Radio Digest (Apr 1925-Jan 1926)

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April 25, 1925 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated ITALIAN ARTISTS AT WGBS SUNDAY Sunday, April 26 (Continued from page 8) 9:30, Germantown theater orchestra; Karl Bonawltz, organist. WJAR. Providence, R. I. (305.9). 7:20-9:15 p. m.. Boxy and his Gang; 9:15-10:15. organ recital from New York. WJ2, New York, N. Y. (454.3), 9-10 a. m., children's hour: 11-12, church services; 2:30-3 p. m.. Radio Bible class; 3:30-4:30, Zelesto Musical society; 7-8. Nathan Abas' Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra; 8-8:30. Evelyn J. Baker, mezzo; Wyoneta Cleveland, pianist, with violin obligate Edward Bandel; 8:30-8:45, Westell Gordon. tenor, with cello; 10-10:15, Godfrey Ludlow, violinist. VVKAQ, San Juan, P. R. (340.7), 8-10 p. m„ Municipal band. editorial staff of Sunday school publications, Methodist Book concern; 11, services. Church of Covenant, Dr. Frank Stevenson; 7:30 p. m., services. First Presbyterian church of Walnut Hills, Dr. Frederick McMillan, minister; 8:30. Western and Southern orchestra, William Kopp, director; Slim Bryant, basso. WMAK, Loekport. N. Y. (265.5), 10:25 a. m.. Fkst Presbyterian church. WORD. Batavia, III. (275), 9:45-11 a. m.. sacred songs; Bible lecture, B. F. Hollister; 6:45-8. I. B. S. A. choral singers; Bible lecture, L. M. Smith; Howard Hanks, pianist; Phyllis Burton, violinist. WQJ, Chicago, III. (447.5), 10:30 a. m., services, People's church; 3-4 p. m., special concert program; 8-10, Rainbo Garden orchestra; Walter Bretall. tenor; Herman Techantine, baritone; Everett G. Mitchell, baritone; Lucille Mathews, violinist; Gertrude Mathews, accompanist; Helen Protheroe AstelL soprano. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (285.5), 10 a. m.. Belfry Plymouth Congregational church 10:30, services, Plymouth Congregational church, Br. Edwin W. Bishop; 7:30 p. m., services, Central M. E. church, Rev. Mr. Frank 4:10 p. m.. House of Hope Presbyterian church; 7:45. Henepin Avenue M. E.' church; 9:15, Jeannette Murray, harpist; Olive Emerson, soprano; Maximilian Dick string chorus. WDA'F. Kansas City, Mo. (365.6), 4-5 p. m., program. Central college band; 5-5:30, Sunday school lesson. Dr. Walter L. Wilson. WEMC, Berrien Springs, Mich. (285.5). 11 a. m., chapel service. Homer Fellow, tenor; Rhea Yeager, cellist; sermon. Pastor W. R. French: 8:15, Radio Lighthouse choir. Prof. Louis P. Thorpe, violinist; Ernest Hurd, tenor; Mrs. Sydney Smith, soprano; sermon, John Knox. WFAA, Dallas. Texas (475.9), 5-6 p. m., vesper service. Westminister Presbyterian church; 6-7, Badio Bible class. Dr. William M. Anderson; 8-9, Central Congregational church; Mrs. LaBue Nelson, soloist; 9:30-11. Buddy's Blue Melody boys' orchestra. WHAS, Louisville. Ky. (399.8), 9:57 a. m.. organ music; 10. Calvary Episcopal church; 4 p. m., George Latimer, organist; 4:30. choral evensong service, Christ church cathedral; Ernest Arthur Simon, organist. WHB. Kansas City. Mo. (365.6), 9:45-10:45 a. m.. morning services. Linwood Boulevard Christian church; 8-9. Christian Science services; 9-10, Cottey college; 11:15-12, Moore, organist; 12-1 a. m.. Music masters, Gilbert Jaffy. WHO, Des Moines, Iowa (526), 11 a. m.. University Church of Christ; 4 p. m., music. Dean Holmes Cowper, director; 7:30-9. circus program, Kobyns Brothers circus, opera solos, band music, sea lion. WOAI, San Antonio, Texas (394.5). 11 a. m.. First WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (526). 1:30 p. m., matinee program. May Seed and Nursery company; 2:30, Presbyterian church: 6, Bible study hour, Mrs. Carl B. Gray; 9. musical chapel service. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (483.6), 8-8:30 p. m.. Christian Brotherhood of the Augustana college; sermon. Dr. Otto Bostrom; 9-11:30, Palmer Little Symphony, Erwln Swindell. WOI, Ames, Iowa. (270), 10:45 a. m., college chimes: 11, chapel service, Pres. Frank Olsen. Presbyterian church; 7:30, Central Christian church. Dr. Hugh McLellan, pastor; 9:30, "In a Persian Garden," WOAI entertainers. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (440.9). 7:30 p. m.. services. Evangelical church, Bev. E. W. Berlekamp, pastor. WSB. Atlanta, Ga. (428.3), 11 a. m.. First Presbyterian church service; 5-6, Buford Methodist church choir; 7:30, Wesley Memorial church service. WSUI, Iowa City. Iowa (483.6). 7 p. m., children's hour; 9. fatu/iar hymns, Welsh quartet. WTAS. Elgin, III. (302.8). 8-12 midnight, WTAS orchestra; Frank Morris, Fanny and Eddie Cavanaugn. Mountain Standard Time Stations CFAC. Calgary, Can, (430), 11 a. m., Knox Presbyterian church. Bev. George A. Dickson. KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4), 10:45 a. m.. Unity church services; 4 p. m., organ; 7:45 p. m.. Unity church. Pacific Standard Time Stations KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (468.5). 6:30-6:45 p. m.. MacDaniel's nightly doings; 6:45-7. musical appreciation Monday, April 27 Atlantic or Eastern Daylight Saving Time Stations Monday, silent night for: AT9, CHIC, CHYC, CKAC, CKY. KFMO., KFMX, KGW, KYW. WBAV, WBBM, WBCN, WCAU. WDWF, WEAO. WEBH, WEBJ, WGBS, WGN, WHAS, WJY, WKAQ, WLBL, WLS, WMAtt, WOC, WOAI, WQJ, WRC. WREO, WSAC. KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. (309.1), 6:15 p. m., KDKS Little Symphony orchestra; 7:30, Daddy Winkum and his magical rhyme machine; 8:15, address. University of Pittsburgh; 8:30, concert; 10:10, Bund light opera hour. WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y. (315.6) 8-8:15 p. m„ Clifford Kilby. banjoist; 8:15-8:35, Helen Krentzlln. soprano; 8:30-9, Synchrophase String trio; 9-9:15. popular songs. Harry Hadley, 9:15-9:30, Clifford Kilby; 9:30-9:55, Synchrophase String trio; 10:5011:30, Glenn C. Smith's Paramount orchestra; Marion Kearn, 6oprano; Michael J. Daly, tenor; 12-2 a. m., Adamo Symphonic concert orchestra. WBBR, New York, N. Y. (272.6), S p. m., Irene Kleinpeter. soprano; 8-10, vocal duets, Mrs. Klelnpeter, Fred Franz; 8:20. World News Digest; 8:40. Fred Franz, tenor; 8:50, vocal duets. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. (461.3), 6:30 p. m.. dinner concert, William Penn hotel; 7:30. Uncle Kaybee: 8:30. F. Robert Col, baritone; 9, A. & P. Gs'psy string ensemble; 11. flight of mythical dirigible. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (491.5), 6:45-7:45 a. m.. Metropolitan tower health drill; 4-4:10 p. m., Ophelia Crumm, contralto; 4:10-4:20, elementary French lesson William Doub-Kerr; 4:25-4:50, Sol Giskin. violinist, accompanied by Rose Goldfeather: 4:40-4:50, "Children's Verses," Joseph Osman Skinner; 6-7, dinner music. Waldorf-Astoria hotel; 7-7:15. Nancy McCord. soprano: 7:15-8:30, program, Mark Strand theater, direction of Joseph Plunkett: 8:30-8:45. George Hopkins, pianist; 8:45-9, health talk. Metropolitan Life Insurance company; 9-10, A. and P. Gypsies; 10-10:30. Blue Ribbon quartet; 10:30-11:30, Ben Bernie and his Hotel Roosevelt orchestra. WEEI, Boston, Mass. (476), 7:30 p. m., Dok-Elsenbourg and his Slnfonians ; 8, employees' orchestra, Lowell Electric Light company; 8:45, health talk, Metropolitan Life Insurance company; 9, A. & P. Gypsies: 10, Blue Ribbon quartet. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5), 1 p. m., Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; talk, Chauncey Shortlldge; 3:15, recital, Anna Gordon, Ethel Door McKlnley; 3:30, Nellie Armstrong, contralto: 4, Friends' Central school orchestra; 6:30, Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford concert orchestra; 7, bedtime stories. WGBS. New York. N. Y. (316.6), 10-10:30 a. m., "Timely Talks," "Terese;" 10:10-10:20, Crete Carton, soprano; 10:20-10:30. household talk. Prudence Penny; 10:30-10:40. Crete Carton; 10:40-10:50, perfume talk, Rosarlo Duprez; 10:50-11, Crete Carton; 1:30-1:35 p. m.. Scripture reading; 1:35-2, Emil Fanning, tenor; 3-3:10, interview with Mrs. Oren Root on "MayDay," Terese Rose Nagel: 3:10-3:20. operatic resume, Mildred Hartley; 3:20-3:30. graphology talk. Laura Rice: 3:30-3:40. Mildred Hartley; 3:40-3:50, adult blind aid reading; 3:50-4, Mildred Hartley; 6:6-30, Uncle Geebee; 6:30-6:35, last minute news, Chamber of Commerce. WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. (319). 2:30-4:30 p. m.. Buffalo Electric show musical program; 6-7:30, Rush Yates and his Terrace orchestra; 8:15-8:45, recital by Viola Cornell, soprano; 8:45-9, address by Byron J. Boyle, deputy water commissioner of Buffalo: 9-10, "Nu Tymers" orchestra, with violin and piano solos, directed by Erich Hechter; 10-11. program by Buffalo Concert Lyceum bureau, featuring Richard Miller, baritone: tho Colonial trio, tho Pilgrim quartet and the Erlenbach string quartet; 11-1 a. m., supper-danco music, Vincent Madame Geo French, fashion expert, was formerly the dressmaker of the Queen of Boumanla. She Is giving a series of talks Saturday mornings at Station WOBS, New York. WNYC. New York. N. Y. (526). 9-11 p. m.. Brooklyn Mark Strand theater program. Edward L. flyman, director. WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (508.2), 10:30 a. nv. services. Bethany temple, organ recital, Caroline F. QuIkk: sermon Rev. Gordon A. MacLennon; 2:30, Buncuui school exorcises. Bethany temple; 6:0.1. organ recital of sacred hymns, Clarence K. Bawdcn. Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Stations AT9. Fort Braoo, N. C. (435), « p. nv. Fifth Fiold Artillery band. CHYC. Montreal, Can. (410.7), 7 p. m., Douglas Methodist church. CKAC, Montreal, Can. (410.7), 4:30 p. m., studio concert. KYW, Chicago. III. (535.4). 11 a. m.. Central church service. Rev. Dr. F. F. Shannon, pastor; 4-5 p. m., studio concert; 7, Chicago Sunday evening club. Rev. Ashby Jones, speaker. PWX, Havana, Cuba (400). 8:30 p. m., Maria Conzalcz. soprano. WBBM, Chicago, III. (226), 8 p. nv. Crlllon orchestra: Nate Caldwell, .lorry Cromack, Dr. Long, Maurlco Silverman, Ned Santry. WBCN. Chicago. Ml. (266), 1-5 p. nv. Lain & Son classical concert: 5:50-6:50. vesper service. Emerald Avenuo Presbytorlan church, talk. Rev. Richard D. Hughes: 7-8. classical concert; 8-11, Will Newlan. saxophonist: Henry Vocke. tenor: Midway orchostra. WCX. Detroit. Mich. (516.9). 7:15 p. m.. services. Central Methodist Episcopal church. WEBH. Chicago. III. (370.2), 5-6 p. m.. twilight touslcale; 7-9, artists program. WGN, Chicago, III. (370.2), 2 p. m.. organ recital. Lyon & Healy: 2:30, Carson Plrlo Scott chorus; 3:30. Chicago Musical college; 9-10. Drako concert onsomblo. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5). 9:30 a. m.. services. First Baptist church; 2:35 p. m.. WGY Symphony orchestra; 6:30. First Baptist church: 7:45. Hotel Commodoro orchestra; 9. Oodfrey Ludlow, violinist. WJJD, Mooseheart. III. (302.8). 7:15 a. nv. Catholic; 9:40-10:15, Protestant services; 3-4 p. nv, concert: l'.'-2 a. ni.. Rendezvous cafe. WL8. Chicago. III. (344.6). 6:30 p. nv. Ralph Emerson, organist; 7-7:53. WLS Little Brown church: Apollo quartet. WLW. Cincinnati. Ohio (422.3). 0:30 a. u>., school. Orvllle A. Andrews, Jr., is the "Bulck Warhler" at KFAB, Lincoln, Nob. He may he heard Monday, April 27. O. Franklin Roberts, baritone (right), will take part In the program given by the University of California Glee club Saturday, April 25, at Station KGO, Oakland. Klngdon, pastor; John George director of community •: w. James Tlllltson. organist. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (352.7). 11 a. m., services. St. Paul's Episcopal cathedral; 2 p. nv. Detroit News orchestra; Charles A. Payne, speaker: 7:20. Boxy and his gang; 9:15, organ recital. Central Standard Time Stations CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (384.4). 7 p. m.. First Baptist rhurrh KFAB, Lincoln, Nebr. (240), 1 p. m. , church service KFDM, Beaumont, Texas (3I5.6), 9:30 p. m., sacred pngTun. KFMX. Northfleld. Minn. (336.9). 7 p. m.. vesper. KFNF. Shenandoah. Iowa (266). 10:45 a. m.. morning worship First M. E. church; 2:30 p. nv. Rev. and Mrs. Hanley, Radio chaplains; 3, men's gospel team; 6:30, regular services. Golden Itulo circle; 8, Christian church. KFRU. Bristow. Okla. (394.5). 9:30 a. m. Sunday school; 11. sermon; 5 p. m.. vesper service. KTHS. Hot Springs National Park. Ark. (374.8). 11 a. m.. First Presbyterian church: 8:30-10. Meyer DavisNew Arlington hotel orchestra: 10-11:30. Sunday night frolic. Phil Baxter and his singing orchestra. WBAP. Fort Worth. Texas (475.9), II a. m. Firs! Methodist church; 4 p. m., concert Rlalto theator: 11. midnight frolic WCAL. Northflcld, Minn. (336.9), 8:30 p. m., sacred program. WCBD, Zlon, III. (344.6), 8 p. m., violin ducts. Mr end Mm. Richard F. Hire; Fred Fasssen. organist: Mrs. LaRoso. Mr. Thomas, contralto and baritone duets: tenor and snpr.ino duets. Mr. and Mrs. Sleel: Erma Reynolds, soprano: Chester S Bagg. baritone: Mrs. Mary Bagg, reader: Mr:. Marlon Moulton Prlddy. pianist. WCCO. MInneapolls-St. Paul. Minn. (416.4). 10:20 a. m.. Plymouth Congregational church. Rev. II. P. Dewey; ■ hit ; 7-8. from stago and studio of Metropolitan theater; 8-9, TUda Marchottl, soprano; Wm. Tyrolcr. planlit; 9-10. Examiner: Anton I.ndo's Louisiana ' ' danco orchostra; 10-11, Thereon Bennett's Los Angolcnos danco orchestra. KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (232). 9-11 p. m.. Warner Brothers' motion picture night, presenting a number of stage and screen stars and entertainers. KGO. Oakland. Calif. (361.2). 11 a. nv. Calvary Presbyterian church: 3:30 p. m.. COO Llttla Symphony orchestra; 7:30. Calvary Prosbytorlan churrh. KGW, Portland. Ore (491.5). 10:80 a. nv. Pint Pro byterlan church; •',, church service; 7, Colhurn concert orchestra. KHJ. Los Angeles. Calif. (405.2). 0:30-7 p. nv. Art Hickman's BUtmoro hotol concert orchestra. Edward Fltzpatrtck, director: 7-7:30. organ recital. Arthur Blakeley, organlat: 7:30-8, program. International Bible Students association: 8-11. program. May company. "A Trip Around tho World." KJR. Seattle. Wash. (384.4). 11-1 p. m.. First Methodist Episcopal church; 7-9. First Methodist Episcopal church. KNX. Hollywood. Calif. (336.9). 5-6:15 p. nv. Badio Sunset sorvices. conducted by Bev. Chss. F. Akcd and Rev. Frank Dyer tans theater of Ambassador hotel; 7-8, program. First Presbyterian churdi Ol Hollywood by remote control; 8-9, Ambassador hotel concert orchestra, Joief Rosenfeld, director; 9-11, program, R, C. "Cliff-' Durant. KPO. San Francisco. Calif. (429.5), 11-12 nv. church servl™. Wiley Wlnsor. cxecuUvo secretary; Mrs. Anna M Nelson, contraho; Theodore J. Irwin, organist ; ^utoa restaurant orcbtttrm; 7:30-8, Warfleld theater: 8:30-10. Kudy Selger's Fairmont hotel orchestra. Lopez Hotel sutler danco orchestra: Harold Glcsor. director. WHN. New York, N. Y. (361.2), 6:30-7 p. ra.. violin solos, Oleott Vail; 7-7:30, Hotel Alamac danco orchestra: 7:30-7:35. health talk, Dr. Landls; 7:35-8. Hotol Carlton Torrace orchestra; 8-8:05. "Storage Batteries." H. B. Sbontz: 8:05-8:35. Roacland dance orchestra; 8:50-9:20. Llltmann's Employes' orchestra; 0:30-10. Dan Gregory and his Crystal Palace orchestra; 11:30-12. Jim Carr and his Silver Slipper orchestra. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2). 7 a. m.. scttlng-up exercises: 10, dally menu talk; 1 p. in., Glmbol tea room orchestra; 3. "Tho Millenium," J. G. Calhoon; 3:15. recital, students Combs Conservatory of Music; 4, "Hints on Homo Gardening," Charles K. Hallowell; 0:05, Clarence Scamon's concert orchestra; 7, Undo Wlp's bedtime stories. WJAR. Providence. R. I. (305.9), 10 a. m.. household hints. Mrs. Wood; 1:05 p. nv. studio program; 8. musical program; 9, A. & 1*. Gypsy string en WJZ, New York, N. Y. (454.3). 10-10:20 a. m.. Houso(Continued on page 10)