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The National Broadcast 'Authority* . —————— — -i-^jHtO DI
G E S T — Illustrated. February 28, 1925
Index to Talks, Lectures and Addresses
TABULATED below is a time table of the stations giving talks, lectures and addresses this week. These rang* from the instructive and serious to the humorous and frivolous. The stations listed are divided into the four different kinds of time in use. The hours are given in the kind of time in use at each listed station. By using this table as an index and referring to the complete programs below, full information will be obtained.
Eaitern Time Station*
Saturday: February 28: 7:16. Wis'/. 8, WCAE, WJZ, WRC; 8:20. WIMIK; 8:45, W.IZ; 8:60, WB13R; 9:30, WOIt; 10:10, WNVC
Sunday, March 1: 8, WCAU; 9:30, WBBR.
Monday, March 2: 7:15, WHN; 7:30, WHY; 7:35, WN7C; 8, KDKA, WIP, WJZ, WNVC; 8:16, KDKA; 0, W1P; 9:10. WJZ.
Tuesday, March 3: 7, WHN, WJZ; 7:30, WOV, WHN; 7:45, KDKA; 8, WRAP, WOV, WII.', W.IZ, WRC; 8:10, WJZ; 8:15, W''AH: 8:30, WRC; 9, WOBS; 10, WJZ; 10:10, WNYO; 10:40, WNYC. „
Wednesday, Maroh 4: 6:46, WOV; 7:30, WHN; 8, WKAO. WJZ, WNYC, WRC 8:10, WCAU. WJZ; 8:16, KDKA; 8:30, WNYO; 10:10, WNYC; 10:16, WCAU. „.__
Thursday, March 5: 7:30, W i D A i ■, WGY, VVIIN; 7:66, W.IZ; 8, WCIiS. W10AF; 8:35, W.IZ; 8:46, WII'; 9:30, WHN 10, WCAU; 10:30, WJZ.
rrlday, March 0: 7:30, WHY. WHN; 7-46 WHY; 8, WI>WF, WL.IT, WJZ; 9:40, WCAU; 10, WHN.
Central Time Sutiono
Saturday, Tabmary SB; : 8, WPAP, WOAWi 7, WOCi a, WCCO; 8:15, WCCO; 8:30, WMAQ. _._._. „,..
7:46, KFKU.
Tuesday, March 3: 6, WDAF, WOAW; 9:50, WOC; 7:30, KSAC; 8, WMAQ, WMC. 8:30. KYW; 8:30, WMAQ; 8:60, WMAQ; 11:06, KYW.
Wednesday, March 4: 6, WDAP; 7:30, KSAC; 8, WMAQ, KYW.
Thursday, March 6: 6, WDAF; 7:30, KFKU, KFMQ, KSAC; 7:45, KFKU; 8, WON; 8:16, WMAQ; 8:50, WMAQ; 9:15, KYW.
Friday, March 6: 6, WDAF; 6:60,
WOC; 7:30, KSAC, WCCO; 8, WMAQ;
8:30, WMAQ; 9, WMAQ; 9:46, WEMC.
Mountain Time Station*
Monday, March 3: 7:30, KOB.
Tuesday, March 3: 7:30, KOB.
Wednesday, March 4: 7:30, KOB.
Friday, March 6: 6:40, KOA. Pacific Time Stations
KHJ; 8, KII.I.
Monday, March 3: 8, KLX.
Tuesday, March 3: 8:30, KH.I; 7:30, KNX; 8, KOO, KOW.
Wednesday, March 4: 6:30; KHJ; 7, KFI; 8, KHJ.
Thursday, March 6: 6:30, KHJ; 7:20, KFI; 7:30, KHJ; 7:46, KHJ; 8, KJS.
(Continued from page 11)
AltMtcn, lopmno; <:ft0-4:<0, Tc.lo ltloom. pUrUit;
i lip .',, .MI.Imj. .. .l-.it. i.; i. .. i ""■''■ w. .1.1. -il
A rtit li. ■>'■!. i '-■■•'■ '"•I"". > """' ■"■ ■■'"'"" "'
Am. ; • !"■ . <•»■ *' .,"'■' "■ , ' ">"> !', '" ■ ' "" ' "'
.rr.,::;:.:: ;,:,;, ■;;■...■,.: ......... \.:... ...
„„,.; 1010 in .. ■. M.i.iiiiiHi." llr.rd, ptuiil.t
.,,,,., D.Tll Lido v. i.i *«"•■..
WIA0. Cliimbii., Ofcl. (1,1.0). T-IO V.
Irrlliro nini'i I'uliinil I.lr dull.
WCDI. N« V,rK. N. V. (111). »•• P. ».. 10«lll
weK/'s;".;::. m.„. »».»., t?« b .......... ,..«.
,.],.r Klim. cirri <"■ K;:iti, M. II. i'"1.rm> ml tmur
„,i,,|,M)' It Dl M.KHV Hi.'..' c> M -if.;.
lutul OKbllUB,
WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. (S04.5), 1 P. »■."«»"■ ''"''
11,11. Mir Nlr.itl ." ,ti.-.lrii; ,1. I H.rnl . lurk.
,,i ,,ii i . H:H0, M.vcr DlTll IlnllMUo Stratford t»iu«il
wiwi1' No-. vorkT' n. ' y. ;sia.8>. l^O-filBO l>. m.
,\, ,i V.-.-..V" ,.i. iw.trji ((.mi Hie. r«r li.iii Im"!:
il-,1 HI Inl.-nlcn I'nnilliv HorrcR of tlm Pally Mirror
:i in :i.'.'0. Uliir,, .I. M ■!
..ii.u, ,i..i,i, •■ «; n:atl-f. .. .
;i .in :i no, UitorrUw. Aiirl N|n>W«;
Mnnlr-rr..; U-ll ::m. I'mlc 11.
WOV, SeliBtinnUdy, N. Y. (370,0), 7 p. m„ [iroBTtnij
Hlrmul llinnirr onln'iilrii. WHN, No* Vt>rk. N. Y. (SOD), 0:30-7 p. m., Oleolt
V m 1 1 ; '. ; ::n n.nr. III. In I hi.' .rlitliitin:
iSO-TsBB, llMllb inlh. l>r. I.aiiilla; 12:11(1-1 a, r
Sirartd Boof ureheiua, WIP. Phlladnlptila, Pa. (300.8), I i>. m„ Olrabol
>. ..on ..i.lo.fni. :i. .1 ■ lim-.Tttr.rMi, ■nurann; VI i
llltikn. rn . oininiiilm ; f. nf.. Ilciilainln Vtanhlln hultl
t i ihoiira; J, I nd« wi
WIAR. Protldenec, B. I. (S05
Srokiioiii. Z, Now York. N. Y. MBS), n w v: :m ,. u. , !-.
iiiiunriil! t.-i iln ,.l I'l.-l.l.iil ..ml V lm I'miltlciil ;
ii I ■■ . I :i" '■ '
; 7 H, rule H.inl ;l
4-4 :ao, nlnnci ilnnti aml_ i
Wull I'.rr.Tl .ti.iiirii.l i
i BO,
NVU nlr OQt'
...._ TWtUI, A.li'lc HII ,; llll-i Hi.lUi,
Motet.... Duryot, riniiiiiiit, WKAQ, Ban Juan. P. H. (340.7). 70 p. m., Uutdolpi)
band. WLIT. PMlMlalohla. Pa. (304.B). lliU «. m.. rtally
almanlc; 19:01 p, m . 8| I Ul« I OH in <■ " -\
Ar..ull» ii( "rl ot.li. n . . I ■ in. i ' "'' ',',
Ari'adU nili' r " r.tu in ' '". Mi-.mur 1. 1 null
liin.H, rmiin.ee. : . :in, in. ■n. n .■! '■ 1...IM01.. ■'•■<>■-:
«, Arl linns' >-Uc 1-I11I1 : It o'., |.l,.\ . I' ML > ■■ "'.'
iliitifc iin-hi-.liii , Ht 11:1. W.nillii 1 „(.. .I.i In urn
WNYC. Nmr York, N Y. (Win. H H I r. |> in "''^
Toiilct," V. IV It : N-.ir. H.ilH, ..mi: r,.,IUl; H .HI H,
iwim* in tppreelalloi lie; 0:4B i". w«w JBOlUl
110:111, Hook. ■ jforjri Bhoiua ii"">*.
Prol 101 Carler Troop.
WOO. PhllndBlDhla. Pa, (500,8), 4:4^ p, m„ firaan rooltnl. Mary IC, \d,:i ; 7:111. \ r.inclc-lorl^ r.ufnil.lr. from M.n.-I A.I..I, , : I pMITlffl fol WKAF; 0. ron
.... "Ml, : r, r,,ll ||. MM) B V0|1
I (inn. VI11..TH HI'.... .Inn... orclicnlrit WdH. Nr-urk, N I Mil'. ■-•>. 1 I'. 1 i. in. .Ir.n Krkrrl.
dramallf rrailrr; ii I'. 1; 1.'., Ilnrrv I'm Hold Robatl
Tr*»i orohMlra; B'8:1B. Tftnltf rimr.ii ■■liolr; 0-<n-in,
t'»riiin*u* Irlo, WRC. Washington. D. 0. (488.3), 13 m.. InaiiRiiraUon
(if till. l'rr-itile-.H ol (In l'nllril Mini...: «■« p 111.
uilo, Bldnaj
rhl Id run's
:-:rli|.iii,,.m':i Slioirloini luil, -I it, tii'tl ni ; H, [«lk,
Innlltnllon: HI I'.. .Inn... ininli-, .Inrnn.
WWJ. Detroit. Mich, (35J.7). rt p. in.. .Ilunrr nnwrl:
«. lYrlroll Nrnn orrllvlrn: Tlirco Knlulil of Mnr
BOVi 1". J'»n OoMkr-itc'ii Vtrlor IWoMlne orahMUl.
Central Time Stations
KSAC/'Mnnhnttnn, Kan.! Mill. 71, 7 :'o |. m, mi ,,..1,1,1 irln' t: "TtBUMnn of Local Una. I In Bl
, liialruniriKol (
IY' I! BiDdtrti
KTHS. VHot"sorili'gv"pj'iilii,'ii'ii 'i''ark. Ark. (374.B). 8:30 p. m.. Killer., Mi'l.T Us' I" Nrw Arllnnlon bnlcl nrrhpsln. .l.nk lli-ri.ir.l. .Ilnvlnr: 10. ilanro fwllr. rhi.. r. FI-:ri(,T', Kmlmnn l.oirl r,rrhr-Mra.
WBAP. Fort Worth. TW, (47S.8), 7 "i)-8'S0 p. to., mimical proBrara ; 0:30-10:45. Jim Hlltr'a Tnn hotol orcieitTi.
WDCN, Chleaoo. HI (200), 7-8 p. m„ cliuln! pro gram, Heart -not buck Y. M. C. A., Krr.1 Urlcv,. Iiarllonn; Alliirt HurnnClit. I.oy il„ Until; J|r», Mini
TaiJur lie 1 y, loprino: Kd Ronnny, hoy tuprinn
l.ni:li'tt.-„l Kalralloii Army (land; H-fl, Amln r Kurnllur, roimianv; IIith.t Wrilln-rc i.-nor; flarry Dnrli. hirl ton, ■. Ml,|.i,i> clnr.l.n' otrlmilra ; (imriio IXill. Iiarllorlo lluiolil .iMiMrim. Ml,i|>h(,n1n<: llor-ii.i. 'IVrincy, t.lnn: »In|!ct; II in, l:niil(nvunil Orxrlind nompany; BouLh
'"«" "" I/.T., l.in.|o"."id alrlrnr Quintet: Lei
Cameron, trnor; .tack 1-nrknr, Iriior; Harry J. Wold, '"10:15, MliUvay Oardoni
Uer«on, pailur; 8, MlnucaimlU iliidlrl opining, Nloollat WDAF, Knntm City, Mo. (30S.8). 8-7 p. m., addreia.
M.i'Hl.cT, „(( ,,(, II. Mill, CTIirlullloll ,,,-:., I „l I, HI ; H,l
'lr. ... m.i'iikcr, M.,,1 1',, nucll ,,! 1;, ,.,(,, k„il,ii. flu
'in,. Ton m ii itarj i.'.iv; TrimiTi eniombli; 8-0:15, WEBH? ChlMw,''lTr '(370,2). 7-8 p. ro., Orlolo orchoi
tra: hixihN nf ll v, l.r.wrllvn .Ion.'-; UIvI.t,, IIoaI.t:
11 in (ulolo rir.-li.itrn; i.lk, M. w K/i-mrir/k ; Unmlnn
)l'oHo .11; M.ul TK, 1 1, r ; Frnlrrlrk Anord, l^nor:
l.nni-.lon llr..lt,,r.
WEMC. B-rrlfin 8prlngi Ml«h. (28B.B), 8:16 D, a., pro
WtlN. 'Ch'lir.oo, "ill. (S70.S).' B p, m., oraan reriui :
H.:tit-i, itlnniT .-..nrrrl, 1>,.,I ,„ , r. rn-rmhlo. Black
• trine siring <|iiln(M; H H, rlnitl, d| ...nrrrl; 1(1-11. Don
Ilrslor Drake danee nrrlirnitra WHA. Mfirlhon. Wli. (535,4). 9 p. m., !,. U Iltla. ...P.1*"1"! Pr"r r"u h'Tlr-U-li, ,|..ll„li.l WHA8, Loulivllle, Kv. (.lim.H). 7 :mn „, m.. eonwrt,
Tr-mloal H.ivnll.n irilel; chaplcr of 'Hilly nnd Jane"
ntnrlen. ,Tnmr» Hporil. WHO. Dai Molnii. la
ntiithrfl orehtiira: 7.....T. , i
Cnwprr; 8:3(1-11:30, Tlr>. Mnlnci (hraler aymphonlr nrr-lic.tra. Prof. I.mn M.,-l,oiT, .llrcrlor: 8:*5-ll, n»iikrir> I.tto Itiillo orrhmilra, William L. Marih dlrutor. WLW, Qlndnnall. Qhla (4S2.S). 8 p. m., dlnnor hnur
mncert, Hplln-kv 1n.tr nlal nulnlcl ; 8. MllnOT In
-Irnni.Tiln! III..; CIHT,.r.l l.niur. pliinl-l : * "». mnrrrt.
HmiiIIioiiii, I'nir.'. , .,1, ,1 , Ir, 1,1 ,1 Irl..; II.,'
mlnuiP talk, "National Thrift," Harry J. Plncitedt;
0, mncrrt pfourniu. rorni1c-.il Innilallon B.mivmv : Walter Btlicracf. planlxt. and Initrumontal quartet;
WMAQ. Chlcaoo, III. (447.3). 11 n m., Inaugural.
NorllniPilrrn ilnlicrrilr pi aver". WOC. Davenport, la. (481.8),
m.. landman's
Part« tio I Fk
ur. al.-.,K 1i,i,,nl,„rl .,,,1 Vlrlnltv " It I.. Haclcll.; 0. Frrwtn Swindell, orrenlit: Frank Wr-tnter, tenor.
WQJ, Chlraoe. III. (447,5), 7 -H p m, dinner concert.
»:il(.ti Willi,,,,. I t,|. ii,,!,,!,,, i!„.| T.li.-.ir.,;
-■■■Tin H 11,11,1,111 ,lr , n-n.l.T: Carolvrt M.-hnvler. Iilnnlil; .1,,. ,.,,(, M.M,,,,,,,. |,lir||nne: 10 1, Knlnti Williams an. I hi-; ll'ilnl.u Sli.-I.irki Merrle ll.iv.l Mlr.Ii.ll.
"opruin.; I, ■ Mil, loll, lurltom,; It.-v l.'i.rl Sli»ot,i«
ikl, planlit; Alfri',1 T.i.M.I tiarn Ir.i eololit: Melod
lana. I.aurle, r.l.lle Ilrimle: CMr.-n.-o Tlieclera, tenor; (lecirne A l.liil I, urn Mhav; 1 :'. Hoiiv Toliy linur. Halnh William., (llco-.-r Man l.lirle Wkvlarka.
W9B. Atlanta. Oa. (47B.31. 6-0 P m . (he neorelan ..rrheitra: Bonnie ttarnli«rilt'» »..nm and hnlllme notv: 10:45. eonceri. the WbtMn I Dkl.ton of the AHanta riiamher of Cnmnirrcc
WTAV. Oak Park, ill, (750). tvsn T nn r m. elai.leal
F\ K, 'n«tha»-v '. inii,'ii .■':'" Xdl ll« MM Ualnairav' vlollnlut: OU.ln Oal* Panlelinn, planlil ; 0-10. Ilarmniiy Klnai, F Zlramba. mnewtlna nolniit : Baillft Ace talk ; A It tliirknrr. ' memory eipert ; Took Sl.iera; Melody Clrla: 13-13:30. Parthenon ortan
Mountain Time Station!
KOA, Denvar, Colo. (322.4). 9 p. m.. TrtA ftehmllt
*n.| hi. 111,11.. ilu'iier or.-he.lra: Mil, ttudlo cin.-rrt,
I'.n'.r I'omemlori Of Muile, Paul Clarke StaufTer.
rtlrerior; Mr; FMtvIn () Kue. Erie E, Faher. Thnnni
Klnc. W..1 Clarke StaufTer. Klhel Worth Dliell ;
Jane Blnkley, ,.i ,„m KOB. State Cnlle0». N M. (148,01. T:S0-«:30 P. to.
in i.iii.iiIo rial Code .-nine I.e-vm No. fl, Dean B. W.
Pacific Time Stations KFI. Lm Aneelei. Calif. (407). 0:45-7 p. m.. editorial
' -Ik ; r , 'in. M.-k II .,i> . .!.■(.■. in., itorle-i of true
10 PTOIW&i (lotnlwln. Kllnrer and Itarkay;
H Kieiiln.: ll.r.l.l ,l.,n.> or.-he-lra; Hill r.imln.r. ...l-.ii. n'hl. Wampu. Clul. mo.le procrim : 10-11. lUtok-Uuib OaOM wchmra. Bttlj 1'ilrUk. bluti
hd$X to Popular and Classical Concerts
TrVBUI ATED below i> a time tabic oJ tl concerts tliis wteh 1 'In cone
. [loan arc given in the
wld Elliott Martin la the chairman of the oonunlttee for the California State Department of Education, which has oreated a new 'way to teach geography by Radio. DesBons are broadcast every Monday morning by KOO, Oakland. Michael tambortl (rlg-ht) is the wellknown concert cellist who will play Saturday nifht at WAHG.
KF0A, Senttlr.
Mc 1'lior iti iij'iior ; Brriii-7 :30. cltllflrcn'a hour,
senllne little Mary EUr.sbetn and Helen Edivlna nnKhri. Mra. Rrne. pianist. KHI, Lot Anooltii, Calif. (404.1). 12:30-1:30
Simla Monlrn Ailih-ik rim. on-hMtra; 2:30-3:5 In.,, mir ili ,i|.-, l'.n-l Hi Slates P.lcclrlc r Art nickmnn'a Illllmnre hotol < ward Fllziuitrir.k. rllrcrlor; C:.i0-7
Svlvoler HiTlwiK, Utile stories
Dirk Wlml.nv. Invrnlle rc-iiort.T, Undo John: Dnlvrrnttv of Soiilli.rn r,ill(.,rnl;i j 1 .-.-. club: H-f
Tlr. Mnr. It -unli, ,l.ni(Ho ln-iun-r; 8:30-10,
BTam, Wnlern Vnto Sn,-.|.|y , .,iun..iiv, ^rr.-uo'.-l l> II, muni I, , I, „■,...: mil, Kurl Burlnolt'f Blllmoro I riant
KLX, Oakland. Calif. (509.9), (
8-10, American th
ballroom. KNX, Hollywood,_Collf. (337). G:45-fl:15 1
■l Inl
....rlft».er attidlo: fi : 1 fl T . dlnne.
rrvu-lr; T-8, Amhnnador hotel concert orchoitra, Josef Itoscnfeld. .llrecior; 8-9, riroerinn. fuel tie Aulcimnilvt i^rvln-, l„„,„|, ;,..( I,..,,, \inl.;. .olnr l,..l.-l, 0-111. KNTi fenliiro procrnin; |fi l',1, Hollvivonillnnd dance orchestra. KP0. San Frantlteo, Calif. (439.5). 4:SO-E:30 p. m..
rtinlv Hol.-ir'n Kiitnii.inr !n.|el nr. hi-Urn : r, -\W\ -11 -.'III. HIi:
Brother of Kl'O; 7-7 ,'in. mulv w.-luer's Fairmont
(■■M. (il-.nl T ;'ol,l IliIIi,,]'. Km.'lln' K'Tiv'nn K.um-. (irnnu: "llnmonro of Golrt." PrnT. Frank T. Orecli; program, management of Rulh Mar Friend.
Thursday, March 5
Thursday, sllont nloht for: CHNC, KFAE, KFDM,
'' Torli'c
CFCA. Torento. Can. (3S6). 11:30 i
KDKA. Eatt Pltliburoh. Pa. (309.1). 0:15 v. m„ dinner "., Ormnlv'n on-lieitrn; 7 :.'tu. clillilren'a period : (ram. National Stockman and Farmer studio; concert; 11, concert. Plttitiurgh Post studio. WBBR. Now York. N. Y. (272.6). 9:10 p. m.. Tllchard Fr.inklln. plonlM : 0 J'.. Hawaiian Quintet; 9:3S. Sunday school le....n. S U. Van Slpms; 9:33. Hawillan milnlct: 10:10. piano solos. WCAE. Pittsburgh. Pa. (481.3). 6:30 p. m.. dinner concert, Wllllim P on lioi.l; 7 Sit. \Tnr1e Kayhee; 7-41. special feature; S. Moores' fufctcrla Wceklv Rs.lln review. F T Mraret. manager ; 9, eonceri, Aln-Bler Kent nadlo artists WCAU. Philadelphia. Pa. (278). 1:30 p nu, concert:
Nni'llcnbiin: -i l.ony or,-l,, ,lr,i ; SlIO. Islk; 8:15, T0
cllat: S III. -Wlinl We Pee iin.i Hear In Mu I. '' Maude Han«on rcfllt ; 0, Paul Sm. in ami hi* .linrf orrne.lr.i; Id. I.,U .,n Ihe ni'» I"Vi ln.l-',: -■ : H> '.'«. Paul Succhl nn.1 hid .lum-e orchestra.
WCX. Detroit. Mich (SI6). 4;1% p m. musical proeram: «. ,1lnn.-r cruvrt. R.^k-rndllUe hotel
WEAF. New Yerk. N. Y. (491.51. 41:15 p. m . Helen nhcrman fine mnirallo; (J-7. dinner niu.lr. W.U.IorfAilnrU hold: 7-7 SO, .enlec, Fclnratlon of rhurches; 7:30-7:45, *rl tslk : T:4V7'55. Juroc, K, Phllllpv h»s»o: S-8;50. leeturo course. r.,Iumlila tinlTcnliv8:30-0, Psrksrd Motor r.riir-sriv ; 0-10, Atirater Kent
M fi. mring cmr-inr: 10-1(1:15, VIUH Knret*k>-,
lliM-lr.il Ini.r. in |-, n Uii'-lin in frnl.l..: 11-12 Vincent I-nr-n and til, Ili.l.l PenrnvtisnU orrheitra.
WEAR. ClavrUiui. oi.i,. ii-;.i,», r-8 p ro.. Vlnwnt H.
Perccr. ores
nlst ; S in WV'\K HMCT«m,
iVEEI. BesUi
Mess (475, SI. 7 1 -, ,. i„ . .port talk.
Wlliism E,
sr ^r'C 7"
k program; S W, muitcale; 9. Alaratfr
WFI. Philadelphia. Pa. (3*4.5). I p. a .. U*jw Pa*ls Oaltaiua Stratford coocart crctraUa; S, SoiuawlTts'
9. Ati
WGBS. Now York. N. Y. (315.6). 3
view, Vlm-iTil lliptianls. Ic-nnli i,liir; :MU-:t^li, Funnlr t'oiilfrohn, Ki-ipr.ino; ,': :"u..'i -in. talk on Graphology. I.uulsn' Hh.-: :i:lii-.1:r,ii, "S.,|.-siii;ii,,iil„ f,,r Women " Ben J. Sivcelhiml; :i:.'n-l, F.innlo c ',,,ilfrohn : fi-fi::iri. t'nelo Oecbce: 7 :)0->i;.'lii. Armund V.-osey'n orc-henm ;Carlton hotel; 8:30-0, play and book
l\.oilli:ln nn.J Llipiii'IIhIh," Olirer Saylprogram. Plcadlll. MiiuIct; 11-11:30, "T.. e"; 11:30-1 a. m., program, Busslan Eagh
WGY. Schenectady. N. Y. (379.5), 0:30 p. m., dinner music. Hotel Ten Ejck orche-trn: 7 :.in, talk on new books. William F. Jacob; 7:45, WOV orchestru; Amerlcnn Irlo: Edward A. Bice, violinist; 8:15. drnmn. "The Turning Point." WOV pliiyers; llM'i, Stephen B. Bolsclalr, organist.
WHN, Now York. N. Y. (360). 13:30-1 p. m„ Chas. ^tri.klnpi.l'i Pnlals D'Or orrlicitra; 0'30-7. ylolln solos. Olcolt Vail; 7-7:30. Harry Ro<o nnd his Slltcr
Landts: 8:30-9, Everglades
>l , 1. - M i i.i rir... F-.l.ri
i :35.
Fabric corporation: 9 :H5in ::.:.. ..ir.i.n; c.;iiir,-,,tii orrhfslra : 11-11 HO. Connie's : 11:30-12, Lou Holti and his Wigwam Club
WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (508.5), 4 p. m,, Income lax
Ulk; I. '15. \V, Irrlnc OihhtiIioIih enrncrt crc]ir;l.r;i ; .. I'lulo Hip-. in,,),-, jtcrli--.; talk, auspices Board
of r:.lu,.ll|,,|-i; Plll|-|..l,||,li|-, I...U,-.,, I,;,,,..!; S:.^,. Hoy
Smut talk; play hy play, Diirtiiidiith-Penn tinPiketliBll game; 11. Harvey Marburcer and his Vaudeville dance
Poril oi
'IY. New York, N. Y. (405.2). 0:45-10 p. m.. Robert
,';'";, '"r" ': R Kl"' "-■mpnnl-t.
flZ. New York. N. Y. (4551. 1 ir,-l:W p. m.. Henry
l.'lr.-lra. pl.inl.t; 4 -iO", :;c.i. P.. i nJi.ir.l I,i-ri1oW« Hotel tnmmodoro te.i orcliesira; 7-7 '.'.. llrrnhurd Lorilow's Id, I el Po mm.. .lore orrhi";lr;i : 7 55-S:2fi. "MatrlnB a Maer.ln.-," lolm B, K..i,i,.h ,,f rolllrrs: S :25-S :tr., 'Nci-ro Spirit, nil-," M.ir.h.ll llnr-l,,.],., ,,,-u-: 0-0:11, in.[.lr.iilon.,1 (nlk, Clyrle Monro,-; 111:11-10:50. Emma . ,.bh..l1t rnntrulto; 1 1 : 1 ■", ■ 1 .' 1,1,, Sleek, aongJ.
~ R (340.7). 7:30-9 p. m., concert.
WKAQ. San ....
La Cafeteria. WLIT. Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5). 11:45 a. m.. dally
almanac; 1!:02 p. m., Kinnl-v Hi.mi.t orcan reclUI;
Arcadia cafo coneerl orrhcMra; l.enten jervlre«: J.
Arcadia cafe concert orrl»-«ira; t in. Mrm.-ll.i Nnrtli,
Planlsl: 7:30, Dream Daddv't tie.lMmc stories. WMAK. Lockoort. N. Y. (205.51, i: n.l.lnkht. Murray
Whlteman's mldnlcht scrennders WNYC. New York. N, Y. (53(71. 7:35-8 -10 p. ra.. dance
proeram. Inlne Bloom and Huh Toklo orchestra:
8:30-9. vocal and Instrumental proenra. WOO. Phlladolphla. Pa. (508,5). 4:45 p. m.. organ
recital. Mary E Vout, WOP.. Newark. N. J. (405.J). 8:15-7:15. Jimmy Lenfs
Central Time Stations
KFKU. Lawrence Kai
.__ -Lead." Prof, n. Kinney: 7 15, Education*! Psychology. TT. Dean R A. Schnegler KFKX, Hutlngs. Nebr. (3BB.3). O.tO-lloO p, m., procram, n.-.in Charles H. Amadeon. director. KFMQ. Fayettcvlllc. Ark. (799,5). 7:50 p. m.. "How Arl! sum Bona* E»L Their Heads OIT." V 1' M Kalr: The Student Y. W C A In 1915," Helen Baltrlrk: "BiHJ Dairyman a Bacteriologist." W. I. Bleerker: "WTul Ptmjents of Meehanlnl Englnecrlnir Leam at CMIefe." P. A. (\nhmin. KFNF. thtaandaan, la. (260). C.30 p. m , co««rt. Earl Lootoli inj Ualixtr Boj-i
(Catrd Time)
Saloriv. ffbruary 28: 8:10, Wto:U30. Wgy;9. r'kie. Eea. *l.cn. Webh : 9:30, OolWi: 10. Kgo. Kg*, Ko«, yVbert, Wcco. Weaf, ffb» Wgn. WoJ: 10:11. ma: 10:50. Whn:
11. Kos. Woaw, Woe; il^S. Wao: 12. KhJ. Km.Kra.'ialll.Kyw.
MMdiy, ajarth 2: 8. w«f. ff*i: 9. Kpo: <1:J0, Kill, |KU. Wahg. \V«»f: I*. «1»t Ego, Kihi. ffa* WqJ; 1030, Woaw; ■'• WlQe: l2> KpO. — ;
To«,«>Kh3:8dO, Wdwf, "»\ B« SP°. Webh.Ka*Whn.Wo.w; gjO, Caat; l0 Wlicn, wen, w^: ttl:30, Wo*": «Tin: II JO. Who. it K*" KhJKm. Kp*1rb»p;l. Kax.
Wtdnaito. Marth 4: 8, WMl. I* When; 9,
Kfmo. »* p,'"lh Ww' : 9-jO. W.J-M. Who: ,n. Kir fflf. Wen, Wlta. ffU:l":». rtar
wu: "■ Tr,,h mn;
12, Kr«. ■). Km.
i S: i
Kg*. «* *"•
Fri** *'!h Wed *■ * "h: Who:**;10. wi* * \ ..... «(•• II.
Wha! »*: ,: KM
WBApT'Fort Worth. Tex. (475.9). 7:30-8:30 p. m., rt, Teia? Chrhtlan unlrertlty. Prot. H. D. Ouedlrector; 9:30-10:45, arlliti, Thorpe Spring Chrlicollege.
WBCN. Chicago. III. (2861. 7-8 p. m., Chlcaio mlied cnmin-t; Il.l.ri Iniln. i-lanltt: J. Fortiei. tenor: l-;vrhn Kruutm. soprani; 0-13, Elmer Jordan * company Jamboree; Midway Gardriu orehealra: Ulk, I liior Jordan; Larry Iwicr. Icnor; Ann VMlil.no.
riino; Florence Knulninn. ioiirunn; M rtilllli-.
Iciuir; A Kin Fry. tt-nnr: l-n»ls ClirK. tMi-.r; Mod o Mi-I'liiill. |.l.ml:l: K ilp.li Norrl ., pl.uil .1 : Hill. Illr ■ Ii ,\ ilnniv ■ Tin Thrr. .Mm'-., I, , r ;: i'ui.hil.1 ■>■ SI !■' .
Caioy i; Oen'als; > !•' l-cVelle. ,,i|,r.,n.; l.MI
Shi'iiard. .„rir.Tlln,. ioImUi ; Dorothy Lllrhllcld. whhU.-r. 12-1. Ann William'. «oprjno; Alrtn Fry. t-T-,.,r. i.tnM.dlla LaVelle. foorano: KLlih N..rri.. plinllt; "BlE Boy" T»eleCBO. Zlon. III. (344.6), 8 p. m.. Hn. H I UtfOeid. aoprano: Mr*. Mayfleld, Mra. Paa*»en. eODIUlO,
ir.ilio; Ml'. Wir.dle. Mr. Held, conlnlto an.)
I, nil. „■,..; At,i:,n,i,r Ii.-l'i-w, llull.-I; mini»l .l>' ■■ ■• IMih Pi-trle. plunl-.t; Ituih H.-rm, read*
WCCO. Minne^oell; •>!. Po'l. M Inn.' (418.4). 5:30 .p.iMr.o': hour. Mm. Walter SteTens: 7-10, n pniKram. New York.
WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (385.6), 0-7 P. m., piano
1ni--ln niimticr cm the Dun -Art; ■'■-■ "■ I1" ■' "
,. ,.|.| .1 .1 ■ , ! . I ■ ;l '-!■ : ' 'I--!
T.nlv: Trunin cnsemldr; 11:15-1, Nl«l "^ fr..1 .-.
Planlatlon pbyt-r?: I ddle Kuhn'i Kansai City Athletic
WEBH. Chltaae. 111. (S70.2). 7-8 P. DL, OrlnU orehei
lr,,: Florenen FllnlOeld Rl.lera rl.. Hrr; '■ '■■ cheilra; lielle Forhci rutter. ...pnoi; Howard Ntumlller. accompanlut; John Stamford. '"'■", ",!; Oriole orchestra; sonsi. Bankl Kennedy. De*n RemlcK. pianist; Loos brothers. WEBW. Belolt. Wli. (26«l. SO n m . hand confert. ciurmct, T"ral nolo,. F.lrl.-nlri Mor>e eoronpinr
WGN. Chlcaoo. III. (370,21. c ,, r„ , ontaa recital, Lyon & HcJly; 8^0-T, i
fHAS. LouUvllle. Ky. (3fl9.8). 7 30-9 & ra. conce
rHt\ DM MoIom! la. (520). U-U midnight. U
1... l-h .in. I hl« SWrniiler*. aw. Cincinnati. Ohio (422.!!). 4
Madame Ida Tclmpldli;
Px-ulon Play; 10,
lellrua? Initmmen'il ■
Ice Departmtnt of t'nlted
*n program. Cbepat ■ orchestra, male fluart't ; Larry Grueler, p tano accord tan
Ihe D.-ihertT Melody Bot«
WMAQ. Chicane. III. (447.S), « P ».. Oilr«" '"'V' nrean recital; 6:«S. n-tel L*B»lle orc^e.iri. « ■" Daddj: S. sarden talH. J.me. H Rur.Ietl: »!•. • " Sn'.ut pmcram: 8 3n. F J Brtdeman: 8 •o. ' n1"'"'. of Clileago lectur*: »:1S. fkoteh protram. U OW
WMC. Memohls. Ttfln. (*M.7), "30 p. ta.. ortan ra elui, Harrr O. NI*M«_
W0A1. San Atrtanla. T««i 4S»4.5». ' 10 „rrrhm„r,
WOAW. Omaha. Sfftr. (MB. « J ,m''K-'".7r.™i' ■Vis hoof. Gnc fcranaon: * ». to h# •wf0^;
C IS. Randill's Royal F«nt«iell' rlTn' ,, *n >r»ni (ram. Maj Seed ar.l Nur.M ,. m,.,r.T , I" M. Fran* W. Henlek. Jr.. irvl hi f ™..™
i uavinpan, la. («*a.or. ' * . t;. i-.-i,ir. hntet WKAF: 1L Lranlj J^f.' ^.i™ *^rul
lool laaioo. B J
lit;' Margaret Uartly.
Pacific Tii
i.,n i.'i ii 'if lion Ton orchci(/a; J /!•: 7 30-8, Foothill Four Siand.rd Oil company
ovi. q:ou-i:du p. '» ■ ii",""i
reader; Dorothy Molina, planStation!
m. Madelyn Hi KFOA. Seattle. Wa.h. (4SS).
.',l|f.>rr,1i pruenllnit ■ p.-.l trio, I Viiniin-r popular ".-uv
: . ■
■ i; i: r
■ ■ .. l.cnMr.l Hatch, I'Unli recital. Itiitier Frleke (lreen KOO, Oakland. Calif. (S8M, n p^n.. ,fri^|"'1^.Wll> Noreftl ' eu. WIUiMB l i
„.„■ aod SI. I .. planlal; 10-1, dinco minlc. limn
KHJ"/ Lo« AooalM. Calif. (404,1). Hj»*-li*> *J£2 I^iew'a Stale Thealer program: ■Hft'StH. n'»1,n"
mmlrale, Pa.llle H1aie« feloeUle company ; 0 ■>■ ' ■■'! A
III : : ,. Ii'
in 7 no. Prof ",^rr,.")'ln''r' nrrtiopi. Ilttla itorlea American hlitofT. nirale liranmmld Pwirii. talk on "Art:" T :!'.. Or, Philip M. Ifliell. ■T.re or Im.1t:" ?10. program by *"1"\ wood't. atraneed: by 1 Howard Johnaon; 10-11. F^rl BurtneU's Blither* h -'el d.nea oretia.lra HIS. Lea Aatalaa. Calif. (191), lecture and muile.i |
uered and clait
KNX. H»lly*aed. Calif. (SSTl^tW . RTfX raatun
KPO."s»n Trinaltee. Callt. (4».5). laaV-MfJ »
Kii't. S Ire-'. Ftlrr ' nt I...UI ,r,|„..r>: '. 'OH 10 111;
— .-ra: 9-9. Theodore J Ir"lfl. organlr i.i.e. Hirleon. t.arlione aelolrt : 0-10. proerarn V R.nint. tmor, dlrutor; 10-11. Om. Ji-tim TO li ■ --, Burl UtfJMUL
Friday, March 6
word. Batada.
: 3, ■
Eaatrrn Time Station* KDKA. Ea.t Plmborth. fa. (Ktt.l). till j
WBAV.' C*4.*itaa. O.le imil. ■ P •■ ,.■._-! in B-t — 1-1 • CUnMaaal MM (ContlDuax) on p*«« 14)
oomplctc programs
ton. By 11 ■■:'.
aiU5 below, lull iiuoniunon will bfl obtftiaetl
Eatlern Time Sutione S"vturd«y. r«bni»r» 38: 0:35. B 7:30. \\ll\ \\ \\ .\ B, Wl-'l, 8:80, CKAC, WHN. 10. WOK. 11:13, WHN. Saudi*;/, March 1: 7:20. \\ BKI; 7i30, 11:30, V7HN; u. wilN
Monday. March 2: 0;«. VTOY. 7:1S. WHN. 8. " 1 ,., maK.
a: JO. .VAHO, VVKAJ 9:*5, \\ All.;, \\ UN. WOR; 10, -. WHN Tueaday. March 3: 7:30, WKIU; 7:35. W NYC; Tr4H», W ||: i, L
10, W UN, 11, \\ ii
Wedniidiy, March 4 1 7,
Thunday, March 8: 0:3O. B
WHN; 7:30. W K KQ, 7:4S. v.
WHN, t:SO. I. WHN. Ili30, WHN, 11:45. WJfJ; 10, \\ M \K
Trlday, March 0: 7. 7:45. w . BlSO,
U I :i: I -. '.\ \\ |, , ... WGY; 3:30, WI.IT, 10:30, 10:3O. U. WHN, IB,
\\ 1 1 N
Centra) Time Stations Saturday, Tebrnary 98 1 0, ^
7. W IICN', 7:30, \VI.S. fl, WBCN. W M v.' W c IS; 0, " 9:15, WS\1, lo, wl'.fN. 10:30, 10'.4B, WSI1. 11, W WQJ; u ISO, WQJ; lli«S, rt i Kvw, WBCN, ■-'■
Sttnilny, March 1) 7, WBBHl B. BCN; 9:30, Wl'A \. 11, WBAP
Tueaday. March 3: 0:30,
w «> \w, hi. w [ION. W
Wednesday . March 4; 7 WHO: U, v.
KYW , ll. \\ !■ ill, U, \' ■
Tharaday, March 5: fl M.
„.f^»y. March .
19:80, v
Mountain Time Station!
Monday. March 3: it. . Tuesday. March 3: 7:45, CPAC Wadnaaday, March 4: S, rrlday, March 0, 0. i
Pacific Time Slatione Saturday, rebmary Uii
Sunday, March ll 7, Kl'l; 0. KNX Monday, March
Wadnae-day, Mat. KNX, 8:3u,
F.aitrrn Time Stations
Saturday, rabrtiary 98: 0,
i W K.\l>', Willi, Wi lit; 0:30, ■ Win*. 7:05, W.IAK. 7:30, CKAC, WB2j 8, Wi'll, 0:16, Wit/.. WII1, WJZ, WRC; 8:30, i PWX, WBZ, WCAEJ. WWJ: StSO, W'KAi , 0:18,
WIP; 9:45, W.IKS; 10, WKZ, V. WHN. WJZ: 10:30. WII/,. 11:15, WII*. WH'\ 19. W
Sunday, Maroh 1: 0:30, i ■■ 8:30, Wl'AK, WJZ. 8:45, WQT; »,
■ ■ 9:90, WNVi-. 10, WHN.lOlOO, '■'
Monday, March 9: 0, 6:30, WHN; 7. 7:30.
WOO; li, w
8:«, W.IZ, 8:45, v. 9, WVAK, WHY; 10. WAIUI: 10l03, , ■ .
Tuaiday, March 3: 6, 0:15. WOR: 0:30, W WEAK: 7:30, WBAP, Wi !AU: b. KFiK A I. WWJ. 8il5.
8138, WJZ. 8:40, WCAU. f». > ■ ■
■ . WQT, WRC; 10:15, WJY; 11. KI»KA; 11:15, \.
Wadntaday, March 4: 8, WWJ; 8:15, Wi Hi, 0:30, WHN; 7, WKAQ. WRC; 7:30,
8:15, w 8:30, I
WBAO; 8:45, W. Al . 9, WJZ; 10l05,
. 10:15, WJZ
Thunday, Maroh 6: 8. WWJ; 8:30,
WHN; 7:30. WCAU; 7:45, WIIAK, 8,
AT9 * ' a,ls«
8:30. CKAC. KDKA.
1 I. 8:48,
W'iv; 10:16, WNYC: lit KDKA; Ufa*
rrlday. March 8: «, WKAK, WWl; 8:30, WCAK -: ■ W<!y\
WJZ; 7:45. WEAF 8. WAflO,
WWJ; 8:30. i I ffOAB WIY WNYC; 9:30, WRi;i, f:45, WJY; 10:03, WOO.
Central Time Stations Satnrday. rabraary 38: 8, WBCN, WON WfW. 6:15, WTAV. 8:30. KFN1
T. K' < TO. tt'llAH .8.
.15. KYW. 11:30, KTW; 13, WCAL
Sunday. March 1: «30. KYW. WMCN WI.H TaflO. WBAP: T:BO. WORP: 8. WCBP 8:30. KTIIH. WI.W.
Monday, March 9: 8,
W"\W , ii i
7:30 w H.i, 7:45, ■■
WI'AA, WMC I Tuaaday, Mu.
. 0195,
■ ■
0:45; KYW'. 0:50, WOl
■ ■ W DAP; lo, v\ i . Wcdnaaday, March 4: a,
\\. . i i, wi
8:30, WHO
WIAV . 9:30. WI1AP; I0:4f), \\ ■ ■
Thuraday, March 6: 0, WON,
Ul.W, \\
7, WI
■>. I
■ 0
rrlday, March 8: 0. \V
. WSH; 8:3<j, WMAQ; 9:
Mountain Time Stations Wadnaiday, March 4: ", Thuraday, Mrrch Si 8, «'\ rrlday, March ll T, CI
Pacific Tim* Station. Saturday, rabruary 98i 8, KIM;
khj. 9, i
Sunday, March 1 : 8,
■ Monday, March 2:0, i
■ Tnaiday, March ll 1,1
Thuraday, March 5: 8.
riiday. March 6