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May 30, 1925
RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated
Radiophone Broadcasting Stations
Corrected Every Week — Part III
ONE DOLLAR will be paid to the Radio fan reader of Radio Digest submitting the most errors in any one station's listing in the Directory of Radiophone Stations, which appears in five parts, serially continuously on the next to last page. Letters must reach Radio Digest's office not later than one week from date of issue corrected. Readers are not limited to correcting one station, but such corrections must be verified by the stations themselves, and NOT by comparison to other so-called accurate Radio directories or lists. Turn in corrections for as many stations as you can find — if you can find errors! Use separate sheet of paper for each station submitted and place name and address oh each sheet. In case of tie, duplicate awards will be made.
United States (Cont'd)
NOTE. — The third part of the schedule list appears
below. The fourth part which consists of the remainder
of the list will appear next week.
WEAR, Cleveland. Ohio. 389.4 meters. 1000 watts. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Daily ex Sun. 11:30-12 m. Daily ex Sat. Sun. 3:30-4 pm. markets. Tues, Thurs. 7-8 pm, organ music; 8-10. music from New York. Sun, 1-2 pm, music; 3:30-5, music. Eastern.
WEAU. Sioux City, la. 275 meters. 100 watts. DavidBon Bros. Co. Announcer. B. if. Smith. Slogan, •The Heart of the Corn Belt." Daily ex Sun, 9 am. 10, 11, 12 m, 1 pm, 5, markets, weather, sports.
0 ntral.
WEAY. Houston, Texas. 270 meters. 5(io watts. Iris Theater (Will Horwllz, Jr.). Slogan, "Where All the Oceans, Meet All the Railroads." Daily ex Sun. II am. news; 12-1 pm, concert: 0, news, sports; 0:15-7:15, dinner concert: Tues. Wed. Frl. 8:30-10 pm. Sun, 11 am, 8 pm, church service. Central.
WEBA, New Brunswick, N. J. 233 meters. 15 watts. The Klectric Shop, George N. Del.aplaine. Slogan. "Wonderful Evenings by Air WEBA." Mon. Thurs. 8-10 pm, music. Eastern.
WEBC, Superior, Wis. 242 meters. 10 watts. Walter Cecil Bridges.
WEBD, Anderson, Indiana. 246 meters. 10 watts. Elee. Espilp. A Service Co. Announcer. F. R. Fulwider. Frl, evening concert. •
WEBE, Cambridge. Ohio. 234 meters. 10 watts. Roy W. Waller. Temporarily off the air.
WEBH. Chicago, III. 370.2 meters. 1000 watts. Announcer. Robert Ronlel. Slogan; "The Voice of tho Great Lakes." Edcewater Reach Hotel Co. Chli Evening Post Dally ex Sun. Mon. 7:80-8:80 pm; 10:30, 11:30-1 am. Sun, 5-0 pm, twilight muIcale, 7-0. Central daylight.
WE8J. New York, N. Y. 273 meters. 500 watts. Third Avenue Railway company. Announcer. H. A. Bruno. Tans. Fri, 7-9 pm. Wed. 8-10 pm. Eastern Daylight,
WEBK. Grand Rapids, Mich. 212 meters, ion watts. Grand Rapids Radio Co. Dally ex Sun. 11-11:30 am; : pm; 8-9. Sun, 4:30-5 pm, 7:10-9. Central daylight
WEBL, (Portable Station). 226 meters. 10 watts. Radio Corp. of Aim
WEBM, Mobile. Ala. 226 meters. 100 watts. Badlo Corp. of America. (Portable.)
WEBQ. Harrlsburg, 111. 228 meters. 10 watt*. Tate I: Do. Announcer, Joseph n. Tate. Slogan "Blue
Bird Station." Daliy ex Sun, 7:1", pm, news, weather. Central.
WEBR. Buffalo. N. Y. 211 meters. 50 watts. H. H. Howell. Slogan. "We Extend Buffalo's Regards." Tuei, Thurs. Sat, 8:80-11:30 pm. Sun. 12 m. 3 pm. Eastern.
WEBT. Dayton. Ohio. 250 meters. 5 watts. The Dayton
Industrial High School. Announcer. Irwin
Snrder. slogan. "Worthy Effort Bring* Triumph."
WEBW. Belolt. Wis. 268 mete ! (rati I. Belolt
College. Announcers. W. E. Alderman, Col. Glenn Armstrong. Mon, 8:30-9:45 pm. Fairbanks, Mi
WEB2. Savannah, Oa. 2 savannah
BarHo Corp. Mon, We.]. Frl. x.: m. Eastern.
WEEI. Ho ton. Man. 475.0 motcri. 500 watl Elec Illuminating Co. Announcer. C. It Slogan: "The Friendly Voice." Dally ex Sat. Sun. 7-12 midnight. Sun, :: . I", pm, organ; 7:20. from New York. Mon. x :!". pm. Tues, Thurs, 8 pin. fl York. I.., i, rn D
WEMC. Rerrlen Springs. Mich. 285.5 meters. 500 watts. Emanuel Missionary College. slogan. "The Radio
Lighthouse." Mon. Wed, 8:15 Ion. ro'l lc. before, Eri. 8-10 pm. acred louslc. Sun. 11 am, chapel Central WENR. Chicago, 111. 188 meters. 100 Wail Ml American Radio Corp. Announcer. Frank We .tph.ill. T.o , i; 9-10. Sat, 8 s pin. So. . light WEW. St. Louie, Mn 218 meters. 100 watts. St. I'niv. Announcer, R. .1. Brawn, Daily eg, . ion. reports. Tues. Thurs, 7 pm. lectul on. 7 ::n pin. Central
WFAA. Hii 1.9 meters. 500 watts. Dal
1 irnal. Announcer. Charles F. n Working (or All Alike " Dally.
a.m. reports: 12:30 I p.m I. I B0
lent Wed I Mon, Til per recital, | '1-7 mn,
11-12 pm. music Sun. (1-7 pm. Bible '1. music. Ccn
WFAM, St. Cloud, Minn. 273 meters. 10 watte. St.
Cloud Dally Time.. Slogan: "Oranlte City of the
World." Announcer. Olio A. Rupp. Dally ex Sun.
4:45 pm. market. Central. WFAV. Lincoln, Nebr. 275 metor.l. 500 walls. Unit, of
Nebr. Announcer, R. A I'lKlnnan. Slogan. "Tho nhuskere." Dally ex Son. 10 am,
IU 15 mn. ' 'ral.
WFBB, Eureka. III. 210 meters, ion watts. Eureka
WFBC, Knosvlllc. Tenn. 250 meters
Baptial cbarch Announcer, sr. John Beynolds, Sun,
in t."> am; 7:80 pen, services; ::
Central. wfbd, Philadelphia, Pa, 284 meters, '■ Mil
semane Baptist church. Sun. 7:15 pm, Blblo slory.
Tin 13 light.
WFBE. Seymour. Ind 22'', meters. 10 Walts. Van do Walla Music and Radio company. Announcer, Clifton M Flshback. Mon. Wed. 9-10 pro. Frl. 9-10 pm. Central.
WFBG. Altoona, Pa. 278 meters. 100 watts. The Wm. F. Gahle CO Innouncer, Roy F Thompson. Slogan, "The Origin, il 0 III " 10 Ihl ' " Sat.
Sim. 11 I". am. i. m Mon, 7 1 , pm,
7 BO, B, 'i 15 Pui ! 10 pn I I Thurs. 7:15 pm. x 3D, 10:30. Frl. ":).". pm : 7:30, B BO, II 15. Sat. 7:30 pm. Eastern
WFBH. New York. N. Y. 272 6 meters. 500 watts Concourse Radio Corp. Announcer, Alvin E. Hauser, Slogan •Voire of Central Par* En, 2 7 mn
Tues. Thurs. Sat, 2-8 pin. Sun, II Daylight.' WFBI. Camden. N. J. 236 meters. 100 watts. Oalvin Radio Supply Co.
WFBI, Collegevllle, Minn. 236 meters. 50 watts. St. John's university. Announcer, Hilary" Doerfler. Slogan, "In the Heart of the Landscape Paradise."
WFBK, Hanover, New Hampshire. 256 meters. 100 watts. Dartmouth College. Announcer, Robert Weinig.
WFBL, Syracuse, N. Y. 252 meters. 100 watts. Onondaga Hotel company. Announcer, Ernest E. Chappell. Daily ex Sun. 12-1 pm; 6:15-7:15. Tues, Thurs, Sat. 10:12 midnight. Fri, 9-9:45 pm. Sun, 5-6 pm; 6:157:15. Eastern.
WFBM, Indianapolis, Ind. 268 meters. 250 watts. Merchants Heat and Light company. Announcer. John Tribby. Slogan, "The Convention City of America." Daily ex Sat, Sun, 6:30-12:30 am. Sun, 10:45 am. 4"45_5"15 7*45-9 Central
WFBN, Bridgewater, Mass. 226 meters. 10 watts. Radio Sales & Service Company. Fri, 9-12 pm. Sun. 1-3 pm. Eastern.
WFBQ, Raleigh, N. C. 252 meters. 50 watts. Wynne Radio Co.
WFBR, Ealtimorc, Md. 254 meters. 100 watts. Fifth Infantry. Slogan, "Home of the Star Spangled BanAnnouncer, H. J. Lepper. Tues, Fri. Sat. evening programs. Sun, morning program. Eastern.
WFBY, Ft. Ben. Harrison, Ind. 258 meters. 100 watts. Signal Officer. _
WFBZ, Galesburg, 111. 254 meters. 20 watts. Knox college.
WFI. Philadelphia, Pa. 394.5 meters. 500 watts. Strawbridge & Clothier. Announcer. John Yandersloot. Daily ex Sun, 10:15 am. reports: 1 pm. orchestra; 1:50. reports: 3-4:30. concert; 6:30-7. orchestra; 77:30 pm. children's hour. Boy Soouts' meeting (Tues.). Tues. Thurs. 8. concert. Sat. 8 pm. concert. Sun, 10:30 am; 4:30 pm. chapel; 7:30, church services alternating. Eastern Daylight. m
WFKB. Chicago, 111. 217.3 meters. 100 watts. Francis K. Bridgman.
VVGAL, Lancaster. Pa. 248 meters. 10 watts. Lancaster Elec. Supply & Construction Co. Announcer, J. R. Gaintner. Slogan: "World's Gardens at Lancaster." Mon. Wed. Fri. 7-10-9 pm. concert, lecture. Mon.
WGAQ, Shrevenort. La. 273 meters. 500 watts. W. G. Patterson. Mon, 9-10 pm. music. Thurs. S-9 pm. Sat. 9-12. dance. Sun. 9:30-10:30 am, music. Central.
WGAZ, South Bend, Ind. 275 meters. 250 watts. South Bend Tribune. Announcer, C. G. Livengood. Mon. Wed. Fri, 7-9:30 pm. concert. Central.
WGBA, Baltimore, Md. 251 meters. 100 watts. Jones Elec. & Radio Mfg. Co.. Slogan, "Watch Greater Baltimore Advance." Announcer, Winters Jones. Club "Staying up with the Jones." Daily ex Sun, 12-1:30 pm. Mon. 7-8 pm, 9:30-12. Thurs, 7-12. Sun, 9:3011:30 pm. Every other Sun, 2-4 pm. Eastern.
WGBB. Freeport, N. Y. 214 meters. 100 watts. Harry H. Carman.
WGBC, Memphis, Term. 260 meters. 10 watts. First Baptist church. Announcer. M. L. Martin. Slogan. "Radio Bible Class." Sun, 9:55 am, 7:30 pm. Central.
WGBF, Evansville, Ind. 236 meters. 100 watts. The Finke Furniture Co. Dally 12.10 pm. weather, markets, news. Tues, Frl, 8-10 pm, music. Fri, 11-12:30 am. Midnight Air Raiders. Sun, 9-10:30 am. service; 7:309 pm, music. Central.
WGBG. Thrifton. Yu. 226 meters. 10 watts. Breitcnbach's Badlo simp.
WGBH. Fall River. Mass. 209.7 meters. 10 watts. Fall River Herald Publ. Co. (Portable.)
WGBI. Scranton, Pa. 240 meters. 10 watts. Frank S. Mecargee.
WGBK, Johnstown. Pa. 248 meters. 5 watts. Lawrence W. Campbell. Daily ox Sun. 5-6:30 pm. Sat. 8:4o11:15 pm. (lance music. Sun. 3:5 pm. .
WGBt. Elvria. Ohio. 227 meters. 10 watts. Elyna
WGBM, Providence. B. I. 231 meters. 100 watts. Thcodore N. Saaty.
WGBN. T.aSallc. 111. 250 meters. 10 watts. Hub Radio Shop. Announcer. L. S. Cusick. Slogan. "Key to the Illinois Valley." Tues, Frl, 5-7 pm. Sun. 7-9 pm. Central. ^
WGBO. San Juan. P. R. 275 meters. 10 watts. Dr. \rtan.
WGBQ. Menominee. Wis. 231 meters. 20 watts. Stout
WGBR. Marshftcld. Wis. 229 meters. 10 watts. George
s. Ives. Sun, 2-1 pm, 7-9. Central. WGBS. New York, V. Y. 315 6 meters. 500 watts. Glm
bel Brothers. Announcer, A. V. Llufrio. Daily ex Sun.
ex Sun. 10-2:30 pm, entertainment: 3-7:30. Tues.
8:30-12. Thurs. 8:30-1 am. Sat, 7:30-12. Sun. 3:30
4:30 pm ; 9:30, Eastern Daylight. WGBT. Greenville, s C. 230 meters. 15 watts. Purman
unlvcr 1
WGBW, Spring Vallev, III. 212.0 meters. 10 watts.
Valley theater. Announcer, Venter Hicks. Thurs, 10
11:80 pm. Sun. 7-8:30 pm. Central. V/GBX, Orono. Me. 252 meters. 100 watts, university
WGBY. New Lebanon. Ohio. 2",o meters. 30 watts. The
Progresi Sales company. _
WGES. Oak ['ark. Ill 250 metei ".on watts. Coyno
,! Dally el Sun. Mon. 5-7 pm, 10:30-2
am Sun. 5-7 pm, 10:30-12 Central daylight
WGN. Chicago, III. 370.2 meters, limn watts. Chicago
Tribune Announcer. Quln A. ltvan. Dally ex Sun, 9:3!
Ime:"°:35, 10. 10:30, ll. 11:80, markets; 11:56.
12:10 pm, markets; news; 12:40-2:30, concert;
Imej keta; "J." 5:57,
II : 5:57. time. Dally BJ Sun. Sat.. 12 m. 12:30 l I !5, 2:80-8, Dally ex Sun. Mon, I
-0-7:30, concert. 8:80 0:30 mn. 10:30
No. program. Sun. 11-11 15 am. eomll : (1:45-12:45
1:30-5, 1 llealv; 9-10. music.
i Daylight
WGR. Buffalo. N. Y. 319 meter.. 750 watts. Federal
Telephone Mfg. Corp. Announcer, Otto Becker. Slogen,
Key I Dally 12 tn. reports: 12:45,
Dally cs Bo Tues. Thurs.
., 7 pm, mo h M Wed M, 9-11 pm; II.
Mon. Wed, 8-8:55 mo Tuc . Thurs, 8-11 pm. (mm
New Vnrk Erl. X :m 'I mo Sun. 3 pm, ■
1. organ; 7:1",. 7 :n. church CTTlce Eastern Day
Wg'st. Atlanta. Oa. 270 meters. 500 walls. Georgia I I. H.
, wllll a
Mi n 9 pm, Thurs. 7 pm I WGY.
i ■ ;
ei Sun II ',". am. lime; ' ,1'ick markets;
ier. Dally «•* Bat, son, II 10 pm, fruit.
Mon, Tues, Thtir«. Frl. 2 pm. Dm Mon. 7 i Mon, Tue . Tour , e 10 7 pm, d
pm, organ. Krl. 7 mn w. i ■
|n Q
agricultural talk v. mn, .i.,n, ■ program Bun,
B IS, nrcholrn
tr HIZ I
WHA. ■■ Dnli
,,f wi \i .„,. i,i. 7 IB pm, mule, i ,ii:. Wi I.
D IQ pm C WHAO. Mllu inker. Wis 275 meters 500 walls. Mnr' ct Son.
11 am. weather, new, u 7 pm, dinner music; 7-7:18
pm. sports Mon. Wed, ain pm Wed,
19 80. Erl. 8 80 I" tun. Son. 2-2 pm. Central. WHAO. Cincinnati O 133 meter. |U0 nans 1'nlv
of Cincinnati Dent of Elec Enf. Announcer. W. C.
0 wham. Bocbeeler. N v J78 nets
Univ. of Roc-beater Rochester Tlrnc«-ltnlnn. Demo
icrn. WHAP. Brool 11. Alrln
WHAR. Atlantic, in.. \ J. 275 meters. 500 waits. Seaside Hou r, E. Dcnnlsen. Dally ex
Sun. Wed. 2 pm. Bun, 2:15 pm
WHAS. Louisville. Kv 390.8 meters 500 w.lls. CourierJournal and Louisville Times Co. Announcer. Harold A. Silyer. Dally ex Sun, 4-5 pm, 7:30-9. Sun, 9:57
10:45 am, 4-5 pm,. church service. Mon night, silent. Central.
WHAV. Wilmington. Del. 266 meters. 100 watts. Wilmington Elec. Spec. Co. Slogan, "The First Broadcasting Station of the First City of the First State." Wed, Sun, 9 pm. Eastern daylight.
WHAZ, Troy, N. Y. 379.5 meters. 5U0 watts. Bensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Announcer, Rutherford Hayner. Slogan. "Transcontinental and International Broadasting Station Located at the Oldest College of Science and Engineering in America." Club. R. P. I. students. Mon, 8:15-10:15 pm, concert, educational talks, features. Second Monday of Month, 12-1:30 am. International test program. Eastern.
WHB. Kansas City, Mo. 305.6 meters. 500 watts. Sweeney Auto & Electric School. Announcer, John T. Schilling. Slogan. "Heart of America." Daily ex Sun, S:25 am, 9:25, 10:25, 11:20-12, 12:15. 12:20. 12:35. 1:25. markets, weather, stocks. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 12 m. time; 2-:: pm, 3-3:05 pm, weather; 3:053:20, grain. Mon, Wed. Fri. 7-S pm. Tues. Thurs, 7-7:30, 8-10 pm. Sun, 9:45 am, 2-3 pm, 8-12. Central.
WHBA, Oil City, Pa. 250 meters. 20 watts. Shaffer Music House.
WHBB. Stevens Point, Wis. 240 meters. 50 watts. The Copps Co. Announcer. C. W. Copps. Slogan, "Deewood Coffee Co. Monday, 7:30-9 pm. Central.
WHBC, Canton, Ohio. 254 meters. 10 watts. Rev. E. P. Graham.
WHBD. Bellefontaine, Ohio. 222 meters. 20 watts. Charles W. Howard.
WHBF, Rock Island, 111. 222 meters. 100 watts. Bcanlsley Specialty company. Announcer, G. J. Altfilisch. Mon. 8-11 pm. Wed, 7:30-10 pm. Sat. 2-4 pm; 7-9. Central.
WHBG. Harrisburg, Pa. 231 meters. 20 watts. John S. Skane.
WHBH, Culver, Ind. 222.1 meters. 100 watts. Culver Military Academy. Announcer, F. M. Schmidt. Mon, 8:30 pm. Sat. 7:15 pm. Sun, 11 am. Central.
WHBI. Chesaning, Mich. 227 meters. 50 watts. Chesaning Electric company. Announcer. Arthur F. Walser.
WH8J. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 234 meters. 10 watts. Lauer .Auto company.
WHBK. Ellsworth, Maine. 231 meters. 10 watts. Franklin St. Garage. Inc.
WHBL. Logansport. Ind. 220 meters. 50 watts. James H. Slusser.
WHBM. Chicago, 111. 233 meters. 20 watts. C. L. Carroll.
WHBN, St. Petersburg. Fla. 258 meters. 10 watts. First Avenue Methodist church.
WHBO, Pawtucket, R. 1. 231 meters. 50 watts. Y. M.
C. A.
WHBP. Johnstown, Pa. 256 meters. 10 watts. Johnstown Automobile Co.
WHBQ, Memphis, Tenn. 233 meters. 10 watts. Men's Fellowship class. St. John's M. E. church. Wed. 89 pm. music. Sun, 11 am, 7:15 pm, services. Central.
WHBR. Cincinnati, Ohio. 215.7 meters. 20 watts. Scientific Elec. & Mfg. Co.
WHBS. Mechanicsburg, Ohio. 20S.2 meters. 10 watts. Edward Wrn. Lock.
WHBT. Downers Grove, 111. 206.8 meters. 10 watts. Thomas W. Tizzard. Jr.
WHBU. Anderson. Ind. 218.8 meters. 10 watts. B. L. Ring's Sons.
WHBV, Columbus. Ga. 244 meters. 20 watts. Fred Ray's Radio Shop.
WHBW. Philadelphia. Pa. 215.7 meters. 100 watts.
D. R. Kienzle.
WHBX. Piinxsntaunev, Pa. 212.6 meters. 50 watts. J. W. Bowser. Wed. S:3u-10:30 pm. Eastern.
WHBY. West De Pere. Wis. 250 meters. 50 watts. St. Norhert's College.
WHDI. Minneapolis, Minn. 278 meters. 500 watts. Wm.
-.Hood Dumvoodv Industrial Institute.
W H EC. Rochester N. Y. 258 meters. 100 watts. Hickson Electric company. Inc. Announcer. J. B\ BTitchc ck Slogan. "With Hickson Elec. Co." Dally ex Sun. 0:30-7:30 pm. Eastern.
WHK. Cleveland, Ohio. 273 meters. 250 Walts. BadiOTOX. Company, Winton hotel. Announcer, Art Cook, Slogan, "Voice of the Fifth City." Dally ex Sun. R:30-l:30 pm. luncheon concert; 1-1:15 pm, 4-5:30, 6:311-7:30. Thurs. 8:30-12 mid. Karnlval Klllb. Frl. 8-12. concert. Sun, 10:3n am, church service; 4:30-5:30 pm, chapel: 7:30-9. service; 9:10, concert. Eastern.
WHN. New York. N. Y. 361.2 meters. 500 watts. Locw's State Broadcasting Station. Announcer, N. T. Grandlund. Slogan. "The Voice of the Great While Way." Daily ex Sun. 12-1 pm. 2:15 3:15. 3:45 5 30, 8:3012 midnight. Sun, 3-n pm. 9:30-12, En tern D
WHO, Dcs Moines, la. 526 meters. 500 watts. Bankers Llfo Co. Announcer, N. Dean Cole Dallj ei Sun am, 12 m, 2 pm, markets, weather. Dally ex Sat. Sim, 7:30 am, 9 pm. concert; 11-12. orchestra, We. I. 8:807:3U pm, orchestra. Sun. 11 am. 1-5:80 pm. 7 :u s n. Central.
WHT, Deerfleld, 1TL '288-899.8 metei 1 Wrlg
ley Bldg. Announcer. I', 11 BTenry Ilarnes. Dally ei Sun, 12-1 pm. 8-4:80, 11-6:15. Dally ex Sun. Mon, 6 158:45 mn, 6:15-7:15 organ: 7:15-8. 8-12. Sun. 9 am, 12 mid. National Radio chapel. Paul Under. Central Daylight
WIAO. Philadelphia, Pa. 250 mclers. 100 watts. Howard It. Miller. Slogan, "Tho Voice from the Birthplace of Liberty." Tues. Frl, 9 pm. El torn Daylight
WIAK. Omaha, Neb. 278 meters. 250 waits. Dally Journal-Stockman. Announcer, Win. Kotcr.i. Daily ex Sun. 7:15 am.. 9:ll). 10:20, 12 111, 1 15 pi markots. weather. Central.
WIAS, Biirllrniton. In 251 meters. 100 watts. Ilnnie Elec Co. Announcer, Harry n. Waugh "Burlington, on the Mississippi." Tuc. 8 o ,,,n. concert. Thurs. 7-8 pm. concert. Sal. 10:80 11 mo. orean Sun. 10:30 am. church lerrtec Central
WI8A. MndKon. Wis. 230 meters, lun unit . The Capital Times.
WIBC. st Petei burg, Fla. 222 meter, 100 a
M. Tale pool \,, 88, Vet, 1. ,11. ,,( r,,ril!:n W.,1,
Mon. Wed. .8-lu:.'l0 pm. Bat, S-U pm. In 1
' 'crn.
wibd. Joliot, ill. 2110 melon. 50 watts, x-l. Badlo
Service. WIBE. Martin. bun:. W Vn. 2119.7 mclers. 5 mil .
Marlln Iniry. Iladlo Co.
WIBF. Wheatland, " s. I'.
Miller Danrc \ n wibg. r, ■"■ metei . 50 n
Paul' i'i ■ iiorrh.
WIBH. Nc» II, lt.nl. M, i 7 meter.. 5 u.ill
1 in, Radio WIBO. '
■ \ Son. I . Thill I,
10-18 midnight Frl, 1
1 : 0-8, 10-13
Wit. St. I....I 1. ,,,,1,
i: idln Co, Announi ei , Hilly Knli hi
I' la ,,l " Mon. Wad, B I', 10 18
1 11 pro 1 WIP. Philadelphia, P n. 500 wall,. Olmbal
1 \ Das lc. Slogan "Wati h its Progresi " Daiiv ei Sun, 1-2 pm.
music; 6 45, market,. 7 7 :m pm, bedtime stories m concert Sun. II am. I .10
101, 1 13 1, .1,1. church terrlces, 1
WJAI). lis Jackson's Enelnccrlnc
WIAfi. Vorfoll:
mrcr. Ksrl Htrfitn. Slogan. "The
World's I H ne of Primer's
Dei I " Dally er Sun. 12 I', Dm; I 15 pm. Hun. 3:30
WIAK. Greentown, lid -'"I molcr-. 10 "alls. CIIITnr.l
I. While Slogan, "Tin WIAM, r« 100 watts. I) M
Prrlmm. Dally ex Sun. !) am. In markets
1 pm, children's hour. mi. I pm. tcper nervier. Central W1AR. Prmldi B. 1
Outlet Co Announcer. J. A. Helllr. Hlosan. "The fXouthern Gateway of New Kntfland " D • 1.05-2.15 pm, weather, reports, music; 7. weather.
^rnnl Wet], Fri, 10 am, household hints. Mon, Tues, w 7:30-10 pm. \Ved, 7:30-10:30 pm. Thurs. 7:30-11 ^= pm. Fri. 8-10 pm. Sun. 7:20-10:15 pm. Eastern daylight.
WJAS. Pittsburgh, Pa. 275 meters. 500 watts. Pittsburgh Radio Supply House. Pickering's Studio. Announcer, Bryan McDonald. Slogan, "World's Jollies! Aerial Station." Daily ex Sun, 8-11, concert. Sun, 2 pm, service. Eastern Daylight.
WJAZ. Chicago. 111. 268 meters. 20 watts. Zenith Radio Corp. (Portable).
WIBC. La Salle, 111. 234 meters. 100 iratts. Hummer Furniture Co.
WJBD. Ashland, Wis. 233 meters. 100 watts. Ashland Broadcasting committee.
WJD. Granville. O. 217.3 meters. 10 watts. Denlson Univ. Announcer. Richard H. Howe. Fri, Sat, 5-5 pm. music, educational lectures. Athletics. Eastern.
WJJD. Mooseheart, 111. 302.8 meters. 500 watts. Mooseheart Radio Station. Announcer. Jack Nelson. Slogan. "The Call of the Moose." Daily ex Sun, Thurs, 3:304:30 pm, children's program; 6:45-S pm. 10:30-1. Sun, 8:45-10 am. services; 10:45-12, services: 3-4 pm, concert; 12-2. Central daylight.
WJY. New York City. 405.2 meters. 1000 watts. B.C.A. Announcer. J. Lewis Reid. Tues. Thurs. Frl. 7:3011:30 pm. concert. Sun, 8:15-10:30 pm. Eastern Daylight.
WJZ. New York. N. Y. 454.3 meters. 500 watts. B. C. A. Announcer. Milton J. Cross. Daily ex Sun. 10-11 am. 1-2 pm. 4-6, entertainment; 7-11:30 pm. special program. Sun. 11 ani-1 pm. church services; 2:30-5 pm. 7-10:30 pm. Eastern Daylight. ■
WKAA. Cedar Rapids, la. 278 meters. 50 watts. H. F. Parr, announcer. Mon, Wed. Fri. 4-5 pm; 8:3010:30. Sun. 11 am, 5 pm, church service. Central.
WKAP, Cranston, R. I. 234 meters. 50 watts. Dutee Wilcox Flint, Inc.
WKAQ. San Juan. Porto Rico. 340.7 meters. 500 watts. Radio Corp. of Porto Rico. Announcer. Joaquin Agusty. Slogan. "The Island of Enchantment. Where the Wm Id's Best Coffee Grows." Wed. 8-10 pm. band: Thurs. 8:30-10 pm. music. Sun. 8-10 pm, band. Intercolonial.
WKAR, East Lansing, Midi. 2S5.5 meters. 750 watts. Mich. State College. Announcer. J. B. Hasselman. Mon. Fri, S-9 pm. Wed. 7:15-9:15 pm. Sat. 12:302 am. Eastern.
WKAV, Laconia. N. H. 209.7 meters. 50 watts. Laconia Radio Club (Portable).
WKBE. Webster. Mass. 231 meters. 10 watts. K. & B. Electric Co.
WKRC. Cincinnati. Ohio. 422.3 and .325.9 meters, alternate months. 1.1)00 watts. Kndel Radio Corp. Announcer. Eugene S Mitteinlorf. Slogan, "The Station on the Hill." Sun, 6:45-7:30 pm, 10-12. Mon.Wod, Thurs, 8-10 pm. Tues. Sat, 10-2 am. Central Daylight.
WKY. Oklahoma City. Okla. 275 meters. 100 w.itts. WKY Radio Shop. Daily ex Sun. 3-4 pm. markets. weather, news. Daily ex Sun. 6:30-8:30 pm. Sun. 9::ill-12:30 pm: 7:15-9:15. Central.
WLAL, Tulsa. Okla. 250 meters. 150 watts. First Christian church.
WLAP, Louisville, Ky. 275 meters. 20 watts. W. V. Jo'don. Tues. Fri. 9:20-10 pm. Central.
WLAX, Greencastle, Ind. 231 meters. 10 vtetti. Greencastle Community Broadcasting Station. Announcer. C. W. Otis. Tues. Thurs, 8 pm. Sun. 7:45 pm. church services. Central.
WLB. Minneapolis, Minn. 278 meters. 500 watts. TJ. of Minn.. Dept of Elec. Eng.
WLBt. Stevens Point, Wis. 278 meters. 500 watts. Wisconsin Dept. of Markets. Slogan. "Wisconsin. Land of Beautiful Lakes." Daily ex Sun, 8:45 are, 9:45. 10:45, 11:15. 12:51) pm. 1:15. markets. Tues. Thurs. 8 pm. Sat, ir."9 pin. "Enemies of Sleep." Central.
WLIT. Philadelphia. Pa. 394.5 meters. 500 watts. Lit Bros. Announcer, Harry E. Ehrhart. Club. "Morning Glory." Dally ex Sun. 11:15-12:55 pm, music: 2-3 pm, 1:30-6, music, talks; 7:30-8 pm. Dream Daddy. Mon. Wed. 8-10 pm. entortolnment. Frl. 810:50. entertainment; 1 am, club Eastern Daylight
WLS, Chicago, 111. 311.6 meters 500 watts. Scars. Roebuck & Co. Announcer, George D Bay. slogan. "World's dargesl Store.'' Dally ex sun. 9 am. 10. 11. 12. 1-2, 1:45-5:45. Tues, 1; ::n ij::n am. Wed, Frl. 0:30-11:311. Thurs. .1 ::n-s:55. Sat. 7:15-1. Sun. 7 :808:55. Central daylight.
WLW. Cincinnati, <> 122.3 metei rvattf Tho
Crosley Badlo Corp. Announcer. Fred Smith. Daily cv Sun. Ill I, am, 11:55. time, I '311 pm. Dally ai Son. Erl. 8, dinner hour: 6:30, baseball; 7, markets. Dally
ox Sat. Sun. 12:15, program; 8, I, report Mon,
Tues. SIII pm. Wed Thur-. Ill 12 Did. Sal, 8 am, exercises. Sun, o.::o .1111. 11. 7:30 pm. 8:30. Central daylight
WMAC. Cazenovla. N. Y. 275 meters. 100 watts. C. B Meredith. No definite schedule.
WMAF. South Dartmouth. Mass 860 meters. 500 watts Bound mil Badlo Corp. Closed down until July I
WMAK. I.orkport. N. Y. 266 meter., .'.nil watts Norton Laboratories, Announcer, 1. it. tVounaberry. Dally ex Sun, II mn. weather. Men. 8-12 pm. Tlmrs. 12 midnight, Midnight Sorenadera. Bun, 10:28 am. service 1
WMAN. Columbus, Ohio. 278 meters. 511 wall. Plrll
I • 1 1 11 1 . is Announcer, Dr. i>. F. BlttenhouM
Sun, in :;o 12 m. 7:io:i pm, church services. Ba tarn
WMAQ. Chlcai-o. III. 117 5 metei, -.illlvsaiis The Chi caao Dally News Announcer, Robert Whitney. Hon, Tues. Wed. Thurs. Frl. 4-7 pm. Dally ex Sun. 12-.1 pm Dall) ei Sun. Mon s 10 pm Central Daylight
WMAY. Bl Louis, M0. 217 older 100 watts. Kn bi> ii". iv Presbyterian church innouncer John 11 McDowell Slogan, "May Bran Bj Way Bear King highway." Sun. 11 am, 8 m„ c, mi il
WMAZ. Macon Oa S81 Ian 100 sv.itls Mrrrer
unlvci Ity. Announcer, Cera] " Pld ird Mon, Thura, eh. in 1 1 pm Mod, eh. 0 in pm To. . 8 0 pm Wed. 11-12 Bs lorn
WMBB. Cldcago, in Trianon
Ball 1; Innouncer, Clyde Hagcr. Blogan,
"World' I ,111 ■■ Dally ex Sun.
Mon. 7 30 10 :: s..n, :: r, pm Central A
WMBF. Miami Beach, 81a, 884.4 Dotal 500 Pleem I ii.icl
wmc. Me his. Tenn 188.7 matan BOOwatU, H>ei
merclnl Appeal \m,,ni,,i G I. Dculnc Slogan,
"Station WMC, Memphis." ■'Down in Dixie." Club,
Midnight I'loih •■ D„ih ei Bun, 0 15 am, II :in pm.
weather, market mu lc d ill) 1 Run, Wod, B 80
Pm, |Hn inn: Tuc. I'i 1. II M|,|,,|||,| frolic. Sim.
1 1 am, ■ hun I • ■ ntral
WMCA. mem 5on waliv
Orel Motet Co Bd s, mires,
■ II, e Willi, U |j [|, | i,,,.-' l)„||y ex
son. | Daylight
WNAB. ' 0 motors 100 mtl • The
Shi i
WNAC, Boston, Mass, 280.2 meters 500 watts. Sbcpanl
ling, Dally ei Sun.
i. in i". 1 1 ' n. 11 i, 12:10 pm, I, 1:30 I 1.1
das II WNAD.
C. B. B ill ■ Hloi in,, "Oklahoma."
WNAL. ii ii Rockwell
" i " Frl,
WNAR. Butler. Mo. 231 meters. 20 waits, rirst Perry V. Riley. Sun.
I WNAT. Philadelphia, fa 230
i. I'.rlnlnii Young. Slogan, "The Ml aTOUtUl Hie O ,
Wed 7 in pm I,' tern Daylight. WNAV. KnoTTlIlo, -i
WNAX. Yankton. 8. D. 214 metera. 100 watts. Dakota Iladlo Apparatus Co. Dally n Sun. II 80-11:45 am. market*, weather: 5-6 pm. music. Central.
The fiurtli pari of the directory will appear next weak.)