Radio Digest (July 1924-Apr 1925)

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^ D I G E S T— Illustrated, February 14, 1925 •LINIST, RETURNS MONDAY TO KSD ■,">»*>:\y>>>^>*' I 8ry 14: 8:15, i -J, Kfi, 1:30, 10, I Kths. Wgn. l Kfoa ; 11:30, if; 12, ■ Kgw, ,12:05, l-y 16: fWgst; Wcco, W^ Kfoa, Wreo, 11:45, Kfqx. . Knx. T fy 17: 1'wf; 9, Wrc: Wcx, Kfqx, ;Woaw; 11:45. Kgo. Kfoa. sbruary 8:30, : 9:03, >! 10. Wcco, Woo; ', Khj. ry 19: . Woe, 9 :30, ■■; 10, Wlp; j; 11, . Woe: Kgo, i >y 20: Wnyc: Cnrt, Wbcn, 10:30. 11:45. Khj; Kgw; Thursday, silent night for: CHNC, KFAE, KFDM. KFMX, KFOA, KGW, KOA, KOB, PWX, WBAV, WCAU, WEAO, WEMC. WHA, WHAZ, WHO. WJY, WLBL, WOO, WOS, WSUI. AT9, Fort Bragg, N. C. (Eastern, 435), 8 p. m., program of old southern songs, McFadyen Music company: String band; harmonica and guitar solos, McFadyen and Smith; vocal solos. Lacy Graham; Lucy Currie, accompanist. CHIC, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 350), 8:30 p. m., Toronto conservatory trio, Frank Blachford, violinist; Leo Smith, cellist; Dr. Harvey Boob, pianist. CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 8:30 p. m., Canadian National Railways. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450), 7:30 p. m., lesson in French diction and conversation, A. C. De LaLande; 8, Canadian National Bailway's program, Fort Garry hotel. CNRC, Calgary, Can. (Mountain, 450), 9 p. m., bedtime travel tales; Aeolian quartet; David Morgan, tenor; George MacBeth, bass; C. A. Davis, pianist; M. W. Gill, flutist; J. T. Dunn, violinist; H. B. Davis, cellist. CNRM, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 425), 8:30 p. m., H. M. Canadian Grenadier Guards band; R. Maillot, cornetist; J. T. Livingstone, guitarist; address, H. H. Melanson. CNRW. Winnipeg. Can. (Central, 450), 8:15 p. m., bedtime story, Margaret Sharpe, pianist; 8:30, Hazel Mills, soprano; Mrs. J. H. Waugh, contralto; Rev. R. Katsunoff, tenor; Ronald W. Gibson, pianist; Frank Redlich, cellist; F. D. Bradbrook, banjoist; "The Canadian Government Merchant Marine;" 10, Frank Wright's Country club dance orchestra. KDKA. East Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. 309.1), 5 p. m., special concert being broadcast for South Africa; 6:15, KDKA Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Saudek. conductor; 7:30, children's period; 8, National Stockman and Farmer studio program; 8:30, concert; 11, Pittsburgh Post studio concert. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 467), 5:30-6 p. m., Examiner's musical half hour; 6:45-7, Y. M. C. A. speaker; 7-8. dance orchestra; 8-9, Standard Oil company of California, presenting a musical comedy; 9-10, Examiner, program. League of American Penwomen; 10-11, all vocal recital. KFKU, Lawrence, Kan. (Central, 275), 6:50 p. m., piano tuning-in numbers; 7, music: 7:15, "Planting for Winter Beauty," Prof. W. C. Stevens; 7:30, basketball game, K. U. vs. Drake U. : 8:30, "From Coal Tar to Dyes," Dr. Raymond Q. Brewster; 8:45, educational psychology, lesson VII, Dean R. A. Schwegler. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 6:30 p. m., concert, Verden, Ben H. Schobcr, director. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (Pacific, 300), 8 p. m.. program, San Francisco Chamber pf commerce; address, Paul Shoup; Olga Petrova, stage and screen actress; address, Robert Newton Lynch; Charles F. Bulotti, tenor; Austin Sperry, baritone; TJda Waldrop, pianist; music. California. Granada, Imperial, Loew's Warfield theaters; 10-1 a. m., Henry Halstead's orchestra. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 7:30-9:15 p. m., auditorium service and sermon, Almee Semple McPherson, pastor: 9:15-10, studio program, Silver band, G. N. Nichols, director; 10-11, organ recital, Esther Fricke Green. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 404), 12:30-1:30 p. m., program, Loew's State theater; 2:30-3:30, program, Pacitic States Electric company. Check Seal trio; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra, Edward Fitzpatrick, director; 6:30-7:30, stories American history, Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; bedtime story by Uncle John; 8-9, program, Morris, the tailor; 0-10, Piggly Wiggly girls' trio; 10-11, Earl Burtnctt's Biltmore hotel dance orchestra. KJS, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 293), 8-0:30 p. m.. Instrumental program of chamber music. KNX. Hollywood. Calif. (Pacific. 337). 6:45-6:15 p. m., Wurlitzer pipe organ studio, Sid Ziffs; sports talk; 6:15-7:30, Ziegler's orchestra, sponsored by L. A. Society of Optometrists; 8-9, program, Davis Standard Bread company; 9-10, KNX feature program; 10-11. Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hotel. KSAC, Manhattan, Kan. (Central, 340.7). 7:20 p. m., college bell and music; 7:30, "Treatment of Wall Surface," Araminta Holman; 7:40, music, Mrs. G. W. Salisbury; 7:50, "Catering to That Sweet Tooth," Margaret Ahlborn; 8-9, Scotch songs and stories, Prof. P. P. Brainard, D. H. T. Hill. KSD. St. Louis, Mo. (Central, 545.1), 8 p. m.. Alma C. Hollman, reader; Jesse Ward Meyers, violinist; Rev. B. L. Morris, baritone; "Milk Around the World," W. A. Foster. KTHS, Hot Springs, National Park, Ark. (Central, 375). 8:30-11 p. m., special concert and frolic, Royal Peacock orchestra. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 535.4), 6:35-7 p. m., children's bedtime story, TJncle Bob ; 7-7 :30. dinner concert. Congress hotel; 7:30-7:59, "Grain Marketing and the Club Boys and Girls," Gray Silver; "Five New Facts About Corn," Arthur C. Page; 8-8:20, "Twenty i Minutes of Good Reading." Rev. C. J. Pernin; 8:209:05, Mrs. Marvel Thoresen, soprano ; Mrs. Neva Beck, accompanist; Edward J. Collins, tenor; Frances Sherman, pianist; Eunice Klewer, whistler; 9:15, "Safety First," Bert Vanderwarf; 10-11:30, evening at home. WBAP, Fort Worth, Texas (Central, 475.9), 12:05-12:30 p. m., musical program; 7:30-8:30', musical program, J. W. Westbrook, director; 9:30-10:45, concert, artists of Texas Christian university. Prof. H. D. Guellck, director. WBBR. New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 272.3), 9:10 p. m.. Watchtower trio, Carl Park, Malcolm Carment, Chester Haugh; 9:25, Kay Macrae, joloratura soprano; 9:35, International Sunday school lesson, S. M. Van Sipma; 10, Kay Macrae, coloratura soprano; 10:15, Watchtower trio. WBCN, Chicago, III. (Central, 266), 7-8 p. m.. classical hour, Bethany Reformed Church of Roseland; 8-8:30, Billy Waldron, tenor; Archer Farrell, pianist; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; 8:30-9, Walton School of Commerce; 9-12, Elmer Jordan and company jamboree; Midway Dancing Gardens orchestra; Leona Fay, violinist; Larry Loser, tenor; Lindsay McPhall and Henrietta Holmes, pianist; Florence Eastman, mezzosoprano; Madrid Duo; Mort Green and Balph Norris; Louis Clark, tenor; Al. Phillips, tenor; Rosemary Hughes, soprano; Elmer Jordan; 12-1, Wanda Worthington and Charles Cunningham, blues singers; Rosemary Hughes, soprano; AL Phillips, tenor; Merle Yagle, pianist; Louis Clark, tenor; Lindsay McPhail, pianist. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 462), 6:30 p. m., dinner concert, William Perm hotel; 7:30, TJncle Kaybee; 7:45, special feature; 8, Moores' Cafeteria Radio review, E. T. Moores, manager; 9, concert, AtwaterKent orchestra. WCBD, Zion, III. (Central, 344.6), 8 p. m., J. D. Thomas, baritone; tenor and soprano solos, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steel; Mrs. Beem, contralto; Mrs. Crowe, contralto; G. W. Mason, cornetist; cornet and trombone duet. Mason and Mason; Mary Sweeney, soprano; tenor and baritone solo, BuE and Paxton; Mrs. Blanche Bishop, pianist. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (Central, 417), 5:30 p. m., children's hour, Mrs. Charles Ramsdell ; 6:30, concert, Dick Long's Nankin cafe orchestra; 7:30. lecture; 7:45. health talk; 8, "Beef Cattle Outlook," J. S. Montgomery; 8:15. "Feed Lot Problems," W. H. Peters; 10, Dick Long's Nankin cafe orchestra. WCX, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 516.9), 4:15 p. m., musical program ; 6, dinner concert, Book-Cadillac hotel; 8:30, musical program. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 365.6), 6-7 p. m., piano tuning-in number on the Duo-Art; readings. Cecile Burton; address, series of book talks, Louis Meeker; bedtime story; music, Trianon ensemble; 11:451 a. m., Merry Old Chief, Plantation players. WDWF, Providence, R. I. (Eastern, 440.9). 8 p. m., educational talks. Brown university. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 491.5), 4-4:20 p. m., "These Eventful Years," Franklin H. Hooper; 4:20-4:35, Helen Muller, mezzo soprano; 6-7, dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria hotel; 7-7:30, services. Federation of Greater New York churches; 7:30-7:45, Art talk; 7:45-8, Moeller trio; 8-8:20, Columbia university lecture course; 8:30-9, talk. Packard Motor Car company; 9-10, Atwater Kent Radio artists from Stations WEAF, WEEI, WJAR, WGR, WFI, and WCAE; 10-10:15. Miriam Klyne, soprano; 10:15-10:30, Leon Kowicik, baritone; 10:30-10:45, Harry Jentes, pianist; 11-12. Vincent Lopez and his Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 7 p. m., Austin J. Wylie's Golden Pheasant-Vocallon recording orchestra; 8, studio program, orchestral numbers. WEBH, Chicago, III. (Central, 370.2), 7 p. m.. Oriole orchestra; Margaret Fitzgerald, contralto; musical bits, Riviera theater; 9, Belle Forbes Cutter, soprano; John Stamford, tenor; Oriole orchestra; 11. Loos Brothers; Oriole orchestra; Banks Kennedy, pianist; Nick Lucas. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (Eastern, 475.9), 6:30 p. m., big brother club; 7:15, Alpha ladies' trio; Mrs. Jessie Whitworth, soprano; 7:55, Pathe News flashes; 8, New York program. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 475.9), 6:30-7:30 p. m., vesper recital. Jack A. Davis and his orchestra; 8:309:30, A. & M. College of Texas; 11-12, Frank Davenport and his orchestra. Where to Hear Talks Central Standard Time 'ALKS, instructive, serious, humorous and even frivolous, are Radiocast daily and below are listed the stations. Saturday, February 14: 6, WDAF, WEAF, WOAW; 6:15, WBZ; 6:30, WEAF, WGY, WOAW; 6:45, KDKA, WGY; 7, WCAE, WJZ; 7:15, WEAF; 7:30, CNRO; 8, WCCO; 8:15, WBBR, WCCO; 8:30, KHJ, WGBS, WJZ, WMAQ; 8:45, KFI; 9:05, KTW; 8:15, KTW; 9:45, KFI, KHJ; 10, KNX. Sunday, February 15: 8:20, KSAC; 8:35, WBBR; 8:45, KFI. Monday, February 16: 6, WCCO, WDAF; 6:35, WNYC; 7, WEAF; 7:15, KDKA, KFKU; 7:20, WSAC, WBBR, WOC; 7:30, KDKA, KFKU, WHA; 7:45, KFKU, WGR, WJZ; 8, WCCO, WOS; 8:15, CFAC, WCCO; 8:30, KOB; 9:35, WNYC; 10, KGO. Tuesday, February 17: 6, WDAF, ■ WOAW; 6:50, WLIT; 7, WCAU, WIP, WRC; 7:10, WJZ; 7:15, WCAU; 7:30, CKY, KSAC, WCCO, WRC; 7:45, WCCO; 8, WMC; 8:20, KYW; 8:30, KHJ; 8:45, KFI; 9, WJY, WJZ, WSAI; 9:15, CFCA; 10, KGW; 11:05, KYW. Wednesday, February 18: 6, WCCO, WDAF; 6:30, WCAU, WGY; 6:35, WNYC; 6:45, WGY; 7:15, KDKA, WEAO; 7:30, KSAC, WNYC; 8, WMAQ, WOS; 8:15, CFCA; 8:30, KHJ, KOB, KYW, WEMC; 8:45, KFI; 9, WMAQ; 9:05, WEMC. Thursday, February 19: 6, WDAF; 6:30, WEAF, WGY, WRC; 6:45, WGY7, WDWF, WEAF. WIP; 7:20, WOC7:30, CKY, KSAC, WCCO, WEAF; 7:33, KYW; 7:45, WCCO; 8, KYW, WCCO; 8:15, WCCO; 8:30, WBCN; 8:45, KFI, KHJ; 8:50, WMAQ; 9:15, KYW. Friday, February 20: 6, WCCO, WDAF; 6:30, WCAU; 7, WDWF, WHB, WLIT; 7:10, WLIT; 7:15, KDKA, WOAW; 7:20, WOC; 7.30, CKY, KSAC, WCCO; 8, WMAQ, WOS; 8:30, KHJ, KOA, WMAQ; 10, KGW, KHJ. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 6:30 p. m., Meyer Davis' Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, Sunny Jim; 9, Atwater-Kent Badio artists. WGN. Chicago, III. (Central, 370.2), 6 p. m., organ recital, Lyon and Healy; 6:30-7, Drake concert ensemble, Blackstone string quintet; 8-9, Mable Sharp Herdien, soprano; 10-11, Drake dance orchestra; Ned WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 12:30-1 p. m., Hotel Statler concert ensemble; 3:30-4:30, Badio Dealers' musical program; 6-7:30, dinner music, Hallpryd string quartet; 8-9, Adam, Meldrum & Anderson concert; 9-10, Atwater-Kent concert with WEAF. WGST, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 270), 7-8 p. m., Frances Woodberry, soprano; Mrs. C. R. Prescott, contralto; Helen Schald, pianist; Mrs. Mary Miller Trownsell, violinist; "Chivalry in the Old South," Edwin H. Folk. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern, 375.9), 6:30 p. m.. Hotel Ten Eyck orchestra; 7:30, new books, William F. Jacob; 7:45, "Manors of New York," Ernest C. Brown; 8, concert, Mendelssohn club. Dr. Frank Sill Bogers, director; 11:15, Stephen E. Bolsclalr, organist. WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (Central, 399.8), 7:30-9 p. m., Happy Hoosier harmonists; four-minute digest of international Sunday school lesson; four-minute welfare talk. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. (Central, 365.6), 7-7:30 p. m., dinner music, Pekin cafe; 8-10, old-time music program, M. R. Hays, director; "Past and Present," Dr. James W. Fifleld. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 273), 6:15 p. m., news Items, music; 7:30, farm hour; Al Dlster's orchestra; Alex Worth, tenor; Mrs. Miriam Ward, contralto; Dean Smith, pianist; concert program arranged by the Cleveland Press. WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (Central, 526), 11-12 midnight, Melo-Blue orchestra. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 6:05 p. m., Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra; 7, TJncle Wip's bedtime stories; 8, "Health Work in the Schools." Dr. Walter S. Cornell; 8:15, Laserow quartet; 9, Philadelphia Quartet club concert; 11, Harvey Marburger and his vaudeville dance orchestra. WJY, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 405.2), 8:15-10 p. m., Mendelssohn Club Male chorus of Albany, from WGY, Schenectady; 10:15-11:15, Pierre's orchestra. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 454.3), 4-5 p. m., The Melodians; 8:25-8:30. St. Paul's Cathedral address; 8:30-9:30, Pan-American program from WRC; 9:30-10:30, Church Club Annual dinner direct from Waldorf-Astoria. WKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (Intercolonial, 340.7), 8:30-10 p. m., concert, Restaurant "La Cafetera." WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa (Eastern, 395), 4:30 p. m., Miriam J. Willecco, soprano; Michael Luizzi, accompanist; Blanche Brunswick, pianist; 7:30, Dream Daddy's bedtime stories. WLS, Chicago, III. (Central, 344.6). 6:30 p. m., Ralph Emerson, organist; 6:50, Senate studio artists; 7, lullaby time. Woodshed theater. Ford and Glenn; 7:20, Radio operetta. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 423), 6 p. m., dinner hour concert, Sellnsky instrumental quintet; 7, Golden Jubilee program, class of 1917, A. A. S. R. from Hotel Gibson; McMillan Masonic orchestra, soloists: Robert S. Alter, Vox-Ferro (hand saw) ; Prof. Frank Simon, George Dieterle, vocalist; A. K Thomas, vocalist; Ed. G. Pflfferline. pianist; address. A. L. Hehymer; 10, three-minute message. United States Civil Service department; 10:03, concert program. Cooper corporation; quartet, orchestra; 11, Doherty Melody boys; fourth in series of concert. Eta Chapter of Sinfonian fraternity; vocal solos. John Crosby and Leland Sheehey; Margaret Qulnn, pianist; violin solos, Ray Baumgartner. WMAK, Lockport, N. Y. (Eastern, 265.5), 12 midnight, Murray Whitman midnight serenaders. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5), 6 p. m., Chicago theater organ; 6:25, Hotel LaSalle orchestra; 6:50, Daddy; 8, to be announced; 8:15, Boy Scout hour; 8:35, to be announced; 8:50, University of Chicago lecture; 9:15, program, Mrs. Louise H. Crum, soprano. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 499.7), 8:30 p. m., musical program. Bower's Stores corporation. WNYC, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 526), 7:35-7:45 p. m., sports talk, Thornton Fisher; 8:30-9:30, program of music. WOAW. Omaha, Nebr. (Central, 526), 6 p. m., every child's story hour, Grace Sorenson; 6:20, music; 6:45, Randall's Royal Fontenelle orchestra; 9, program, auspices Hannan-Van Brunt company, Ford and Lincoln dealers; 10:30, Frank W. Hodek, Jr., and his Omaha nightingales. WOAI, San Antonio, Texas (Central, 394.5), 9:30 p. m., Jimmie Joy's Hotel St. Anthony orchestra. WOC, Davepnort, la. (Central, 483.6), 7 p. m., sandman's visit. Val McLauglin; 7:20, educational lecture; 9, Schuster Sisters' California orchestra; 11, Lonis Connor and ' his LeClaire hotel orchestra; Jack Little and Paul Small, entertainers. WOI, Ames Iowa (Central, 270), 8:15 p. m., music. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509.9), 4:45 p. m., organ recital, Mary E. Vogt. WORD, Batavia, III. (Central, 275). 7 p. m., I. B. S. A. choral singers; 7:15, Florence Smith, pianist; 7:25, John T. Read, bass; 7:35, I. B. S. A. choral singers; 7:50, lecture, Judge J. F. Rutherford; 8:30, Marvyl L. Larson, soprano; 8:40, I. B. S. A. trio; 8:50. I. B. S. A. choral singers. WQJ, Chicago, III. (Central, 448), 11-12 m., "Cheese for Lenten Meals," Erna Bertrams; "The New Styles for Spring," Mrs. Eleanor Chalmers; "Ice Cream Gossip," L. L. Jones; 3-4 p. m., "How They Cook It in Dixie," Josephine Naylor; "Light and Life," William Foulks; 7-8, dinner concert, Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Garden orchestra; Mrs. Lydia Lochner, contralto; Edith Bucknaaster, accompanist; 10-2 a. m„ Ralph Williams and his Rainbo skylarks; June Lee, comedienne; Axel Christensen, pianist; Hill, Hirsch, Gorney, Three Musketeers; Rosemary Hughes, soprano; James J. Whalen, tenor. WRC, Washington, D. C. (Eastern, 469), 6:45 p. m., children's hour, Peggy Albion; 7, Lee Rouse trio7:30, Latin American night, auspices Pan American union; address. Dr. Julius Klein, director; United States army band; Army band string quintet; Fred East, baritone; Ethel Holtzelaw Gawler, soprano; Estrella Amores, soprano; Arsenio Ralon, violinist; Madame Mertzaga Hanenfeldt, pianist; 10:45. Club Deauville orchestra. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (Eastern, 285.5), 8:15-9:45 p. m. . Reo orchestra; Reo Male quartet; Raymond Lyon Bowers, tenor; Kenneth Buckingham, baritone. WSAI, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 325.9), 10 p. m., Romany Reed and string quartet: Charles W. Partington, accordion soloist; Earl Whiting, clarinetist; Eugene Perazzo, violinist; David Brinkmoeller, pianist: Sam Pusateri, baritone; Ann Cockburn, pianist; Earl Whiting, clarinetist. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (Central, 429), 5-6 p. m., Vlck Myers' Melody artists; bedtime story, Bonnie Earnhardt; 8-9, Atlanta Music club chorus; 10:45, Dr. Charles A. Sheldon, organist. WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern, 390), 6 p. m.. Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians orchestra. WTAY, Oak Park, III. (Central. 250), 6:15-6:30 p. m., Al Mildgard, organist; 6:30-7:30, Ray Luehr, baritone; Edward Barry, pianist; Thirza Mosher Parmenter, soprano. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 352.7), 3 p. m., Detroit News orchestra; 6, dinner concert; 7, Detroit News: orchestra; 10, dance music, Jean Goldkette's Victor Recording orchestra; 11:30, Detroit News orchestra. Friday, February 20 Friday, silent night for: CFCA, CKAC, CHNC. KFKU KFKX, KFMX, KGO, KJS, PWX. WBBR. WBz' WCBD, WDWF, WEAO. WFI, WGST, WHAZ WIP WKAQ. WLBL, WOAI, WMAKf WOI. WORd! WSU I. CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (Central, 450). 7:30 p. m., university lecture; 8:15, studio concert. CNRA, Moncton, Can. (Atlantic, 313), 7:30 p. m bedtime stories, Uncle Alf; 8:30, musical program' Moncton Baptist church choir. Prof. C. H Wright' choir master; address; popular music, Joe Mazzieo and his Rainbow Melody boys. CNRE, Edmonton, Can. (Mountain, 517). 7:30 p. m., children's bedtime story; 8:30, violin solos, pupils, Gladys Flint; E. J. Caseley, bass; Rita Swain, soprano; May Aspinall, mezzo-soprano. CNRT, Toronto, Can. (Eastern, 400), 6:30-8 p. m.. Luigi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel concert orchestra; 8:30-10, Canada male quartet; Jessie Archer, soprano; Harold H. Frost, pianist; 9, address; 10:30-12. Luigi Romanelli and his King Edward hotel dance orchestra. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 309.1), 6:15 p. m., concert, Charlie Gaylord's orchestra; 7:30, children's period; 8:15, address. University of Pittsburgh studio; 8 :30, concert. KFDM, Beaumont, Tex. (Central, 315.6), 8 p. in.. Refinery band. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 467), 5:30-6 p. m.. Examiner's musical half hour; 6:45-8, Aeolian residence pipe organ recital, Dan McFarland, organist; 8-9, Evening Herald, Janet Macdonald's Syncopating Co-eds; George Herbert Happ, baritone; Juanita Russ, soprano; 9-10, Examiner, vocal program, pupils of Thomas Taylor Drill; 10-11, Jay Plowe flute ensemble with vocal soloists. KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (Central, 266), 6:30 p. m., concert. KFOA, Seattle, Wcsh. (Pacific, 455), 6:45-8:15 p. m., Sherman Clay and company; 8:30-10, Times studio program, Nelle Duffy, Faith Rossiter; 10:05-11, Olympic hotel dance music. KFQX, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific, 238), 7:15 p. m., bedtime story. Aunt Vivien; 8-9, Earl Gray and his Hotel Butler orchestra; 9-10, concert hour; 10-11. Earl Gray and his orchestra. KFSG, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 278), 7:30-9:15 p. m., young people's night at Angelus temple, sermon, Aimee Semple McPherson, pastor; 9:15-10, concert. Silver band, G. N. Nichols, director; talk on Radio. N. E. Brown; 10-11, organ recital, Roy Roid Brignall. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 8 p. m., lecture. University of Oregon Extension division; 10:30. Hoot Owls. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 404), 12:30-1:30 p. m.. Perry's orchestra; 2:30-3:30. matinee muslcale, Pacific States Electric company; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra, Edward Fltzpatrlck, director; 6:30-7:30, little stories American history. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog; Richard Headriok. screen starlet and Uncle John; 8-10, a trip through Orange County, California, presented by Orange County Farm bureau; 10-11, Earl Burtnett's Biltmoro hotel dance orchestra. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (Pacific, 337). 5:45-6:15 p. m., Wurlitzer organ recital; sports talk, Sid ZinT; 0:3(17:30, dinner hour music; 8-9, program, Columbia Outfitting company; 0-10, program. Eastern Outfitting company; 10-11, amateur hour; 11-12, Abo Lyman's Cocoanut Grove orchestra from Ambassador hotel. KOA, Denver, Colo. (Mountain, 322.4), 6:40 p. to.. Book of Knowledce; 8, studio program, oratorio "St. (Continued on page 14)