Radio Digest (Apr 1925-Jan 1926)

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July 11, 1925 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated 11 JAZZ PROGRAM THURSDAY AT WSMB Tuesday, July 14 (Continued from page 10) WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4), 6-7 p. m„ Hotel Statler concert orchestra. WTAS, Elgin, III. (302.8), 8-10:30 p. m., WTAS orchestra; Brock Sisters; Herbie Mintz; "Violet Eaton. WTIC, Hartford, Conn. (348.6), 6 p. m.. Travelers Jongleurs; G:50, baseball; 6:55, Travels Jongleurs; 7:30, Austin Organ company; 8:20, "Fire Hazards," Chief John C. Moran; 8:43, Colt Park Municipal orchestra. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (352.7), 6 p. m., dinner concert;. 7, concert from WEAF. Central Standard Time Stations KFAB, Lincoln, Nebr. (240), 3-6 p. m., Sihmoller & Mueller program; 11-12:30 a. m., midnight rounders. KFDM, Beaumont, Tex. (315.6), 7-7:30 p. m., children's program; 8-10:30, musical program. KFMQ, Fayerteville. Ark. (299.8), 9 p. m., musical program, H. E. Shultz. KFRU, Bristow. Okla. (394.5), 10:30-12 midnight, fishing trip. KFVE, University City, Mo. (240), 7-8 p. m.. Radiocast review, Romaine Fielding; 10, popular request numbers, "Jack," "liillie," entertainers. KLDS. Independence, Mo. (441), 8 p. m., Mrs. Arthur Riddols, soprano; Mrs. W. C. Norman, contralto; Mi. W. C. Norman, tenor; Wesley Brocaw, saxophone; Mrs. Clarence Koenig, soprano. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. (545.1), 8 p. m., Sophocles' "Klectra," Margaret Anglin. KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8), 9:23 p. m., organ recital, Lawson Reid, Princess theater. KYW, Chicago, III. (536), 6 p. m., children's bedtime story; 6-6:30, dinner music. Congress hotel; 7-7:20, Georgia McCord, soprano; Frances Kaufman, contralto; Mrs. Alice Wolcott, soprano; 7:20-7:45, American Farm Bureau Federation; "Ideal American Farm Homes In the Making." Frank B. White; 7:45-8:30, musical program; 9-10:30, evening at home. WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. (416.4), 6:05 p. m., Blley's St. Paul hotel orchestra; 7, program from WEAF; 9, baseball. Janet Maloon, soprano; Irene Polzin, pianist: Florence Ruth Brown, contralto; Glen Chamberlain, tenor; Mary Pasmore, violinist; Rourke trio: Radio male chorus; Bernard O'Brien, baritone; 10-1 a. m., Clarke Wilson's Hotel St. Francis dance orchestra. KGW, Portland, Ore. (491.5), 8-10 p. m., Detroit Elks band; 10-11, Woolach & Powell; 11-12, Herman Renin's Multnomah hotel dance orchestra. KH), Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2), 5:30-6 p. m.. Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra. Jack. Cronshaw, leader: 6-6:30, Art Hickman's Biltmore hotel concert orchestra, Edwcrd Fitzpatrick, director; 6:30-7:30, weekly visit of Queen Titania and Sandman from Fairyland, Uncle John, Chas. Hill, readings, Floryane Thompson, soprano; 8-10, program. Radio dealers. Ivins; Loretta Kerk, pianist; 6:45, Bellevue Stratford roof garden trio. WGBS, New York. N. Y. (315.6), 3-3:10 p. m.. "How to Place a Manuscript," Hugh Herbert; 3:10-3:20, Frank Ludwig, pianist; 3:20-3:30, talk on industrial art, Lillian Regan; 3:30-3:40, Frank Ludwig; 3:403:30. "How to Grow Thin." Georgia Heffner; 6-6:30, Uncle Geebee; 6:30-7, Palisadians orchestra; 7-7:10, Fred Meyer, tenor; 7:10-8, Palisadians orchestra. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. (319). 2:30-4:30 p. m., WGR's afternoon program; 6:30-7:30, dinner music, two piano recital, Gospel melodists; 9-10, musical program, Vincent Tirone and assisting artists; 10-10:30, program, Ethel Mullane, pianist; 10:30-11, vocal program, Mrs. Robert Schaefer, Mrs. Gilvert Weimar; 11-1 a. m.. accordionist; Marie Win.ers, pianist; Charlie Garland, pianist. WBZ. Springfield, Mass. (333.3), G p. m., dinner concert. Hotel Kimball trio, Jan Geerts, director: 6:30, baseball; 6:32, Radio nature story. Thornton W. Burgess; 8, program, Lionel P. Spencer; S:30. program, trio selections; 9, Hotel Brunswick, orchestra; 9:50, baseball. WCEE. Elgin, III. (275), 10:30-12, midnight, Joe Rudolph and tile Boss's Own orchestra ; Frank Morris. Polly Willis, John Poat, Eddie Cavanaugh. WCX. Detroit, Mich. (516.9). 2:30 p. m., municipal band concert. Belle Isle; 4:15. concert; 6, dinner concert, the Book-Cadillac hotel; 7:30, municipal band concert. Belle Isle; 8:30. musical program. WEAO. Columbus, Ohio (293.9), S p. m., "The Wheat Market," D. M. Cash; Allensworth string quartet. WEAR, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4), 7-S p. m., dinner concert, Hotel Cleveland orchestra, Ivan Francisci, conducting. WEBH, Chicago, III. (370.2), 7:30-S:30 p. m.. Oriole orchestra; books of the day. Lewellyn Jones; Florence Behrend, soprano; baseball; 9:30-10:30, Oriole orchestra; Robert York, tenor: Correll and Gosden, songs; South American Troubadours; 11:30-1 a. m.. Oriole orchestra; Robert York, tenor; Correll and Gosden; Kay Ronayne; Oriole orchestra. WGES, Oak Park, III. (250). 5-7 p. m., Jean Bernstein, pianist: Margaret Grey, reader; Marie Wright, soprano; John Stamford, tenor; Louise Wyse, soprano; 10:30-1 a. m., Canaliers' orchestra; Andrea Scarlatti, tenor; Ralph Olson, moonlight serenaders; Coyne Electrical School serenaders. VYGN. Chicago, III. (370.2), 5:30 p. m., Skeezis time: 6:30-7:30, Drake concert ensemble: Blackstone string quintet; 8:30-9:30, studio program, organ recital; 10:30-11:30, Drake Hotel Terrace Garden program. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5), 5:45 p. m.. Albany Strand theater orchestra; 7, "The Relation of the Church and the Stage." Rev. W. E. Bentley. WHT, Deerfield. III. (399.8), 7-10:15 p. m.. Kitchen Klerrzer Klassics; Oscar Heather, tenor; Herman Bing. baritone; Pat Barnes, tenor; Jelke musical moments; Pauline Sachs, soprano; Riverview Park ballroom orchestra; 10:30-1 a. m.. Chicago Boosters: Al Carney, organist; Husk O'Hare's Red Dragon orchestra; Myrtle Lansing, soprano; Fred Agard; Al Carney, organist WJJD, MoosehearL III. (302.8), 6:43-7:13 p. m., dinner hour concert, Belmont hulel trio; 7:13-S, Moosi Philharmonic orchestra; Mooseheart Junior band: 'Child Care," M. P. Adams; 10:30-1 a. m., Charley Straight and his orchestra; Albert F. Brown, organist. WDAF. Kanus City. Mo. (365.6). 8-7 p. rn.. plana tunlng-ln number on tim Duo-Art; Plantation playei , 11:45-1 a. in . Merry Old Chief; (ail N Plantation players; Charles Domhcrgcr's Kansas City Athletic club orrheatn. WFAA, Dallas. Texas (475.8). 6:30-7:30 p. m., ••'• pet recital. Ham, ii , || .,,, music; rcdtal. Mrs. Hill • I Qobcr; 11-1 recital, Karle D. Bohrenri, WHAD. Milwaukee. Wi». (275), 6-7 p. m.. Arthur Itlchtcr. organist. WHAS. Louisville. Ky. (399.8). 7:30-9 p. m. , concert, W. Lowd iinri bis orchestra: thrift .talk; Mrs. Palmer Miller, „|,r,inn; Muaio Williams, accompanist; baseball IC01 WHO. Dei Molnei. Iowa (526). 6 p. pj.. advice to lovelorn, ' Way Bead &. Sin ,^IM,rrl tenor: will Hethertngton, violinist; ilarrv BravirofT, pianist; 10 ,-., • u ftlalto mldnlfo nliirm. WMC, Memphis. Tcnn. (499.7), 12:30 p. m.. minimi program. 0. PC. Hooch Hum company; program, n i director; 1 1, organ Scottish BJti ii Nichols. WOAN. Lawrenecburg, Tern. (262.8). i p, rn , Vnughan Radio on hi m WOC. Davenport, Iowa (483.6), 8-9 p. m.. Crescent orehaitra. WORD, Batavln, Ml. (273). S:3o p. m.. William nokc. tonor. WSMB. Now Orleans. L«. (319), 8:30-7 JO p. m.. dinner mualcalo. Mountain Standard Time Station* CNRR. Roaina. Can. (356). 8 p. m.. Jingle klddlci; Rose Bauermeistei i in ■ ' p irtj . KOA, Denver. Colo. (322.4). 6:30 p, m„ Herbert White and his Silver Stall oi Pacific Standard Time Station* KFOA, Seattle Wash. (454.3). 6-6:40 p, m., Olympic hotel concert orchestra; 8:46-8:16, Rhodes Department store program; 8:30-10, Time ituillo P KFWB. Hollywood, Calif. (232), 6-7 p. m.. Children's hoar, Big Brother or KFWB; 8-9, proermn. V Super set ' rage; 0-10, pro,, pany of California, Non-Deiona'lne: orchestra, \n lo • rlo, Charles Beiiurhamp. tenor. Ina Mitchell aoprann: 10-11, Warner Kroa. frolic, direction Charlie Wcllman. KGO. Oakland. Calif. (361.2). 6-7 p. m.. dinner concert, Wiley B. Allen minpaoy; 8, Magnavox company; Catherine Jackson, left, is one of the west coast's premier harpists. She is a popular guest at KHJ, Los Anereles. William Anderson, Hawaiian steel guitarist, will he heard at WOES, Friday and Saturday. Alice King-, right, is one of the charming sopranos who may be heard at XDKA. Mmin Trades association; lo-ll. Art Hickman's lillliiinro hotel dance orchestra, Karl Ilurtnett, leader, KNX. Hollywood. Calif. (336.9), 5:30-6:15 p. m., Wurlliz.-r plpg organ .Hullo; 8:16. travel talk, W. V Aldei : 8:30 7. Atwater Kanl Radio orche ti i, Paul i'lnstcln. leader; 7-7:30, dinner hour music; 7:80 lyle talk, Mycr slcgel. Jr.; 8-10. KNX f.ntiiro program; 10-13. mono night at tho Ambassador, Abo 1 unit Grovo danco orchestra. KPO. San Franeiaco. Calif. (428.3). 8:16 p, rn.. hascimll Hon ; 1. 10-7, Btatei restaurant 10, Rudy Sol [i r':i Falriniini hotel orche ti glee rluli prr, | , „„„ . pi reel on; 0-15-10, organ r« J. Dwlo: 10-11. Johnny Bulck'i > iiirlans. Wednesday, July 15 Wednesday, silent night for: CKAC. CNRT. KFDM, KGO. KLOS, WBAV. WBBR. WCBD. WDWF. WFAA WFI, WCB8. WGY. WHAR. WHAZ. WIP. WMAK WMC. WOAW. WORD. WPG. WRBC. WRC. WREO. WTIC. Atlantic or Eastern Daylight Saving Time Station* CNRO. Ottawa. Can. (435). B i> n., Chateau Lamiar 1 lau I, .mrler 'i WAHG. Richmond Hill. N. V. (818.0 Senator and Fred Fisher; h 1 IS. Kredrrlrk IV, urn quintet; 8:45-11 I Wslerti 10, Plectrum quint, I WCAE. Pittsburgh. Pa. (461.3). r. 30 p. m . dinner conWilliam i'< nn hotel; 8, i Aldlne theater. WCAU. Philadelphia. Pa. (278). • 1*1 Pcnn «i i .i in WEAF. New York. N. Y. (111.1). 1-4:46 p m., 1 "if Olid Swimming." COnrCtl, ITnlll ! band, direction of captain winiam J Ip,in,i I 10-11, RoTal Utile <-. Inllinnv ; II ■ ri M irln rr nf orchestra. WEBJ. New York. N. Y. (2V<>. B-8 8 p orchestT serenadi Dorli Sheldon, conti WFI. Philadelphia. Pa. (394.5). I p m .. UcMerue Hlrsl ford concert trio; H |)r. William 11. inppor-danca musrc, v"lnconl Lopez' Tlotcl Statler dance i, Harold QIc er, director. WHN. New York. N. Y. (360), 7-7:31) p. tn., Harry Kichmiin and I1I9 Chili Itirliiuiin entertainer"; 7:.':ii s, B. J. Danl :l Vei itil itj on In tra; B:16-8 30 im, Orthodox Jewish C rrcgntlon of America; 9:80-10, Palisade Amu ,-oicnt Park orchestra; 10:80-11, Be eland dance or WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2), 1 p. m.. luncheon niii^lc from Steel I'ler: 8, son,: ol |] I : .: 30, Comfort's Philharmonic orchestra; it"",. Benjamin Franklin concert orche tr« : 7, i ni le \\ lp' bi II torles. WJAR. Providence R. I. (305.9), 7:30 p. m.. program (ruin Men fork, WJZ. New York. N. Y. (464.3), 1:80-6 p, in. Metropolitan ■ 1 1 ini trio; "• SO 8, dalb ri port : 7 s. Cafe Boulevard orche tra; 8 8 30, the Royal trio; B:30-0:3i fork 1 i hour: in so-] l :30. Hilly Wynno' Qreenwlch Villago inn ord WKAQ. Sin iunn, P. R. (340.7). 810 p. m.. Municipal band ci WLIT. Philadelphia. Pa. (394.5). 18:08 p. in., dallj ii . Stanley Iheal i II onorl orhostra; ! " irta talk; 8, auto talk; 10, ai WMCA. Now York. N. Y . I 140.7), l < .md hi II Alpln , a niui 1 and Klcanoi i ir; 10:30-11 io, 12-1 a. in.. Broadi Frli dman WNYC. New York. N. Y. (821 | In Hpanl I. . ii ■ 50, m program: police alarm-: I . silo 18, concert, \i WOO. Phllnd.lphia. Pa. (',08. 2). II o. m, nrcan re Ital, Man i P, Ipana Tl ii :. i g) Irani a WOR. Newark. N I no-. ?). 8:16-7:18 p. m.. Tlmll inlk. Bill I Bpenrer \i In 1 , 11, Eaatern Standard or Central Daylight Saving Time Station* KDKA. Pll.buroh. Pa ..-, „ ,„ , . ,. hasrnall; 8 I-.. Dry Slllr. hour of music; I) Havana. Cuba (400), 8:30 p. in , Cuban navy W8BM. Chicago, ill. (226). s-io ,, „, , ■; man. tenor; Samovar orchcslra; IlarnM Anderson, plano WKRC. Cincinnati. Ohio (326), s p, in., hook review. Alice ii. Coj ; 8:16, Leila LoMarr, planl i: 8:43 Ponu'*; "ii ii'i'i (eaUiri . '.'. Mat alcKay'i B I inn in. ii , ..I, WLS. Chicago. III. (344.6), 8:80 p, in.. Ralph BmoriWl, I : Martha Hi ler, contralto.; ; :15, Rox'i I rn hu ki i : 7:16, lullab] ii ; B, Box's Coin' 8 i '. WLS Lone Seoul program; B ' •. Pern BUnTaker, lr ; 8, B iv n program; Cornhuskers' Brass quartet: in. 1'i.iuk Wilson, tenor; Gladys Woyforth, enn galto; 10 18, B k. Colby, rlollnl t; 11-11:30, Box1 Comnu ki WLW, Cincinnati. Ohio 4(422. 3), program. Irene Doun ni: niui Marjory Hobos trolt; i. Bnul in ' gram, Mr ituniiu:, director; ; p, m., dinm-i hm noert, Hotel ' lb I. orchestra. Boborl VlsconU, dim-tor; 7:80, talk, 'Bualntn Like rarmlru ." C, i'. Buhli In; I0i Pai l.yric male quartet; 10:30, Orphou Instrumental 1 1 110, pi i .ni ii, Hal, Johanna Ore e: 18:16 a m„ mid night (roil,-. Holvqy' Sym ; 12:45, ...'Jl'l'll'111'' tralne, Qone Join WMAQ. Chicago. III. (-147.5). 0 P. m . Chi i 0, Jael Chapman' orclu tra; 8, Jack < hapman ■ orche Ira: 8:: ". Ii 1 Xortl ni iiiih.-i iiiy; Mrs. Helen C. i ild . iopi ino; 0 gaj ii in,, i. tenoi . 0 i i, w maq | WMBB. Chicago. III. (250). . , , Trianon «n Pbylll I in i Ii Rebecca Ai ulnlck, cclllsl llandcli Ihcaler orchi Pl'hci nii-l Waynoj Harold Hlol i . .i.»i, M ,„!,.l^r;''-" ■ ■ WMBF. Miami Beach. Fla. (381 II 0 30 7 p. m.. od n.i.llo orrhestra; 7 ', 30, l-'l1 [wood Radio '.'. danre music, Fleetwood Radio or Wq'j Chicago ill. (447,8). 7 B p m . concert, ".alph "llllami and his B Blanche '; " ""• nlonl i : Hhcppord l,i [ >■"<"■■ ill imi mid hli ,'!'!'''' ' II, lonor; I •'' , Bandel trallo; Joe Te VVIIIlai 1 7'1' ,' Aid i III ii i. i : i iuUJ?J 1'KP1'!*" '"""■ '■'•' W,R C, Wa.hlngton. D. C. (488.8) I Stales Navy hand. W8AI, Cincinnati. Ohio (325 .1). ^o p m . irolf Ulk; n. ■ in,: . i arltons; 1 rlan, null I; 11. Ci WTAM. Clevelnnd. Ohio (389. i). i. 7 p, .„ . Mu.le Hoi l rerllal; lo II. Ilnllrnden hour, ' "'' " and 1,1 Hotel II ira; li-l ■i io . i-.iii ii,i Bead dam i WTAS. Elgin. III. (307.8). B 10:30 i i„ . Joe Rudolph llandell; HI, II w II, HI WW), Detroit, Mich. (352.7), B p m . dinner , Central Standard Time Stations KFAB. Lincoln. Nebr. (740: Harfy onodgri WaUrlkl trio, Hatrallao • (Continuud on page 12)