Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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18 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated February 7 , 1925 Wednesday, February 11 (Continued from page 17) baritone: Pearl Doty, pianist; 9:45. Nubs Allan; 10. Art Kalin and his Senate Theater Symphony orchestra: 111:10, Verdi trio; 10:30, Isham Jones and his College Inn orchestra; 10:40, Ford and Glenn time. WLW. Cincinnati. Ohio (Central, 423), S a. m., physical exercises, Y. M. O. A.. Win. Stradtmun, instructor; 12:15, program, Mu Phi Epsilon sorority; dance program, Ahaus orchestra; 4, program for "shut-ins;" 6. dinner hour concert. Selinsky quintet; 3, mixed quartet; Milnor trio; Clifford Lam;. Prince of the Ivories; Formica orchestra, Walter Esberger, director; Larsh M. Ferguson, baritone; Vernon Manor Instrumental trio. WMAQ. Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5). 1 p. m.. speeches, weekly luncheon of the Association of Commerce; I. beauty talk, Madame Grace Earl; 4:30, program, pupils Cosmopolitan School of Music; 6, Chicago theater organ recital; 6:30, stories for children, Georgcne Faulkner; 8, weekly lecture. Northwestern university; 8:30, piano concerto; 9. WMAQ players. WMC. Memphis, Tenn (Central, 503.9), 12 m.. O. K. Houck Piano company. WNJ, Newark. N. J. (Eastern, 233), 10:30-11 p. m.. Frank Daily and his orchestra: 11-11:15, Victor Wilbur, baritone; 11:15-12, Original Dixieland Jazz band; 12-12:o0 a. m.. Frank Daily and his orchestra. WNYC, New York City. N. Y. (Eastern, 528.8), 8:30 p. m., course in appreciation of music. Dr. Henry T. Flick: 9:45, dance program. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 483.6), 5:45 p. m.. chimes; 7. sandman's visit, Val McLaughlin; 8, Ernin Swindell, organist; Charles E. Hall, tenor. WOI. Ames, Iowa (Central, 270), 12:30 p. m., college chimes. WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 11 a. m., organ recital. Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m., Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra, Robert E. Golden, director; 4:45, organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 7:30, A. Candelorl's ensemble from Hotel Adelphla; 8:30. WOO orchestra; 10:03. William Bove's Royal Palm dance orchestra: in;.0, Vincent Rizzo's Hotel Sylvania dance orchestra. WOR. Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 405). 2:30 p. m.. May Stone, soprano; 6:15, Harry Cox, orchestra; 8, Gene Ingraham: 9. Mrs. Zacharia, violinist. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 8-10 p. m., program, Mrs. Cortez Enloe, director; address. Honorable .1. M. Ramsey: talks, Senator Dwight Brown; "Safeguarding Missouri Expenditures for Fertilizers," L. D. Haugh. WQJ. Chicago, 111. (Central, 448), 11-12 m., "Some Rules and Suggestions for Playing Mah Jong," Fitzpatrick: 'Antiseptics — Their Use in the Home," Madeline Gregory; 'The American Flag," Mrs. Charles H. Wells; 3-4 p. m., "Sixth Lesson — Domestic Science Course." Helen Harrington Downing; "Oleomargarine," Martha Logan; authority on women's dresses, Frank J. Mitchell; 7-8. dinner concert, Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Garden orchestra ; Merrle Boyd Mitchell, soprano; James Mitchell, baritone; Rev. Carl Chworowski, pianist: 10-2 a. m.. Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Skylarks; Rogers Boys, Larry and Billy; Clarence Theders. tenor: Alfred Tweed, harmonica and guitar soloists; Melodians, Laurie, Eddie, Benny: George A. Little. Larry Shaw, song writers; Fred Jacobson, reader. WRC. Washington. D. C. (Eastern, 469), 4 p. m.. fashion developments of the moment, Eleanor Gunn ; 4:10, piano recital. George F. Ross; 4:20, talk, Outlook; 4:30, tea music, Meyer Davis' New Willard hotel trio: 6, children's hour, Peggy Albion. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 12 m., entertainment: 5-6 p. m., bedtime story and songs, Bonnie Barnhardt ; 10:45, Ritz Harmony boys. WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa (Central, 483.6), 9-9:30 a. m., High school assembly program, Prof. Philip Greeley Clapp, pianist; "What It Means to Be a Lawyer," Dean Henry C. Jones; 12:30-1 p. m., talk; 4:30. "The Psychology of Learning." Prof. Frederic/ B. Knight; 4:45, "Modem English." Prof. Thomas A. Knott. WTAM. Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 364), 6 p. m., Philip Spitabiy's Music Box orchestra; 8 p. m., Cleveland Plain Dealer program; Albert Downing and his studio club: Mary Kettleman, soprano; Leona Woodcock, contralto; Robert Gaillard. tenor; Albert Dannenberg, violinist: WTAM Symphonic ensemble, Walter Logan, director: Walter Logan trio. WTAY, Oak Park, III. (Central. 250), 6:30-7:30 p. m., artists from Oak Park; 9-10:15, Al Melgard, organist; Harmony Kings; Melody Girls. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 352.7), 8 a. m., settingup exercises. R. J. Eorton; 9:30, tonight's dinner. woman's editor; 12:05 p. m., Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra; 6, dinner concert; 8:30, Harry A. McDonald, baritone; Irene Barkume, soprano. Thursday, February 12 Thursday, silent night for: CHNC, KFAE, KFDM, KFOA. KFQX, KGW, KOA, KOB, KSD, WAHG, WBAV, WEAO, WCAL. WEBJ, WEMC, WHAZ, WHO, WJJD, WLBL, WNJ, WOO. WSAI, WTAM. CFAC, Calgary, Can. (Mountain, 430), 9-11 p. m., Canadian National Railway's program, Orpheus quartet. CFCA, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 350), 5:30-6 p. m., bedtime story; 8:15, Eaton Choral society; Florence MacBeth. CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 4:45 p. m., cabaret entertainment; 8:30, Canadian National Railways, using CNBW. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450), 7:30 p. m., lesson in French diction and conversation, A. C. De Lalande; 8. Canadian National Railway's program using call CNRW. CNRC, Calgary, Can. (Mountain, 430), 9 p. m., bedtime travel tale: Orpheus quartet, A. C. McGaghey, cellist; V. L. Samuelson, violinist; G. H. Deslandes, flutist; E. T. Gurling, pianist; "Martha," quartet; G. S. Deslandes. flute solo; "Haya." quartet; "Autumn and Winter," trio; violin solo, V. L. Samuelson; "The Minute Man," Orpheus quartet; "Invitation a la Valse." E. T. Gurling, pianist; "Irish Melodies," quartet; "Resignation," quartet; cello solo, A. C. McGaghey; march selected, quartet; "II Trovatore," quartet; flute solo, G. S. Deslandes; "The Little Soubrette," quartet; V. L. Samuelson, violinist; selections from "Faust," quartet; Mrs. F. B. Buckert, Esther Williams Lab and party, A. Phillips, violinist; dance program. Plaza cabaret. CNRM, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 8:30 p. m., "Colonel Bogey," "For a Rose," "The Beautiful Galitea." "The Angelus," "Scenes Plttoresques," Montreal symphony orchestra; Hawaiian guitar solos, "One, Two. Three. Four." "Swane.e River," J. T. Livingstone; address, William P. Fllzsimons: "Cinderella," "By the Hearth," "The Godmother and the Fairies," "The Court Ball," "The Royal Nuptials," orchestra; "Celebrated Minuet," orchestra; "Kalohi Serenade," "The Rosary'," J. T. Livingstone, guitarist; "The Geisha Girl." orchestra. CNRW, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450), 8:15 p. m., old-time songs, Kathleen Daly, soprano; Al Kilgour, George E. Aylett, Ronald Gibson, pianist; address, "Impression of Canada;" 10, Frank Wright's Country club dance nrche ' ra. KDKA. E. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 12:30 p. m.. Institute. Trinity church; 6:15, dinner concert, KDKA Little Symphony orchestra: 7:30, children's period; 8, National Stockman and Farmer studio; 8:30, concert; 11. concert, Pittsburgh Post studio. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 467), 5-5:30 p. m., Evening Herald, table talk, news; 5:30-6, Examiner's musical half hour; 0:15-7. Y. M. C. A. speaker; 7-8, Scherdcna Aston on the marimbaphone; 8-9, program, Standard Oil company of California presenting a play with music; 9-10, Examiner, program by Elks Lodge of Orange, Calif. ; 10-11, John Smallman vocal program. KFKU. Lawrence, Kans. (Central, 275), 6:50 p. m.. piano tunlng-ln number; 7, music; 7:15, "The Child Health Problem." Prof. F. W. Blackmar; 7-30, chemistry lecture, "Priestly and the Discovery of Oxygen," Prof. A. W. Davidson; 7:45, educational psychology, lesson VI. Dean R. A. Schwegler. KFKX, Hastings, Nebr. (Central. 288.3), 9:30 p. m.. program, auspices Keamey State Normal college, George H Aller, director. KFNF, Shenandoah. Iowa (Central. 266), 6:30 p. m.. old time music, Hopkins R. Daniels, director. KFOA, Seattle. Wash. (Pacific. 450.2), 4-5:15 p. m., Olympic Hotel concert orchestra, recipe KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 10:30-11:30 a. m., sunshine hour program; 3:30-4:30 p. m.. organ recital, Roy Reid Brignall; 7:30-9:45, auditorium service and baptism, sermon by Alraee Semple McPherson. pastor: 9:45-10, Gray studio musical program; 10-11, organ recital, Esther Fricke Green. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific. 299.8), 10:40 a. m., classroom instruction. Oakland public schools; 11:30-1 p. m. , luncheon concert, courtesy Pacific States Electric company; 4-5:30, concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis; 8, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," farce, KGO players; Arlon trio; 10-1 a. in., dance music, Henry Halstead's KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 12:30 p. m., concert. Civic Music club; 5. children's program. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 404.1), 12:30-1:30 p. p.. Loew's State theater program; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra, Edward Fitzpatrick, director; 6:30-7, little stories American history. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; Dickie Brandon. Jane Hughes, screen starlets; 8-10, program, Los Angeles Investment company, arranged by J. Howard Johnson; 10-11, Earl Burtnett's Biltmore hotel dance orchestra. KJS, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific 293), 8-9:30 p. m.. vocal and instrumental numbers, Alfred A. Butler, organist. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 8 a. m., morning prayer; 9, Hired Hand, news; 10, Hired Hand's morning message; 10:30, Mrs. Kat© Brew Vaughn, home economics; 12-1 p. m., Wurlitzer pipe organ studio; 5. closing markets; 5:45-6:15, Wurlitzer pipe organ studio, Sid Ziff, sports talk. 6:15-7:30, program, Los Angeles County Association of Optometrists, Ziegler's orchestra; 8-9, program. Globe Ice Cream company; 9-10, KNX feature program sponsored by B. H. Dyas company; 10-11, Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hotel. KOA, Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 3 p. m., "Sans Bois," "Melody," Mable Stapleton, pianist; "For All Eternity," "Love Has Eyes," Lillian Wheeler Blanchard: violin obligato, Helen Swain Bartow; "Abraham Lincoln," Mable Stapleton; "Lincoln," "Flag Without a Stain," Lillian Wheeler Blanchard, vocalist; "Cradle Song," Mable Stapleton, pianist. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 429.5), 7 a. m.. daily dozen; 10, town crier; 10:15, theatrical news; 1-2 p. m., Rudy Sieger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 4:30-5:30, Rudy Sieger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 5:30-6:30, children's hour stories. Big Brother of KPO; 6:30, theatrical news; 7-7:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 8-9, Theodore J. Irwin, organist; 9-10, program, Albert W. Meyer, director; 10-11, Gene James' Rose Room Bowl orchestra. • KSAC, Manhattan. Kans. (Central, 340.7), 9 a. in.. march; 9:02, music lesson; 9:07, music for singing exercises; 9:15, inspirational talk; 9:20, calisthenics; 10, back yard gossip; 10:05, all round the house; 10:10, questions and answers; 10:20, "Suggestions for Today's Meals," Amy Kelly; 12:30 p. ra., Osceola Hall Burr, reader; "Pushing the Lamb for the May Market," C. G. Elling; "Care in Ventilating the Potato Cellar," E. A. Stokdyk; 7:20, college bell and music; 7:30, "Treatment of Wall Surface," Araminta Holman; 7:40, music, Mrs. G. W. Salisbury, director: 7:50, "Catering to That Sweet Tooth," Margaret Ahlborn; 8-9, Scotch songs and stories, Prof. P. P. Brainard, director; stories. Dr. H. T. Hill. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 545.1), 4 p. m., home hour; 8, program. Melody makers of Princeton, Indiana, Nellie Young, director. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (Central, 375), 8:30-10 p. m., concert, Old Timer Fiddlers, Prescott. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 535.4), 6:30 a. m., morning exercises; 11:35, table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson; 2:35-4 p. m., afternoon frolic; 6:35-7, children's bedtime story. Uncle Bob; 7-7:30, dinner concert. Congress hotel; 8-8:20, "Twenty Minutes of Good Reading." Rev. C. J. Pernin; 8:20-9:05, Caroline Encell, soprano; E. F. Miller, partiotic singer; Thomas B. Stephenson, tenor; 9:15, "Good Roads," Bert Vanderwarf; 10-11:30, evening at home. WBAP, Fort Worth, Tex. (Central, 472.9), 12:05-12:30 p. m., musical program; 7:30-8:30, musical program, artists of Thorpe Springs Christian college; 9:3010:45, Elena Munster of Dallas. WBBR, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 272.3), 9:10 p. m., Carl Park, violinist; 9:25, vocal solos; 9:35, Sunday school lesson, S. M. Van Sipma; 9:55, Carl Park, violinist; 10:10, vocal solos; 10:20, Robert Young, pianist. WBCN, Chicago, III. (Central, 266), 6-6:30 p. m., juvenile period, Luella Drew Wilson; 7-8, classical hour, F. E. Hathaway and associated artists; 8-8:30, popular program, Isabelle Hogenhuis, whistler; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; 8:30-9, Walton School of commerce program, lectures on income tax and accountancy by faculty members; 9-12, Elmer Jordan & company's jamboree, Lou Harrington, story-teller; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; Lindsay McPhail, pianist and composer; Larry Loser, tenor; Florence Eastman, contralto: Madrid Duo, instrumental pair; Al Phillips, tenor; Mort Green and Ralph Norris, singing, playing and songwriting team; Leona Fay, violinist; Louis Clark, tenor; Merle "Big Boy" Yagle, pianologist; 12-1 a. m., early morning concert, Linsay McPhail, pianist and composer; Florence Eastman, contralto; Louis Clark, tenor; Mort Green and Ralph Norris, singing, playing and songwriting team; Lou Harrington, story-teller. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 462), 6:30 p. m., dinner concert, William Penn hotel; 7:30, Uncle Kaybee; 7:45, special feature; 9, Victor artists; 10, Goodrich Silvertown Cord orchestra. WCAU, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 278), 7:30 p. m.. recital, N. Snellenberg and company; 8, the Musical Chefs; 8:10, talks on health essentials; 8:20, recital; 8:40, "Systematic Saving," talk; 8:50, "What We See and Hear in Music," Maude Hanson Pettit; 9, recital; 9:35, International Sunday school lesson. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central, 345), 8 p. m., ,T. D. Thomas, baritone; tenor and soprano duet, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steel; soprano and contralto solos, Mrs. Beem, Mrs. Crowe; G. W. Mason, cornetist; Daniel Mason, trombonist; Mary Sweeney, soprano; tenor and baritone duet. Bull, Paxton; Mrs. Blanche Bishop, pianist. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Central, 417), 10:45 a. m., home service, Betty Crocker; 2 p. m., woman's hour, "Popular Numbers of Music Memory Contest," Agnes Fryberger; Helga Olson, Allis Lindquist, pianists; 4, magazine hour, "The Lost Speech; 5:30, children's hour. Gold Medal Lady; 6:30, Biley's concert orchestra; 7:30, "Abraham Lincoln and Minnesota," Dr. Solon J. Buck; 7:45, health talk; 8, musicale: 10, Casey review. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 516), 4:15 p. m., musical program; 6, dinner concert, Book-Cadillac hotel; 7, musical program. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 365.6), 3:30-4:30 p. m.. Star's Radio trio; 6-7, piano tuning-in number on the Duo-Art; Cecile Burton, reader; book talk, Louis Meeker; Tell-Me-A-Story Lady; Trianon ensemble; 11:45-1, "Merry Old Chief" and the Plantation players. WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 11:45 a. m.. daily almanac; 12:02 p. m., Stanley .theater organ recital ; Arcadia cafe concert orchestra , 2, Arcadia cafe concert orchestra; 4:30, Marcella North, pianist; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories. WEAF. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 11-12 a. m.. "Current Events," Ida Wright Bowman; 4-5 pirn., Lincoln's birthday program, Arthur Billings Hunt; 6-7, dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria hotel; 7-7:30, services, Federation of churches; 7:30-8, John Ingram string quartet; 8-8:20, lecture course, Columbia university; 8:30-9, Packard Motor company; 9-10, Victor hour; 10-11, Silvertown Cord orchestra; 11-12, Vincent Lopez and his Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 364.3), 7 p. m., Austin J. Wylie's Golden Pheasant — Vocalion Recording orchestra ; Albert Downing's program of old English songs and dance numbers: Ruth Balrd, soprano; Carl Rupp and his Hollenden hotel orchestra. WEBH, Chicago, III. (Central, 370), 7 p. m., Oriole orchestra; Margaret Fitzgerald, contralto; Riviera theater; 9, Belle Forbes Cutter, soprano; John Stamford, tenor; Oriole orchestra; 11, Loos Brothers; Oriole orchestra; Banks Kennedy, pianist; songs, Nick Lucas. WEBW, Beloit. Wis. (Central, 268), 7:30-8:30 p. m., band concert, Fairbanks, Morse company band. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (Eastern, 303), 1 p. m., assembly luncheon, Boston Chamber of Commerce; 6:30, special Lincoln memorial program; address, "Comrade" and "Brother" William T. Landers; Civil war songs. Big Brother glee club; 7:15, "The American's Creed," Mrs. George Bllnn; 7:30, Dok-Elsenbourg and his Sinfonlans; 7:55, Pathe News flashes; 8, program. New York studio; 9, Victor concert artists; 10, Goodrich Silvertown Cord orchestra. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 472.9), 12:30-1 p. m., Edmund F. Boettcher, tenor; William H. McRaven. pianist; address, DeWltt McMurray; 6:30-7:30, Lone Star five's orchestra; 8:30-9:30. Mrs. Otis P. Holt, singer; Hedlcy Cooper, violinist: William H. McRaven, pianist; 11-12, entertainers, Jefferson theater. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 1 p. m., Meyer Davis' 1'cllcvue Stratford concert orchestra; 3, Housewives' Radio exchange, direction Mabel Swlnt Ewer; Loretta Kerk, pianist; 6:30, Meyer Davis' Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Sunny Jim, the kiddies' pal; 8:30, Victor concert. WGN, Chicago, 111. (Central, 370), 1:40 p. m., luncheon concert, Drake concert ensemble, Blackstone string quintet; 2:30, artist sorics, Lyon & Healy; 3, rocking chair time; 5:30. Skoezlx time for the children; 6, organ recital, Lyon & Healy; 6:30-7, dinner concert, Drake concert ensemble. Blackstone string quintet; 8-9. Line o'Type night; 10-11, Don Bestor Drake dance orchestra: "Y" glee club. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 12:30-1 p. m.. Hotel Statler concert ensemble; 2:30-4:30. Radio Dealers' musical program ; 6-7 :30, dinner music, Hallpryd string orchestra; 8-11, musical programs jointly with WEAF Including the Victor hour. WGST, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 270), 7-8 p. m., Charles Carter, baritone; Mrs. Charles Carter, soprano; "The Introduction of Freshmen to Georgia Tech," Floyd Field. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 6:30 p. m.. dinner music. Hotel Ten Eyck orchestra; 7:30, book chat, L. L. Hopkins; 8, "Dance," WGY orchestra: "Entr'acte," "orchestra; "Dolls Reverie," orchestra: "Hymn," orchestra: 8:15, Radio drama, "Our American Cousin," WGY players; 11:30, organ recital, Stephen E. Boisclair. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 4-5 p. m„ readings, Martha Frances Brantley; readings, CourierJournal, Louisville Times; 7:30-9, mixed concert, auspices Mrs. John E. Harmon, Jr. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 273), 6 p. m., music, news items; 8 p. m., concert program arranged by the Cleveland Press. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 360.4), 12:30-1 p. m., Charles Strickland and his Palais Dor orchestra; 6:30-7:20, Alamac hotel music; 7:20-7:30, welfare talk, Wm, J. Stuart; 9:30-10. O'Meara Gardens ballroom orchestra; 10-11, Loew's vaudeville headliners; 11-11:30, Connies' Inn with Leroy Smith's orchestra. ft WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (Central, 526), 2:15 p. m., "Why I Believe In Scouting," Bishop Burnn; 11-12, WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 1 p. m., Gimbel tea room orchestra ; 3, concert, Philadelphia Music academy; 6:05, Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; 8, Philadelphia Civic Opera company's rendition of "Aida." WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 455), 9:25-11 p. m.. Lincoln dinner, auspices National Republican club. WKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (Intercolonial, 372.5), 8:30-10 p. m., concert. La Cafetera. WLS, Chicago, 111. (Central, 345), 12-1 p. m„ Nubs Allan, contralto; "Farm Question Box," E. B. Heaton; "Reclaiming Sandy Cut Over Soils," George W. Kelley; 3:45-4:45, homemakers' hour ; "How to Combine Pictures with Draperies and Furniture," Margaret Currey; "Kitchen Equipment," Bertha Harris; 6:30, Ralph Emerson, organist; 6:50, Senate theater studio; 7, Ford and Glenn's Wodshed theater, "Jack the Giant Killer;" 7:20, Chicago and Alton male chorus. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 8 a. m., physical exercises, Y. M. C. A., Wm. Stradtman, instructor; 12:15 p. m., program; 4, French lesson, Madame Ida Tcimpidis; piano recital, Adelaide Apfel; 6, dinner hour concert, Selinsky Instrumental quintet; 10, three minute message. United States Civil Service department ; 10 :03, concert program, Coooper corporation ; quartet, orchestra; Doherty Melody Boys; Bohemian entertainer,' Rudolph Zak, playing Chinese fiddle; "A Little Close Harmony," Lucile and Mary Craig of Dayton. WMAK. Lockport, N. Y. (Eastern, 265.5), 12 midnight, Murray Whiteman Serenaders. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5), 2:30 p. m.. Lincoln's birthday program, Chicago Public Library; 4, household hour, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Hiller, director; 4:30, Illinois Federation of Women's clubs; 6, Chicago theater recital; 6:25, Hotel LaSalle orchestra: 6:50. Daddy; 8, talk on Lincoln, Mrs. Elinore Gridley; 8:20, talk, Daughters of the American Revolution and their work at Ellis Island, Irene Crandall; 8:35. financial talk; 8:50, lecture. University of Chicago; 9:15, program, Mrs. M. Greco, soprano. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 503.9), 12 m., O. K. Houck Piano company; 8 p. m., lecture Goodwyn institute. WNYC. New York City, N. Y. (Eastern, 528.8), 7:35 p. m., sports talk, Thornton Fisher; 7:45, dance program; 8:15, "Timely Topics," F. P. Bent; 8:30, song recital; 9, dinner tendered to James J. Davis, secretary of Labor by Loyal Order of the Moose. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. (Central, 394.5), 9:30 p. m., Jimmie Joy's Hotel St. Anthony orchestra. WO AW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 526), 12:30 p. m., horticulture program, May Seed and Nursery company ; 6, every child's story hour, Grace Sorenson; 6:20, music; 6:45, Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra; 9, program, Omaha university: 10:15, music; 10:30, Frank W. Hodek, Jr., and his Omaha nightingales. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 483.6), 5:45 p. m., chimes; 7, sandman's visit. Val McLaughlin; 7:20, "Abraham Lincoln," C. B. Hilton, pastor; 9, Schuster Sisters' California orchestra; 11, Lords Connor and his LeClaire hotel orchestra; song and novelty numbers, Peter MacArthur. WOI, Ames, Iowa (Central, 270), 12:30 p. m., college chimes; talk on farm crops, Prof. H. D. Hughes; 8:15, musicale. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 11 a. m., organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:02 p. m. . Wanamaker crystal tea room orchestra, Robert E. Golden, director; 4:45, organ recital, Mary E. Vogt. WOR, Newark, N. J. (Eastern, 405), 6:15 p. m., "Radio for the Layman," Albert E. Sonn; 6:30-7:15, Tom Cooper's Country Club orchestra. WORD, Batavia, III. (Central, 275), 8 p. m., violin duets. Jimmie McLaughlin, Johnson; 8:10, Jimmie McLaughlin, violinist; 8:20, Sunday school lesson, B. J. Hollister; 8:45, violin duets, Jimmie McLaughlin, Johnson. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 11 a. m., Boy Scout Lincoln day. WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, 448), 11-12 m., '.'Some Unusual Supper Dishes," Erna Bertrams; "Style Advice to Stout Women," Eleanor Chalmers; "Breathing With Your Legs," "P. A. Leonhardt; 3-4 p. m., "Tea Table Etiquette," Josephine Naylor; "Unique Features or Effects on Home Lighting," J. L. Stair; "Some Suggestions for Home Builders," L. M. Francisco; 7-8, dinner concert, Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Garden orchestra; Mrs. Lydia Lochner, contralto; Edith Buckmaster, accompanist: Manual Rodriguez, Spanish tenor; talk, W. L. Ware; 10-2 a. m., Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Skylarks; June Lee, comedienne; Axel Christen sen, pianologuist; Hill, Hirsch, Gorney, Three Musketeers; Brock Sisters; Rick, Whalen, Gardner, Harmony Singers; Rosemary Hughes, soprano. WRC, Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469), 6:45 p. m., children's hour, Peggy Albion; 7, dinner music. Shoreham hotel orchestra, Sidney Seidenman, conductor; 8, talk, auspices American Automobile association; 8:30, talk, auspices, Smithsonian institute; 8:45, music; 10:30, dance music, Waldorf-Astoria orchestra. WREO. Lansing, Mich. (Central, 288.5), 8:15-9:45 p. m., musical program, Reo Motor Car company orchestra; Reo male quartet; Reo talent. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 12 m., entertainment; 5-6 p. m., Vick Mvers' Melody artists: bedtime story, Bonnie Barnhardt; 8-9, Oglethorpe university orchestra; 10:45, Dr. Charles A. Sheldon, organist WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa (Central, 483.6 12:30-1 p. m., music. WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 364.3), 6 p. m., Maurice Spitalny's Hotel Statler orchestra. WTAY. Oak Park, III. (Central. 250), 6:15-7:30 p. m., organ: Heidi Rons, violinist; Millie DnmVille. pianist. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 352.7), 8 a. m„ setting up exercises; 9:30. tonight's dinner; 12:05 p. m., Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra ; 6, dinner concert; 8:30, Louis C. Rabaut, tenor; 10, Jean Goldkette's Victor Recording orchestra. Friday, February 13 Friday, silent night for: CFCA, CHNC, CKAC, KFKU, KFKX, KGO, KJS, WCAL, WCBD, WEAO. WEBW, WFI. WGST, WHAZ, WIP, WMAK, WKAQ, WLBL. WLW. WOAI, WOI, WORD, WOS. WRC, WSAI, WTAM. CFAC, Calgary, Can. (Mountain, 430), 7-8 p. m„ organ recital. CFCA. Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 350), 5:30-6 p. m., bedtime story. CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 1:45 p. m., Windsor hotel luncheon concert; 4:30. Ho lesson. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450), 7:30 p. m., university lecture; 9, concert, Broadway Baptist church choir. Burton L. Kurth, director. CNRA, Moncton, Can. (Atlantic, 313), 7:30 p. in., bedtime stories. Uncle Alf; 8:30, artists, Mount Allison Ladies' college; popular dance music, Joe Mazzleo and bis Rainbow Melody boys. CNRE, Edmonton, Can. (Mountain, 517), 7:30 p. in.. children's bedtime story; 8:30, studio recital, pupils, Mrs. Surrey; Bernard Gee. CNRT, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 400), 6:30-8 p. m.. Luigi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel concert orchestra; 8:30-10, artists, Hambourg Conservatory of Music, William Hardiman, violinist; Kathleen Mcintosh, coloratura soprano; R. F. Gardner, flutist: Madame de Lozina, pianist; overture to "Dawn on the Kremlin," "Madame de Lozina; "Vissi d'Arte," Kathleen Mcintosh, soprano; "Ave Maria," "Prize -Song," William Hardiman, violinist; "Waltz," "Scherzino," R. F. Gardner, flutist; "Rosebud," "The Lass With the Delicate Air," Kathleen Mcintosh, soprano; "Air on the G String," "Preludium and Allegro," William Hardiman, violinist; "La Cinquantaine," "Serenade Badine," R. F. Gardner, flutist; "Lo Hear tho Gentle Lark;" Kathleen Mcintosh, soprano; "Prelude in G Sharp Minor," Madame de Lozina, pianist; 9, address; 10:30-12, Luigi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel dance orchestra. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 7 a. m., morning exercises; 8, morning exercises; 12:20 p. m., Sunday school lesson, James C. Mace; 6:15. concert, Charlie Gaylord's orchestra: 7:30, children's period; 8:15, address. University of Pittsburgh studio; 8:30, concert. KFAE, Pullman, Wash. (Pacific, 330), 7:30-9 p. m., Lusinn Barakian, soprano; Prof. Frederick C. Butterfield, pianist; "Pied Piper of Hamlin," Dorothy G. Jenkins; "When Silos Pay," Don G. Magruder; "Essentials of Successful Farm Management." Prof. George Severance: health talk, U. S. Bureau of Health; "Preparation for Travel in Europe," Prof. Carl M. Brewster. KFDM, Beaumont, Tex. (Central, 315.6), 8 p. m., band concert. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 467), 5-5:30 p. m.. Evening Herald, table talk, news; 5:30-6, Examiner's musical half hour; 6:45-8, Aeolian residence pipe organ recital. Dan McFarland, organist; 8-9, Evening Herald, Kennedy Broadcasters of Long Beach, C. C. Bergstrom, baritone; 9-10, Examiner, Carl Meyer and his orchestra; 10-11, vocal and instrumental program. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 6:30 p. m., concert, New Market, Iowa,. Rev. S. Dezell, director. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 450.2), 4-5:15 p. m., Olympic Hotel concert orchestra; 6:45-8:15, Sherman, Clay & company program; 8:30-10, Seattle Times studio program. Thirteenth Century club women's chorus and soloist; 10:05-11, Olympic Hotel dance music. KFQX, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 238), 7:15-8 p. m.. Aunt Vivien's bedtime story; 8-9, Earl Gray and his Hotel Butler orchestra; 8-10, concert hour; 10-11, Earl Gray and his orchestra. KFSG, Los Angels, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 10:30-11:30 a. m„ sunshine hour for the sick; 3:30-4:30 p. m., organ recital, Roy Reid Brignall; 7:30-9:15, young people's evangelistic service with music by Silver band; 9:15-10, concert by Silver band of Angelus temple, G. N. Nichols, director; 10-11, organ recital, Roy Reid Brignall and assisting artists; KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 299.8), 11:30-1 p. m., luncheon concert, courtesy Pacific States Electric company; 4-5:30, concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis, Vinton La Ferrera, conductor; 5:30-6, girls' half hour, Esther Wood Schneider. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 12:30 p. m., concert; 5, children's program; 8, lecture. Prof. Franklin E. Foltz; 10:30, Hoot Owls. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 404.1), 12:30-1:30 p. m., program of news and music; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra. Edward Fitz • Patrick, director; 6:30-7:30, stories American history, Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; Richard Hcadrick. Vyola Von, screen juveniles; Uncle John; 7:30, "The Future of Advertising," Harry S. Carrol); 8-10, program; John Wright, the Right Tailor; Jose Arias and his Mexican orchestra; Antoinette Friend, soprano; 10-11, Earl Burtnett's Biltmore hotel dance orchestra. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 8 a. m., morning prayer; 9, Hired Hand, news; 9:30, personal problems, Estelle Lawton Lindsey; 10, Hired Hand's morning message; 12-1 p. m., Wurlitzer pipe organ studio; 5, closing markets; 5:45-6:15, Wurlitzer pipe organ studio; 6:15-7:30, dinner hour music; 8-10, program. Broadway Department store; 10-11, amateur hour; 11-12. Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove orchestra from Ambassador hotel. KOA, Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 3 p. m., matinee for housewives; "Whims," "Prophet Birds." "Japanese Etude," Margaret McKeon, pianist; "Radio, the Modern Cure-All," Rudyard Foote; "I Dream I Hear You Singing," "Pirate Dreams," "On the Shore," Madge Hickok, contralto; 6:10, Book of Knowledge: 8, studio program, Darrow Music company; "Rising Star," KOA orchestra; "O Carlo Ascolata," Lewis E. Shrewsbury, tenor; duet, "The Rosary," George Kerwin. bass, Frank Dinhaupt, tenor; "Columbia Polka." "The Palms," Howard L. Warder, cornetist; 'Xift Up Thine Eyes," "To Mary," Llewellyn Jones, tenor: "The Horn," George Kerwin, bass; "Sonata No. 1," Lewis Chernoff, violinist; "I Hear You Calling Me," Robert H. Edwards, tenor; "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep," Frederick W. Carringer, bass; "College Hornpipe," "Arkansas Traveler," "Turkey in the Straw," "Old Zip Coon," "Mountain Musicians," Dr. Edward Clayton, violinist; Col. John F. Bixby. guitarist; Elmer Clayton, pianist; Chester Clayton, drummer; "Nina," "Kasmiri Song," Lewis E. Shrewsbury, tenor; Orville Wasley, accompanist; "It's a Mighty Good World," C. K. Kettering; Lewis H. Chernoff. violinist; "Still, Still With Thee," "Come Unto Me." Temple quartet; "The Rosary," Howard L. Warder, cornetist; "Wanderer's Night," "Artillerist Oath," Temple quartet; "Spanish Dance," KOA orchestra. KOB, State College, N. M. (Central, 348.6), 7:30-8:30 p. m., popular science course, lesson No. 4, member of the engineering faculty. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 429.5), 7 a. ra., daily dozen; 10, town crier; 10:15, theatrical news; 11, chat to housewives. Prudence Penny; 1-2 p. m., Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 4:30-5:30, Rudy Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; '6-9, program, Cleveland Six orchestra, Wilt Gunzendorfer; 9-10. one act play. Theater Arts club. Talma Zetter Wilbur, director. KSAC. Manhattan, Kans. (Central, 340.7), 9 a. ra., march; 9:02, music lesson; 9:07, music for singing exercises; 9:15, inspirational talk; 9:20, calisthenics; 10, back yard gossip; 10:05, all round the house; 10:10, questions and answers; 10:20, "Suggestions for Today's Meals," Amy Kelly; 12:30 p. m., Osceola Hall Burr, reader; "Soil Blowing," E. B. Wells; "Landscaping the Home Grounds," C. K. Sheed; 7:20, college bell and quartet; 7:30, "Principles of Insect Control," J. W. McColloch; 7:40, Radio college quartet; 7:50, "Control of Tomato and Cabbage Diseases," E. A. Stokdyk. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 545.1), 8 p. m.. Tieman orchestra: 9:39, St. Louis university orchestra and glee club. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (Central, 375), 8:30-9 p. m., concert. Phil Wall, piano wizard; 9-10, Meyer Davis' New Arlington hotel orchestra. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 535.4), 6:30 a. m., morning exercises; 11:35, table talk, Mrs. Anna J. Peterson; 6:35-7 p. m., children's bedtime story, Uncle Bob; 77:30, dinner conceit. Congress hotel; 8, speeches, auspices American Farm Bureau federation; 9-10, midnight revue; 11-2:30 a. m., midnight revue. WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y. (Eastern, 316), 12-1 p. m., special program, Brooklyn Federation of churches; 8, Radio twins', Mllly and Griffin, popular songs; 8:15, Norman Grayson, pianist; 8:30, Michael Lamberti. concert cellist; 9, St. Valentine of WAHG; 9:15, Michael Lamberti, cellist; 9:30, St. Valentine; 9:45, Pearl Cohen, soprano; 10, Norman Grayton, pianist; 10:1511:30, Colonial Royal orchestra. WBAP, Fort Worth/Tex. (Central, 472.9), 12:05-12:30 p. m., popular music, Montgomery Ward and company's "Trail Blazers;" 4, "Corn Planting and Production," C. C. French; 7:30-8:30, dinner music, Jim Riley's Texas hotel orchestra; 9:30-10:45. Ralph's Red Hot Ramblers. WBAV, Columbus, Ohio (Eastern, 294), 8 p. m., concert, Dispatch Little symphony orchestra, John Clark, director. WBCN, Chicago, III. (Central, 266), 6-6:30 p. m., juvenile period, Luella Drew Wilson; 7-9, Becker, Ryan company, popular program, Julius Fisher, one-string French fiddler; Will Rosslter, tenor, songwriter and publisher; Lee Darnell, banjoist; Roy Miller, tenor; Chicago trio, harmony group; Edna McGuffm, pianist; Zender and Robison, harmony duo; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; Edith Stonehouse, soprano; Eddie Shepard, concertinist ; 9-10. W. G. Tegtmeier & company' classical concert, vocal and instrumental soloists; 10-10:30, Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra, with vocal soloists. (Continued on page 28) Bj v. r il Id .1;