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The National Broadcast Authority — R A D !
High Lights of the Week
SQUEALS and groans heard Saturday night should frighten everyone listening in. Witches and ghosts will be on the air weaving spells to enchant unsuspecting fans. KHJ is inviting all the kiddies to tune in between the hours of S and 10 p. m. Pacific time. This special Halloween party is in honor of Uncle John Daggett, who is returning from the Hawaiian Islands.
The Atwater Kent artists to be heard Sunday night through WEAF and chain, are Mary Lewis, soprano, and Paul Kochanski. violinist. Earlier in the evening Donald B. MacMillan, the famous Arctic explorer, will talk. Mr. MaeMillan's boat returned too late to make the previous date for which he was scheduled.
WBAP again announces the annual Holy Roller broadcast. The Hired Hand will begin Monday at 7:30 p. m. Central time, to give full details of this Xegro Holy Ghost camp meeting.
The two-a-day will amuse WBZ's listeners Tuesday. Charles R. Hector's orchestra and vaudeville will broadcast from Keith-Albee St. James theater. The first of the series of World famous guest artists to appear (with the KGO Little Symphony orfchestra at KGO will be Vladimir IDrucker, solo trumpet player with the San Francisco symphony orchestra.
He will broadcast four solos Tuesday evening. Mr. Drueker, a graduate of the Moscow Imperial conservatory, has played with both the Los Angeles and the New York symphonys.
Steinway and Sons are giving a series of concerts by famous musicians through WJZ, New York. The Elshuco trio which has traveled extensively both in this country and Europe will give a program of chamber music Wednesday. A travelogue with guitar accompaniments is the Wednesday feature at KPRC. "Beautiful Land of Hawaii," will be given by Laurence H. Daingerfield and Elmer D. Burdick.
A program of Russian church music, rarely heard in this country, will be the unique feature Thursday evening at WKRC, Cincinnati. The St. John's Unitarian church choir will sing.
A series of organ recitals by well known artists of New York will be given Fridays at WAHG, Richmond Hill. The first organist to be heard is Chandler Goldthwaite, who has recently returned from Paris. Friday also heralds the jazz-classical contest at KOA, Denver. Artists representing leading talent in opposing factions will be heard alternately during this novel struggle before the microphone. All fans may vote.
Saturday, October 31
Headliners Today
Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
8 7 6 5 WPG (299. S) Halloween program.
8:30 7:30 6:30 5:30
WCAE (461.1) Philharmonic orchestra.
9 8 7 6 WW (50S.2) Negro Spiritualists. WTAM (3S9.4) Coo Coo club.
10:15 9:15 8:15 7:15
WSAI (325.9) "Bohemian Girl" music.
11 10 9 8 KFWB (252) Garden string trio. KHJ (405.2) Kiddies' Halloween party.
12 11 10 9 KPRC (296.9) Halloween frolic.
concert. Prof.
Eastern Time Stations
CNRO. Ottawa. Can. (435), 8 p. ra.. Chateau Lauriet concert orchestra; 9, Regimental band, GovernorGeneral's Foot Guards; Chateau Laurier dance
KDKA. 'Pittsburgh. Pa. (309.1). 6:15 p. m. Westing house band; 8:30, Westinghousc band; Pitt Four quartet.
PWX, Havana. Cuba (400). 8:30 p.
WAFD? "port Huron, Mich. (275), 8-11 P. m., studio program; 11:30-2 a. m., musical program, Addison
WAHG, Richmond Hill. N. Y. (315.6), 12-1 a. m.,
WBBR?,rNew York. N. Y. (272.6), 8 p. m.. Malcolm Carmenl. clarineti-t; 8:10, L. .Marion Brown, soprano' 8:20, Bible questions and answers, Judge Butherford; 8:40, L. Marlon Brown, soprano; 8:50, Malcolm Carment, clarinetist.
WCAE. Pittsburgh. Pa. (461.3). 6:30 p. m.. William Penn hotel; 8. addre--, Pittsburgh Personnel association; 8:30. Philharmonic concert
WCX ' Detroit. Midi. (517), 6 p. m. dinner concert, Book-Cadillac hotel. _ ,
WEAF. New York. N. Y. (491.5), 1:45-3 p. m„ Yale
Anny football game: 4-5. dance orchestra; 0-7. dinner
music. Waldorf-Astoria: 7-11. musical program; II
Lopcz and his Hotel Pennsylvania
WEAR. Cleveland. Ohio (389.4). 7 p. m.. Hotel Sutler
WEEI. B»ston. Mass. (348.6), 7 p. m., American House Marimba band and OTCbc Dok Elsenbourg's
Htate theat'-r orchestra; 9. political rally, Theodore fillnn, candidate for may.r ol Bo Urn; speakers, James Curler, Theodore Gllnn; vocal and in trumental lrto Klsenbourg's Htate theater orchestra; 11. talk, Malcolm Nichols, Boston candidate for
WGB8. New Ywk, N. Y. (315.6). 8-6:30 p. m.. Uncle Qeebec: 6:30-7, Vincent Horey's orchestra; 7-7:16,
nhur't. plar I . Poll ll
Warner's theater;
WGBU. Fulfonl-by-ttie-8ea. Fla. (278). ' p. m . TI.tc-j Horn, pianist; 10-12, Miami Dally Tab musical melange: 12 orchestra.
WOCP. N»w York. N. Y. (315.6). 3-8:16 P. rn., II. r,r . Bosters. planlit; 3:15-3:30, Ukulele Urn Hayi : Maurice Abraham] rlchsen, banloliu; 4-4:16, Jobsnni skulele, iotuu; 1:16-6, Blehard Cheatham's Club Ba<ha OTcneatra, W6R. BuflaU. N. Y. (319), 1:45 p. to. jointly with rcolladata football game, Yale w. Army, New Haven. W6V, fcVehenectady. N. Y. (379.5), 9:35 p. m. Hotel
Van I tra.
WHAR. Atlantic City. N. J. (275). 7 .:;') p. m.. lecture
period. *. u-a.ld' hold trio. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2). 1 p. m.. organ F : 8:05, dinner rnuslc, 1:
Print 111 7, Uni P' Wlp'i bedtlmi
utfiry ; t>'Ellscii;
<<■ -ing enaemble: :t, Prince \ r,»..
v quartet, negro uplrltuallsta; 10:05, B
Franklin dan< c orchestra. W. IrOng Oppenbelm; 1 1 :or.. rmantown lite WJ4?R. Previdente. R. I. (306.9). 1:45 p. m.. Yale
and Army game; 8:20, f'hllh.i tra. Wil
liam MeweE WIR. Detroit, Mich. (517). 2:30 P. I
^U'hlgan; 7, Jean Goldkettc's sercn..
Goldkette's aerenaderi; 10, orchestra; 11:30,
Hsters. WMCA. New York. N. Y. (340.7). 8-6.30 r. m.. Oleott
Vail and lil Hot1 McAlpIn «trlng ensemble.
Usd Lien lea orcbtstra; Banjo Boys; 7-7:15, Ulk,
Frank D. Waterman; 7:15-8:15) the Amphions; 8:30S:4o: Hon. Justice Joseph B. MeKee; 9-10, Messner Brothers orchestra; 11-12, Ernie Golden and his Hotel MeAlpin orchestra.
WNYC, New York, N. Y. (526). 7-7:30 p. ra., song recital; 7:30-7:35. police alarms; 7:35-8, song recital; 8-12. Halloween program of dance music.
WOR, Newark, N. J. (405.2), 3:15-3:45 p. m., Zlfs Central Park Casino orchestra; 6:15-6:17, "Words Often Mispronounced"; 6:17-7:15, Hotel Shelton ensemble; 7:15-7:30, sports talk. Bill Wathey: 7:308:30, Tan's Collegians; 10:30-11:30. Ciro's orchestra.
WPG, Atlantic City, N. J. (299.8), 1:30 p. m.. Hotel Morton luncheon music, J. Leonard Lewis, director: 6:45, organ recital, Arthur Scott Brook; 7, Hotel Ambassador dinner music; 8, Halloween program; 8:30, Chalfonte Haddon Hall concert; dance music.
WRC, Washington, D. C. (468.5). 1 p. m.. New Willard hotel orchestra; 7. Hotel Washington orchestra; 8, Bible talk; 8:15, musical program; 10:30, Crandall's Saturday Xighters.
WREO, Lansing, Mich. (285.5), 10-12 midnight, SpeedWagon serenaders.
WTAG, Worcester, Mass. (268), 3-5:15 p .m.. Bueknell university-Holy Cross game.
WTAM, Cleveland, Ohio (389.4), 6-7 p. m.. Hotel Hollenden orchestra; 8-9, Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians; 9-12, Ev Jones and the Coo Coo club ; Joe Ferte, tenor.
WTIC, Hartford. Conn. (475.9), 2 p. m., Yale and Army football game.
WWj, Detroit, Mich. (352.7), 12:05 p. m.. Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra; 3, football.
Central Time Stations
KFAB. Lincoln. Neb. (340.7), 5:30-6:30 p. m.. Belshaw's orchestra: Buick Little symphony; 8:30-10:30. Schmoller and Mueller.
KFNF, Shenandoah, Iowa (266), 7 p. m., jubilee singers.
KFRU. Columbia, Mo. (499.7), 2 i>. in., Ames-Missouri game.
KFVE, University City, Mo. (240), 10 p. m.. Gene Witacker's orchestra.
KMA, Shenandoah, Iowa (252), 6-7 p. m., popular concert, chimes, William Howie; 9-11, program.
KOIL, Council Bluffs, Iowa (278), 7:30 p. ra., all soprano program; quartet; Leland Wykoff, tenor; Dorothy Cogwell, pianist ; Gene Duffield, pianist ; Edith Wright, violinist; 11, program; 12, special Pacific coast program.
KPRC, Houston. Texas (296.9). 12 m.. Fatty Martin's End o* Main dance orchestra; 3:30 p. m., Southwestern-Rice institute fotball game; 7:30 p. m., Bible class, Rev. Claud L. Jones; 8, studio program: 8:30, Frank Tllton, boy pianist; 11. Halloween frolic program; Mrs. Dan F. Vickers, soprano; Henry Juenger, tenor; Nettie Mae Powell, violinist; Mrs. Harmon Whlttington, pianist; Michael Spampinato, saxophonist.
KSD. St. Louis, Mo. (545.1), 7 p. m.. Grand Central theater.
KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark. (374.8), 9-9:10 p. m., football results; 9:10-10, New Arlington orchestra.
KYW, Chicago, III. (535.4), 11:35 a. m., table talk, Mrs. Anna .7. Peterson; 1:35-3 p. m., Saturday frolic; 6:35-7, children's bedtime story. Uncle Bob; 7-7:80, Congress hotel; 8-9, musical artists.
WAMD. Minneapolis, Minn. (243.8), 12 m., saxophone quartet; Marion Latta, contralto; Merle Fuller, accompanist; Carl Schmld. tenor; Bayne Cummins, accompanist; Lester Ptaulson, violinist; 7, banjo quartet; Fred Boble, Robert Mek-hor, uke duet; Gertrude Nubelster. pianist; Katherine Grill, contralto; 10:30, George Oshorn and his Skyrocket orchestra.
WBBM, Chicago, III. (243.8), 8-10 p. m.. Sunset male quartet: Babbe and Barr; Blue Deuces; Charlie Garland; Nate Caldwell; Eddie Loftus; George Marbach, tenor; Corrlne Jordan; WBBM string quartet; 11-1. Carl Strode), baritone; Joseph Raieff, pianist; Torrid Two; Ilonky Tonk Gloom Chasers; Sue Olmtead; Montmartre orchestra: 11-2, Hotsy Totsy hour; ;ir orchestra: Charlie Garland; Nate Caldwell; Eddie Loftus.
WCCO. Minneapolis. St. Paul, Minn. (416.4), 10:45 a. m., Cold Medal Flour service talk; Gold Medal Girl ' club; 12:30 noon. Golden Pheasant orchestra: 6:15 p. m.. dinner concert, Blley's St. Paul -hotel tra; ft. "Fireside Philosophies," Rev. Roy L. Smith; &;15, musical program; 10:05, Arnold Frank's ■ 'ii hotel daace orchi '
WDAF. Kansas City. Mo. (365.6), 6-7 p. m.. School of Hi' Air; piano tunlng-ln number on the Duo-Art; linger W. Babson; organ music. Royal . Trianon ensemble; 11:45-1 a. m., Nighthawk frolic; Plantation players; Johnnie Campbell's K. c club orchestra; Karl Coleman's orchestraEddie Kuhn's K. C. Athletic club orchestra.
WEBH. Chicago, III. (370.2). 7:80-8:80 p. m.. Oriole
tra; Howard Neumlller, pianist; 9:80-10:80,
Oriole orchestra: Marie Kelly, reader; Bay Ronaync,
■ » : n :301 a. m., Oi 0,1, i. n ., ; i.'nmk Grief,
Blanche and itudi Bale; Wayne Myers, reader.
WENR. Chicago. III. (266), 6-7 p. ui., Kauland lyric trio; 8-10, AllAmerican Pioneers; Vvaltei Peterson; 12-2 a m., midnight frolic, Frank Weitphal and Ml American Pioneers; Tommy Smith; Marie Tullcy. soprano.
WFAA, Dallas. Texas (475.9). 12:30-1 p. m., Alex 30-7:30, Ford's Texas Trumpeters; Harris and company's orchestra; 11-12, Adolphus Hotel orcb
WGN. Chicago, III. (370.2), 8:30-7 p. m.. Drake con■art •nsemble, nuok>u,na atrlna quinut; s-g, WON
string trio; 10-11, Jack Chapman's and Blackstoue hotel dance orchestras.
WHAD. Milwaukee, Wis. (278), 6-7 p. m., Arthur Richter. organist.
WHAS, Louisville, Ky. (399.8), 4-5 p. m., special program, readings; 7:30-9, concert, Liberty Insurance bank. Joseph Eisenbeis. director.
WHT. Chicago, III. (399.8). 6 p. m.. classical program; Grayling's string trio; Jean Carlson, soprano; Eleanor Kaplan, violinist; W. Dyckman, baritone; Edwin Kemp, tenor; Al Carney, organist; (238), 7:45-9:15. musical features; (399.8), 9:30. Jelke entertainers; Kitchen Klenzer Klassics, Harry Langdon, harmonica soloist; Marie Wright, soprano; Golden trio; Oscar Heather, tenor; Al Carney, organist; 12. Pat Barnes and Al Carney.
WIBO, Chicago, III. (226), 6-8 p. m., James Luehansky, tenor; Dorothy Dlllow. soprano: Helen Ginsberg, soprano; Charlotte Edwards, contralto.
WJJD. Mooseheart, III. (302.8), 10 p. m.. Log Cabin orchestra; Belmont hotel orchestra; Jack Mason, Robert Duphiney; Robert DeWar, Marie Winters; 12, Fayette Miller.
WLS. Chicago, III. (344.6), 6:30 p. m.. Inaugural program, new Barton organ, Ralph Emerson; 7, Halloween lullaby time. Ford and Glenn; 7:20, Salvation Army band. Adj. Bertenshaw, directors; 8, R. F. D. program. Halloween party; husking bee. apple bobbing, barn dance: S:45, WLS trio; 9, Better Music hour; 9:30, Apollo club of Chicago, 50 voices; 10, Halloween poetry, Wallace Bruce Amsbary; 10:10. Eric Delamater, organist; 10:30, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schwdezer; 10:45, Abe Lyman College Inn orchestra; Kentucky Serenaders; 11, Grace Wilson, Tony Corcoran; 11:15, Halloween minstrel, Joe Been Minstrel company; Marigold trio; Simmons and Clifford.
WLIB, Elgin, III. (302.8), 7-8 p. m.. dinner concert. Drake concert enesrable; Blackstone string quintet; 9-10, Fred Hamm's orchestra: organ recital; 10-11, Jack Chapman's and the Blackstone hotel dance orchestra; jazz artists; 1-2 a. m.. Jack Chapman's and the Blackstone hotel dance orchestras; jazz.
WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (422.3), 7 p. m., Johanna Grosse, organist; 7:30, football results; 7:35, Seketary Hawkins: 8, Halloween party. Uncle Charlie Warner, famous Coondog orchestra.
WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5), 2 p. m.. Chicago-Purdue football: 6, Chicago theater organ; 6:30, Hotel LaSalle orchestra; 8. "Patagonia," Elmer Riggs; 8:30, Illinois Merchants' Trust company.
WMBB, Chicago, III. (250), 7-8 p. m., Trianon duo; Beatrice Teller, M. Morgan, Hazel O'Neil, Jean Ballard, Paul Cadleux, John Everett; 9-11, Trianon orches
Boss H. Skinner is taking1 a party of several thousand or more Radio fans around the world with him every Tuesday nig-ht via KDKA. The KDKA Little symphony accompanies him.
tra; Edward Hlnes, Jimmy Eggert, Woodlawn theater orchestra; Clyde Hager, Dave Williams, Elsie White.
WOAW, Omaha, Nebr. (526). 6 p. m., Rialto orchestra; 7, orchestra; 7:30, speakers' hour; 9, program, Omaha Printing company; 11, Arthur Hays and his organ jubilee; Dr. Applesauce, announcing.
WOC, Davenport. Iowa (483.6), 9-10 p. m., Mrs. Charles Jackson, soprano; Dorothy Anderson, pianist; Ruth Ives, violinist; William Hoke, tenor; 11-12, LeClaire hotel orchestra; Peter MacArthur, baritone.
WOK, Chicago. III. (217.3), 12-2 p. m.. Fred Bethel, baritone; Boh Duffy, tenor; Banks Kennedy, organist; LeRoy North, pianist; 6-7, Robert York, tenor; Harriet Doty, contralto; Banks Kennedy, organist; LeRoy North, pianist; 10-1, Fred Winner, pianist; Harriet Leo, contralto; Herman Sinalko. violinist; Harold Morava. tenor; WOK string trio; Ada Tilley, soprano; Bill Hay, bass; Banks Kennedy, organist; LeRoy North, pianist; Sandy Meek, tenor; Harry Sosnik, pianist; Mr. Conover cellist.
WORD. Batavia, III. (275), 7-8 p. m., Webster hotel concert trio; 9-10, Webster hotel, B. Csillog, speaker from Chicago Motor.
WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. (440.9), 2:30 p. m., AmesWisconsin football game.
WQJ, Chicago, III. (447.5), 7-8 p. m., Ralph Williams and his Raltibo Gardens orchestra; Gertrude Wolf Qucntin, soprano; Otto A. Moore, baritone; La Verne Hanson, accompanist; Kane McDuffee, whistler; 10-3, Ralph Williams and his Ralnbo Skylarks; Jerry Sullivan; Rose Vanderbosch, soprano; Hal Lansing, Demon ukulele; June Lee, comedienne; Everett Opie; Melodtans; Clarence Theders, tenor; Sandy Meek, Scotch tenor; Harry Sosnlck, pianist; Bert Davis; Williamson Brothers.
W8AI. Cincinnati. Ohio (326). 7:45 p. m.. children's stories, Ethel Knapp Bchrman; 8, chime concert, Rohcrt Badgley; 8:15, Bicycle Playing Card sextet; 9. news review, Allison F. Stanley; 9:15, selections from "Bohemian Girl," sextet.
WSB. Atlanta, Ga. (428.3), 8 p. in., Rogers Red Head
Huh; 10; If,, .Imirnal hired belli.
W8M. Nashville. Term. (282.8). 2 p. m.. Vandcrbilt-U. of Mississippi; 7. bedtime. Bonne Barnhardt; 7:15, Francis Cralgs orchestra: 8-9, Beasley Smith, Andrew Jackson hotel orchestra; io-il, studio concert.
WSMB. New Orleans, La. (319). 8:30-10:30 p. in., Theodore Roiibl and aril I
WSOE. Milwaukee. Wis. (246), 0 p. to., Sunday school ii, Milwaukee Federation of riiurclirs; 9:30, Clara Roesager, pianist; Adolpb Suppan, clarinetist: Carl Bauman, pianist.
Alma Claussen, right, who is now a feature sing'er at WLS, has a sweet soprano voice. She appears every Saturday night at 11 p. m. central time on the program of Joe Bren's minstrels. Arthur Edgar Edwards, below, baritone of Edmonton, Canada, is a frequent visitor at WOC, Davenport.
WSUI. Iowa City, Iowa (483.6), .2:30 p. m. Iowa-Wabash football game.
Mountain Time Stations
KFWA. Ogden, Utah (261), 5-6 p. m., Ogden Radio Dealers program; 9-12. Olie Reeves and his orchestra.
KOA, Denver, Colo. (322.4), 12:15 p. m., Rialto theater musicale; 9, orchestra music.
Pacific Time Stations
KFOA, Seattle, Wash. (454.3), 8:30-9:30 p. m., program; 9:30-11:30, Eddie Harkness and his orchestra.
KFPG, Hollywood. Calif. (238), 8-9 p. m., Maggie O'Shea, the Blarney girl, and her vaudeville entertainers; 9-10, Ben Sears' Old Timers frolic and square dance.
KFWB, Hollywood, Calif. (252), 0:30-7 p. m., Altadena program, E. P. Janes with Bill Hatch and Ray Kellogg; 7:30, microphone brevities; 8-9. Gardner string trio. Bill Blake, tenor ; Barbara Bunnell, blues singer; 9-10, Warner Brothers syncopators: Gwendolyn Rickard, blues singer, Nellie Lino Long and Luelle Baker, double piano; 10-11, Warner Brothers frolic, direction Norman Manning.
KGO, Oakland, Calif. (361), 4-5:30 p. m., concert orchestra. Hotel St. Francis; 8:10. Halloween program, Arion trio; Alice Andrine, soprano: Hilliard Collins, flutist; Ruth Hunt, pianist; G. Franktyn Roberts, baritone; Albert E, Gross, tenor; Ricketty-Racketty Radio minstrels; Radio male chorus; Arion trio: 10-12, dance music, Hotel St. Francis.
KGW, Portland, Ore. (491.5), 12:30-1:30 p. m.. Rose city trio; 10-12, dance music. Indian Grill.
KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (405.2), 11-0:30 p. m.. Leighton's Arcade cafeteria orchestra. Jack Cronshaw, leader; 6:30-7:30. history story. Prof. W. S. Hertzog; Halloween party for 20 children, courtesy Mrs. B. B. Ronhelm of Long Beach: 8-11, program, Southern California Edison company, arranged by J. Howard Johnson, "A Welcome Home to TJncle John," introducing Busy Buttons; 11-11:30, Art Hickman's Bittmore hotel dance orchestra; 11:30-2 a. m.. Lost Angels of KHJ, Walter liiddick, chief harpist.
KJR, Seattle, Wash. (384.4), 1:15-2 p. m.. organ recital. Columbia theater; 2-2:15. home helps, Berniee Redington; 8:30-10, L. C. Warner companv studio program.
KNX, Hollywood, Calif. (336.9), 6:15 p. in., travel talk, W. F. Alder; 6:30-7. Atwater Kent Radio orchestra, Paul Finstein, leader; 7-7:15. talk on insect life, Harry W. McSpadden: 7:15. church announcements; 7:30-8. Wurlltzer pipe organ studio; 8-10, KNX feature program; 10-11, Ray West's Cocoanut Grove dance orchestra from Ambassador hotel; 11-2 a. m,, Hollywood night frolic.
KPO, San Francisco, Calif. (428.3), 1-2 p. m., Rudv Seiger's Fairmont hotel orchestra; 2:30-3:30. Lucille White, soprano; Gladys Boys, pianist; 3:30, Palace hotel concert and dance orchestra; 6:35-7:30, Waldemar Lind and the States Restaurant orchestra.
Sunday, November 1
Headliners Today
Eastern Central Mountain Pacific 7 6 5 4
WEAF (491.5) Address, Donald MacMillan. 7:20 6:20 5:20 4:20
WEAF (491.5) Capitol gang.
WHAR (275) Hour with the classics. 9:15 8:15 7:15 6:15
WEAF (491.5) Atwater Kent artists
10 9 8 7
WGN (370.2) Drake concert ensemble.