The radio annual (1960)

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;ssig=isifc=a=Q^ifc=a=xfi=sfc3S=a^^ ADVERTISING INDEX Lescoulie, Jack 64 Lester. Gary 1115 Levenson, Sam 1109 Lewis, Jerry 54 Lewis, Robert Q 42 Liberty Tower Erection Company 1279 Liebman, Max, Productions, Inc 882 N — Lohman, Al, Jr.. 76 Love, James, Productions, Inc 982 Lowe. Jim . 1134 Lowenstein, Morton 238 — M — Mackenzie, Jacqueline ..1132 MacVane, John 1164 Magne-Tronics Inc 1026 Malone, Bill 1104 Manson. Eddy 1182 Marlowe, Ann 1150 Marshall Organization . . 878 Marshall, Rex 1193 MCA 110 McArt, Jan 1126 McCann-Erickson Inc. .118-119 McCarty, Milbum Assoc., Inc 1141 McCleery, Albert 1150 McNeill, Don 1116 Meade, Julia 1125 Menacker, Sam 1241 Meredith Stations 434 Metlis & Lebow Corp., The 124 MGM Records 899 MGM-TV 918-919 Miami Beach, City of . , , . 342 Miner, Jan 1 106 Mitchell, Fred 1220 Modern Broadcasting Inc. 980 Morgan, Elizabeth 1124 Morgan, Ray 1190 Morgan, Rex 1114 Morris, William, Agency. Inc 108 Morrow, Bruce 1222 Morrow, Don 1 196 Murray, Jan 62 Mutual Broadcasting System 218-219 Nathanson, Ted 1146 National Screen Service Corp 736 NBC Radio Network . . 226-227 NBC Television Network 766-767 Nelson, Ozzie & Harriet . . 56 Nicholson. Nick 1135 — O — O'Brien. Tom 1 192 Office Furniture, Ltd 944 Okon, Gloria 1131 O'SuUivan, Terry 1106 — P Palmer, Bud 1104 Palmer, Jimmy 1179 Parr, Jeanne 1 107 Paul, Aileen .1134 Paul, Les 44 Poul. Ralph 1194 Peed, Gammon & Lipsky. Inc 1140 Petker, Al 12.114 Philadelphia Spot Sales . . 238 Philbin. Jack 876 Pintoff Productions Inc... 991 Pioneer Productions. Inc.. 984 Pomerantz. Charles A.. . . 1144 Powers. Jack 1 162 Pressman, Gabe 1160 Pulse, Inc 88 _Q_ Quantity Photo Company 1126 Quinn, Carmel 1136 — R — Radio Cadena Nacional. 1046 Radio Press International 90 Radio Television Spots Productions Inc 1025 Raeburn, Bryna , .1106 Rahall Stations 523 31 Ramee-Duke, Ltd., Inc 128 Ratazzi Restaurant 112 RCA Back Cover Reeves Sound Studios Inc 904 Reimers, Ed 1132 Rheem Califone Corp.. . . 1280 Ripple, Dolora 942 Roberts, Clete 1160 Rogers, Bill 1193 Rote, Kyle 1201 — S — Sande & Greene 28 Sanders, Honey 1128 Sapphire Films 1074 Sarra, Inc 974 Schenkel. Chris 1239 Schneider, Dick 1146 Scott, Fred 1200 Scott. John 1182 SESAC 1040 Sheldon, Herb 1128 Shipley, Bill 1190 Simms, Frank 1202 Smith. Bob ...i 1122 Smith, Bob 1119 Solters, O'Rourke & Sabinson 1142 Stack, Robert 98 Stark, Dick 50 Stark, Howard E 243, 781 Stark, Wilbur 942 Steen, Cort 1148 Sterling, Jack 1133 Stoessel, Fredric, Inc 930 Stokey, Mike, Enterprises 1152 Storer Broadcasting Company 92, 738 Streech, Wilbur, Productions, Inc 944 Strout, Dick 1166 Sullivan, Pat, Agency ... 82 Susann, Jackie 1128 Swansbn, Robert, Productions, Inc 1021 Swayze, John Cameron. .1124 Swift, Allen 1198 Sylvern, Hank 1183