Radio Digest (Apr 1925-Jan 1926)

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RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated June 20, 1925 onhirently our product at the PACIFIC RADIO EXPOSITION civic auditorium San Francisco aug 22 2A 1915 The Synchrophase is the result of painstaking care whose objective has ever been "quality first. " QrccfoljL THE Grebe Synchrophase maintains its ability to select desired stations even when in unfavorable locations. This power is due mainly to the Binocular Coils which are truly fieldless coils and are unaffected by impulses from undesired stations. The set is thus kept automatically balanced. These coils form one of several exclusive features which enable this set to give such unusual performance. Others are Grebe S'L*F (straight line frequency) Condensers and Qrebe Volume ControL Ask your dealer to demonstrate these and other features of the Synchrophase A. H. Grebe & Co., Inc., Van Wyck Blvd., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Western Branch: 443 So. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, Cal. This Company owns and operates stations WAHQ, WBOQ; also mobile and marine low wave rebroadcasting stations TRADE MARK Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. All Grebe apparatus is covered by patents granted and pending. Synchrophase with battery base. Also supplied without base.