reads the comics to the children; 11:45, program, Chicago theater, twin organ recital, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford; 2 p. m., organ recital, Lyon & Healy; 3, Tribune Master artist concert, Margaret Anderson, pianist; 3:30, program, faculty artists. Chicago Musical college; 9-10, special program, "Sir Edgar Elgar, British Composer," Charles H. Gabriel, Jr. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 3-4 p. m., vesper service; 4-5, John F. Gunderman, Jr., organist: 7:15, Central Presbyterian church service and organ recital, William Wall Whiddit, organist, and Dr. Robert J. MacAIpine, speaker. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 10:30 a. m.. First English Lutheran church. Rev. Herbert D. Shimer, pastor; 3:35 p. m., WGY symphony orchestra; Roger H. Stonehouse, soloist; Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, organist; 7:30, service. First English Lutheran church. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 9:57 a. m„ organ music; 10. cjrureh service, auspices Fourth Avenue Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. Charles W. Welch, pastor; 4 p. m., George Latimer, organist; 4:30-5, choral evensong service, Christ church cathedral. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 411), 9:45-11 a. m., Linwood Christian church services; 8-9:15 p. m. , M. E. church services; 12, program of dance and popular music. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 273), 10:30 a. m., morning services, Old Stone church. Rev. W. H. Foulkes, pastor; 4:30 p. m. , vesper service, Cleveland Federated churches. Rev. E. R. Wright, conductor; current religious topics; hymns, sermon; 7:30, evening service, Epworth-Euclid Memorial church. Rev. Louis Wright, pastor; 9, Conn symphony orchestra, Ralph E. Story, director; Fred W. Hlnz, baritone; Roy J. Crocker, pianist; A. E. Clark, trombone soloist; Elizabeth Weidemann Kelly, soloist. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 360.4), 3-4 p. m., Queens County Christian Endeavor program; 5-5:30, Roseland dance orchestra; 5-5:30, Olcott Vail and his string trio; 10-10:45, Gem Razor entertainers; 1111:30, Vanity club revue; 11:30-12, Connie's Inn revue. Here are four of the popular WOAI Entertainers of WOAI, San Antonio, Texas, in costume as they sang "In a Persian Garden." They are, left to right, Mrs. Fred Jones, soprano; Charles Stone, tenor; Warren Hull, bass; and Mrs. Guy Simpson, contralto. This Sunday, February 1, they will sing "Gallia." Crazy hotel orchestra. WBBR, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 273). 9:10 p. m., I. B. S. A. choral singers; 9:20, vocal duet, Thyra Lundberg, Fred Twaroschk; 9:30, Bible lecture, "The Night and Morning of Man's Experience," W. L. Pelle; 10, Fred Twaroschk, tenor; 10:20, I. B. S. A. choral singers. WBCN, Chicago, 111. (Central, 266), 10:30-12 m.. People's Liberal church. Dr. R. A. White, pastor; 4-5 p. m., classical concert, Lain & Son chapel; 5:15-6:15, vesper service, Emerald Avenue Presbyterian church. Rev. Richard D. Hughes; 7-8, Walther League classical program; 8-10. Ned Sar.try, tenor; J. W. King, announcer of WTBZ; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; Borden brothers; Bobbie Mehr. WCAE. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern. 462), 10:45 a. m.. services, Bodef Shalom temple; 3 p. m.. People's Radio church services; 4, Prof, Otto Kalteis, pianist; 6:30, dinner concert, William Pcnn hotel. WCAL. Northfield, Minn. (Central, 337), 8:30 p. m., sacred program, sermon, J. J. Thompson, dean of men; J. i>. Gay, organist. WCAU, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 278), 5:14 p. m., recital; 5:30, talk; Dr. John W. Slockwell; 6, Meyer Davis Hotel Pennsylvania dinner orchestra, direction Eon Chassey. WCBO. Zion, III. (Central, 345), 8 p. m., mixed quartet; celestial bells; G. Mason, cornetlst; Blchard Hire, Sidney Stewart, violinists; Mrs. .1. D. Thomas, soprano; M. I'. Barton, tenor; Mrs. 1*. M. LaRosc. contralto; Erwin Rendall, flutist; Mrs. Grace Lund, pianist; la-lies" trio. WCCO. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Central. 417), 10:30 a. m., Plymouth Congregational church. Rev. H. P. Dewey; 4:10 p. m., House of Hope Presbyterian church, Rev. H. C. Swearingcn; 7:4D, Central Lutheran church. Rev, J. A.. O. Stub; 9:15, classical concert. featuring Leroy Smith's orchestra; 12-12:30 a. m., Harry Richraan and his entertainers with Eddie Elkins and his orchestra. WHO. Des Moines, Iowa (Central, 522.3), 11 a. m., service, sermon. Dr. C. S. Medbury. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 4 p.m., services, auspices Germantown Y. M. C. A.; lecture, "Our Nation's Greatest Need," Dr. Francis H. Green; 7:15, services, Holy Trinity church ; 9 :30, Ben Stad and his Wip symphony orchestra; Karl Bonawitz, organist; Arion Singing society, Johanne Kramer, Ulric Wols, tenor; Edwin Hcnrv, bass. WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (Central. 302.8), 7:45-8:40 a. m., Roman Catholic services; 8:40-9:40, organ recital, Albert F. Brown; 9:40-11, Protestant services; 3-4 p. m., regular concert. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 455), 9-10 a. m., children's hour; 11-12, church services direct; 12:452:30 p. m., Sunday Symphonyic society'; Josiah Zuro, contralto; 2:30-3:30, Radio Bible class, auspices of Federation of churches of Greater New York; 3:30-4, "Practical Religion." Rev. Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick; 4-5:45, vesper services, St. George's church; 5:45-7, "The Metropolis of Mankind," Edgar White Burrill ; Tom Morgan, baritone; 7-8, Nathan Abas' Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra; 8:30-9, Josephine Evans, contralto. WLS, Chicago, III. (Central, 345), 6:30-7 p. m., Ralph Emerson, organist; 7-8, Walther League musical program. WLW. Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 9:30 a. m., school, editorial staff of Sunday school publications, Methodist Book concern; 11, services. Church of Covenant, Dr. Frank Stevenson; 7:30 p. m., services. First Presbyterian church of Walnut Hills, Dr. Frederick McMillan; 8:30. Western and Southern orchestra, William Kopp, director; Dan Beddoe, tenor; Thomis Prewitt Williams, accompanist. . WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 503.9), 11 a. m., services. First Baptist church. Rev. A. U. Boone, pastor. WNYC, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 528.8), 9-11 p. in., Mark Strand Brooklyn theater. WOAI, San Antonia, Texas (Central, 394.5), 11 a. m., services. First Presbyterian church; 7:30 p. m., services. Central Christian church; 9:30, religious music, "Gallia," WOAI entertainers. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 522.3), 9 a. m.. Radio chapel service, conducted by Rev. R. R. Brown, pastor; 1:30 p. m.. matinee program transmitted from WOAW's remote control studio in the May Seed & Nursery company building, Shenandoah, Iowa; 6, Bible study period, personal direction of Mrs. Carl Gray; 9, musical chapel service, Dundee Methodist church. WOC. Davenport, Iowa (Central, 498), 8 p. in.. Palmer Little symphony; Apostle church, Rev. C. J. Donahoe; 9:30, Palmer Little symphony, Erwin Swindell, conductor. WOI, Ames. Iowa (Central, 270), 10:45 a. m., college chimes; 11, chapel services. Dean Mathews, Dean of Divinity school. University of Chicago. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 10:30 a. m., services, Bethany temple; 2:30 p. m., Sunday school exercises, Bethany temple; 6:05, organ recital, Clarence K. Bawden; 7:30, services, Bethany temple; sermon, Rev Gordon A. MacLennan; organ recital, Caroline Quigg. WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, 448), 10:30 a. m., sermon, Dr. Preston Bradley; 100 voice choir; Clarence Eddy, organist; 8-10 p. m., Ralph Williams and his Bainbo orchestra in concert; Miriam Burns, sporano; Lois Sandy Meek is a wandering minstrel o f the air. His voice may be heard Saturday and Wednesday at WQJ, Tuesday at WTAY, Thursday at WGN, and Friday at WEBH and WTAY. He sings his own songs. Mackey, pianist; Milford Burdsall, tenor; Marldean Borresen, baritone; Fern Denicke, accompanist; Oscar H. Williamson, tenor; Harry Abernathy, accompanist; Rick Whalen and Gardner, "Bainbo Greetings" company. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (Eastern, 288.5), 10 a. m . chimes. Belfry Plymouth Congregational church; 10:30. services, Plymouth Congregational church. Dr. Edwin W. Bishop, pastor; 7 p. m., services. Central M. E. church, Dr. Frank Kingdon, pastor. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 325.9), 3 p. m., sermonette; 3:10, sacred chimes. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 11 a. m., service. First Presbyterian church; 5-6 p. m., sacred service, Georgia Railway and Power company quartet; 7:30, Memorial church service. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 516), 11 a. m., church services; 2 p. m., the Detroit News orchestra. Monday, February 2 Monday, silent night for: CFAC, CFCA, CKAC, CKY. KFDM, KFSG, KJS, KYW, PWX, WBCN. WCAL, WCAU, WEAO, WEBH, WEBJ, WFI, WGN. WHAS, WIP, WJY. WKAQ, WLBL, WLS, WMAQ, WNJ, WOAI, WREO. CHNC, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 350), 8:30 p. m., CHNC instrumental trio, Frank Blachford, violinist; Lionel H. Bilton, cellist; Simeon Joyce, pianist; the Schuch singers, Vernon Gearing, Harvey Binns, Hamilton Hill, Lois Erie Waters, Evelyn Hall, Marion Simons. CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 1:45 p. m., Windsor hotel trio; 4:30, Ho lessons. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 7 a. m., morning exercises. O. Shannon; 8, morning exercises; 12:15 p. m., Scalzo's orchestra; 6:15, concert KDKA Little symphony orchestra; 7:30, children's period; 8, Girl Scout meeting; 8:15, address. University of Pittsburgh; 8:30, concert. KFAE, Pullman, Wash. (Eastern, 330), 7:30-9 p. m., Kappa Alpha Theta sorority program; Kathryn Fowler, pianist; Geraldine Guertin, soprano; Phyllis Beneflel, pianist: vocal solos, Eva LaFollette; group songs: mechanical engineering talk. Prof. G. E. Thornton; "Masefield's Poetry," Prof. T. M. Raysor; "Rural Women and the Past Year," Maud Wilson; book chat, Alice L. Webb. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 5-5:30 p. m.. Evening Herald, table talk and news; 5:30-6, Examiner, musical half hour; 8-9, Evening Herald Radiolians dance orchestra; Charlie Melson, tenor; 9-10, program, Walter M. Murphy Motors company; 10-11, Examiner, Ray West's Alexandria hotel orchestra. KFKU, Lawrence, Kans. (Central, 275), 6:50 p. m., piano tuning-in number; 7, music; 7:15, Spanish lesson V; 7:30. basketball game. K. U. vs. Okla. U. ; 8:30, debating, "Delivery," Prof. B. A. Gilkinson; 8:45, "Team Offense," Dr. F. C. Allen. KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (Central. 288.3). 9:30-11 p. m., program, York Amateur musicale of Yck, Nebr. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 455), 4-5:15 p. m.. studio music, educational talks, today's recipe; 6:458:15, Sherman, Clay & company program; 8:30-10, Seattle Times studio program. KFQX, Seattle, Wash. (Central. 238). 6:30-7:15 p. m., topics of the day; 7:15-8, bedtime story, Aunt Vivien; 8-9, Earl Gray and his Butler hotel orchestra; 9-10, concert hour: 10-11, Earl Gray and his orchestra. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 312), 9 a. m., music and lecture, California State Department of education; 11:30-1 p. m., luncheon concert. Pacific States Electric company; 4-5:30, Henry Halstead and dance orchestra; 5:30-6, Aunt Betty stories and KGO kiddies' klub; 8, "Baymond Overture," song of love from "Blossom Time," Arion trio; "Some Principles and Facts Concerning Pruning," Prof. H. M. Butterfield; celo solos, Margaret Avery; "A Lesson in English," Wilda Wilson Church; "March of the Tin Soldiers," Anon trio; "The High School Student," Dr. Aurelia Henry Bernhardt; "Calm as the Night." "Gavotte," Arion trio; "Chats About New Books." Joseph Henry Jackson; "Aloha Oe," Arion trio; 10-1 a*, m., dance music, Henry Halstead's orchestra. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 485.1), 5 p. m,, children's program, story. Aunt Nell ; 8, concert, Oregonian concert orchestra; 10, Colburn's Melody men. Hotel Portland; Shefier's string orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 12:30-1:30 p. m., Piggly Wiggly girls' trio; 8-10, program. El Bncanto apartments. KNX, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 8 a. m.. morning prayer; 9, Hired Hand, news; 10, Hired Hand's morning message; 10:30. home economics, Mrs. Kate Brew Vaughn; 6:30-7:30 p. m., program John A. Evans corporation of Hacienda Park; 8-10, program, Western Auto Supply company; 10-11, Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hotel. KOA, Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 8 p. m.. "My Old Kentucky Home," KOA orchestra, Lewis H. Chernoff, director; "Valse in E," Mary Marzyck, pianist; "The Garden of Your Heart," Ina Mae Bains, soprano; Ralph Freese, tenor; G. Balph Crowder, accompanist: "At the Spring." "Sonnet," Mary Marzyck, pianist: (Continued on page 11)_ ....