Radio Digest (Apr 1925-Jan 1926)

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June 20, 1925 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated 11 Tuesday, June 23 (Continued from page 10) cert orchestra; special feature: Armand Le Bran, marimba artist, WMAQ. Chicago, III. (447.5), 6 p. m., Chicago theater organ; 6:30, Hotel LaSalle orchestra; 8, Jack Chapman's orchestra; 8:30, talk, Harry Hansen; 9:15, Chicago mixed quartet. WMBB, Chicago, III. (250), 7-8:30 p. m., semi-classical program, J. Bodewait Lampe, director; Beatrice Teller and Trianon ensemble; Ambrose Wyrlck; Rita McFawn; Hazel O'Xeil; John S. ETerett; Armln F. Hand and Woodlawn theater orchestra; 8:30-10:30, Dell Lampe and Trianon orchestra; Johnnie Keane, Bob Duffy, Geraldine Doyle, Charles Agne and Trianon orchestra, Fisher and Smith, Florence Tenny, Little Orphan Annie presentation, Phyllis Harris, Annie, Emily Schneider, Tony the Janitor's Boy, Clyde Hager, Cop, Irish Woman, Pedro, the Organ Grinder. WORD, Batavia, III. (275), 8:30 p. m.. World News Digest, G. L. Pyle; 8:50, Webster hotel orchestra; 9, Panela Ix'ewby. contralto; Rudolph E. Magnus, tenor; Florence E. Magnus, accompanist. WQJ. Chicago, III. (447.5), 7-8 p. m.. Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Gardens orchestra ; Lou Byram Reed, violinist; Mrs. A. Scott Armstrong, accompanist; Fayette Miller, baritone; Mrs. Adelaide Steeg, contralto; 10-1. Ralph Williams and his Rainbo Gardens Skylarks; Everett George Opie, reader; Frank Blasco, 'boy tenor; Tommy Jancosek, harmonica player: Mack Sisters: Will Rossiter; Ua Snannabrook, soprano; 1-2. Ginger hour. WRC. Washington, D. C. (469), 7:10 p. m., Wanamaker program; 9:30, "The Political Situation in Washington Tonight." Frederic William Wile; 10, Le Paradis band; 11, Otto F. Beck, organist. WREO. Lansing Mich. (285.5), 8:15-9:45 p. m., Reo Broadcasting band; Reo male glee club; 10, baseball. WSAI. Cincinnati, Ohio (326), 6:15 p. m.. Ws.U studios; 7, Hotel Slnton instrumental trio; 8, Eveready hour of music; 9, Mrs. Halouk Fikret, soprano; Ronald MrFarlan, flutist; Georec Clifford Cook, bass. WTAS. Elgin. III. (302.8), 8-10:30 p. m., Joe Rudolph and the Boss' Own orchestra; Frank Morris, Polly Willis. John Poat. Eddie and Fannie Cavanauch. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (348.6), 6:50 p. m., baseball; 7. Austin organ company; 7:40, E. K. Slack, tenor: Gladys Tule, reader; talk on automobile camping; 9, Kill Ta<lllos orchestra. WWJ, Detroit. Mich. (352.7), 6 p. m., dinner concert; 7, concert from New York, WEAF. Central Standard Time Stations CKY. Winnipeg. Can. (384.4). 8:30 p. m.. Manitoba Agricultural college lecture; 8:45, concert. J. A. Banfleld limited; 9:45, popular songs of twenty years ■SO, Toe H concert KFAB. Lincoln. Nebr. (240), 5-6 p. m., Schmollcr and Mueller; 11-12:30. mldnlrht rounders. KFDM, Beaumont, Tex. (315.6), 7-7::so p. m., children's program; 8-10:30, musical program. KFVE, University City, Mo. (240). 6-7 p. ra.. Radiocast review, Rnmalnc Fielding; 10. C. G. Cosby, barltono; readings, Romalne Fielding. KLDS. Independence, Mo. (441), 8 p. m., Carolyn Elinor Haines, pianist; Thomas Holsworth, reader. KSD. St. Louis, Mo. (545.1). 0:15 p. m., Abregh's concert ensemble;. Arnc Arncsen, violinist. from WEAF; 8-9, musical program, artists from Clinton, Iowa. WSMB. New Orleans, La. (319), 6:30-7:30 p. m., dinner musicale. Mountain Standard Time Stations CNRR. Regina, Can. (356), 8 p. m.. bedtime travel tale. Jingles Kiddies; Grace Newman Mandolin club. Pacific Standard Time Stations KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (467), 5:30-6 p. m., Eiaminer's matinee musicale; 6-6:15, McDaniels' nightly doings; 6:45, radiotorial talk; 7-8, program. Hills Bros, presenting Hills Brothers dinner-dance orchestra. Way Watts, baritone, and Starr Russell, blue streak of Radio; 8-9, Examiner program arranged by Jean Jacques; 9-10, KFI Burlesquers in a variety program; 10-11. Packard Ballard hour, Billy and Polly Hall, Ashley Sisters, Ethyl Talmadge. Bud Jamison and others. KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252), 6-7 p. m.. children's hour. Big Brother of KFWB; 8-9, late news, program by Western's super-service garage; 9-10, program. Union Oil company of California, Non-detonating dance orchestra, Kathryn Martin, soprano. Miller's International Hawaiian trio: 10-11, Warner Brothers frolic, direction Charlie Wellman. KGO, Oakland, Calif. (361.2), 6-7 p. m.. dinner concert, Wiley B. Allen company; 8, program, Magnavox company, Clyde Gates, violinist; Mrs. Herschell L. Hagan, soprano: Norman Woodslde's Metropolitan orchestra; Ruth Waterman, contralto; John T. Brown, harmonica soloist; Ellen Clarke, pianist; Beatrice L. Sherwood, soprano; zither duets, Elsie Maier, Arthur Oettl; Neapolitan Street singers: Emanuel Porcini. baritone; Frank Figone, bass; 10-1, Henry Halstead's orchestra. KGW. Portland, Ore. (491.5), 7:30-8 p. m., baseball; 9-10, concert, Woolach & Powell company; 10-12, con dialogue, Emile Boucher, Emile Desroslers; Chateau Laurier dance orchestra. WAHG, Richmond Hill, N. Y. (315.6), 7:30-7:45 p. m.. sports talk, Thornton Fisher; 7:45-8, Joe Zimmerman, pianist; 8-8:15, Jack Abbott, tenor; 8:30-8:45, Arthur Elliott, reader; S.45-9. Hyde Auld, baritone; 9-9:15, Paul Haenssler. pianist: 9:30-9:45. Jack Abbott; 9:15-10, Paul Haenssler; 10-10:55. Anshaw Harmony Girls: 11:05-11:30. Anshaw Harmony Girls. WCAE. Pittsburgh, Pa. (461.3), 6:30 p. m.. dinner cert. William Penn hotel; 8:30, concert; 9, concert. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. (278). 6:30 p. m.. Hotel Pennsylvania lnteifraternity dance orchestra ; 8 :45, concert, N. B. T. boys; 10:15, Jack Myers' musical architects' dance orchestra. WEAF, New York. N. Y. (491.5), 4-4:10 p. m.. Plectral ensemble; 4:10-4:25, Sara Fuller, soprano; 4:25-1:3.",, Frances Greenbert, pianist; 4:35-4:50, talk; 4:50-5, Plectral ensemble; 6-7, dinner music, Waldorf-Astoria; 7-7:30, services. United Synagogue; 7:30-8, A. Russ Patterson and his artists; 8-9, concert. United States Navy band, direction of Lieut. Charles Benter; 9-10, Ipana hour; 10-11, Royal Little symphony; 11-12, Ben Bernie's Hotel Roosevelt orchestra. WEBJ, New York, N. Y. (233), 8-8:30 p. m.. piano recitals. Norman Hennefeld's pupils; 8:30-8:43, Henryetta Turner, ukulele girl; 8:45-9, Arthur A. Feldman, tenor; 9-9:15, Sara V. Turlts. soprano, accompanied by Eleanor Fastenberg; 9:15-9:30, A. Wayne, baritone; 9:30-9:45. harp recital, Madame Gllda Cardenl. WEEI, Boston. Mass. (476), 6:30 p. m.. Big Brother club; 7:15, musicale; 7:45, baseball; 8, Traveler Shoe concert; 8:30, M. B. Cohan's half hour musical; 9, Ipana Toothpaste concert: 10, talk. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5), 6:45 p. m.. Bellevue Stratford roof garden orchestra. WGBS, New York, N. Y. (315.6), 3:10-3:20 p. m.. Fauna Gressier, soprano; 3:40-3:50, "Indian 8:15, talk; 8:15-10:15, Shannon's Band from the Mall, Central Park; 10:15-10:30. popular songs. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2), 1:45 p. m., organ recital, Mary E. Vogt : 7:30. A. Candelori's Roof Garden orchestra: S, concert from WEAF; 10, organ recital: 10:;:o, Hotel Svlvania dunce orchestra. WOR, Newark, N. J. (405), 6:13-7:15 p. m.. Tivoll theater orchestra; 7:13-7:30, sports talk; 7:30-S, Vincent Lopez orchestra; 8-8:15, "Topics of the Day." Spencer Armstrong; 10:15-10:45, Jascha Gurewlch Saxaphone ensemble: 11-12, Ciro's orchestra. ,T . '. Edith M. Aab, contralto, is a favorite entertainer at WTIC, Hartford. Miss Aab is the director of the vocal stndlos hearing; her name and has a reputation for being as good a teacher as she is a singer. Mae Skoglund is called the girl with two voices because she can sing olther tenor or soprano. She will appoar on the Saturday program at WBCN. KTHS. Hoi Springs. National Park. Ark. (374.8). 0 I . p. in. basch.ill, I WCCO. Mlnneapolls-St. Paul. Minn. (416.4). R p. m.. ill; 6 i>'.. BH nation . '*. baseball; Ohio Kl wanls band. WDAF. Kansas City. Mo. (365.6), 8-7 P. m.. piano in number on lbs Duo-Art; Toll Me-e-Btory ... plaj rrs; 11:48-1, Merry Old Chief; Carl Nordhcre'a Plan«, lutlon players: Charles Dornheriter's Kansas City Athletic club nrrhcHra. WFAA. Dallas. Tex. (475.0). 0.10-7:30 p. m.. nauulca I 11-12. Patricia Rnndlo and ■ WHAD. Milwaukee. Wis. (275), 6-7 p. m.. orcan music WHAS. Louisville. Ky. (390.8). 7\in-n p. nj., Iiibli class WHO. Des Moines, la. (526). 7:304 p. m. prm ' WMBF. Miami Beach. Fla. (384.4), 8:80-1 p m. ™l Itnillii orchestra; 7-7 I lUdin orchestra: 10-12, dance music. Fleetwood Radio orchestra. WMC. Memphis. Tonn. (499.7), 7:30 p. m.. health talk. Dr. E. 1. Funds; 8:30, musicale; 11, Harry O. Nichols WOAN. Lawrenceburo. Tcnn. (282.8), 9 p. m., Vaua lian Radio niilu-lr.i WOAW. Omaha. Nobr. (526), G p. m.. advice to love Inrn; 8:80, basebs ■. program; 9. Deign program; l11 30, orchestra. WOC. Davonport. Iowa (483.6). 5:«-8 P. m.. chimes rtj 8, baseball scores; 6:30-7. Gold Dust Twins cert, Herman Kcnln':, Multnomah hold danco orchestra. KHJ. Los Angeles. Calif. (405.2). 8:30-8 p. in . is m. he tra, Jai h Cron hea . 9 ■ 10, \" Hid man's Blllmorc hotel concert or i ird Pltipatrlck, din : ". little torlos American history, Prof Wallet Rylrcster Hert rog, weekly vi ji of tt n Tltanla and Bandi I 7 .ii. i' irlo; 8 i". program, 1. 1. i . Propel Lie . in . .in in .i n in ii. am Hickman's Blltmorc tra, Bai i B ". loader, KNX. Hollywood. Calif. (838.9) p. m„ Will llt/f r ; ill',. Si I Zlff'l sportl l.l 1,11. W V Aldl music; ir : 8-8. ft" gram In. I:. II Pre ; B I". I" ' '■ 10 12. in lb' lilrhl at the Anil. i nl'.r. Abe I and hi healra. KPO. 8nn Franclico, Calif. (428 1). I 0 I in p. m . monl Inform il I. in. i and ". Bud) program. . I. Mil in Slrlkrv I'nUiil. 'i III. Ull •ervlcr: Kmllc II Hi :no, harllono; M> Pollotlor, \i irl T H Bhwaydex, contralto; 10 II, Johnny Bull I Wednesday, June 24 Wednesday, slknt nloht lor: CHNC. CKAC. CKY. CNHT. KFDM. KOO. KL03. WBBR. WCBD. WDWF. WEI1W. WFAA. WFI. WCB8. WHY. WHAR. WH«1. W)Y. WMAK, WMC. WOAW. WOI. WORD. WI'O. WRBC, WRC. WREO. WSUI. WTIC. Atlantic or Eastern Daylight Saving Time Stations CNRM. Montreal. Can. (III). 8 n m . u theatre, White minion l.lnr "Megantli CNRO. Ottawa. Can. (435). s p in . I'hat'au I.snrlrr concert orchestra: 8, Madame Bdouard I D 'lure, trn'.r; llrlnr Charles Pare, mono «.prann; Legends." Marlon BuUterlejId; 50 1. l-'uunn Oressi. -r ; 8-8:30, Uncle Qcobee; 8-7, Pall ..linns orcni tra; ~-7m. "Viewpoint ol P General Hum s New,'1 Captain trchlb il i.i thinking lalks. Onirics Franklin Jo WCR. Buffalo. N. Y. (311, ... , WIUV nft. -Hi. program : o 10, roi 10 10 10 i ■ .1 it • Oil • . . il I, Il ... popular «ona« ami playing the ukuielo; ll-l a. m . supt ilrr danre 01 ti ...i.i Oil .i. din 1 1 WHN. New York. N. Y. (360). I IS 1:48 P n Omk mill hl> While \\ r irl Wl Its' i orchi Cowan, i, .,„„ : . orchestra: 10 10 0, 11, I'kIooV ra: 11 10 18, Sllirr Nllpnrr NIIH , in . Slrjh.l t: WIP, Philadelphia. Pa. 1508.2). . . Ml' till ."11 i n it.' i.. .inn i. i i.inlsl. WIAR. Providence. R. I. (305. 0), 7 ::o p. m . ,ik. WIZ. New York. N. Y. (155). II 10 P in. pi Hotel Hole . \YI Air ' 8 s Mlnnekahda orchestra; B 10 10 i.uiy Wynne's . ii village Ii WKAO. San loan. P. R. (340.7). 810 p m. municipal hand. WLIT. Philadelphia, Pa. (3*4.5), 2 pm, Arcadia nfi' lldran," Mr , .n. Dream Daddy's bedtime stories; 8, mora harpist; llarnn, wiprano; Tcnniyltanla male quartet; iff .Inn. r or hi WMCA. New York. N. Y. (141). 3 5 P m . ■ Km!" Onl.lrn anil hi n orchestra; 8 I 10, Mai Hlnchl Ilrcen and ■ Irkrda trio. WNYC. New York. N. Y. (528). 8«0-f p m. markn hlch Brothers; 8 Carlos E. Penfield is the leader of the Boston orchestral club which broadcasts regularly through WEEI, Boston. Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Stations KDKA. Pittsburgh. Pa. (309.1), 2:30-5 p. m.. baseball; 7, baseball; S:I5. Dry Slit/. Hour of Mule; baseball. KYW, Chicago, III. (530), 6-8:80 p. m.. Concress hotel: 7-s, Evelyn Hendricks, soprano; Louis Ueehan, tenor; Walter A. H. m, rlollnlst; Thomas B, Stephen Min. requests; 8 11:30, Ghlcago Bvonlnfi Amerit turos; rani W'hltcman's CoUogUm; Aiinn Bey Mnlotle, iili;;iiitst. PWX. Havana, Cuba (400), 8:30-11 p. m., concert. Mnleco:i band stand WBCN. Chlcaoo, III. (266). S-ll p. m.. eieliuin WBCN artist.; Borden Brothora: Arendi Biatora; Clarence Jones, pianist; Johnny special, harmonica acrobat; Ed Dempt e] . urlab tenoi ! I 'innt I Wi il i:n. I il;inn..ii\ boys; Albert Blaha, John Williams, barll i; Dick Holland, tenor; itnUi Web ter Cro ... lor; B1 Q I [i i'. ii x. ill, dpi .!...; Midway Dam Ens Oardt n ol WBZ. Springdeld. Mass. (333.3). 8 p. in . Hotel K in, ill hi..: . 30, bn .'..ill. i. 18, Badlo nature itory, Thornton W But J. Rene 1 let; 8:15, OUIlle I' ii. . . iu.iii.; s ,.n. populei Lo Mens, pi : D -". bat eb .u WCEE. Elgin. III. (275). 10:80-11, midnight, Joe Ru ii-.ii'i. and the Bo ' (tu,, . i Willi . John Poat, i tl II. I WCX, Detroit, Mich. (510.0). I 1 :. p m gram: 8, dinnli eo t, Book Cadlllei hotel; 7, nm steal pro .... WEAO. Columbus. 0. (29.1.0). s ft in., (aoillty locturo; I 11' II 11 I III II III) ' WEAR. Clcvelnnd, 0. (.180.4), 7-8 P. m. Mil WEBH. Chlcaoo. III. (370.2). 7 " 10 p in. iti. lei > 0 ttoborl v.. ii.. i 1 1 ... I, Ol Kl 1 ii .in Bt WOES, Oak Park, III. (280 ti ■ Ibol, barll i; Karl Well . i v Mi lei m.i i. Ian : Ralph <>i on; WON. Chlralo. III. (370.2), Bali i i ....... . WOY. Behenottady, N. Y. (378 dron' Uban) HUaml Hymnhoi IB . WHT. DrfrOrlil. III. (309.8), ■ I 1 I Rlrerrli Berg, ukulelo; I . i ; Ned I 1 1 1 Dorothy V i WHO. Mon.rhr.-ul. III. 1302. A). I" 30 P "1 . ■ WKHC. Cincinnati. O. (422.3). B P. in . WOckl mi™ and r«a LeMarr, plai WL8. Chlcaoo. III. I "■ ■ . I. ill. I. ... K i t. ,,, , ti.ii lib Ralph l in in, Apollo cluh ol Chicago: Ltttlt luken' orehi I (Contlnti'd on i>:ic*> 12)