Radio mirror (May-Oct 1937)

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ItaHHMMar .1 tlle secret of ra diant beauty BEAUTY authorities agree that thorough cleansing is the most important step in complexion cjure. A simple step, too, since Daggett & Ramsdell created the new Golden Cleansing Cream— a more efficient skin cleanser could not be obtained. New kind of cleansing Golden Cleansing Cream contains a remarkable new ingredient, colloidal gold, with an amazing power to rid skin pores of dirt, make-up and other impurities. You can't see or feel this colloidal gold, any more than you can see the iron in spinach. But its special action makes Golden Cleansing Cream many times more thorough than ordinary cleansers, and tones and invigorates skin tissues meanwhile. Make this simple test Apply your usual skin cleanser. Wipe it off with tissue. Then cleanse with Golden Cleemsing Cream. On the tissue you will find more dirt— brought from pore depths by this more effective cleansing. Try it tonight. See for yourself how fresh and clean Golden Cleansing Cream leaves your skin. You'll find this new cream at your drug or department store for just $1.00. GOLDEN CLEANSING CREAM Daggett & Ramsdell, Room 1980, 2 Park Avenne, New York City. Dept. .MF5 Enclosed find 10c in 8tamp» for which pleaee eend me my trial eize jar of Golden Cleansing Cream. (Offer good in U. S. only.) Name Street. City.. SAY? .State Oopr, 1937. DasKatt* Ramtdell WE want your huzzahs and your hisses, so sit down and write your viewpoints on radio and let the chips fall where they may. You'll feel better when you're finished and remember— once the letter is in the mail, it's on its way towards winning a cash prize. The best letter is awarded 120.00, the second best gets 1 10.00 and there are five additional prizes of fl.OO each. Address your letter to the Editor, Radio Mirror, 122 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y., not later than April 27. This month's winners: $20.00 PRIZE IS RADIO GOING VAUDEVILLE? The surprising mid-season changes in radio programs are causing much speculation among listeners. Certainly there are far too many sixty-minute variety shows on the air, and the effort to keep going and maintain the desired pace for an hour seems to be causing rovny headaches. Radio programs, like >uany recent films, seem to have gone vaudeville in a big way; they are just a succession of specialty acts. After listening for many weeks, 1 feel convinced that most of them would be twice as good if they were just half as long. In spite of the enormous sums expended by sponsors and all the advance ballyhoo last fall, programs this year are on the whole less enjoyable than in other seasons. And when I say enjoyable I speak as a listener for whom the superb singing of that distinguished artist. Nelson Eddy, represents an all-time high in radio entertainment, but who also seldom misses the inspired clowning of such stars as Eddie Cantor and Burns and Allen. In other words as a listener of varied tastes. LvDiA King, Drexel Hill, Pa. 12