The radio annual (1960)

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FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ^>=5p55=5«W5=5«5=53=55=3^ LICENSE DIVISION Clara M. lelU, Chief Marguerite F. Hubbard, Asst. Chief TV Branch Marie W. Warren, Chief AM & FM Branch Quentin S. Proctor, Chief Miscellaneous Services Branch David Tau, Jr.. Chief Records & Files Lillian T. Ricker, Chief Public Reference Room Qeorge N. Simcoe, Chief OFFICE OF NETWORK STUDIO Ashbrook P. Bryant, Acting Chief Field Engineering and Monitoring Bureau 6EORGE S. TURNER, Chief Frank M. Kratokvil. Assistant Chief John H. McAllister, Attorney -Advisor Francis Keafe, Adm. Asst. FIELD OPERATING DIVISION Frank M. Kratokvil. Chief INSPECTION & EXAMINATION DIVISION Paul H. Herndon, Jr., Chief ENGINEERING DIVISION Floyd W. Wickenkamp, Chief MONITORING DIVISION Irving L. Weston. Chief District Offices and Engineers in Cliarge 1. NATHAN A. HALLENSTEIN 1600 Customhouse Boston 10, Massachusetts CApitol 3-6608 2. WILLIAM D. JOHNSON (Acting) 748 Federal Building New York 14, New York WAtkins 4-1000 3. ROGER E. PHELPS 1005 U. S. Customhouse Philadelphia 6, Pennsylvania MArket 7-6000 4. HYMAN A. COHEN 400 McCawley Bldg. Baltimore 2, Maryland PLaza 2-8460 5. EDWARD BENNETT Room 402, Federal Building Norfolk 10, Virginia MAdison 2-4963 6. ARTHUR T. CLINE, JR. 718 Atlanta Nafl Bldg. Atlanta 3. Georgia WAlnut 4121 Sub-Oflfice JAMES H. MOREN 214 P. O. Building Savannah, Georgia SAvannah 2-7602 ARTHUR G. GILBERT 312 Federal Building Miami 1, Florida Miami 9-3900 Marine Office ALFRED L. RITTER 409-410 P. O. BuUding Tampa 2, Florida TAmpa 2-1773 8. WALTER M. HAM1V.OND 608 Federal Building New Orleans 12, Louisiana Express 2411 Sub Office LEWIS E. TERRY 419 U. S. Court House & Customhouse Bldg. Mobile 10, Alabama Mobile 2-3641 9. EVERETT H. MARSHALL 326 U. S. Appraisers Building Houston 11, Texas Woodcrest 1906 Sub-Office ERIC D. COBURN 301 P. O. Building Beaumont, Texas TErminal 2-8141 10. GERALD M. HOWARD 708 Jackson St. Dallas 22. Texas Riverside 8-5611 11. BERNARD H. LINDEN 849 S. Broadway Los Angeles 14, California Richmond 9-4711 Sub-Office JOHN W. CREWS 1245 Seventh Ave. San Diego 1, California BElmont 4-6211 Marine Office WILLIAM E. CLYNE 356 W. 5th St. San Pedro, California TErminal 2-2389 12. FRANCIS V. SLOAN 323-A Customhouse San Francisco 26, California YUkon 6-4141 13. JOSEPH H. HALLOCK New U. S. Courthouse Portland 5, Oregon CApital 6-3361 14. HERBERT H. ARLOWE 806 Federal Office Building Seattle 4. Washington Mutual 3300 646