Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated February 14, 1925 CLASS B WAVES SET FOR TIME AT LEAST COMMERCE DEPARTMENT DESPAIRS AT PROBLEM Announces Final Allocation of Wave Lengths— $100,000 Is Allowed for Investigation of Tangle WASHINGTON, D. C. — Despairing at any possible chance of obtaining more wave channels for contemplated broadcasters, the department of commerce has issued an official list of the new wave lengths for class B stations. This list was effective February 4 and is the result of work of the experts of the department since the third Radio conference last fall. It will be noted that comparatively few changes have been made, because several schemes which were worked out experimentally, did not prove practicable. New and Pinal Class B Assignments Wave Length Call Meters Letters 280.2 WNAC 282.8 WOAN 285.5 WREO 285.5 WEMC 285.5 WKAR 288.3 KFKX 291.1 Reserved 293.9 WEAO 293.9 WBAV 296.9 KFRU 299.8 WPG 302.8 WTAS 302.8 WJJD 305.9 WJAR 309.1 KDKA 312.3 Reserved 315.6 WAHG 315.6 WGBS 315.6 KFDM 319.0 WGR 322.4 KOA 325.9 WMH 325.9 WSAI 329.5 Reserved 333.1 WBZ 336.9 WSAC 336.9 KFMX 336.9 WCAL 340.7 WKAQ 340.7 KSAC 344.6 WLS 344.6 WCBD 348.6 KOB 348.6 WTIC 352.7 WWJ 352.7 WJAD 356.9 Reserved 361.2 WHN 365.6 WHB 365.6 WDAF 370.2 WEBH 370.2 WGN 374.8 KTHS $100,000 for Investigation An investigation to determine why a receiver within ten miles of a broadcasting station may fail to receive its transmission although in another direction receivers as far as 200 miles away may be obtaining good results, has been approved by the budget bureau. A $100,000 expenditure for this has been allowed. Detecting devices will be placed at various points throughout the country. From the results it is hoped to make a better allocation of wave lengths and territories to broadcasters. The great trouble is caused by the present inadequate legislation giving no power to the secretary of commerce to refuse a license to any applicant who has fulfilled the easy qualifications now necessary. And many class B stations are pending. Wave Length Call Meters Letters 379.5 WGY 379.5 WHAZ 3S4.4 WMBF 389.4 WTAM 3S9.4 WEAR 394.5 WFI 394.5 WDAR 394.5 WOAI 399.8 WHAS 405.2 WOR 405.2 WJT 410.7 :... Reserved 416.4 WCCO 422.3 WLW 422.3 WMH 428.3 WSB 434.5 NAA 440.9 WDWF 440.9 WOS 447.5 WQJ 447.5 WMAQ 454.3 WJZ 461.3 WCAE 468.5 WCAP 468.5 WRC 475.9 WEEI 475.9 WBAP 475.9 WSUI 483.6 WHAA 483.6 WOC 491.5 WEAF 499.7 WMC 508.2 WOO 508.2 WIP 516.9 WCX 526.0 WNYC 526.0 WHO 526.0 WOAW 535.4 KYW 535.4 WHA 545.1 .KSD 545.1 KFUO ANNOUNCE NEW SUPER STATION FOR CHICAGO WLS Contemplates the Erection Within Three Months' Time CHICAGO. — Erection of a new 5,000watt super-power broadcasting station to replace the 500-watt equipment now in use by WLS, Chicago, was announced here today by Charles M. Kittle, president of Sears, Roebuck and company. The new station is to be built in the open country to avoid interference with other Chicago broadcasters, but the exact location of the antennae has not been decided. The sending towers will probably be erected within fifty miles of Chicago. Service from the new station will start within three months, according to the present plans of Edgar L. Bill, director of WLS. At the time of inaugurating the new plant it is hoped fo have the twin studios now in preparation in the downtown district of Chicago ready for use. Open House at WEBW BELOIT, Wis. — Station WEBW recently broadcast the "open house" of the Fairbanks, Morse and company. This is held every year by the employees. The stars of the evening were "Put" Mossman, Eldora, Iowa, youth, who is the present world's champion horseshoe pitcher, and George May, Akron, Ohio, pitcher, twice holder of the world's barnyard golf championship title. BEAUTIES ENTERED IN WLW BEAUTY CONTEST Reading from left to right: Melba Hardert, Mrs. Vera Fischer Weher, Rhoda Bogardus and lavera M. Bourgeois. Badiophans will vote for them on St. Valentine's night, Saturday, February 14, at 8 p. m., when they are described from Crosley "WLW. Allow $220,525 for Radio Law WASHINGTON, D. C. — In reporting out the appropriation bill of the department of commerce for the fiscal year 1926, the appropriations committee of the House of Representatives allowed $220,525 for ad ministering the Radio law. It is expected that in addition to this a deficiency will be allowed. 'Before ybu 'Build Your Jjadio Set T>istinctive Features "| — Extremely compact with■*• out loss of control. — One-hole mounting for panels. Table mounting if desired. — Noiseless, stepless control, due to'graphite discs. — Guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship. — Sold in distinctive checkered cartons by leading radio dealers. ^Den-BiadleyLine Radio amateurs are building better receiving sets, today! They want greater distance, better selectivity and clearer reception. The new Bradleystat, Bradleyleak, Bradleyohm, Bradleyometer and Bradleyswitch have met with instant favor, everywhere. In a superclass, by themselves, they are the exclusive choice of the discriminating amateur who has learned from experience that noiseless, stepless control is essential for perfect radio reception. Your set will work better with Allen-Bradley Radio Devices. For sale by leading dealers. General Office and Factory: JElectric Controlling Apparatus 290 Greenfield Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin Look for the distinctive checkered cartons which identify all Allen-Bradley Radio Devices. ■HH1U III ;j