The radio annual (1960)

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3:TQ^i&:it:fci!rft:s=ifcfi=s&=ifciS=s^^ EDITORIAL INDEX Commercial TV, British 1063 Commercial Monitoring 1307 Communist Bloc TV Sets & Stations 1085 Comparative Failure Trends 63 Composers & Lyricists Guild of Amer 1317 Conductors. Musical 1179 CONNECTICUT: AM Stations. 329 Families. Population, Radio Homes, TV Homes 329 Broadcasters Assoc 659 CONNECTICUT: TV Stations 793 Contractors, British Programs 1065 Consulting Engineers 1269 Costa Rica TV 1098 Costumes 1307 Country & Western Music Bcsters 1317 CUBA: AM Stations 1056 TV Stations 1098 Currency, International Exchange Rate . . 1076 — D — Deglarte, Bobby . . . Article 1096 DELAWARE: AM Stations 333 Families, Population, Radio Homes, TV Homes 333 Assoc, of Broadcasters 659 Denmark TV 1095 Directors Guild of America 1317 Directors, Musical 1179 Directors, Radio-TV 1147 Disc Jockeys 1221 Distributors. TV Film 909 Distributor-Producers Bios 961 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: AM Stations. . 334 Families. Population. Radio Homes, TV Homes 334 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: TV Stations.. 795 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: AM Stations.. 1059" Dramatists Guild of Authors League of America 1317 — E — Editorial Index 7 Editorial Staff 24 Editors. Radio-TV 1259 Educational Bcsters, Nat'l Assoc 648 Educational Stations 649 EIA: Auto Radio Set Sales Figures 59 Officers. Executive Personnel 1266 Radio Set Production Figures 59 Electronic Industries Assoc 1266 Emcees 1191 Employment at Nets & Stations 55 Engineers, Consulting 1269 Episcopal Actors Guild of America 1317 Equador TV 1098 Events. Top 10 of 1959 69 Expansion. FCC Report 51 Expenses of AM & Nets 57 Expenses of TV & Nets 83 Expense Items of TV Station 81 Expenses. TV Industry 745 EQUIPMENT SECTION 1265 Consulting Engineers 1269 EIA Personnel 1266 Equipment Manufacturers 1279 TV Equipped Theatres 1309 Toll TV Firms 1308 Equity, Actors Assoc 1311 Expenditures, Network TV Advertisers . . 79 Expenditures By Product, Spot TV 79 Facts & Figures 33 Failures of Ad Agencies 61 Failures, Business, Cause of 61 Families for 1959 (Estimated Radio-TV). 259 Far East Sets & Receivers 191 Far East, TV Stations & Sets 1085-1100 FCC Financial TV Figures 39 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION: Commissioners, Staff 644 Nationwide Network Financial Figures 41 Radio Industry Financial Figures 43 Station Expansion Report 51 TV Channel Allocations 717 TV Industry Financial Figures 39 Federal Trade Commission 1318 FILM DISTRIBUTORS 911 911 960 1318 1306 41 43 39 745 1095 335 335 660 795 1318 Film Producers Film Prod.-Dist. Exec. Biographies .... Film Producers Assoc, of N. Y Film Stock, Raw Financial Data, Network Figures Financial Data, Radio Financial Data, Broadcasting Opera Financial Data, TV Finland TV FLORIDA: AM Stations Families, Population. Radio Homes, TV Homes Assoc, of Broadcasters FLORIDA: TV Stations FM Broadcasters Assoc, of So. Calif. . . . FM STATIONS, U. S 701 Station Listings 703 National Assoc, of FM Bcsters 716 Ford, Frederick . . . Artcile 97 Foreign TV Stations 1088 Foreman, Bob . . . Article 737 Foreword ... By Chas. A. Alicoate 5 France TV 1095 French Bcstg. System in N. Amer 1318 — G General Statistical Information 33 GEORGIA: AM Stations 349 11