Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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February 7, 1925 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated vZy/s////////////?//; W0& "T*HE recognized outstanding achievement in radio is the ■*■ Crosley Trirdyn. An overburdening amount of evidence proves that it is excelled by none and superior to most receivers costing many times more. It is a three tube radio combining one stage of tuned radio frequency, regenerative detector and reflex amplification. This combination enables three tubes to do the work of five or six. Brings in every large station in the country on the loud speaker. Is very selective, easy to tune and economical to operate. The straight front Trirdyn Regular, formerly $65; now $50. The Trirdyn Special in large cabinet to house dry cell batteries formerly $75; now $60. To these have been added the new Trirdyn Regular with sloping panel at $55 and the new Trirdyn Special in beautiful cabinet with sloping panel $65. All Crosley Radios are licensed under Armstrong Regenerative U. S. Patent 1,113,149. Demand a Crosley Trirdyn at any Good Dealer. mmm p|Il| THE CROSLEY RADIO CORPORATION CINCINNATI wmm