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Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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February 14, 1925 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated STATION CHIC OPENS WITH FINE PROGRAM NORTHERN ELECTRIC NOW OWNS TWO STATIONS Famous Artists to Broadcast Through Courtesy of Canadian National Carbon Company in Future TORONTO, Can. — Station CHIC is now on the air. This station, owned and controlled by the Northern Electric Company, Ltd., is the second station owned by this company to broadcast in Canada. The other station is located at Montreal, using the call letters CHYC. The opening program was broadcast on 350 meters from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., consisting of numbers of a classical nature. From 9:30 to 11 p. m. was a popular dance program. Radiophans in the eastern part of the country are going to hear more programs by famous artists, who are recognized masters in their particular arts. This will be through the courtesy of the Canadian National Carbon company. Use Best Talent Procurable Senor Alberto Guerrero, who is recognized among authorities as one of the greatest pianists in North America; Mr. Ferdinand Fillion, who is perhaps Canada's finest exponent of the violin, and Mr. Arthur Blight, who is not only Canada's premier baritone, but is rated as one of the authorities on voice in this continent, are slated for two recitals to be given in the near future. All three of these artists are members of the faculty of the Toronto Conservatory of Music of the University of Toronto, and have been heard in connection with Eveready entertainments throughout the eastern part of the United States on previous occasions. This will be the first time that all three of these artists have appeared on the same program. The hornless loud speaker made out of papier mache is rapidly gaining favor in England. Greater care, however, is necessary in adjusting this type of producer to avoid a tendency to "drumminess." -ULTB&WIUS MURDOCH ^lCHlGAtf Deresnadyne MALONE LEMON MASTER RADIO % fag** HARMONY AUDIOLA GLOBE SAAL AND MANY OTHERS Super Het Builders ! "Radio" and other leading publications recommend in highest terms the Thordarson 2:1 ratio transformers for the Best Super-Heterodyne — Take no others. THOMSON TRANSFORMERS Can you imagine nationally famous builders of sets costing up to $400 each, jeopardizing the tone quality of their Instruments with anything shortof the best amplification? Of course not I That is why Thordarsons are standard on more Quality sets than are all competitive transformers combined. Follow the lead of the leadersbuild or replace with Thordarsons. Unconditionally guaranteed. Audio frequency : 2-1, $5. 314-1, $4. 6-1, $4.50. Power Amplifying, Sair $13. All good dealers. Made in Chicago y Thordarson Electric Manufacturing Oo. SMALL BROADCAST TRANSMITTER The small sending set shown above with foot rule and dry cell for size comparison is capable of broadcasting a distance of several miles. Listeners in, however, should not attempt to build sending sets without first obtaining a government license. This requires an expert knowledge of Radio. Radiophans might remember this picture as an object lesson, for receiving sets this size and larger often transmit disagreeable noises for miles around when improperly handled. Experiments in voice amplification are being carried out at Westminster Abbey. Microphones have been placed over the pulpit and the reading desk. It has not yet been decided whether the installation is to be permanent. WAHG IN NEW FEAi; REBROADCASTS KGO IS FIRST TIME EAST HAS RELAYED WEST COAST Presents Program of Harry Halstead Orchestra Playing in San Francisco —Will Repeat Stunt RICHMOND HILL, N. Y.— Thousands of eastern Radiophans experienced a brand new thrill on a recent morning when from 2:25 to 4 a. m., eastern time, WAHG, A H. Grebe station here, rebroadcast the program of KGO, General Electric station at Oakland, Calif. This is the first time in the history of Radio that a west coast program has been rebroadcast by an east coast station. The program at KGO, picked up and released for its second flight over the ether, was by the Harry Halstead orchestra at the St. Francis hotel, San Francisco. The rebroadcasting at Richmond Hill was done through the experimental station which uses the call letters 2XE. A wave length of 516 meters was employed instead of the usual 316-meter wave length of WAHG. More rebroadcasts of KGO are promised for eastern fans by WAHG. The first very successful effort was rewarded by a great response from eastern listeners. Telephone messages and telegrams flooded into the offices of the Grebe station. Earns College Education I entered the maritime service ot the Radio Corporation of America and served several months on board ship. I not only had the advantages of visiting foreign countries at no cost to me but I was also able to save enough money to pay for my tuition to college. G. E. Rogers, Troy, N. Y. I $405 in One Month I cleaned up $405 In one month recently. Not so bad — is it — for a fellow who just completed your course a short time ago. Emmet Welch. Peculiar, Mo. Train at Home For Big Money ih RADIO / Thousands earning $50 to $200 a week in easy, interesting work You can do it! Radio just teems with money making opportunities. Every Radio set which is sold means profit in somebody's pocket. Every broadcasting station erected means big pay for Radio Engineers, Radio Mechanics, Operators, etc. Thousands are "cleaning up," fortunes are being made almost overnight in this fascinating business. Big salaries, interesting, easy work, short hours, and a wonderful future are offered to ambitious men who get into Radio now! One of our recent graduates is making over $400 a month in his own business. Another has increased his pay $1,300 a year. Still another writes, "I made $3,500 in one year working for myself." Easy to Learn Radio at Home in Spare Time Right now Radio is the fastest growing industry in the world. Thousands of Certified Radio-tricians are wanted to design Radio' sets; to make new Radio improvements; to manufacture Radio equipment and install it; to maintain and operate great broadcasting stations and home Radio sets; to repair and sell Radio apparatus; to operate aboard ships and at land stations. Employers write and telegraph us continually, seeking to employ our graduates at splendid salaries. You, too, can easily and quickly qualify in your spare time at home through the help of the National Radio Institute — America's first and biggest correspondence Radio school. No matter how little you know about electricity or Radio, we will guarantee to prepare you thoroughly for one of the big jobs in a few months. One of our recent graduates, Bert Roodzant, writes, "I now have a license and a good job, although I did not know the difference between a volt and an ampere before enrolling." You Learn by Doing All materials required for practical instruction are furnished you free of charge. This is an absolutely complete course now being offered which prepares you for a Government First Class Commercial License and the really "big-pay" jobs in Radio. Send for Free Book and Special Offer No other field today offers such great opportunities as Radio. Take your choice of the wonderful openings everywhere. Prepare now to step into the most fascinating and best paid profession today. Read about the opportunities open now — the different kinds of work — the salaries paid. Write today for 32-page book, "Rich Rewards in Radio," that tells how prominent Radio experts can teach you to become a Certified Radio-trician in your spare time. Important — those who act immediately will also receive the details of our Special Reduced Rate. Mail the coupon or write a letter Now. — National Radio Institute, Dept. 55DB, Washington, D. C. Triples Salary I am earning three times much as before enrolling. Arthur Herke, Vancouver, B. Earns $50 to $83 a Week I enjoyed every one of your lessons and had no trouble whatever. I earn $50 to $83 a week beside a commission on sales. Michael De Marco, Boston, Mass. From $15 to $80 a Week Before I enrolled I was making $15 a week. Now. I earn from $2,080 to $4,420 a year. I believe the course will be worth at least $100.000 to me. George A. Adams, Tamagua, Pa. Doubles Salary I can very easily make double the amount of money now than before I enrolled with you. T. Winder, Grand Junction, Colo. Pay Increases Over $100 a Month I am averaging anywhere from $75 to $150 a month more than I was making before enrolling with you. I would not consider $10,000 too much for the course. A. N. Long, Greensburg, Pa. NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE, Dept. 55DB, Washington, D. C Without obligation send me your book, "Rich Rewards in Radio," which tells all about the opportunities in Radio, how spare time study at home will qualify me Quickly as a Certified Radio-trician so I can get one of these splendid positions, and how your Employment Service helps me to secure a big pay job. Name Age.. City State.