Radio Digest (Apr 1925-Jan 1926)

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14 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated May 30, 1925 An Evening at Home with the Listener In INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF TABLES THE "Evening at Home with the Listener In" table is not difficult to understand and use. It is this fact that makes it so popular with the readers of Radio Digest. It is presented here in three different standard times; Eastern, Central and Pacific. Listeners using one of the three kinds of time named, should utilize the table printed in that time and so designated by its headline. For listeners whose standard of time is not shown here, the following instructions should be remembered: Listeners using Mountain time: Use table for Pacific time but add one hour to every figure given. Can also use Central time table by subtracting one hour from every figure given. Listeners using Eastern daylight saving, or Atlantic time: Use Eastern time table by adding one hour to every figure given. Listeners using Central daylight saving time: Use Eastern time table. No changes are necessary. The periods given in the "Evening at Home" tables are only representative of each station's evening sign-on and signoff hours, and on Sunday, the late afternoon sign-on and sign-off. If a station has an intermittent rather than continuous program, the table cannot show this. Above is given a list of all stations in the "Evening at Home" tables, arranged in order of the wave lengths used (or supposed to be used) by the stations. This arrangement provides a handy index for the other tables. The "Evening at Home" tables are corrected every week. The number of changes often run as high as thirty per cent of the whole. Keep the "Evening at Home" tables from the current issue at the side of your receiver. The material and form of the tables are entirely original with Radio Digest and are protected by copyright. Reproduction of whole or part without permission is denied, and such infringements will be prosecuted. (Continued from page 13) WOR. Newark. N. J. (405.2), 6:13-6:30 p. m.. Hotel Lorraine orchestra; 6:30-7, Man in Moon stories; 77:30, Hotel Lorraine orchestra. Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Stations KDKA. Pittsburgh. Pa. (309.1), 2.30-5 p. m.. baseball scores; 7, baseball; 8:45, concert. KYW. Chicago, III. (536). 5:35-6 p. m.. dinner concert. Congress hotel; 6:30-8, program; 9-11:30. revue; Paul Wlilteman's Collegians; Albert Hay Malotte, organist. WBAV. Columbus. Ohio (293.7). 8 l». m.. Richwood, Ohio, de luxe program, old time fiddlers. WBBM. Chicago. III. (226). S-10 p. m., Lester Kelsey. Tell Tavlor, Harold Weil, Jimmy Eggert, Peggy SIcCulleis. WCEE. Elgin, III. (275), 10:30-12 midnight, Joe Rudolph and the Boss's own orchestra: Frank Morris, Polly Willis, Eddie and Fannie Cavanaugh. WCX. Detroit, Mich. (516.9), 4:15 p. m., musical program; 6, dinner concert. Book -Cadillac hotel; 8:30, musical program; 10, dance music, Arcadia Auditorium. WEAR. Cleveland, Ohio (389.4), 7-8 p. m., children's hour; 8-11, dance music. WEBH, Chicago. III. (370.2), 7:30-8:30 p. m.. Oriole concert orchestra; reading Rev. Claude J. Pernin; George Seabert, pianist; Louis Perlman, violinist; 9:30-10:30, Oriole dance orchestra; songs, Cambridge Sisters: Jack Penewell, twin guitarist; 11:30-1 a. m., Frank Papile. accordeon soloist ; Sandy Meek, tenor. VVGES. Oak Park, III. (250), 5-7 p. m., John Rankel, baritone; McDevitt Sisters, pianists; Flo Dickinson. soprano; Lucille Quinn, contralto; 6:15-6:43, bedtime stories; 6:45. talks, E. L. Richards: 10:30-1 a. m.. A. Cavallo and his 11 Master Musicians; Coyne Electrical school serenaders; Jimmy Eggert. WGN, Chicago. III. (370.2). 6:30-7:30 p. m., Drake concert ensemble, Blackstone string quintet; 8:30-9:30, studio program; 10:30-11:30, Drake Hotel Terrace Garden program. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5). 6 p. m., Albany Strand theater orchestra; Floyd H. Waiters, organist: 6:35, Kkidmore college glee club; 8, "Tile Silver Fox," WGY players; 9:30, WGY orchestra; Marion Brewer, soprano. WHT. Chicago, III. (399.8). 7-8:30 p. m.. classical program: 10:30-1. Husk O'Hare's Red Dragons; Al Carney, organist; John Clark; Heibie Mintz; Ransome Sherman. WJJD. Mooseheart. III. (302, 10:30 p. in.. Senator Harold Kessinger, Tom Loftus, May Ward. Nate Caldwell; Geneva organ, Charley Straight's orchestra. WLS. Chicago. III. (344.6), 6:30 p. m., Ralph Emerson, organist: 7:15 Comhuskers' concert: 7:15. lullaby time. Aunt Martha and Uncle George; 8, Bethel A. M. E. church: 8:15. drama; 9, it. F. D. program; Kenneth Clark; 10, Comhuskers; 10:15 Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer, and ducts; 10:45, Williamson Brothers and Phil. WLW. Cincinnati. Ohio (422.3). 12:15, Ahaus Brunswick Shop orchestra: Win. Koch, director. WMAO. Chieago. III. (447.5). 6. p. m., organ recital; Hotel LaSalle orchestra; 6:50, Family Altar league; X, Wide-Awake club program, Frances M. Ford, director; 8:30, musical geography, Mr. and Mrs. Marx I.. Oherndorfer; 0:15, musical program. WMBB. Chicago. III. (250). 7-8:30 p. m.. program. J. Bodewalt Larnpe, director; Woodlawn theater orchestra; Trianon ensemble: Hazel O'Neil, Carlos Martini, Vernon Buck; 8:30-10:30, Dell Larnpe and Trianon 'ra: Frank Sylvano, George Clark, Alvin Fry, '■ Givot, Envin Schmidt; Woodlawn orchestra. WORD. Batavia, III. (275), 8:30 p. m.. Dorothy Jones, Usi DuJarriek. pianist; Arthur Lay, tenor; program, J. C. Seaton Piano company; Bible questions and answers. WOJ. Chicago. III. (447.5). 7-8 p. m.. Ralph Williams and his Ralnho Garden orchestra; Otis Pike Jester. no; Mary Thra-h House, pianist; Henrietta Nolan, violinist: 10-1, Ralph Williams and his Ralnbo Skylarks: wesl Brothers; Ziigler Sisters; Lauretta Giles; Brundage and Kraemer; Nate Caldwell; 1-2, Ginger hour. WREO, Lansing, Mich. (285.5), 10 p. m., baseball. WTAM. Cleveland, Ohio (389.4), 0-7 p. m., Austin Wylle and < , Pheasant orchestra. WTA3, Elgin. III. (302.8), 8-10:30 p. m.. Joe Rudolph and the Boss's own orchestra; Eddie and Fannie Cavil. Frank Morris, Coleman Goctz, Polly Willis. WJIC. Hartford. Conn. (348.6). 6:55 p. ra., baseball; 7, staff night, Dana S. Merriman, organist; .1. Clayton Randall, saxophonist; Laura Gaudet, pianist; staff or■. Kmii Hetmbergers' Hotel Bond t rlr, WWJ. Detroit, Mich. (352.7), 6 p. m.. dinner concert, trott New, orchestra; 9, Jean Goldkcue's Victor log orchestra. Central Standard Time Stations CKY, Winnipeg, Can. (384.4), 8:30 p. m., concert party from Carman. KFAB. Lincoln, Nebr. (240). 7:30-9:30 p. m., Marys VUle, .ram. KFDM. Beaumont. Texas (315.6), 7-7:30 p. m.. chilband concert. Magnolia Petroleum Company's Refinery band. KFNF. Shenandoah, la. (266), 7:30 p. m., concert from . Mo. KFRU, Bristow. Okla. (394.5). 11-1 a. m.. informal frolic; Brown Derby club. K8D, St. Louis, Mo. (545.1), 7:30 p. m, conunei program, Hawaiian 9, Mrs, Mabel Newell, no; Gerald Pamum, baritone; Dr. Charlei Shumaker, tenor; June Weybright, pianist; 10, Laura KTH8, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8). 8:308:10, baseball; 8:40-0:15, New Arlington hotel ensemble; 9:15-10, Bay Mulllr. Corno Roof Garden orchestra. WAMD, Minneapolis, Minn. (243.6), 9 p. m., John i, pianist; Delphia Lindstrom, pianist; Annette soprano; Miss Gai: ra; 10, Sidney Beskln, Boy Williams, Osbom's tra. WCCO, Mlnneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (416.4), 4 p. m.. baseball; 6. baseball: 6:15, Original George Osbom's Nicollet hotel orchestra; 8:30, musicale; 9, baseball; 10. Original George Osbom's Nicollet hotel orchestra. WDAF. Kansas City, Mo. (365.6), 6-7 p. m., speaker, Kansas City children's bureau; Trianon ensemble; 8 10, Haskell institute; 11:45-1, Merry Old Chief, Plantation players; Charles Dornberger's Kansas City Athletic club program. WFAA. Dalas. Tex. (475.9), 6:30-7:30 p. m., baseball scores; Alamo theater organ; 7:30-9, Emma Johnson concert company; Emma Johnson, soprano; Gladys Hardy Moore, contralto: Man' Adams, accompanist: baseball. WHA, Madison. Wis. (535.4). 7:45 p. m., musical program, Richland Center High School band. WHO. Des Moines, la. (526), 7:30-9 p. m., Mary C. McLeod, Scotch contralto; alumni chapter, Sigma Alpha lota: 11-12, Reese-Hughes orchestra. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (499.7), 7:30. Radio talk; 8:30, Britlings Cafeteria novelty orchestra; 11, Bob Miller and his Steamer Idlewild orchestra. WOAN. Lawrencebiirg, Tenn. (282.8), 12:15-12:45 p. m., Vaugban Radio orchestra; 9-10, Vaughan Radio orchestra : Vaughan Recording male quartet. WOAW. Omaha. Nebr. (526), 6 p. m., Hester Bronson Copper, music editor; 6:20. baseball; 6:30, orchestra; 7:10, sport events, Ivan L. Gaddis; 9, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Company; address. Dr. G. E. Condra : 10:30, Brandeis tea room orchestra. WOC. Davenport, la. (483.6), 8-9 p. m., Keithsburg Community orchestra. WSB, Atlanta, Ga. (428.3). 5-6 p. m„ bedtime story, Bonnie Barnhardt; Carolyn Hinkle Tison; S-9, entertainment: 10:45. Radiowl frolic. WSMB, New Orleans, La. (319), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner musicale, baseball. Mountain Standard Time Stations CNRE. Edmonton, Can. (518.9), 6 p. m., dinner program, MacDonald hotel ; 7 :45, Jingle Kiddies' bedtime story; 8:30. program, winners of the Alberta musical festival; 10, John Bowman and his dance orchestra. KOA, Oakland. Calif. (322.4). 8 p. m., Fred Schmitt and his Rialto theater orchestra; S:10, KOA players minstrel show. Pacific Standard Time Stations KFAE. Pullman, Wash. (348.6), 7:30-9 p. m.. Delta national sorority: Virginia Crites, reader; Jean Secrest. pianist: musical reading, Aurelia Day; Mildred Allgood, vocalist; Lola Graham, violinist; trio, Vay Kerns, contralto, Dorothy Hutchison, Ruth Wilkins, soprano; "Fighting Garden Enemies," M. D. Armstrong; talk on new books. Alice L. Webb; "The Economic Importance of Legume Culture Work," Dr. S. C. Vandecaveye. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467), 5:30-6 p. m.. Examiner's half hour for Shriners; 6-6:15, McDaniels' nightly doings: 6:45-7. radiotorial talk; 7-8, Examiner popular program, directed Jean Jacques; 8-9, Dan MeFarland organist: 9-10, Matie Williams, contralto. Georgia McCune Fiefield, reader; Tbelthea Snyder Turner, pianistDonald Williams, baritone; 10-11, pupils of F X. Arens in vocal numbers. KFOA, Seattle. Wash. (454.3). 6:45-8:15 p. m.. Sherman, Clay and company; 8:30-10, Times program; 10 11. Eddie Harkness and bis orchestra. KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252). 7:45-9 p. m.. program. Star Motor Car company: 9-10, program. Crane company; 10-11, Warner Brothers; hour of fun, Charlie uellman, entertainer. KGW, Portland, Ore. (491.5), 5-5:30 p. m., children's program; 9-10:30, Sherman, Clay and company concert; 10:30-12, Hoot Owls. KHi. Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2), 5:30-6 p. m., Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra. Jack Cronshaw. leader; 6-6:30, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra, Edward Pltzpatrick, director; 6:30-7:30. little stories American history. Prof. Walter Sylvester Hertzog, Richard Headrick, screen juvenile. Uncle John; 8-10, Pueblo Indian Shrine band, Colorado Springs Alkaly temple, S. W. Pressy, Potentate; 10-11, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel dance orchestra. Earl Burtnett, leader 11-12. Shriner's hour with Shrine band and chanters. KLX, Oakland, Calif. (508.2), 6-7 p. m., organ recital; 7:45-9:45. studio program; 9:45-10:30, Sweet's ballroom. KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9), 5:30-6:15 p. m.. Wurlitzer pipe organ studio. Sid Zlff's sports talk; 6:156:30. travel talk, W. F. Alder; 6:30-7:30, program Beverly Hills Nurseries; 7:30-8, program of musical gems Eastern Outfitting company; 8-9, West Coast Theatres by remote control; 9-10, Order of the Optomlstic Donut, Davis Standard Bread company; 10-11, program. Brent's Mountain Crags; 11-12, Abe Lyman's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hotel, 12-2 a. m.. Wurlitzer Night Hawks. KPO. San Francisco, Calif. (428.3), 3:30-4:45 p. m.. instructions in Auction Bridge, Helen M. Hubbard; 4:30-5:30, Uud.v Selger's Fairmont hotel orchestra 6:057, Loew's Warflcld theater; 7-7:30, Gene James Rose Room Bowl orchestra; 8-11, Gene James Rose Room Bowl orchestra. Plan Many Alterations in English Broadcast Service LONDON. — Far-reaching changes in the realm of Radio service in England are now being contemplated, according to a statement recently made by Don Grant, president of the Post Office Controlling Officers' association, at a recent convention held in Plymouth. According to President Grant, nothing is more calculated to arouse outside distrust than the suggestion that the Radio service is not important enough to form a separate state department. He recommended a bold and generous policy for both the reconstruction and maintainance of a distinct department to create for the empire a premier Radio service. (FOR PACIFIC TIME) Call Met. Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Met. Call AT9 435 Silent 3:00 4:00 Silent Silent Silent 5:00 7:55 Silent 435 AT9 CFCA 356.9 Silent 4:00 5:00 Silent 5:15 6:15 5:15 6:15 5:15 6:15 Silent 356.S CFCA CFCN 434.5 9:00-11:00 Silent Silent Silent Silent 7:00 8:00 Silent 434.5 CFCN CHNC 356.9 Silent Silent 5:30 6:30 Silent Silent Silent Silent 356.9 CHCN OCA 516.9 8:00-10:00 6:30 7:30 6:30 8:30 6:30 7:00 5:00 7:00 8:00-10:00 7:00-11:00 516.9 CJCA CKAC 410.7 4:30 9:30 1:30 2:30 Silent 4:30 9:30 Silent 4:30 9:30 Silent 410.7 CKAC CKY 384.4 Silent 5:00 6:45 Silent 5:30 8:00 Silent 6:00 7:00 5:30 8:00 384.' CKY CNRA 313 Silent Silent Silent 4:30 5:30 Silent Silent 4:30 5:30 313 CNRA CNRO 434.5 4:30 9:30 Silent Silent Silent 4:30 9:30 Silent Silent 434.5 CNRO CYB 370 8:15 9:45 Silent Silent 7:15 8:15 Silent Silent Silent 370 CYB CYL 480 Silent Silent Silent 8:00 9:30 Silent Silent 8:00 9:30 480 CYL CYX 330 Silent Silent 7:15 8:30 Silent Silent Silent 7:13 8:45 330 CYX KDKA 309.1 4:45 6:55 12:00 4:30 4:45 6:55 5:00 9:30 4:45 6:55 4:15 9:00 4:43 6:55 309.1 KDKA KFAB 240 9:00-10:30 2:00 3:00 5:30 8:00 Silent 5:30 8:00 Silent 5:30 8:00 240 KFAB KFAE 348.6 Silent Silent 7:30 9:00 Silent 7:30 9:00 Silent 7:30 9:00 348.6 KFAE KFAU 275 Silent Silent 7:00 8:00 Silent Silent Silent 7:00 8:00 275 KFAU KFDM 315.6 Silent Silent Silent 6:00 7:00 Silent Silent 6:00 7:00 315.6 KFDM KFI 467 6:45-11:00 4:00-11:00 6:45-12:00 6:45-12:00 6:45-12:00 6:45-11:00 6:45-12:00 467 KFI KFKU 275 Silent Silent 4:50 6:45 Silent Silent '4:50 6:45 Silent 275 KFKU KFKX 288.3 Silent Silent 7:30 9:00 Silent Silent 7:30 9:00 Silent 288.3 KFKX KFMQ 299.8 Silent Silent Silent 7:00 8:00 Silent 5:30 6:30 Silent 299.8 KFMQ KFMX |336.9 Silent 5:00 6:00 Silent 8:00 9:00 7:00 8:00 Silent Silent 336.9 KFMX KFNF 266 5:30 6:30 4:30 7:30 5:30 6:30 Silent 5:30 6:30 5:30 6:30 5:30 6:30 266 KFNF KFOA 454.3 6:00-11:30 Silent 6:00-10:00 6:00-11:30 6:00-10:00 Silent 6:00-11:30 454.3 KFOA KFRU 394.5 5:30-10:00 3:00 5:00 5:00 8:30 8:30-10:00 6:00 8:30 8:30 9:30 9:00-11:00 394.5 KFRU KFUO 545.1 Silent 7:15 8:15 Silent Silent 7:15 8:15 Silent Silent 545.1 KFUO KFVE 240 8:00-10:00 Silent 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 240 KFVE KFWA 261 Silent 8:00 9:00 8:00 9:00 8:00 9:00 8:00 9:00 Silent 8:00-10:00 261 KFWA KFWB 252 7:45-12:00 9:00-11:00 6:30 1:00 7:45 1:00 7:45 1:00 7:45 1:00 7:45 1:00 252 KFWB KGO 361.2 8:00 1:00 3:30 9:00 8:00 1:00 8:00 1:00 Silent 8:00 1:00 Silent 361.2 KGO KGW 491.5 6:00-10:00 6:00 8:00 6:00 7:00 8:00-12:00 8:00-12:00 8:00-12:00 9:00-12:30 491.5 KGW KHi 405.2 6:00 2:00 6:30-10:00 8:00-10:00 6:00-11:00 6:00-11:00 7:00 8:00 6:00-11:00 6:00-11:00 405.2 KHI KIAF 421 Silent 2:00 3:00 7:00 8:00 Silent Silent 7:00 8:00 421 KIAF KIR 384.4 Silent 7:00 8:00 6:00-10:00 Silent 8:30-10:00 10:30-12:00 8:30-10:00 384.4 KJR K1S 293.9 Silent 7:15 9:30 Silent 8:00 9:00 Silent 8:00 9:00 Silent 293.9 KJS KLX 508.2 Silent Silent 6:00-11:00 Silent 6:00-11:30 Silent 6:00-10:30 508.2 KLX KNX 336.9 6:30 2:00 5:00-11:00 6:30-12:00 6:30-12:00 7:00-12:00 6:30-12:00 6:30 2:00 336.9 KNX KOA 322.4 8:00-11:00 3:30 7:30 7:00 8:00 Silent 7:00-11:00 Silent 7:00 8:00 322.4 KOA KOB 348.6 Silent Silent 6:30 7:30 Silent Silent Silent 6:30 7:30 348.6 KOB KPO 428.3 6:25-12:00 6:30-10:00 6:30-11:00 6:30-11:00 6:30-11:00 6:30-11:00 7:00-11:00 428.3 KPO KSD 545.1 5:00 7:30 Silent 5:30 9:00 4:00 9:00 5:00 6:00 Silent 6:30 8:00 545.1 KSD KSL 261 7:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 7:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 7:00-10:00 7:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 261 KSL KTHS 374.8 6:30 7:45 6:30 9:30 6:30 9:00 6:30 8:45 6:30 8:45 6:30 8:45 6:30 8:45 374.8 KTHS KTW 455 Silent 7:00 9:30 Silent Silent Silent Silent Silent 455 KTW KYW 535.4 4:00-10:30 1:00 5:00 Silent 4:00 8:30 4:00-10:30 4:00 8:30 4:00-10:30 535.4 KYW NAA 434.5 Silent Silent 4:45 5:00 4:45 5:00 4:25 5:40 4:45 5:00 4:45 5:00 434.5 NAA PWX 400 5:30 8:00 Silent Silent Silent 5:30 8:00 Silent Silent 400 PWX WABL 275 Silent Silent 4:00 6:00 Silent 4:00 6:00 Silent 4:00 6:00 275 WABL WABN 244 Silent Silent 7:00-10:00 Silent Silent 7:00-10:00 Silent 244 WABN WAHG 315.6 9:00-11:00 Silent 4:00-10:00 Silent 3:30 8:00 Silent 4:00 7:30 315.6 WAHG WAMD 243.8 8:00 9:00 12:00 8:00 Silent 8:00 9:00 8:00 9:30 8:00 9:30 8:00 9:00 243.8 WAMD WBAP 475.9 5:00 6:00 9:00-10:00 5:30-11:00 5:30 8:45 5:30 8:45 5:30 8:45 5:30 8:45 475.9 WBAP WBAR 406 Silent 8:00 9:00 7:00 8:00 Silent 6:00 7:00 5:30 6:^0 Silent 406 WBAR WBAV 293.9 Silent Silent 5:00 7:00 Silent Silent Silent 5:00 6:00 293.9 WBAV WBBM 226 5:00-10:00 1:00 7:00 Silent 5:00 9:00 5:00 7:00 5:00 9 00 5:00 7:00 226 WBBM WBBR 272.6 4:00 4:45 5:00 6:05 4:00 4:50 Silent Silent 4:00 4 50 Silent 272.6 WBBR WBCN 266 6:00-10:00 2:00 9:00 Silent 6:00-12:00 3:00 9:00 6:00-11 00 6:00-10:00 266 WBCN WBZ 333.3 3:30 5:55 3:00 6:00 3:30 5 55 3:30 5:55 3:30 7:05 3:30 8 45 Silent 333.3 WBZ WCAE 461.3 4:00 5:30 Silent 4:30 8 00 4:30 7:00 4:30 7:30 4:00 7 Oil 4:30 5:30 461.3 WCAE WCAL 336.9 10:00-11:00 6:30 8:00 9:00-10 00 Silent Silent 7:00 8 cm 6:30 7:00 336.9 WCAL WCAP 468.5 Silent 1:00 7:00 4:00 8 3(1 Silent 3:00 9:00 Silent 4:30 9:00 468.5 WCAP WCAU 278 Silent 1:00 3:00 Silent 3:20 7:30 3:00 7:10 3:00 7:45 3:30 6:40 278 WCAU WCBD 344.6 Silent 6:00 7:00 5:00 7:30 Silent Silent 5:00 7:30 Silent 344.6 WCBD WCCO 416.4 6:00 9:00 .5:45 8:15 4:00 9:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 9:30 4:00 8:00 4:00-10:00 416.4 WCCO WCX 516.9 Silent Silent 3:00 6:30 3:00 8:00 3:00 6:30 Silent 3:00 8:00 516.9 WCX WDAF 365.6 4:00-11:00 2:00 3:30 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 365.6 WDAF WDWF 440.9 Silent 1:00 2:45 Silent 4:30 5:30 Silent Silent 2:00 8:30 440.9 WDWF WEAF 491.5 2:00 8:00 3:20 6:15 2:00 7:30 2:00 8:00 2:00 8:00 2:00 8:00 2:00 8:00 491.5 WEAF WEAO 293.9 Silent Silent Silent Silent 5:00 6:00 5:00 6:00 Silent 293.9 WEAO WEAR 389.4 Silent 6:00 7:00 4:00 5:00 4:00 8:00 3:45 4:45 4:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 389.4 WEAR WEBH 370.2 4:30 9:30 4:00 6:00 Silent 4:30 9:30 4:30 9:30 4:30 9:30 4:30 9:30 370.2 WEBH WEB1 233 Silent Silent Silent 4:00 5:00 3:00 5:00 Silent 4:00 5:00 233 WEB1 WEBW 268 Silent 2:25 3:30 6:30 7:45 6:30 7:45 Silent Silent Silent 268 WEBW WEEI 475.9 Silent 3:20 6:20 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 475.9 WEEI WFAA 475.9 6:30-10:00 4:00 9:00 4:30 7:30 4:30-10:00 Silent 4:30-10:00 4:30 7:30 475.9 WFAA WFBH 272.6 7:30-10:00 1:00 4:00 7:30-10:00 7:30-10:00 7:30-10:00 7:30-10:00 7:30-10:00 272.6 WFBH WFI 394.5 4:00 7:00 Silent Silent 4:00 6:00 Silent 4:00 7:00 Silent 394.5 WFI WGBS 315.6 2:00 8:00 5:30 6:30 Silent 2:00 8:00 Silent 2:00 9:00 Silent 315.6 WGBS WGES 250 7:30-11:00 7:30-11:00 Silent 7:30-11:00 7:30-11:00 7:30-11:00 7:30-11:00 250 WGES WGN 370.2 3:30 8:30 6:00 7:00 Silent 3:30 8:30 3:30 8:30 3:30 8:30 3:30 8:30 370.2 WGN WGR 319 Silent 3:15 4:30 4:30 7:30 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 4:45 7:00 319 WGR WGST 270 Silent Silent 7:00 8:00 Silent Silent 5:00 6:00 Silent 270 WGST WGY 379.5 6:30 9:00 5:30 8:00 3:30 5:30 4:30 9:30 Silent 4:30 9:30 4:30 8:30 379.5 WGY WHA 535.4 Silent Silent 5:45 6:45 Silent 7:00 8:00 Silent 5:45 6:45 535.4 WHA WHAD 275 Silent Silent 4:00 8:00 Silent 4:00-10:30 4:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 275 WHAD WHAS 399.8 5:30 7:00 2:00 3:00 Silent 5:30 7:30 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 399.8 WHAS WHAZ 379.5 Silent Silent 6:00 8:00 Silent Silent Silent Silent 379.5 WHAZ WHB 365.6 Silent 6:00-11:00 5:00 6:00 Silent 5:00 6:00 6:00 8:30 5:00 6:00 365.6 WHB WHK 273 3:00-10:30 4:30 8:00 (Silent Silent Silent 3:00 8:30 3:00 7:00 273 WHK WHN 361.2 3:30 6:00 3:30 8:00 3:30 8:00 3:30 8:00 3:30 7:00 3:30 8:00 3:30 8:90 361.2 WHN WHO 526 Silent 2:00 7:00 5:30-10:00 5:30-10:00 4:30 9:00 5:30-10:00 5:30-10:00 526 WHO WHT 399.4 4:00-11:00 4:00 6:30 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 399.4 WHT WIP 508.2 4:00 8:05 Silent Silent 4:00 9:00 Silent 4:00 9:00 Silent 508.2 WIP W1AR 305.9 Silent 3:20 6:15 4:00 6:00 3:30 6:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 4:00 8:00 4:30 7:00 305.9 W1AR W1AS 275.3 Silent Silent 5:30 8:00 ■ 5:30 8:00 5:30 8:00 4:30 7:00 275.3 W1AS WJ1D 302.8 3:45-10:00 5:45 7:00 3:45-10:00 3:45-10:00 3:45 7:00 Silent 3:30 7:00 302.8 W11D WJY 405.2 Silent 4:00 6:30 Silent 3:30 7:00 Silent 3:30 7:00 3:30 7:00 405.2 W!Y WJZ 454.3 3:00 7:00 4:00 6:30 3:00 7:00 3:00 7:00 3:00 7:00 3:00 7:00 3:00 7:00 454.3 WJZ WKAQ 340.7 Silent 4:00 6:00 Silent Silent 4:00 6:00 4:30 6:00 Silent 340.7 WKAQ WKAR 285.5 9:30-11:00 Silent Silent Silent 5:00 6:15 Silent Silent 285.5 WKAR WKRC 422.3 7:00-11:00 3:45 9:00 5:00 7:00 7:00-11:00 5:00 7:00 5:00 7:00 Silent 422.3 WKRC WLBL 278 9:59-10:59 Silent Silent 6:00 7:00 Silent 6:00 7:00 Silent 278 WLBL WLIT 394.5 Silent Silent Silent 3:45 7:00 Silent Silent 3:45 7:45 394.5 WLIT WLS 344.6 4:45-10:00 4:30 5:55 Silent 4:00-10:00 4:00 8:30 4:00 5:55 4:00 8:30 344.6 WLS WLW 422.3 3:00 5:00 3:30 5:30 6:00 8:00 4:00 6:00 3:00 7:00 6:00 8:00 Silent 422.3 WLW WMAK 265.5 Silent Silent 5:00 6:00 Silent Silent 7:00 8:30 Silent 265.5 WMAK WMAO. 447.5 4:00 8:00 Silent Silent 4:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 447.5 WMAQ WMBB 250 4:30 7:30 4:00 7:30 Silent 4:30 7:30 4:30 7:30 4:30 7:30 4:30 7:30 250 WMBB WMC 499.7 6:30 7:30 Silent 6:30 7:30 6:30-10:00 Silent 6:30 7:30 6:30-10:00 499.7 WMC WMCA 340.7 5:00 8:00 2:30 4:00 5:00 8:00 5:00 8:00 5:00 8:00 5:00 8:00 5:00 8:00 340.7 WMCA WNAC 280.2 6:00 7:00 4:30 6:30 3:00 7:00 5:00 7:00 3:00 7:00 5:00 7:00 3:00 7:00 280.2 WNAC WNYC 526 2:30 6:20 5:00 7:00 3:00 6:20 3:20 6:20 3:30 6:30 Silent 3:30 6:20 526 WNYC WOAI 394.5 Silent 5:30 8:30 Silent 6:30 8:30 Silent 7:30 8:30 Silent 394.5 WOAI WOAW 526 4:00-10:15 4:00 8:00 4:00 9:00 4:00 9:00 Silent 4:00 9:00 4:00 9:00 526 WOAW 483.6 4:30-10:00 6:00 9:30 Silent 4:30 7:00 4:30 8:00 4:00-10:00 4:30 8:00 483.6 WOC WOI 270 Silent Silent 8:00-11:00 Silent Silent 6:15 7:15 Silent 270 WOI WOO 508.2 Silent 2:05 4:30 4:00 7:30 Silent 4:00 7:30 Silent 4:15 7:30 508.2 WOO WOR 405.2 2:15 8:00 Silent 2:15 8:00 2:15 3:30 2:15 8:00 2:15 3:30 2:15 3:30 405.2 WOR WORD 275 5:30 6:30 3:45 5:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 6:30 5:30 6:30 5:30 6:30 5:30 6:30 275 WORD WOS 440.9 Silent 5:30 6:30 6:00 8:00 Silent 6:00 8:00 Silent 6:00 8:00 440.9 WOS WPG 299.8 3:00 8:00 5:00 7:00 3:00 7:30 3:00 7:00 Silent 3:00 8:15 5:00 6:00 299.8 WPG WQJ 447.5 4:00-12:00 4:00 7:00 Silent 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 4:00-11:00 447.5 WOI 278 Silent 5:30 6:30 5:30 6:30 Silent Silent Silent Silent 278 WRBC WRC 468.5 3:45 9:00 Silent Silent 3:45 9:00 Silent 3:45 9:00 Silent 468.5 WRC WREO 285.5 Silent 4:30 5:30 Silent 5:15 6:45 Silent 5:15 6:45 Silent 285.5 WREO WRW 273 6:00 8:30 5:00 8:30 6:00 8:30 6:00 8:30 6:00 8:30 6:00 8:30 6:00 8:30 273 WRW WSAC 336.9 Silent Silent Silent Silent 5:00 6:00 Silent Silent 336.9 WSAC WSAI 325.9 5:00-10:30 Silent 7:00 9:00 4:00 7:00 7:00 9:00 4:00 6:00 Silent 325.9 WSAI WSB 428.3 6:00-10:00 5:30 7:15 6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 8:45-10:00 6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 428.31 WSB WSMB 319 6:30 8:30 Silent 6:30 8:30 Silent 8:30 8:30 6:30 8:30 Silent 319 WSMB WSUI 483.6 Silent 5:00 8:00 5:30 7:00 Silent 5:30 7:00 Silent Silent 483.6 WSUI WTAM 389.4 3:00 9:00 Silent 3:00 9:00 Silent 3:00-10:00 Silent silent 389.4 WTAM WTAS 302.8 5:00 7:30 5:00 9:00 5:00 7:30 5:00 7:30 5:00 7:30 5:00-10:00 5:00 7:30 302.81 WTAS WTIC 348.6 Silent Silent Silent 4:00 6. -00 Silent Silent 4:00 6:00 348.61 WTIC WWJ 352.7 Silent 3:20 7:00 3:00 6:00 3:00 8:00 Silent 3:00 9:30 3:00 7 :00| 352.71 WWJ