Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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10 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated February 14, 1925 Sunday, February 15 (Continued from page 9) CKAC, Montreal. Can. (Eastern. 425). 4:30 p. m., band concert. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central. 450), 7 p. ra., service, St. Stephen's Presbyterian church. KDKA, East Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 10:45 a. m., Emory Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. W, W. Duncan, pastor; 2:30 p. m., concert; 4, organ recital. Dr. Charles Qelnroth; 4:45, services, Shadyside Presbyterian church. Rev. Hugh Thomson Ken. pastor; 6:30, dinner concert, Gregorlo Scalzo, conductor; 7:45, Calvary Episcopal church, Bey. E. J. Van Etten. pastor. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 4G7), 10-l0:4o a. m.. L. A. Church Federation service; 11-12:30, morning service and organ recital of Temple Baptist church; 4-5 p. in., vesper service. Federated Church musicians; 6:45-7. musical appreciation talk: 7-S. stage acts, orchestra from stage of Metropolitan theater; 8-9, Antoinette and Sigurd Fredarlcksen, duo cello numbers and William Hiestand. tenor; 9-10, Thereon Bennett's El Alhanenan dance orchestra. KFMX. Northfield, Minn. (Central. 336.9), 7 p. m.. college vesper service. Rev. Samuel Johnson. KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (Central. 266), 10:45 a. m.. First M. E. church; 3 p. m., sacred concert, Creston : 6:30, Golden Rule Circle. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 278), 10:30-12:30 p. m., morning serviejB, Angelus Temple, sermon by pastor Aimee Semple McPharson; 2:30-4:30, afternoon service. Angelus Temple, Silver band, Temple choir; 7-9:45. evening service. Angelus Temple; 10-11, organ recital, Esther Fricke Green. KGO, Oakland. Calif. (Pacific. 300), 11 a. m., service. Trinity Episcopal church. Rev. Charles P. Deems. rector; 3:30 p. m., concert, KGO Little symphony orchestra, Carl Rhodehamel. conductor; Arthur S. Garbett. musical interpretative writer; 7:30. service. Trinity Episcopal church. Rev. Charles P. Deems, KGW,0rportland. Ore. (Pacific, 492), 10:30 a. m., service. First Presbyterian church, Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman pastor; 3 p. m., municipal concert; 6, church service, Portland Council of churches; 7, Colburn concert orchestra; Jeannette Reierson, pianist. KHJ. Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific. 404). 10:30-12:30 p. m First Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. E. E. Helms, pastor: Arthur Blakely. organist; 6:30-7. Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra. Edward Fitzpatrick, director; 7-7:30. organ recital, Arthur Blakely S-10, program, Los Angeles Soap company, J. KlTus aSs. Cam. (Pacific. 293). 10:45-12:30 p. m morning services, The Church of the Open Door; 6-6-45, Radio vesper service, Rev. William H. Pike; 7 -15-9 '30 regular evening service of Church of Open Door, sermon, pastor, Alfred A. Butler, organist and choir of 100 voices. KNX. Hollywood, Calif. (Pacifi", 337), 5 p. m., vesper service of Wilshlre Congregational church. Dr. Frank Dyer pastor 7-7:45, International Bible Students association hour of music: 8-9. Ambassador hotel concert orchestra, Josef Rosenfeld, director; 9-11, program. Globe Ice Cream company. KOA. Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 11 a. m., service Central Christian church. Dr. James E. Davis, pastor; 7:45 p. m., service. Central Christian church. Dr. James E. Davis, pastor. KSAC, Manhattan. Kan. (Central. 340.7), 8 p. m., piano voluntary; S:05. special sacred music; 8:15, prayer ot affirmation; 8:15, hymn; 8:20, '•Common Folks; talk; 8:35, song of benediction. Walter Burr director. KTHS Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (Central, 375), 11 a m service. First Presbyterian church. Rev. Chauncry Hickok; 8:30-10. Spanish-American concert Meyer Davis-New Arlington hotel ensemble; Spanish announcements, Leon Numainville; 10-11 :4j, dance concert, Phil Baxter and his singing orchestra. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 535.4), 11 a. m.. Central church, Dr. Frederick F. Shannon, pastor; 4-5 p. m., studio concert; 7, Chicago Sunday Evening club, Raymond B. Fosdick, speaker. WBAP, Fort Worth, Tex. (Central, 475.9), 11 a. m., services, St. Paul's M. E. church. Rev. C. D. Meade, pastor; 4 p. m., concert, Rialto theater; 11-12, midnight frolics, Ted Miller's Crazy hotel orchestra. WBBR. New York City, N. Y. (Eastern, 272.3), 9:10 p. m.. Dr. Hans Haag, violinist; 9:25, I. B. S. A. choral singers: 9:35, "Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is not True," E. J. Coward; 10:05, I. B. S. A. choral singers; 10:20. Dr. Hans Haag. violinist. WBCN, Chicago, III. (Central, 266), 10:30-12 m., ser Ii e o n Dashoff is the leader of the Des Moines Theater Symphonic orchestra, which will he heard this week, Wednesday, February 18, at WHO, Des Moines. Mr. Dashoff is also a concert violinist, who has won Radio fame and recognition. mon. Rev. It. A. White, Peoples Liberal church; 4-5, Lain and Son classical concert; 5:15-6:15. talk. Rev. Richard D. Hughes, vesper service. Emerald Avenue Presbyterian church; 7-8, Blue Bird Serenaders: 8-10. Rosemary Hughes, soprano; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; Susannah Pepper, coloratura soprano; Homer Pepper, flutist; Adelle Pepper, alto; Mrs. Florence St. Claire, contralto; Borden Brothers; Bobby Mehr, blues singers; Buster Graves, boy soprano: Blanche Robin-on, pianist; Florence Eastman, mezzo-soprano; Alfred Wintcrfeldt. concertinist; 10-10:15, Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra. WCAE, Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern, 462), 10:45 a. m., services. Rode! Shalom temple; 3 p. m.. People's Radio church services; 4. Prof. Otto Kalteis, pianist; g 30 dinner concert, William Perm hotel. WCAU. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 278), 5:15 p. m., recital; 5:30, sermon. Rev. Dr. John W. Stockwell : 5:45, recital; 6, dinner concert, Meyer Davis Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra, direction ton Chassy. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central, 344.6). 8 p. m., Chester Bagg, baritone: Wledman Sisters; Bsther Wiedman, soprano; Bessie Wiedman pianist; Mrs. Hester Robinson, reader. WCCO. Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minn. (Central, 417), 10:20 a. in., Plymouth Congregational church. Rev. H. P. Dewey, pastor; 1:111 P. in.. Mouse of .Hope Presbyterian church. Rev. H. C. Searingen, pa toi , 7:15, Central Lutheran church. Rev. ■!. A. Stub, pastor; 9:15, da leal a — rt; Norwegian male chorus, Carl G. Hansen, director; Lillian Dahl Lindstrom, pianist. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 516.9), 7:15 p. m., services. Central Mcthi church. WOAF. Kansas City. Mo. (Central, 365.6), 4-5 p. m.. classical music. Star's Radio orchestra. WDWF. Providence. R. I. (Eastern. 440.9). 5-0:15 p. m.. Radio recital. The Venetian Pbllharmonii pipe organ. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 491.5), 8:1 p. in., Roxy and !»*•» «»».a. t--m.ii<.l MlMttMr; o ..j-lu :t ,. uia»u' mtiiai. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 1 p. m.. Philip Spiiahiv's Allen theater symphony orchestra. WEEI, Boston. Mass. (Eastern, 473.9). 7:20-8:15 p. m., Roxy and his Gang, Captitol theater. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Central, 285.5), 11 a. in., sacred music. Radio Lighthouse choir; Angle Wilson, pianist: Maitland Alfred, tenor; li:40, sermon. Pastor, W. R. French. WFAA, Dallas, Tex. (Central, 475.9), 6-7 p. m.. Radio Bible class. Dr. William M. Anderson, pastor; 7:308:30. service, First Methodist Episcopal church. South. Dr. Carl C. Gregory, pastor; Mrs. Robert H. Morton, soloist; Nell Lowrey, soloist: Belcanto male Quartet; 9:30-11, Jack Gardner and his orchestra. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 4:30 p. m., services from Central Y. M. C. A., talk. Dr. P. Whitewell Wilson; 7:30, services, Arch Street Presbyterian church. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central. 370.2), 2 p. m., organ recital. Lyon and Healy; 3, Tribune master artist concert. Mossaiyo ISoguslawski, pianis.; 3:30, program. Chicago Musical college; 9-10, special program, "Old Ballads," Charles H. Gabriel, Jr. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 3-4 p. m., vesper service, Rev. Oscar Krauch of St. John's United Lutheran church, speaker; 4-5, John F. Gunderman, Jr., organist; 7:15, service of Central Presbyterian church, William Wall Whiddit, organist; Dr. Robert .1. MacAlpine, speaker. WGY, Scheneotady, N. Y. (Eastern, 375.9), 10:30 a. m., services. First Baptist church; organ prelude, Mrs. J. B. Van Patten; 3:35 p. m., WGY Symphony orches WREO, Lansing, Mich. (Eastern. 286). 10 a. m., chimes, Belfrey Plymouth Congregational church; 10:30, services, St. Paul's Episcopal church. Dr. Virgil Boyer, pastor; Bruce Hartsuch, organist-director; 7, services, Central M. E. church. Rev. Frank Kingdon, pastor; John George, director Community Singing; W. .lames Tillitson, organist. WSAI, Cincinnati. Ohio (Central, 325.9), 2 p. m., sermonette; 3:10, chimes. WSB, Atlanta. Ga. (Central, 429), 11 a. m., service, First Presbyterian church; 5-6 p. m., service, Monroe Methodist church choir: 7:30. Memorial church service. WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa (Central. 483.6). 7 P. ra., children's hour. Mrs. Alice McLeod Mills; 9-9:30, familiar hymns. Celeste Fuhrman, soprano. WW1. Detroit, Mich. (Eastern. 352.7), 11 a. m., services, St. Paul's cathedral; 2 p. m., Detroit News orchestra. Monday, February 16 Monday, silent night for: CFCA, CKAC, CKY, KFKX, KFSG, KJS, PWX, WBCN, WCAU, WDWF. WEAO, WEBH. WFI, WGN, WHAS, WJY. WKAQ, WLBL, WLS, WMAK, WMAQ, WOAI, WQJ, WREO, WSUI, WTAY. CHNC, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 350), 8-10 p. m., CHNC Here are the Novak's Vaudettes, a Portland, Oregon, organization, pleasing both to the eye and ear, which performs regularly at KGW. Elma Novak, director, plays) the piano; Beulah Blackwell, the violin; Esther Rickard, the trumpet; Ruth Hook, banjo, and Calla Howard, the drums. tra; Mrs. W. Lawyer Hanes, soprano; 5, Dr. Frank Sill Rogers, organist; T. Roy Keefer, violinist; 7:30, First Baptist church services, organ prelude ; P. J. Brunton, tenor; sermon, Rev. Gordon H. Baker; 8:45, Symphony orchestra, Waldorf-Astoria, Joseph Knecht, conductor. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, 399.8). 4-5 p. m., vesper song service, auspices. First Unitarian church, Dr. Lon R. Call, pastor; Mrs. Velda Grant Kelleher, soprano; Reginald W. Billin. baritone. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 365.6), 9:40-11 a. m., morning service, Linvvood Christian church, Dr. Burris A. Jenkins, minister; 8-9:15 p. m., evening services. Independence Boulevard church, R. H. Miller, pastor ; midnight, popular dance music, Gilbert Jaffey's music masters. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 273), 10:30 a. m.. Old Stone church, Rev. W. H. Foulkes, pastor; 4:30 p. m., vesper services, Cleveland Federated churches. Rev. E. R. Wright, conductor; current religious topics, hymns, sermon; 7:30 p. m., Epworth-Euclid Memorial church. Rev. Louis Wright, pastor; 9 p. m.. Conn Symphony orchestra, Ralph E. Story, conductor; solo numbers. WHO, Des Moines, la. (Central, 526), 11 a. m., sermon. Dr. Charles S. Medbury, pastor. University Church of Christ; 4, classical program. Dean Holmes Cowper, director. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 4 p. m., talk, "Give the Boy a Chance," H. Leo Taylor; 7:15, services. Holy Trinity church. Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins, D. D. ; 9:30, Ben Stad and his Wip Symphony orchestra; Karl Bonawitz, organist. W1Z, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 454.3), 2:30-3:30 p. m.. Radio Bible class; 3:30-4, Brooklyn string quartet; 5:45-6:30, "The Metropolis of Mankind," Edgard White Bun-ill; 8-8:15, Marie Rothman, soprano; 9:3010:30, Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 2:30 p. m., Arcadia cafe concert orchestra, Feri Sarkozi, director. WLS, Chicago, III. (Central, 344.6), 6:30 p. m., Ralph Emerson, organist; 7, Fourth Congregational church choir, Thomas Munroe, director. WLW. Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 9:30 a. m., school, editorial staff of Sunday School Publications, Methodist Book concern; 11, services. Church of the Covenant, Dr. Frank Stevenson; 7:30 p. m., services, First Presbyterian Church of Walnut Hills, Frederick McMillan; 8:30, Western and Southern orchestra. William Kopp, director; Italo Picchi, basso. WMAK, Lockport, N. Y. (Eastern, 265.5), 10:25 a. m.. First Presbyterian church service. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 499.7), 11 a. m.. services. Second Presbyterian church, Rev. A. B. Curry, pastor, WNYC, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 526), 9-11 p. m., program. Brooklyn Mark Strand theater. WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. (Central, 394.5), 11 a. m., services. First Presbyterian church; 7:30 p. m., services. Central Christian church; 9:30, WOAI entertainers in "Carmen." WO AW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 526), 9 a. m., Radio chapel service. Rev. R. R. Brown, pastor; 1:30 p. m., matinee program, WOAW's May Seed & Nursery company building; 2:30, music; 6, Bible study, Mrs. Carl It. Gray, director; 9, musical chapel service, Trinity Baptist church. Rev. Charles Francis Holler, pastor; E. Catherine, organist. WOC, Davenport, la. (Central, 483.6), 8 p. m., church service. Rev. John M. Stephenson, pastor Broadway Presbyterian church; musical numbers; 9::;t), The rainier Little Symphony, ICru-in Swindell, c inductor. WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 10:45 a. m., sci vices, Bethany temple; 2:30, Sunday school services, Bethany temple; 6:05, organ recital, Clarence K. Bawden. WORD, Batavia, III. (Central, 275). 7 p. m., I. B. S. A. choral singers; 7:10, Irwin L. Fisher, pianist; 7:20, Violet Tait, soprano; 7:25, Bible lecture, W. H. yVoodley: 7:50, 1. B. S. A. choral sinners. /OS, Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 7:30 p. m.. religious service. First Christian church. Rev. R. M. Talbert. pastor. WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, 448), 10:30 a. m.. sermon. Dr I're-iuri Bradley; Clarence Eddy, organist: 8-10. Ralph Williams and his Itainbo Garden orchestra: Jeannette Van Lennep, mezzo-soprano; Mary Van li-./c,,. accompanist; Milford I'.uidsall. baritone: nar. : luue, pionlgtj pobcit Metniur, Parisian piunUt. Little Symphony orchestra; Lionel H. Bilton, cellist; Simeon Joyce, pianist; Aeolian male quartet. KDKA, East Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 6:15 p. m., 'KDKA Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor; 7:30, children's period; 8:30, Boy Scout meeting; 8:15. address. University of Pittsburgh studio; 8:30, concert. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 467), 5:30-6 p. m., Examiner's musical half hour; 8-9, Evening Herald, Owen Fallon's Californians ; Wm. MacDougall, Scotch character singer; 9-10, program, Walter M. Murphy Motors company; 10-11, Examiner, Ray West and his Alexandria hotel dance orchestra. KFKU, Lawrence, Kan. (Central, 275), 6:50 p. m., piano tuning-in number; 7, music; 7:15, "Basketball Officiating," Dr. F. C. Allen; 7:30, "The Ethics of Debate," Prof. B. A. Gilkinson; 7:45, Spanish lesson. KFNF, Shenandoah, la. (Central, 266), 6:30 p. m., concert, Henry Field Seed company. KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 455), 6:45-8:15 p. m., Sherman Clay and company program; 8:30-10, studio program, Maybelle Brannan, director. KFQX, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific. 238), 7:15-8 p. m., bedtime story. Aunt Vivien; 8-9, Earl Gray and his Butler hotel orchestra; 9-10, concert; 10-11, Earl Gray and his orchestra. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 300), 8 p. m., "Limitations of Co-operative Marketing," Prof. Erdman: "A Lesson in English," Wilda Wilson Church; "The Challenge of the Professional Life," Dr. Aurelia Henry Reinhardt; "Chats, about New Books," Joseph Henry Jackson; 10-1, Henry Halstead's orchestra. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 5 p. m., children's program; 8, Oregonian concert orchestra; 10, Colburn's Melody men; Shelter's string orchestra. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner program, John A. Evans corporation, presenting Hacienda Park orchestra; 8-10, program. Western Auto Supply company; 10-11, Silvertown Cord orchestra and Lillyan May Challenger, contralto, presented by B. F. Goodrich Rubber company; 11-12, Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hotel. KOA, Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 8 p. m„ studio program, featuring Everett E. Foster. Mabel Tarvin Baber, Ada Marie Castor, Frank Fowler, Ralph Ereese, Ruth Gilbert Gillis; KOA orchestra. KOB, State College, N. M. (Mountain, 348.6), 7:30-8:30 p. m., "Germs with Special Reference to Ordinary Care in the Matter of Infection," Dr. McBride; American Association of Engineers' program; "Irrigation and Water Development for the Indians of the Northern Arizona and New Mexico," Gen. F. H. Robinson. KSAC, Manhattan, Kan. (Central, 340.7), 7:20 p. ra., college bell and quartet; 7:30, "Where Are the Hogs and Where Are They Consumed," A. D. Weber; 7:40, Radio College quartet; 7:50, "Development of Dairy Heifers," R. H. Lush. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 545.1), 9 p. m., return engagement, Francis MacMillen, violinist; David Kriegshaber, accompanist. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, ?-k. (Central, 375), 8:30-10 p. m., concert, Natalie Brigham, violinist: Arthur Platz. tenor; 10-11, Charles L. Fisher and his 11-piece Eastman hotel orchestra. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 535.4), 6:35-7 p. m., children's bedtime story, Uncle Bob. WBAP, Fori Worth, Tex. (Central, 475.9), 7:30-8:30 p. m., Frensley Moore's Black and Gold Serenaders: 9:30-10:45, Montgomery Ward & Co.'s "Trail Blazers." WBtV, Columbus. Ohio (Eastern, 294), 8 p. m., WBAV orchestra, Frances Handibcau, directing ; solos, to be announced. WBBR, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 272.3), 8 p. m., Syrian Oriental music, Toulic Moubaid, Elizabeth Awad; 8:10, Irene Kleinpeter, soprano; 8:2(1, "The Electronic Theory," Wm. F. Hudgings; 8:40, Irene Kleinpeter, soprano; Ida Parks; 8:50, Syrian Oriental music. Toufic Moubaid, Elizabeth Awad. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. 462). 6:30 p. m., dinner concert. William Penn hotel; 7:30; Uncle Kaybee; 7:15, special feature; 8:30, Mrs. Betty Kalbaugh Wlngard, soprano; 9, A. & P. Gypsy string ensemble; 11, concert, Nixon restaurant, Etzi Covato, director. WCCD, Zion, III. (Central, 344.6), 8 p. m., Enna Reynolds, soprano; Mis. G. R, Sparrow, contralto; G. It. Spariuvv, Unor; Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Sparrow; William C. Dunn, euphonium soloist; Paul Stewart, cornetist; Mary Ross, pianist; Marion Lee, reader. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Central, 417), 5:30 p. m., children's hour, Mrs. R. G. Cargill; 6, sports talk; 8, "Poultry Feeding," N. E. Chapman; 8:15, "Care of Brood Sows," Prof. E. F. Ferrin; 8:30, South Dakota night; 9:30, Wallie's Coliseum orchestra; White Brothers & Stendal, singing trio. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 516.9), 4:15 p m., musical program; 6 p. m., dinner concert broadcast from the Book-Cadillac hotel; 8:30 p. m., musical program. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central. 365.6), 6-7 p. m., piano tuning-in number on the Duo-Art; address, C. H. Cheney; weekly request story night; music. Trianon ensemble; 8-9:15, "Around the Town with WDAF-" 11:45-1 a. m„ Merry Old Chief and the Plantation players. WEAF, New York, N. Y. '(Eastern, 491.5), 4-4:15 p in., Elsie Nesbit, soprano; 4:16-4:30. Arthur Stone, blind pianist; 4:40-5, children's stories; 6-7, dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria hotel orchestra; 7:15-8:30, Strand theater program; 8:30-9, Cushman's Sons, Inc.; 9-10, A and P Gypsies; 10-10:30, Choir Invisible from Washington, D. C. ; 10:30-11:30, Ben Bernie's Hotel Roosevelt orchestra. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 7 p. m., Loew's State theater, organ recital, soloists and vaudeville features. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (Eastern, 475.9), 6:30 p. m., big brother club, Noah's Arkadians ; 7:13, Dok-Eisenbourg and his Sinfonians; 7:30, Charlestown State Prison8:45, musicale; 8:55, Pathe News flashes; 9, A. & P.' Gypsies. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Central, 285.5), 8:15 p. m., Radio Lighthouse musicmakers. WFAA, Dallas, Tex. (Central, 475.9), 6:30-7:30 p. in., vesper recital. Tommy's Texans; 8:30-9:30, musical recital, faculty respresentatives of Gunter college. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 6:30 p. m . Meyer Davis' Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Sunny Jim. WGN, Chicago, III. (Central, 370.2), 6 p. m., organ recital, Lyon and Healy; 6:30-7, dinner concert, Drake concert ensemble, Blackstone string quintet. WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 10:45-11 a. m.. Gold Medal home service talk. Betty Crocker ; 12:30-1 p. m.. Hotel Statler concert ensemble: 2:30-4:30, Radio Dealers' musical program; 4:30, address, "The Spanish War Veteran," Leonard S. Spire; 6-7-30 dinner music; 8:15-8:45, musical program, the National Vaudeville exchange; 8:45-9, address, "Rural Sanitation," J. Warren Fortenbaugh. chief sanitary engineer of the Kaustine company; 6-10, musical program, Elm Vocational school; 10-11, "The Musical Entertainers;" 11-1 a. m., supper-dance music, Vincent Lopez' Hotel Statler dance orchestra, Harold Gleser, director WGST, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 270), 9-10 p. m.. Tech. glee club, Al Holden, president. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 375.9), 6:20 p. m., sport talk, Harold Anson Bruce; 6:40, dinner music Hotel Ten Eyek trio; 7:30, WGY orchestra; Ethel Doyle, soprano; Giovanni Trombint, cellist; American trio; Edward A. Rice, violinist; Peter Schmidt, clarinetist. WHA, Madison, Wis. (Central, 535.4), 7:30 p. m., basketball game, Iowa-Wis.; address on food and nutrition, Mrs. Nellie Kedzie Jones. WHAZ, Troy, N. Y. (Eastern, 380), 9 p. m., vocal recital, direction of A. Y. Cornell of Troy; 11, dance program, Arcadians. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 365.5), 2-3 p. m., ladies' hour program, Al Bridge Garden players; Gilbert Jafifey, violinist; Jess Sutton, pianist; 7-8, popular music, Pekin cafe; address, George J. Enkin. auspices K. C. Optometric association. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 273), 6:15 p. m., news items; 6:30, Emerson Gill's Bamboo Garden orchestra; 6:45, bedtime story, Ethel O. Hawes. WHO, Des Moines, la. (Central, 526), 7:30-9 p. m., Helen Miller, pianist; Vera Trevits, pianist; George Davis, flutist; classical program, Dean Holmes Cowper. director; 11:15-12, L. Carlos -Meier, organist. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 508.2), 6:05 p. m., Hotel St. James dinner dance orchestra; 7, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; dancing lessons, Miller Conservatory of dancing. W1Z, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 454.3), 4-4:15 p. m.. Alvah Harlow Atwood, tenor; 4:15-4:30, Flora Intemann Lange, contralto; 8:45-9, "Speed Skating." John Murray; 9-10, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick glee club concert, Astor hotel. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 5:15 p. m., Gus Daniel's dance orchestra; 7:30, Dream Daddy; 8:30. George P. Boggs, baritone; 9:25, Stanley theater symphony orchestra; features from Stanley theater; 10:02, Arcadia cafe dance orchestra; vaudeville features from Fay's Knickerbocker theater. Mrs. Ruth G u n n e 1 1 , violinist, is one of the promising young musicians o f Kansas City. She will take part Wednesday night, February 18, in the 8 p. m. program of W D A P, the Kansas City Star station. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 6 p. m., dinner hour concert, Selinsky instrumental quintet; 8 TimesStar program; Times-Star or-hestra, William Kopp director; soloists, Hazel Motz, soprano; Howard Hafford, tenor; Armand Letirun, young Marimba artist: Senator Schult'/. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Cential, 447.5), 6:30 p. m.. Hotel LaSalle orchestra. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 499.7), 8:30 p. m., concert. Hotel Gayoso orchestra. WNYC. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 526), 7-7:30 p.\m dance program; 7:30-7:45, health talk; 7:45-9:25, special studio program; 9:25-10:30, Riesenfeld's Rialto program; 10:35-10:50, talk, "Trend of the Times," Dr. Sydney N. Ussher. WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 526), 6 p. m., Arthur Hays, organist; 6:30, studio, Mrs. Henry G. Cox, pianist; 6:45, Harmo-Jazz orchestra, Ralph Foral, director; 9, program, auspices Auto Electric & Radio corporation. WOC, Davenport, la. (Central, 483.6), 7 p. in., sandman's visit, Val McLaughlin ; 7 :20, educational lecture. "Human Spino-Mechanics," R. G. Maybach; 8. musical; Wesley Gosline Hawaiian trio; C. C. Harrod, tenor ; Emil Haas, reader ; 10, 3-act comedy-drama, "Deacon Dupps," W. E. Van Allen, director. WOI. Ames, Iowa (Central, 270), 10 p. m., program of popular music. WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 508.2), 7:30 p. m.. A. Candelori's ensemble from Hotel Adelph'ia; 8;30. concert from WEAF; 10:30, Vincent Rizzo's dance orchestra. WORD, Batavia, III. (Central, 275), 8 p. m., Columbia Conservatory of Music of Aurora; 8:25, world news items, Ralph Leffler; 8:45, Columbia Conservatory of Vusle rf A'tr-'n WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (Central, 440.9), 8 p. m., "Arrow Rook Tavern." Mrs. W. W. Graves; "What Figures Show about Missouri Public Schools," W. W. Gibbany; musical program, Mrs. Homer Talbert. WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, 448), 11-12 m., "Sauces (Continued on page 11), •