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Radio Digest (Apr 1925-Jan 1926)

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July 11, 1925 RADIO DIGES T— Illustrated 23 Radiophone Broadcasting Stations Corrected Every Week — Part IV I FIND MISTAKES AND YOU'LL GET DOLLAR ONE DOLLAR will be paid to the Radio fan reader of Radio Digest submitting the most errors in any one station's listing in the Directory of Radiophone Stations, which appears in five parts, serially continuously on the next to last page. Letters must reach Radio Digest's office not later than one week from date of issue corrected. Readers are not limited to correcting one station, but such corrections must be verified by the stations themselves, and NOT by comparison to other so-called accurate Radio directorips or lists. Verifications must accompany corrections. Turn in corrections for as many stations as you can find — if you can find errors! Use separate sheet of paper for each station submitted and place name and address on each sheet. In case of tie, duplicate awards will be made. United States (Cont'd) NOTE. — The fourth part of the schedule list appears below. Fart five appears next week. WLBL, Stevens Point, Wis. 278 meters. 500 watts. Wisconsin Dcpt. of Markets. Slogan, "Wisconsin, Land of Beautiful Lakes." Dally ex Sun, 8:45 am, 9:45, 10:45, 11:45, 12:30 inn. 1:45, markets. Tucs. Thurs, 8 pm. Sat, 11:59 pm. "Enemies of Sleep." Central. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. 394.5 meters. 500 watts. •Lit Bro3. Announcer. Harry E. Bhrhart, Club, "Morning Olory." Dally ex Sun. 12:02 pm, music: 2, music Mon. 4:30 pm, 7:30, 8, 10. Tucs. 11 am. Wed. Thurs, ;o pm. 8. 10, 11. Frl, 7:30 pm, 8:45, 10. Eastern daylight. WLS. Chicago, 111. 344.6 meters. 500 watts. Sears, Roe•buck Ac Co. Announcer, George D. Hay. Slogan, "World's Largest Store." Dally ex Sun, 9 am, 10, 11. 12, 1-2, 4:45-5:45. Tues. 0:30-12:30 am. Wed. Fri, 6:30-11:30. Thurs, 6:30-8:55. Sat. 12-12:45 pm, Junior K. F. D. program: 7:15-1. Sun. 7:30-8:55. Central daylight. WLW, Cincinnati. O. 422.3 meters. 5000 watts. The •Crosley Radio Corp. Announcer. Fred Smith. Dally ex Sun. 10:45 am, 11:55, time, 1:30 pm. Dally ex Sun, Frl. 7. dinner, hour; 7:30, baseball; 6:55, markets. Dally ea Bat. Son, 12:15, prOBT-am; 3, 4, reports. Mon, Tues, 8-10 urn. Wed. Ihura, 10-12 mid. Sun, 9:30 am. 11. 7::;u pm, I ral daylight. WMAC, Cazenovla. N. Y. 275 meters. 100 watts. C. B. Meredith. No definite schedule. WMAF, Soutli Dartmouth, Mas . 300 meters. 500 watts. HlUs Radio Corp. Closed down until July 1. WMAK. Lockport. N. Y. 266 meters. 500 watts. Norton Laboratories Announcer, I. R. Lounsberry. Dally ex Sun, 11 am. Breather. Mon. 8-12 pm. Thurs. 12 midnight. Midnight Serenadcrs. Sun, 10:23 am, servi ! astern. WMAN. Columbus, Ohio. 278 meters. 50 watts. First Baptist church. Announcer, Dr. D. F. Klttenhouse. Sun, 10:S0-12 m, 7:30-9 pm. church services. Eastern. WMAQ. Chicago, in. 447.5 meters. 500 wait:. The Chl'eago D Innouncer, Roberty VVhttnex Daily in, Hon, 12-1:1", pm, 2:15-7. Daily ex sun. Mon, l Daylight. WMAY. Bt Louis, Mo. 217 meters. 100 watts. Kingsn church. Slogan, "May Every ityWay Hear Klngshighwsy. " Sun, 11 am, « pm. I an VVMAZ, HaCOl '■ l'"l walls. Merrer university. Announ I Mon. Thurs, I ri. in ii pm, Hon, Frl. 9-10 pm. lues, Thurs, 8-9 pm. Wed. 11-12 I WMBB, Chicago, ill. 2.".o meters. 500 watts. American 'Bond A Marl ! ■ Co Trianon, Announcer, Clyde ii si si ist Beautiful Ballroom." u sun. Mon, 7:30-10:80 pm. Sun, ::-.'• pm. Central dl I WMBF. Miami Beach, Fla. 884.4 meters. 500 watts. ,1 hotel Dall: ex Son. 7-7:30, 7:.':o-s. dance; r. 10-12. i. WMC. Memphis. Tenn. 499.7 meters. .',oo walls. The Cominnouncer, O. I. Di "Station WMC. Memphis." "Down In Dixie " Club, Mldnl ht am, 12 80 pm. Daily ex Sun, Wed, n:ai pm. pn iii. )i pm, Hldnlghl Frolic, Bun, . WMCA. Neil Vnrl-.. V \. 340.7 in. in -.110 mils. Announcer, A. \ Until.,. Son. WNAB. Boston, M lis. The ' Store 11 m or, John .1 I WNAC. Boston, Mass. 380 1 watls. Shepard I 11 30 am, l ! 10, 8 10. Sun. . pm, 8-4, Eastern WNAO. Norman, Okla. 254 I'nlv. of Okls 11 n ' ' Oklahoma," Land." Dally 9:15 pm. weather, n/ed ira, mi' la Central. WNAL. ( ha, Nebi 258 metal Central •H s. Annoum si . Ron del I Bo C.-tii WNAR. Butler. Mo. 231 mstert. 20 Witts. First irdi Announcer, Parry \ Riley. Bud, II -in: WNAT. Philadelphia, •nig Bros. Cii Aim Slogan, "We Nevel arc Tired." Wed, 8:80 pm. Eastern day WNAV i i i 600 walls. I-, mil 'l l l phol WNAX. Yankton. S. I). 211 meters. 100 watts. Dakota ■Radio Apparatus Co. Daily a Bun, 11:30-11:48 am. reether; 5-6 pm, musle. Central. wnj. Newark, N. I, 2.2 metei Shop of Newark, Inc. Announcer. W. A Itlngenhelmer, Slogan, "Tho Volco of Newark." Toes. Wed, Fil. Sat. Sun. 8-8:80 pm. 8:30 i-'. dance WNYC, New York. N. Y 526 motors, innn w.c "York Municipal Radio Btatlon, Announcer, I Bohnaach, Blogan, "Municipal Broadcasting Station of the City nf New Sorts." Dal in 80, police; 7 85, entertainmonl : 10 SO, Sim. 9-11 inn, Mark strand theater. Eastern Daylight. WOAC. Lima, O 2i,l meters 50 waits. Pace Organ Co. Ml P. Man, I. Tin ■.. Ibui . Bet, Ccniral. WOAI. San Anlonlo. Tex. S04.6 meters. 1008 Southern Equip. Co. •(Evening \n nounccr, J, O. Cummlngs. Slogan, "The winter Playground nf America, where the Sunshine Spends the Winter." Dally ex Bun. in 88 am, 12:15 pm. 3. markets; 7:00. sports, mail I s:3010:30 pm. Thurs. 9,110-10 30 pm, muale. Sun. 11 am. church service: 7:15 pro, cliurch services; 9:30-10:30, music I Mill ,1 WOAN. I.awrencehnrg. Trim. 2K2.S meters 500 watts. D. VeugbsD. At icer, James D. Vaughau. Daily ex Sun. 12:15-12:45 pm, concert. Daily es Sat, 9-10 pm, concert. Central. WOAW, Omaha. Neb. 026 meters. 1000 watts. Woodmen of the World. Announcer, "GR," Gene Rouse. Slogan. "The City Surrounded by the United States." Daily est Sun, Wed, 12:30-1 pm; 5:45-7:30, 9-11. Sat, 11-12 midnight, dance. Sun. 9-10:45 am; 9-11 pm. Central. WOAX. Trenton. N. .T. 240 meters. 500 watts. F. J. •Wolff. Slogan. "The Voice from Trenton." Daily. 12:15 pm, 1:15, weather, mid-weekly crop report. Eastern Daylight WOC. Davenport, Iowa. 483.6 meters. 2000 watts. The *PaImer School of Chiropractic. Announcer, Stanley W. Barnett. Slogan, "Where the West Begins and in the State Where the Tall Corn Grows." Daily ex Sat. Sun, 12:57 pm, time; 1, weather, 1:05, closing markets, 3 home hour; 6, bulletin, baseball. Dally ex Sun. Mon, 5:45-0 pm, Tues, 6:30-7 pm. New York program: 8-9. Wed, 4-4:45 pm; 6:30-6:50, 9-10. Thurs, 6:30-6:50 pm; 7-8: 8-9; 9; 11-12. Fri. 6:30-0:50 pn; 8-9; 9. Sat. 9-10 pm ; 11-12. Sun, 1-2 pm: 6:45, baseball; 8-8:30. church; 9:30-11:30. Central. WOOL. Jamestown, N. Y. 275.2 meters. 15 watts. Hotel "Jamestown. Inc. Announcer, William A. McCutcheon. Slogan, "We're on Chautauqua Lake." Wed, Sat, 9:30 pm. Sun, 10:30 am. 7:30-9. Easlern. WO DA. Patterson. N. J. 202.6 meters. 100 watts. O'Dea •Temple of Music. WO I. Ames. la. 270 meters. 500 watts. Iowa State College. Announcer. H. B. DcaL Daily ex Sun, 9:30 am, weather reports: 12:30 pm, chimes, market, weather, educational talks; 9:30, weather. Central. WOK. Homewood, 111. 217.3 meters. 50 watts. Neutro•uound Radio Mfg. Co. WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. 508.2 meters. 500 watts. John •Wanamaker. Announcer, Jos. N. Nassau. Daily ex Sun II am, organ recital; weather; 11:55. time; 12-1 pm. concert; 4:45 pm, organ recital; 7:30, sports, police reports; 9:55, time; 10:02, weather. Mon, Wed. Fri. 7:30-11 pm, music, concert. Sun, 2:30 pm, Sunday school: 6, organ; alternate am and pm services. Eastern daylight. WOO. Kansas City, Mo. 278 meters. 500 watts. Unity School of Christianity. WOR, Newark, N. J. 405.2 meters. 500 watts. L. Bamberger & Co. Announcer, J. M. Barnett. Dally ex Sun. 7 am. 2:30-4 pm; 6:15-7:30. Mon, Wed. Sat, 8-12 midnight. Wed, 6:15-7 pm. Eastern daylight. WORD, Batavia. 111. 275 meters. 2000 watts. Reoples •1'ulplt association. Announcer, B. M. Rice, issogan, "Watchtower Station WORD." Daily ex Sat. Sbn. 8:30-10 pm. Sat. 8 pm. Sun. 10 am, 6:45 pm, 7:30, talk. Central Daylight. WOS. Jefferson Clly. Mo. 440.9 meters. 500 watts. Missouri State Marketing Bureau. Slogan, "Watch Our State." Dally ex Sun, first 15 min. of every hour from 9 am-2 pm, markets: 3, N. Y. stocks and markets. Daily ex Sat. Sun, 5 pm, markets. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8-10 pm. concert. Sun, 7:30-8:30 pm, church service. Tues, Frl, 5 pm, children's story hour. Central. WOWL. New Orleans. La. 270 meters. 100 watts. Owl Battery company. WOWO. Fort Wayne. Ind. 227 meters. 500 watts. Main AutO Supply Co. WPAK. Fargo. N. D. 275 meters. 100 walls. N. D. •Agricultural College. Announcer, Gordon Laing. Off the air until October 5. WPAZ, Charleston, W. Va. 268 meters. 20 watts. West Virginia Radio Sales Corp. Tues. Fri. 7:30-8:30 pm. Eastern. WPG. Atlantic City. N. J. 299.8 meters. 500 watts. Municipality of Atlantic City. Slogan. "World's Playgrounds." Mon, Tues, Fri, 7 pm. Tucs, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 9 pm: 19, classics. Mon, S pm, Thurs, 11 pm. Sat, 6:30 pm, concert; 10. Sun, 3:15 pm, organ; 4:15, service; 10, service. Eastern daylight. WPSC. State College, Pa. 261 meters. 500 watts. Pa. Stale College. Slogan: "The Volco of the Nlltany Lion." WQAA, Parkesburg. Pa. 220 meters. 500 watts. Horace A. Bcaic, Jr. Temporarily discontinued. WQAC, Amarlllo. Tex. 231 meters. 100 watts. Glsh Radio Service. Irregular schedule. WQAE, Springfield. Vt. 246 meters. 50 watts. Moore Kii. News Station. Announcer. Ernest S. Newell. Slogan, "Boost Springfield." sat, 11-1 am. Sun, 10:30 am, church service; T pm, service. Eastern. WQAM. Miami. Fla. 268 meters. 100 watts. Electrical •Equip. Co. Announcer, Frederick W. Mlzer. Slogan, "It Is Alway June In Miami." Tho Most Southern Badlocastlng Btatlon in V. S. Dally ex Sun, 8:15-9:30 pm. sun, 7:30-9 pm. Eastern. WOAN. Scranton, Pa. 250 meters. 100 watts. Scranton •Times. Announcer, T. V. Nealnn. Slogan. "The Volco of the Anthracite." Daily ex Sun, 12:30-1 pm. 4:80-5, news, report . baseball, music. Tues, Fri, 8 pm, entertainment. Eastern. WQAO. New York City, N. Y. 360 meters. 100 watts. Calvary Baptist Church. Announcer, It. E. Bogardus. Slogan: "The First Church Owned and Operated Broadcasting Button in the World." Sun, 11:30 am, v ." inn. church lervtcsi Eastern daylight WQAS. Lowell. Mass. 252 meters. 100 watts. Prlnco Waltor Co. WQI. Chicago. III. 447.5 meters. 500 watts. Calumet ■Baking Powder company— Balnbo Garden Am ncer, Jerry Sullivan. Dall) ex Sun. 1:45 2 I". pm, unman's hour; 10 1, 1-2, ginger hour. Bat, 10-8. Dally ex son, Mon. 7.1 pm, Mon, 8-4 mo. 8-10. Central I I I light. WMAA. Houston. Tex. 250 meters. 100 waits. The Rico In unite. WRAF. I.a Porte, Ind. 224 meters, 100 watts. Radio ■Club, inc. Announcer, Charts Mlddleton. Slogan, Poles ot llin M.itilc City." Mon. 8:30 pm. Central. WRAK, Escanal.a. Ml. Ii 258 meters. 100 waits. Kenn v Llghl Company, Announcer, Ken Voght. Slogan, "Tiie (satewey to CToverlannV' Mon, Frl, 8:3i> pm. WRAM, Oaleiburg. III. 214 motors. 100 watts. Lombard Special pri whav. rellow Springs, o. 288 meters, loo watts intloch College. Announcer, Charles Hoffman. Wed. 8 pm, miisle. ■'. sducatlonal. Sun. 7 pm Central. WRAW. Reading, Pa, 2 ::« motors. 10 waits. Avenue 'Radio ,v Else shot.. Slogan, "The Schuylkill Valley Echo." Announcer, C M. Chafe) Dally u Sun. 7 pm, hi el.. ,ii. Thurs, 7:10, upon talk. 10-11:80 pm. WRAX. Gloucester en., n ,i -.''.ii meter 100 wall .■ Announcer, Anna li Pleion. Hon. Thurs. Frl, tern. WRBC. Valparaiso. Ind. 278 rooters. 500 walls, lm msilliel I. nth. ran rlnmli Aon. inn, it. PotTI ' Slogan. "World Redeemed by I hrlsl " Mon, ' 30 pm, Sun. 7 BO, eliun h BTVIOI I I ''ern. WRC. Wa ihlngton, D. C. 488.6 Radio •o.rp'n .if li iiH.T. Norman Bn . "The Voice "I II"' Capitol." Mon. Wed, Frl. I let, 1-12 midnight. Eastern. WREC. Coldwater, Miss. 86*4 meten 10 watte, Woolen's Radio a Elw I o Am Slogan. "The Most Powerful 10 Wall Station III the World " WREO. Laming, Mich. 885.5 meters. 500 waits Rro •Mni. ii ■ 83, Davis. Slogan, h It " Daily ex Sun. 10 pm, we ,11,. | Thur,. ' 12 ml'lnliili'. Ira. Hun. HI am. 7 inn. ncrn. WRHF. Washington. i> C 188 n lis Wash •Ingt/iii ! il Dally ex Sun, 11 ain, p.. lire reports, news. Raslern, WRK. Hamilton. I) 370 meters. 2o0 wail.. Jlnrnn Urns Elec. Co, Slogan. "The Oldest Station In El Frl. 8 15 pm, music, lecture. Bun, 10:15 am, T:30 pm. rhurrh serslrn central. WRM. Urbane. 111. 273 melon. 500 waits. Univ. of III •Irregular schedule WRNY. BOO waits. Kx ■sim. 11:59 am. 12-1 i 8. Mon, 1 "•'' 'i pm . 0 mo. 10 i pin. 10:30. I'M. light. WRR. Dallas, Tea ?;? r, meters 350 watu. City of Dallas. 'Announcer, C >' 0 WRW. Tarrjtnvsn. N Y. 272.0 meters. 500 watts. Tsrry town Radio Research Laboratory. Announcer, Frederick Koenig. Slogan. "Everything in Radio." Daily ex Sun, Wed. 9-11:30 pm. Mon. 7-8 pm. Wed. loll :30 pm. Sun, 8-9 pm, 10:30-11:30. Eastern daylight. WSAB, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 275 meters. 100 watts. Southeast Mo. State Teachers College. Mon. Wed. 3:30 pm, lecture; 9, concerts. Central. WSAC, Clcmsnn College. S. C. 336.9 meters. 500 watts. 'Clemson Agri. College. Announcer, H. E. Gaffney. Off the air until Sept. 1. , WSAD, Providence, R. I. 256 meters. 100 watts. Fosters-Jewelers. WSAG. St. Petersburg, Fla. 266 meters. 250 watts. •Gospel tabernacle. WSAI. Mason. O. 325.9 meters. 5000 watts. United States Playing Card Co. Announcer, P. A. Greene. Mon. 10-12 m. Tues, 7-10 pm. Wetl. 10-12 midnight. Thurs, 8-10 pm. Sat. S-10; 12-1:15 am. Sun. 3-4 pm, 8-10. Central daylight. WSAJ. Grove City, Pa. 229 meters. 250 watts. Grove City College. Announcer, Wm. L. Harmon. College activities. Wed. 7:30-9 pm, music, irregular programs. Eastern. WSAN, Allcntown. Pa. 229 meters. 50 watts. Allentown Call Pub. Co. Announcer, C. Fred Rllter. Tues. Thurs, 8 pm. Eastern. WSAR. Fall River. Mass. 254 meters. 100 watts. •Doughty & Welch Elec. Co., Inc. Announcer, Charles McCarthy. Daily' ex Sun. 12-1 pm. Sun. 10:30-12 in. Eastern. WSAU, Chesham, N. H. 229 meters. 19 watts. Camp Marlenfeld. WSAX, Chicago. 111. 268 meters. 20 watts. Chicago Radio Lab. WSAZ, Pomeroy, Ohio. 244 meters. 50 watts. Chase Elec. Shop. Announcer, Glenn E. Chase. Wed, 9:30 pm, music. Sun, 10:30 am, 2:30 pm. Eastern. WSB. Atlanta, Ga. 428.3 meters. 500 watts. Atlanta Journal. Announcer, Lambdln Kay. Slogan, "The Voice of the South." Daily ex Sun, 12-1 pm, music, weather; 2:30, reports: 5, orchestra, time story; 8-9. concert (ex Wed) 10:45-12, concert. Sun, 5-6. 7:30-9:15. church services. Central. WSDA. New York, N. Y. 263 meters. 250 watts. City •Temple. Thurs, 8-9:30 pm. Sat, 10:45-12 m. Sun, 7:30-9:30 pm. Eastern daylight. WSKC. Bay City. Mich. 261 meters. 100 watts. World's Star Knitting Co. WSIHB. New Orleans, La. 319 meters. 500 watls. Saenger Amusement Co. and The Malson Blanche Co.. Daily ex Sun, 12:30-1:30 pm, 6:30-7:30. Mon. Wed, Thurs, Sat. 8:30-10:30 pm. Central. WSMH. Owosso. Mich. 240 meters. 10 watts. Shattuok •Music House. Announcer, Don Shattuck. Wed, 8 pm. Sat, 10:30. Sun, 10 am. services. Central. WSMK, Dayton, Ohio. 275 meters. 150 watts. S. M. K. Radio Corp. Announcer, S. M. Krohn, Jr. Slogan, "Watch Dayton's Broadcasting Station." Tues, Thurs, Sat, 8-10 pm. Sat, 11:45-12:30 am, dance music. Ccniral WSOE, Milwaukee, Wis. 246 meters. 500 watts. School of Engineering of Milwaukee. Announcer, O. W. Meissner. Slogan, "In the Land of the Sky-blue Waters." Dally ex Sat, Sun, 9-10 am. lecture: 1-3 pm, talk; 5-6:30, concert; 6-6:30, markets. Mon. Frl, 9-12 mid. music. Tues. Thurs, Sat, 7:30-9 pm. music. Sun. 9:30 am. service; 10:30-11:30; 1-3 pm; 7:308 :30, services. Central. WSRF. liruadlands. 111. 233 meters. 10 watts. Dick's and Harden Radio Station. Announcer. "Red" Harden. WSRO, Hamilton, Ohio. 2",2 meters, mo watts. Radio •Co. Announcer, Harry W. Fahllandcr. Slogan, "We Sell Radio Only." Wed, Fri, Sun, 10-12 midnight. Central. WSUI. Iowa City, la. 483.8 meters. 500 watls. Univ. nf Inua, Announcer, Carl Menzer. Mon. Tues, Wed, Thurs, Frl, 12:30-1 pm. Mon. 8, music, talks. Sun, 9-9:30, music. Central. WSY, Auburn, Ala. 250 meters. 500 watts. Alabama Polytechnic Institute. WTAB. Fall River. Mass. 266 meters. 100 watts. Fall River Daily Herald. Daily and Sun, li pm, organ, Tues, Thurs, 8-1(1 pm. Wed, Sat, 5 pm. Eastern standard. WTAC, Johnstown, Pa. 267.8 melers. 100 watts. Penn. Traffic I'.. Announcer, D. B. Cole. Mon, Fri, 7:30 10 [HO. Kasti'iu. WTAL. Toledo, Ohio. 252 meters. 10 watts. Toledo Radio A: Elec. Co. Announcer, 10. R. Frank. Slogan: "The Gateway to the Sea." Dally ex Sun, 8:30 pm. Eastern. WTAM. Cleveland. Ohio. 389.4 meters. 1,500 watts. Wlllani Storage Battery Co. Announcer, A. R. Herske. Blogan: "The Voice from the Storage Battery." Daily ex Sun, 0-7 pm. dinner program. Mon. 8-12 pm, concert. Wed, 8-1 am. Sat, 9-12 midnight, dance. I., tem WTAP. Cambridge, ill. 212 melers, mo waits. Cambridge Radio S I'lce. Co. Am ncer. B. Tallml. wtaq. (i in. wi 2.-1I meters, 100 watts, s. 11. Van ■Oorden .v Son. Announoer, Mrs. c. s. Van Qorden, Blogan: "The Voice of the Wilderness " Dally ex Sun. 10:30 am. 12:15 pm. 0:15, weather, markets; 0:30. code Frl, Sun. 7:30 pm. Ccniral. WTAR. Norfolk, Va. 201 meters. IIIO watls. Reliance 'Electric Co. Announcer, J. is. Bohannon, slogan, "Down In 01.1 Virginia." Dally ei Sun, 5:55 1 weather, ilde report : 8:45, baseball. Eastern. WTAS. Elgin, 111 30218 in.lei 1 .111111 wall . Charles E. Brb 1 -in Slogan, "Willie, Tommle, Annie and Summit,'' Dally n Bun, Thurs, h 1 1 pm. Thurs. Sun. 7-12. urn le. Central dnyllghl WTAT, I'. 11, Mats, 211 meters. 1U0 watls. 1,11 un ii.' Illuminating Co. (portable). Announcer, Leon I! II. 1.1 / WTAU, Tecumseh, Neb. 212 motors. 10 watts. Ruegg Batten e. Elec Co. Tues. 8:30 pm. Central. WTAW. College Btatlon, Tea 2T11 meters. 850 watts A ii. niiur.ii anil Mechanical College of Texas. Silent during the summer. WTAX. Slreator. Ill 281 mii.r,. 50 watts. Williams Hardware Co . Radio UK i Ion inn icer, N B Willi, mi Blogan "Tappa Sea a Mall " Mon. 0:30 i Col wtaz. Lambertvillo, N. J. 2i;i meter., it, watts Thomas J. MKlulro. Mon, 8 III pm. music. El tern WTO. Manhattan, Kan, 00 watts. Kon. Agri, College. Dally. 8:58 am, 4 pm. weather. I . nllal WTHS. I'lln I. Mich. 118 I Will Min' II S WTic. Hartford, Conn. 848.8 meters Mm watts. Tim It , In nr.itii •■ I !ompBI The In ui ml i' B0; Wed, 6:50 pm, WWAD. Philadelphia, Pa ,\ Wright, in. Annoum er, H W ( slogan. "Penn City Btatlon." U Thurs, '.in daylight WWAE. PlalnOeld, III 212 meters, 500 walU. 1 ' Anll'inli, <T, . I. inn .1 U i WWAO. Houghton, Mil Mlrhl "gan College "I Mini \n leer. M. (J. S., lei. u. nrr the air until Boplembor. WWI. Dearborn. Mlrh 910 motel Motot i" We,| 1-10 fin. music Ire lures. Easlern. WWI, Detroit, " meter,. 500 watls. The lie ii. .ii Nov Inm uncer, i L Tyson D Sun, H s 30 am. r-ttlng UP . ,. i I • . :• household hit iime . IS n.l2 15 inn. i . :i I v.. raut It ex Sal. Sun. Hon, Wed, Frl. a Wed, lo [on. orchestra. Son. II am. (Imrrli .erslre; 2 :: pm, and nil Eastern. WWI, ' . meters. 100 wan l iv. Announcer, o 1. Abcil. Sst, 8-9 pm. Ccniral. Argentina B-l. nucnei Aires. Argentina Franrlsrn J. Bruss. LOR. Busnot Aires. Arg.nllna. 350-410 meters. 600 Radio Argentina. LOV. line.,, mi, . Irganiina 380 meters. 1,000 . J llrusa. LOW. Buenos Aires. Argentina 325 meter. 500 watu. I splendid Theater. Announcer. Luis Dial. LOX, Buenos Aires. Argentina. 375 meters. Cultura. LOY, Buenos Aires. Argentina. Radio Naclonal. nouncer. Osvaldo P. A'alla. TCR, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 325-300 meters. watts. Francisco J. Brusa. Australia 2BL. Sydney. Australia. 350 meters. 5,000 Broadcasters Limited. 2FC, Sydney, Australia. 1.100 meters. 5,000 Farmer & Co.. Ltd. 3AR. Melbourne. Australia. 480 meters. 1,600 Associated Radio Co.. Ltd. 5CL, Adelaide. South Australia. 375 meters. watts. Central Broadcasters. Ltd. 6WF, Perth, Australia. 1.250 meters. 5,000 •Westralia Farmers, Ltd. Radio An100 watts. watts, watts. 5,000 tvatts. Austria •Graz, Austria. 404 melers. 1,500. "Vienna, Austria. 530 meters. 500. Radio Wien. Brazil SPE, Rio dc Janeiro, Brazil. 250 meters. 500 watts. Dept of National Telegraphs. Bahia, Brazil. Radio Sociedade do Bahla. Belle Horlzontes, Brazil. 50 watts. National Tele•graph Sendee. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. 6,000 watts. Marconi (Radio Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 320 meters. 20 watts. Radio Bon•deirantes. Belgium BAV, Haeren, Belgium. 1.800 meters. 1.000 watts. Daily. 1 pm, 2. 4:50. 6:50. weather. SRB, Brussels, Belgium. 265 meters. 1,500 watts. Canada (The power ratings of the following: Canadian stations are given In "oscillating'" watts, rather than watts output —the method in which American stations are rated In this directory.) CFAC, Calgary, Alta. Can. 434.5 meters. 500 watts. "Calgary Herald. Announcer, Fred Carlcton. Daily es Sun, 1 pm, news, markets, music. Wed, 7:45-8:45 pm; Thurs. »-ll pm. (CNRC) Mountain. CFCA, Toronto, Ont., Can. 356.9 meters. 500 watts. Toronto Star. Announcer, E. J. Bowers. Dally oi Sun, 12 m., weather, news, stocks: 5:30-6 pm, news, bedtime story. Dally ei Sun, Fri, 8-9 pm. Thurs. 10-11:30 pm. popular program. Frl, 8-9 pm. (CNRTi Sun, 11 am, 7 pm, church services. Eastern. CFCF. Montreal, P. Q., Can. 410.7 meters. 1500 watts. ■Marconi Wireless Telg. Co.. Ltd. Announcer, C. Walter Darling. Dally ex Sun, 12:45-1:40 pm. stocks, music. Mon. Frl. 7-7:30 pm. bedtime stories: 7:30-8:30, music; 9-10; 10:30-11:30, orchestra. Wed, 7-8 pm. onlicslra. Eastern. CFCH. Iroquois Falls. Ont., Can. 499.7 meters. 250 watts. Abltlbl Power & Paper Co., Ltd. Slogan. The Call of the North." Experimental station for forest protection, CFCK, Edmonton. Alta.. Can. 516.9 meters. 100 watts. Radio Supply Co., Ltd. Dally ex Sun. 4-5 pm. Wed. 9-10:30 pm. Sun, 4-5:30 pm. Mountain. CFCN. Calgary, Alta., Can. 434.5 meters. 750 watts. W. W. Grant, Lid. Slogan: "Voice of Hie Prairies." Tues, 11:311 pm, ltronco Busters ; Wed. 9 pm, Frl. Sat. lo pm. Sun, (alternate) 11 am, 7:30 pm. service. Mountain. CFCR. Sudbury, Ont.. Can. 410 motors. 200 watts. Laurentlde Air Service. Ltd. OIV the air. CFCT. Victoria. B. C. Can. 329.5 meters. 250 watts. Victoria City Temple. Slogans. "Follow tho Birds to Victoria," "Canada's First." Tues. Thurs, 7-8 pm. music. Wed. Frl, 8-9:30 pm, concert. Sun. 11 am. 7 :30 pm, church services. Facifle. CFCU, Hainllinn. Out.. Can. 310 7 meters. Sun waits. •Jack V. Elliot, Lid. CFHC. Calgary. Alta.. Can. 434 5 meters. 750 watts. Henry lllrks & Sons, Ltd. CFKC, Thorold, Ont., Can. 248 meters. 75 waits. Thorold Radio Supply. Dally ex Sun. 12-12:30 pm ; 5-6. Tues, Thurs, Sat. 8:80-10:30 pm. Sun. 11 am. church service; 2-4 ptu, 8pm, sacred concert, music. CFQC. Saskatoon, Sasl;.. Can. 329.5 meters. 250 watls. 'The Electric Shop. Ltd. Announcer. I). F. streb. Slogan, Tin Hub City of tin West Where No I Northern Hard Wheal Grows." Daily ex Sun, 12:15-1 pm, markets, reports, music. Tues, o-ii pm. Timrs. 9-11 tun. address, liiuslr. Frl. 9-11:30 pm, dance program. Sun, n am, church service. Mountain, CFRC, Kingston, Ont.. Cun. 450 meters. 500 watts. Queen's University. Discontinued temporarily. CFXC. New Westminster, Ii. C. 291. 1 motors. 20 watts. Westminster Trust Co. and Hume A Rumble. Ltd Announcer, K. Sterling. Slogan: "Voles of the Fraso' River." Moll. Wed. Frl. I 30 8 80 inn. Pacific. CFYC. Vancouver, li. c 410.7 meten. mo watts. Commercial Radio, Lid. Slogan, "Canada's Flourishing Young I'll'. CHBC. Calgary, Alia.. Can 4:11.5 meters. 750 watu. ii" Calgar] Albortan. Dally ex Sun. Sat. 6-6:80 pm, 101 1 Quotations, music Mi in CHCM. Calgary, kite.. Can. 484.8 meters. 750 watts. Riley & Mrl'iirmlrk, I. Id Slogan. "Western Canada's I 1 ■ .iiiu Lsalhei (ii„,ds Store." Thurs. 8-9 pm. Mountain. CHCS. Hamilton, Out.. Can. 3107 motors. 100 watu. Bamllton Bpectltor, Announcer. H. Earnshaw. Dally ei Sun. 8:48 pm. news, markets, baseball. Sat. 10-18 midnight, dance. Sun, 11 am. 7 pm Eastern. CHIC. Ton. nl. i. Can. 358.8 tnclers, 500 walls Northern 'Electric t' p. in,. Aiiiinunrer, It. \V. Lowtnan. Aller nate Bat, B-ll:80 pm. Alternate Mon. 10-11:80 pn. CHNC, 'I'm nl... Cm 500 walls. Toronto Itiullu Research society. Announcer, R. B. Combs. Mon, B:80 pi ncerl Program CHIC crnc through 'his station, Easlern daylight, CHUC. Sa, inn. Bask . Can. 88t>6 meters. 250 watu. International lui.le Students' assoelatlon, Annminrer. I: C. I. hi. Mmi, Wed. S-10 pm. Sun, 1 ] pin. 7 80 9 CHXC. Ottawa, Ont., Can. 434.5 motors. 250 watts. J. II Booth. Jr. CHYC. Montreal, Quo. Can. 410.96 melers. 500 watts. Northern Blee. CO. Announcer. N. S, Richards. Wed, 8 n pm sun. 7 pm. CNItM programs occasionally. i .i i. in da] ii, iii cica. Edmonton, Alia. can. r.ic 9 ten, r.oo watu. 'Edmonton .inurnai. i, id. Announcer, it. a. Bios The s le.t Iii Suiu.i Alberts." Club. "Igloo lllll " Dalh ei Sun, 18 III I 80 POl, WI Ithl I, 0-8 ; B 30 ■' B0 Wed, "-8 pm. Sal, ; .'in s pm; 8:4 . Thurs, 7:30-8 pin. 111. ii-8 pm; 8;.'lu, CMIK. Sun, 7:30-9 pm. Mnlll) CiCL. Montreal. Can. 270 meters. 10 waits. A. Couture. C10C, I.nn.1 (int.. can 888.5 meters. 50 watu. I,,. 11. inn Free Presi Dally n sun. 1-2 pm. news, music Tues. Thurs. Frl. 7;I5-H:40 pm. Frl. 11 12 midnight. Eastern. CKAC. Montreal. Que. Can. 410.7 melers. 1.500 walls. m..i pre a, liu ncer, Jacques Cartlor. Mon, Wed, in. Mon. 1 15 pm, orchestra Dally ex Bat, 1 pm, ;. markoU, slocks, mad re|».rl a Tues. Thurs, Sai. " pm, eiiii, inn's hour; 7:80, concert; I siudlo conrrtrt; 10:30, dance, Hun. 4 :<o pm, sacred Ml.lnli'hi frolics ilrsi and ihlr.l w., in. 1 . nf mimih csu\i programs 3 first days nf each month iighi CKCO. Vancouver. B. O, Can. .197 meten. 600 waits. Vancouver Dally Province. Announcer. Wll Ham Rose Slogan. "Canada's Western (Jalewnv . " Dally ex Sun. 8:300:30 pm, muile. nows. enlcruln rarlflc. (The above listings rnmplelo the stations In tho I'nlied BUUl and pari ol Ihc foreign hrosdraitrra Part v ll s complete location Index ..( stations and tho lemalndcr of the foreign list. This appears next week I